How To Estimate Your Canadian Retirement Budget (2024)

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Your retirement budget is just as important as your working days and something to work on before you retire.

Why should you prepare so far in advance?

Well, you want to ensure that you can afford to continue living the lifestyle you are currently on or a different one based on finance.

Table of contents

  • All We Can Control In Retirement Are Spending Habits
  • Illness Can Control A Retirement Budget
  • Where Does Her Retirement Money Go?
  • Retirement Budget Savings Account
  • Prescriptions Costs
    • Paying For A Mortgage During Retirement
  • Selling The Family Vehicle
  • Increased Financial Options For Retirement
  • Moving Into Long-Term Care
  • Retirement Planning Worksheet
    • Retirement Worksheet Documentation
  • Situtations To Consider
  • Estimate Your Retirement Income Needs
  • Retirement Budget Categories
  • Consider These Retirement Expenses
  • Expenses After You Retire Are Important
  • Subscribe To Canadian Budget Binder

All We Can Control In Retirement Are Spending Habits

We overestimate how much money we will need in our retirement years when we are healthy.

Often people tend to have this bucket list of things to do and want to make sure the money is available.

The sad part is that not everyone will get to cross off places they want to visit or things they want to do.

Reasons for this may include;

When my father-in-law passed away my mother-in-law was left to pick up the pieces which was a terrible mess.

Shortly after she was deemed unable to care for things so we had to step in and do her finances.

This is how dementia starts to slowly rob you of your independence. Although, we can look back and now see it has been happening for years.

The only income she had at the time was a small Canada Pension Plan, she managed to get early.

Had she been in the right state of mind that likely would not have happened.

Illness Can Control A Retirement Budget

Her dementia is based on money and she needs it all the time.

It’s quite phenomenal, to be honest as I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.

Thankfully survivor’s benefits are $1800 but only until she turns 65 and then that will be reduced.

To control the money she gets an allowance which is more than she needs considering she no longer drives.

Her retirement budget does not balance yet and it’s hard to control what is happening.

In the mean-time, she gets $100 twice a week deposited to her bank account for necessities.

Where Does Her Retirement Money Go?

That totals $800 a month that she gets to spend on whatever she wants.

What does her $800-month target in her retirement budget?

Let’s have a look.

  • Groceries and any household items she needs
  • Clothing or other health and beauty related needs that are basic
  • Discretionary Spending

Retirement Budget Savings Account

Any other costs above and beyond comes out of her retirement budget savings account as she has no investment savings.

That means if the filter on the furnace needs changing, home maintenance fees and so on.

She doesn’t understand that she is getting far more than she needs or that most people get without any retirement savings.

You can’t dispute this with someone who has dementia and often it’s easier to just give in to demands.

Since she is diabetic she gets her eyes tested yearly costing $120 xrays that we pay out-of-pocket but the eye examine is free.

Her toenails get professionally clipped which costs $75 as needed.

She hardly buys clothes and any health and beauty is basic since she used to coupon back in the day and has a nice stockpile.

I’m sure she mostly buys hair colour at Shoppers Drug Mart and other medications as needed.

Prescriptions Costs

We’re still struggling to get Trillium to cover part of her meds since we have to jump through hoops to get her Revenue Canada online code to access her information.

Soon, we hope to see this complete so we can perhaps get some back payment or at least some help moving forward until she turns 65 years old when most meds are covered for her.

Paying For A Mortgage During Retirement

What about her mortgage?

Thankfully there was an unknown pension amount that was able to cover paying off the mortgage.

For both of them so close to retirement that was still quite a bit of money to be tied to.

Coincidentally, this is the norm as people struggle to pay to live going tough times.

Selling The Family Vehicle

The vehicle is on the market to be sold so hopefully, that will generate more money to put towards her retirement budget when needed but after that all that, is left is the house and any government pensions.

All of you already know those are very slim with money if you haven’t saved for retirement on the side over the years which makes any retirement budget very tough.

