How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (2024)

From a quick glance in the grocery store or farmers market, you might mistake chives for green onions. When you see them chopped up or their green leaves poking through the soil, they look almost identical. But when you dig beneath the surface and look closely at these two cousins, you’ll see and taste why chives deserve their own spot in your kitchen.

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (1)

What Are Chives?

If you’ve ever wanted to grow your own herbs, chives are the one to start with.Chives are a perennial and the only member of the onion family to be considered an herb. They are also one of the easiest herbs to grow. Chives can grow in many locations, including indoors. They area beneficial companion plant to many vegetables, and their edible flowers attract pollinators, which makes them welcome in all kinds of gardens. How can you go wrong growing an herb with this kind of easygoing lifestyle?

Garlic chives vs common chives

There are two main types of chives, garlic chives, and common chives - usually just referred to as chives. Garlic chives are sometimes referred to as Chinese chives. The appearance and taste of the two varieties are different and they are not used interchangeably in recipes.

Common chives have a round hollow leaf, and garlic chives have a flat, grasslike appearance. And as the name suggests, they taste like garlic, although much more mild.

Chives are often used raw as a garnish, and garlic chives can be a main ingredient and are usually cooked. They are often used in stir-fries and other dishes where their texture and taste hold up to the heat.

Their flowers are another quick identifier of what type of chives you are growing. Chives have purple flowers, and garlic chives have white flowers.

Garlic chives grow taller but less dense than common chives and are less cold-hardy.

Chives vs Green Onions - What’s the difference?

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (2)

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (3)

While the difference between chives and green onions may seem subtle, once you know how to grow and use chives, you’ll understand why they’re not the same and why you’ll always want to have chives in your garden.

Both chives and green onions are in the allium family, along with garlic and leeks. They are both bright green and have an onion flavor. However, chives are much milder than onions.

Both chives and green onions have hollow tubular leaves that are chopped and enjoyed raw. Chives have narrower leaves and a slightly drier texture. Chives also lose their flavor when cooked.

You can substitute green onions for chives, but you will get a slightly different taste and texture. Also, because of the milder flavor of chives, you will have to use more to achieve the same impact.

Green onions are also called scallions, and you’ll often see them referred to as such in recipes. Consider planting bunching onions if you want to grow your own green onions.

How to Grow Chives

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (4)

Planting Chives From Seed

Chive seeds can be started indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date.

Chive seeds can also be sown directly in the garden as soon as the ground warms up. For the best germination results, the soil temperature should be between 65-70 degrees F.

To plant chives, spread the seeds on the soil and cover to a planting depth of 1/4”.

Keep the seeds moist, and they will germinate in 7 to 15 days.

Chive plants should be spaced 6” apart to allow room for growth.

Common chives will grow 10 to 15 inches tall, and garlic chives can grow to 2 feet tall.

Chives will grow best in a rich loamy soil. But they are adaptable and will grow in all kinds of soil. Adding organic compost will give you a rich soil for growing chives.

Keep the soil watered without completely drying out. While they can tolerate some drought conditions and not completely die off, they won’t put out new growth or flower.

Full sun is best for growth, but chives can also tolerate shade. That’s what makes them so easy to grow just about anywhere. However, they will bloom more in full sun.

Chives are considered cool-weather plants and will go dormant in hot summer weather. They will also go dormant in the winter but regrow when it warms up in the spring.

Chives grow in clumps, and every third year you can divide them. This is a great time to add them to new locations in your garden and put them in pots to grow indoors.

Unlike other herbs that quit growing when they flower, chives will continue to grow. So don’t worry if you see flowers. You can still enjoy your chives. However, cutting off flowers will encourage new growth.

Chives as a Companion Plant

If you want a natural way to reduce pests in your garden, plant chives! Chives can repel aphids, Japanese beetles, and cabbage worms. So plant chives next to broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, kohlrabi, parsley, carrots, and beets.

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (5)

Growing Chives Indoors

Chives are also easy to grow indoors, where they can adapt to artificial light and lower light levels in a sunny window. For optimal growth, they will still need 6 hours of sunlight.

Chives are perfect for a kitchen culinary garden. Even during the winter, with enough light, you can have fresh chives ready to add to all kinds of dishes, and you’ll feel like a master chef.

To grow chives indoors, you can start plants from seed or divide them from clumps growing in your outdoor garden. Divided chives will continue growing, and it’s a great way to bring them inside through the winter.

Before bringing them inside, cut them off 1 inch above the ground. Then divide the clumps as needed and put them into a pot. Within a few weeks, you will have new growth.

