How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (2024)

How would you like to get paid to read? Not a book worm? No problem. This is absolutely not what you think it is. This is something that anybody can do.You can start working from home and turn this hustle into a passive income.

How would you like to get paid $1000/ month? or even more. Who doesn’t want that? We all do. And yes, this is clearly doable. I did my research on its legitimacy and was blown away with how wonderful the company is and how people are indeed makingmoney from this site.

Let me introduce you first to the company, and how this thing works. Then you’ll be the judge if this job suits you the best. But I have to say that it’s not that difficult. And, fortunately, there are many ways to make money with this company.

If you are a writer who wants to make a profit with their books. Then you can make up to $10,000 a month with this company for real. Yep, this is totally legit.

Another way of getting paid is, of course, to read these online books. And since most of us are not writers. We’d love to get paid to read as an audiobook narrator. Let’s focus on this first.

And there’s even a way to make this side hustle an awesome passive income. Will explain that further later.

What is ACX?

Audio Book Creation Exchange has been around since 2011 if I’m not mistaken. It’s a marketplace for all publishers, authors, literary agents, etc. This company helps these people find the right narrators, engineers, recording studios, and producers for their audiobooks.

What are the requirements to start working with ACX?

– Laptop or Desktop
– Microphone
– Internet connection

Yep, That’s about it. You don’t need any experience or some certificate to get the gigs on ACX.

How am I going to get paid to read/narrate?

So, what you’re going to do is to read other people’s books and generate money. You’ll need to read a variety of books, get hired, then get paid. Now before you go ” Oh, I’m pretty sure It’s just like Fiverr.”

No!. Absolutely not! Aside from Fiverr only pays $5 and above per job. You also need to market yourself before getting any gigs. That’s not how ACX works.

If you’ll visit their site here. Go to the categories and hover on the search. A rollover text will pop up and you just need to click ” Title Accepting auditions”. As you can see from the image below.

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (1)

It will now bring you to the list of the book titles that accept auditions. As you can see from the image below there are currently 2,016 book titles that are all looking for narrators. You can also see there’s a profile filter on the left side of the site. You can choose either genre, gender or compensation.

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (2)

For most of us, We’re definitely interested to know how much we can get paid of course. The image below shows a pop-up image letting you choose from $50 up to $1000 per project or royalty share.

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (3)

Now that you already have an idea on what ACX is. Let’s begin how you can get the gig.

How to start working with ACX?

1. Choose a book.

Once you get into the filtered list of books. As you can see from the image below you just need to check which book you are interested to read. Remember that every book varies.

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (5)

Some gigs may take only 30 minutes while some may take you 9 hours. So make sure to read every single detail of the book before you apply. If you look at the image below I chose The Queens’ opal for example.

The author is willing to pay $100 -200 for this project alone.

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (6)
How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (7)

2. Download the audition script.

Once you finally chose one book you must click the audition tab just below the book info. The image below shows where you can find the audition script. As well as where you can submit your recorded audio file once you’re done.

3. Read and record.

Once you downloaded the script you can now start reading and recording your voice. The script is usually two pages and above only. It won’t take much of your time. But do your best to read them well, based on the requirements of the book profile.

Make sure to practice reading the script first before you record your final reading. Of course, you want to get the gig right? so make sure that it sounds great. It may not be perfect but close to perfect wouldn’t hurt.

Here’s a page of audition script for Queen’s Opal.:

How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (8)

4. Submit your file

Once you are ready to submit, You just need to log in and go back to the book profile and click the audition tab. You’ll then see click Upload Audition.

Tips on how to get the gigs.

1. Practice reading the script. Don’t just record, practice! Practice makes perfect. Try which tone of voice, accent, the character or the narrator.

2. Read naturally, with a clear voice and with all your heart. Reading with enthusiasm definitely, get the listeners attention, and when that happens. You’ll also be getting the author’s attention

3. Audition to multiple authors per day. This will increase the chance of you getting not just one gig. But a lot as well. Although there are thousands of books waiting for the right narrators,

There are also a lot of applicants for each book, So yes if you’re lazy then this job is not for you. But, If you are hard working, passionate person. This can be a very lucrative side hustle and can turn into a passive income.

How to turn this into Passive income.

This is one of the best parts that I see would be extremely lucrative. Especially to those who are passionate about this kind of job like voice actors and bookworms.

I’ve already mentioned above the other way to get paid in this job is through royalty share. Royalty share is when you get a cut from a specific project you did just one time. And you’ll get paid over and over again.

So, Make sure to apply some projects that are royalty share. This may take a while and may start low in the beginning. But once your projects add up. Your royalty share adds up too. Therefore, increasing your earnings as days, months, years pass. And you get paid again and again. You’ll finally get that rockstar feel. lol.

Do you want more Passive income ideas? Here’s a list of awesome passive income ideas you can try. Want to start working from home but don’t know how? Let me give you the beginner’s guide on how to start working from home.

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How To Get Paid To Read/ Narrate And Turn It Into A Passive Income - The Wise Half (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.