Now that she doesn’t drive we’ve hired a driving companion who picks her up a few times a week to take her around the city shopping and to do things she likes going to bingo, eating out, grocery shopping and sight-seeing.

These things are fun for her and when you see her smile you know it’s worth it.

This needed service is coming at a cost to her and again more money from her retirement budget that she really doesn’t have.

The tough part about dementia is that until you have to deal with it you don’t really know how difficult it can be on everyone in the family.

It’s easy to say what you should do but it often goes beyond that until power of attorney has to control over the situation.

It’s a sad state for many in Canada who are stuck in this situation.

Our mental health services certainly could use a boost for those affected with dementia and those suffering with them.

Increased Financial Options For Retirement

Currently, her options would be to sell the house and buy something smaller but she doesn’t want to move.

When you have an illness deemed not viable enough to be put into a home it’s a tough.

Until she is unable to care for herself her ticket to care in Ontario is slim to none.

The struggle is when there is no one there to care for her and the kids have moved away.

These are things people don’t think about as they age.

We believe our children will be around to help us but that’s not true.

I’m certainly not around for my parents and if you just so happen to need care that your child can’t offer then moving in with them may not be an option.

Selling the house would free up cash for her and her retirement budget would balance a bit better but at this time we are at a stand-still.

Also, the problem with this is that she may believe she has lots of money to spend which turns into a big conflict.

She’s on the ball with her money and knows what she has, that hasn’t changed but she forgets what she did yesterday.

Moving Into Long-Term Care

When you are ill and most likely will be put into a long-term-care facility at some point as your health declines you need money to get the best care.

Sad, but true. If you want to live it up in a retirement home that is cushy with all frills then you need the money otherwise you get what you get with what the government sends your way.

In her area, the costs of living in a home would run her retirement budget $3500 a month but with dementia, we would see that number go up.

We must be prepared for these types of things, at least that’s what this entire year has taught both Mrs. CBB and me.

Not everyone will die peacefully at home without health issues.

That’s almost like winning the lottery of life.

Passing away in your sleep peacefully without the stress of machines, medications and everyone crying over you is the ideal way to go.

Retirement Planning Worksheet

Many older people fear they will outlive their retirement savings but the older you get the less money you will need.

By the time you are in your 80’s staying home or visiting with family and small trips around town seem to be the norm although you may differ.

Preparing for your retirement budget starts far before you retire which means there are a few things you need to consider before you can plan for the future.

Retirement Worksheet Documentation

Creating a retirement worksheet is a vital part of estimating your retirement needs.

One critical point that I’m sure you’ve already guessed is important to consider is your health.

Your health could take a turn at any time, or perhaps it already has, and you must think about how this will affect you potentially moving forward.

Situtations To Consider

  1. Determine your retirement age- What age would you like to retire? Not everyone wants out at 65. Not everyone can afford to retire at 65.
  2. What expenses will you have in retirement- This is where a retirement budget comes in. Whether you are retired or not, create one and see where you will stand in the future. Remember your rate of return on investments, inflation, extra money or earnings, guaranteed pensions, and taxes. (see budget categories below)
  3. Where will the money come from to pay for your retirement budget?- Document all of your sources of income, whether it’s savings, investments, or pensions. You should be able to estimate what you expect to receive. *See the Canada government retirement calculator to quickly guide you through this process.
  4. Compare your projected income with estimated needs- This is interesting because you should always consider your needs and income ahead of time, whether you are retired or not. So, once you know how much money you will net each month in retirement, compare it with your estimated retirement budget to see if you are indeed balancing or at least close to balancing. If not, then you need to make adjustments or save more money by working longer, side income, home business venture, downsizing your home, rent rooms, etc.

Estimate Your Retirement Income Needs

Using a Canadian Retirement Income Calculator you can estimate what your financial needs will be, but the only category you have control over is your personal spending.

This hasn’t changed and will never change whether you are retired or not.

The Canadian Retirement Income Calculator will provide you with retirement income information, including the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement benefits.

You will need to work through a series of modules in order to estimate your retirement incomes from various sources.

Compare them to your goal income.