How to Harvest Chives

When your chive plant is above 6 inches tall, it’s ready to start harvesting. Cut off stalks of chives 1 to 2 inches from the ground. (I find flower scissors to be the best for cutting chives. You can also use flower scissors or sharp kitchen shears to cut them up when using them in recipes.) Cutting at the base of the chive plant encourages more growth. After cutting, chives will typically grow back within a few weeks. You can cut off just a few leaves at a time or whole bunches.

In the winter, you can cut the whole chive plant down to 1 inch, and it will grow back in spring.

Chives will self-seed if the blooms are allowed to fully mature and go to seed. So if you want to control their growth and keep chives from spreading in your garden, you’ll need to pick the flowers.

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (6)

Are Chive Flowers Edible?

Chive flowers are beautiful and deliciously edible. They can be used as a garnish and to make flavorful vinegar. The stems with flowers are a little woodier and tougher, but they are also edible.

The flowers are their most tender and tasty when the blossoms have just opened. As they continue flowering, chive flowers will develop seeds and won’t be as tender. You can eat the whole flower, but often the petals are scattered over a dish as a colorful garnish.

Chive flowers can also be used as cut flowers in bouquets.Garlic chives have white flowers and usually bloom in late summer to early fall. Common chives have purple flowers and bloom in May and June.

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (7)

Tips for Growing Garlic Chives

Garlic chives grow much like common chives, with a few differences.

The seeds of garlic chives can take longer to germinate than common chives. They also grow more slowly and don’t need to be divided as often.

One growing technique for garlic chives is to cover them with straw as they grow to keep them out of the sunlight. This keeps the leaves from turning green, giving them a white or “blanched” appearance. This blanching also results in a more mild flavor.

How to Store Chives

To keep chives fresh longer, don’t wash them until you are ready to use them. Wrap chives in a paper towel and place them in a plastic bag. They will last 10 to 14 days in the refrigerator before they start to wilt or turn brown.

Chives can also be frozen. Chop them up and then lay them flat to freeze. They won’t look nice as a garnish, but they can be added to cooked recipes. Another freezing method is to put them in ice cube trays and add water. Once the cubes are frozen, place them in a bag and store them in the freezer for 4-6 months.

Drying chives will allow them to last for about 2 years. They will lose their color and have a different texture, but they can be added to dips and sauces.

To dry chives, cut them up as you would for a recipe and then dry them in a food dehydrator. Another drying method is to tie them in bundles to air dry and then cut them up after they are dry.

Once chives are dry, they can be stored in an airtight jar away from sunlight.

How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (8)

Chive Recipes

Chive butter - Mix 1/2 cup butter with 2 to 6 tablespoons of chives, depending on the strength of flavor you want. Let the butter sit for at least 30 minutes before using it to give time for the flavors to meld. Wrap it in plastic wrap to form it into a log and cut slices off to use on fish, toast, potatoes, and other foods. Chive butter can last in the fridge for several days.

Chive Sour Cream - Chives are a classic with sour cream on a baked potato. They can also be added to mashed potatoes and twice-baked potatoes, and, well, just about any potato dish. Fresh or dried chives can be added to sour cream and allowed to sit for the flavor to develop. Then add additional chives for a colorful garnish.

Chive blossom vinegar - Put 1 cup of chive flowers into 1 cup of white wine vinegar. Let it sit at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. (This isn’t an exact recipe. Feel free to add more or less blossoms to adjust the flavor. Also, the longer the blossoms sit in the vinegar, the stronger the flavor.) Once you have the flavor you want, strain out the blossoms and store the vinegar in a glass jar. You can use both common chives and garlic chives. The purple chive blossoms will create a beautifully colored vinegar.

As you see, chives are not the same as green onions or scallions. Whether common or garlic, chives deserve their own special spot in the kitchen herb garden. And since they are so easy to grow, why not try chives this year?

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How to Grow Chives - Why Your Garden Loves This Oniony Herb (2024)


How do you make chives thrive? ›

Chives thrive in full sun and well drained soil rich in organic matter. The easiest and most successful way of growing chives is planting rooted clumps in spring, after frost danger has passed. You can easily grow chives indoors in a bright, sunny location. Harvest chives by snipping leaves from the base of the plant.

Do chives grow off onions? ›

Chives are a member of the onion family, but unlike most onions, the greens are harvested instead of the bulb. In comparison to standard onions, chives have a much milder taste. The small grass-like herb is often added to soups, salads, and sauces for it's light flavor and aesthetic appeal.

What is the best season for chives? ›

Chives are considered a cool-season crop, which means that they grow best in the spring and fall. The harsher temperatures of summer usually cause them to go dormant until cool weather arrives again.

What is the best fertilizer for chives? ›

How to Fertilize Chives
  • Work 4 to 6 inches of well-composted organic matter, such as manure, into the soil before planting chives. ...
  • Apply a light application, or about 1/4 cup, of 5-10-5 fertilizer to boost the strength of the chives.

What bugs do chives attract? ›

One reason that chives make such a good companion plant is that the blossoms attract pollinators and other good for the garden insects like bees, butterflies, and beneficial wasps.

Does trimming chives help them grow? ›

Cutting back chives after flowering will rejuvenate the plant, and encourage fresh new growth. Once the flowers start to fade, prune chives down half way to remove all the spent flowers.

Do chives come back every year? ›

Harvest the leaves and flowers as and when you need to. Chives are perennial so will come back year after year. They grow well in pots but are best suited to growing in the ground.

Do chives regrow when you cut them? ›

Clip leaves from the outer portion of the plant first, making sure not to clip all of the plant at once. If you make a mistake and cut back all of the plant, no worries. It will grow back the following year. Wait to harvest your chives when the plant is at least six inches tall.

How deep do chives roots grow? ›

Chives Container Depth

Chives are considered a shallow-rooted plant, which means the deepest roots are no more than 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46 cm) in depth. However, most chive roots will reach no further than 3 inches (7.6 cm). You can successfully grow chives in containers between 3 and 4 inches deep.

What conditions do chives need to grow? ›

A bright and sunny position, good quality well drained potting mix and good pot drainage is all you need. During winter when light is poor, you may notice that the plant will not grow much and may even die back a bit, but should spring back to life with the return of brighter sun in spring.

How long does it take to grow onion chives? ›

Growing Onion Chives Plants

It takes chives 80-90 days to reach maturity from seed. However, they are perennials in Zones 3-10, so after your initial growing season, it will take much less time to reach harvest time.

Do chives need to be watered everyday? ›

Planting Chives

Water the pot thoroughly, and continue to water every day or so, maintaining a high level of surface moisture until the seeds have germinated. Once the chive sprouts are about an inch or so high, thin them out so that they are at least three inches apart.

How often do you water chives? ›

For chives, it is best to give the herb a thorough watering once or twice a week. You should then let the soil around the herb dry completely before you water again.

Should you let chives flower? ›

Looking like purple pompons in the garden, chive flowers are more than just cute little puffballs that you leave to the pollinators. These edible flowers are one of the best-tasting blossoms you can grow or buy, and their season is fleeting so if you want to enjoy them, harvest them now before they fade away!

Are coffee grounds good for chive plants? ›

As well as compost, coffee grounds are also great for fertilising chive plants, as they provide essential nutrients while keeping the soil slightly acidic.

What should not be planted near chives? ›

Chives grow well with just about anything. Grapes, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, mustard, peppers, potatoes, rhubarb, roses, squash, and strawberries all do better when growing near chives. Asparagus, beans, peas, and spinach, however, have a harder time growing when planted near chives.

What do chives do to the soil? ›

5: They are a good fertilizer.

According to Edible Forest Gardens, chives are a rich source of important nutrients for growing crops. Use the chopped leaves as a green mulch under important crops to fertilize. This is one reason why I plant chives in my strawberry bed or grow them as an understory in the food forest.

Do chives attract mosquitoes? ›

Try Chives, or the potent and delicious Garlic Chives. Basil will repels mosquitoes, thrips, and flies.

Do chives keep rats away? ›

An easy way to stop them is to interplant members of the genus Allium (which includes onions, garlic, and chives, among others) with your tulips and other bulbs that are enticing to rodents.

What do chives keep away? ›

Chives deter aphids, mites, and Japanese beetles, as well as rabbits — a more significant garden pest. Sort of “the original” for bug repelling, with an overpowering lemony scent. It's used in many commercial bug repellents and candles.

Will chives spread? ›

Chives can spread out and lose vigor over time, so dividing the plant every few years helps to keep it compact and productive too. The best time to divide chives for forcing indoors is on a dry day in autumn when the soil is moist but not wet – it shouldn't stick to your boots.

What are the benefits of chives? ›

Chives contain both choline and folate. Individually, each of these components is linked to improving memory functions. Studies show that adults who eat more foods with choline in them do better on cognitive tests, while people with low levels of choline seem to be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's.

How do you winterize chives? ›

Cut the plants nearly to the ground after the first hard frost, then cover the plants with soil and top the soil with 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) of mulch. A layer of evergreen boughs will also protect perennial herbs from harsh, drying winds.

Can you leave chives outside in the winter? ›

Cold-hardy herbs, such as chives, mint, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme, can often survive cold-winter temperatures while continuing to produce flavorful foliage, as long as they are provided with some protection or grown indoors.

Should I cut back chives in the fall? ›

Chives are evergreen plants that can grow year-round, but growth can slow or plants can go dormant during winter, especially in cooler zone 8. If you live in a cool-weather zone, trim the plants back in fall and they will return in spring.

Do you pull chives or cut them? ›

Harvesting Chive Leaves

You can cut each one all the way down to the ground, or just pluck off the tips. To make it even easier, grab a handful of the tender green foliage, and cut it off all at once. I use my kitchen shears, but you could use a sharp pair of garden snips, or even bonsai shears.

How many times can you harvest chives? ›

Harvesting and Storing Chives

of the soil. In the first year, harvest 3-4 times. Thereafter, cut the chive back monthly. Cut the flower stalks off at the soil line to prevent the plant from forming seeds.

Do chives bulbs multiply? ›

Chives are very similar to onions, they have a bulbous root and green leaves. The bulbs multiply quickly over a few years and this provides the easiest method of propagation.

How many weeks does it take for chives to grow? ›

Caring for your chives

Chives will grow generally 30 days after you transplant, and 60 days after you seed. Like most herbs, chives require constant pruning, so the more you use your herbs, the better they'll grow.

How long do chive plants last? ›

Plants may become congested over time and need rejuvenating every 3 to 5 years. Carefully lift, divide the plant into smaller portions and replant in well-prepared soil in spring.

Are onion chives edible? ›

Chives come from the same allium family as onions so they do fall into that flavor profile. But being the delicate ballerinas they are, their taste is more like a whisper of onion. That means they're mild enough to eat uncooked.

How do you revive a dead chive? ›

  1. Prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl with cold water and ice.
  2. For the herbs, cut off the stems and remove any bruised, dry or damaged leaves.
  3. Submerge the picked herbs into the ice bath.
  4. Soak for about 15-30 minutes, or until they perk up and look refreshed.
  5. Drain the herbs in a colander.
Jan 31, 2014

What part of chives can you eat? ›

All parts of the chive plant are edible, though it's primarily grown for the leaves. Chives have a delicate onion flavor in both the leaves and flowers.

How do you extend the life of chives? ›

- Give your chives longer lives - Chives

Roll herbs in a damp paper towel. Place chives in a Glad® Storage Zipper Bag. Do not seal the bag. Place the bag on the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

How do you know if chives are overwatered? ›

Chives Turning Yellow

Older plants need pruning to rejuvenate them. If yours are yellowing and wilting they may be too wet, so let them dry out more between drinks.

Can chives grow in just water? ›

Will Chives Root In Water? Whole chives with the bulbs still intact will root in water. They can grow in water alone, but they tend to do better in soil. You can also place your chives in water until they begin to take root and then transfer them to a planter with soil.

How do you cut chives without killing the plant? ›

Once your chive plant has reached a height of 6″, you can start to gently harvest them. This won't kill your plant. Using sharp, clean scissors, cut the required amount, making sure not to disturb the plant's bulb. Cut approximately 2-4″ above the base of the plant and it will happily grow back, time and time again.

Do chives need mulch? ›

Plant chives seedlings in small clumps, 20-25cm apart and water them in well. Lightly mulch the soil around established chive plants with an open organic mulch to retain moisture.

How do you cut chives so they keep growing? ›

Tip 1: When you harvest chive leaves, remove the entire length of the leaf. Don't just snip off the tip. Instead, snip off the whole leaf all the way down to the soil line. This encourages a flush of new growth and can be done many times throughout the growing season.

Are coffee grounds good for chives? ›

As well as compost, coffee grounds are also great for fertilising chive plants, as they provide essential nutrients while keeping the soil slightly acidic.

Do you wash chives before cutting? ›

Rinse chives under cool water and gently rub them to remove any stubborn dirt. Gently dry the chives by blotting them with a paper towel. 4. Bundle the chives for easy cutting.

What Herb compliments chives? ›

Chives go well with basil, chervil, cilantro, cress, dill, lemon balm, marjoram, nasturtium, oregano, parsley, sorrel, tarragon and thyme.

What can you not plant next to chives? ›

Plants not to grow next to chives

Beans also struggle to grow next to plants in the onion family, which includes onions, leeks, garlic, and of course, chives. Other plants that don't grow very well next to chives are spinach and asparagus.

How many times can you cut chives? ›

Harvesting and Storing Chives

of the soil. In the first year, harvest 3-4 times. Thereafter, cut the chive back monthly. Cut the flower stalks off at the soil line to prevent the plant from forming seeds.

How deep do pots need to be for chives? ›

Usually you'll find herbs in four-inch pots, and you can transfer one of those into a six- to eight-inch container that's at least six inches deep. Alternatively, you can plant several nursery plants in a larger container. Space the plants about six inches apart.

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.