It also allows you to see the impact of changes in savings behaviour.

The calculator will help you better understand how each pillar of the retirement income system will contribute to your future financial security.

Retirement money is in full swing in the late ’60s and ’70s when retirees are off and away from doing all the things they planned to do with their money if they are still able to.

That is the problem with retirement plans because you just don’t know what your health or life will be like once you reach such age or the time when you retire.

If you still have a mortgage be prepared that you will have to fund the mortgage with any pensions or guaranteed income that comes your way.

No one says you have to retire at age 65, so you see plenty of people still working.

Many older people just like to get out of the house to make extra cash and to chat with people.

I don’t blame them, but if you have enough retirement savings, your options are far more attainable.

You are able to do the things you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the time or money because you were socking it away in your retirement savings.

Retirement Budget Categories

Whether you rent during your retirement years or still live in your family home there are costs involved.

The costs may differ slightly based on the rental agreement if you rent and whether or not your mortgage is paid off.

By the time you retire, you shouldn’t need life insurance any longer as your home will be paid in full.

You may however still have investments that need managing either by yourself or with a financial advisor.

I’d strongly suggest making sure your Will is up to date and completed by a reputable lawyer.

After much investigation, Mrs. CBB and I have realized we don’t really need a unique retirement budget so we can continue to use the CBB Budget with slight modifications.

Consider These Retirement Expenses

Your needs will change as should your retirement budget categories so adjust them as you age or as you see fit.

  • Credit Card Debt or other debts
  • Charitable Contributions
  • Mortgage/Rent
  • House or rental insurance
  • Property Taxes, Condo Fees, etc.
  • Groceries
  • Entertainment
  • Dining out
  • Memberships
  • Holidays (Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc.)
  • Vehicle maintenance if you still drive (registration, sticker, plates, oil change, and other repairs)
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Transportation costs may include hired help/companion drivers or community assistance; bus passes; parking passes or taxis, etc.
  • Telecommunications which may include telephone, cell, internet, cable
  • House maintenance may include anything to do with maintaining your homes, such as repairs or replacement costs, landscape care, etc.
  • Health and Beauty (any meds or personal care not covered)
  • Weekly or Monthly Allowance (discretionary spending including travel)
  • Utilities – Gas, Hydro, Water, Water Heater, and any insurance

Expenses After You Retire Are Important

Just because you retire and your mortgage is gone, you still have a bit to take care of financially, so ensure retirement savings is critical.

Some older people may have no other option but to sell and move into an apartment where costs are within their retirement budget.

Discussion: What other considerations have I missed that you want to add to this post?

Please leave your comments below.


  • What Does Your Retirement Lifestyle Plan Look Like?
  • Can you picture yourself living a retired life?
  • Are you letting free money float away?
  • Retiring Early Should Never Be Expected
  • What to Expect With Little to No Retirement Savings

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How To Estimate Your Canadian Retirement Budget (2)

How To Estimate Your Canadian Retirement Budget (2024)


How To Estimate Your Canadian Retirement Budget? ›

As a general rule, you'll want to aim for at least 70-80% of your pre-retirement income for each year of your retirement. In retirement you may spend less money on savings, housing, tax, and transportation to work, but more on hobbies, utilities, and healthcare.

How much money do you need to retire comfortably in Canada? ›

The “4% rule” is another popular method for working out how much you need to retire in Canada comfortably. The idea is that you take out 4% of your savings for every year of retirement. For example, to be able to spend $40,000 a year in retirement, using the 4% rule, you would need to save $1,000,000.

How to budget for retirement in Canada? ›

First, determine how much income per month you'll have in retirement from all sources. Then add up all your monthly expenses. If you have more income than expenses, you're all set. If it's the other way around, you'll need to make adjustments like cutting expenses or finding more income such as a part-time job.

What is the best way to estimate retirement expenses? ›

To calculate your retirement budget, it's best to first calculate your expected average costs per month. As you estimate what your spending in retirement might be, it can be easy to underestimate your expenses. To help avoid being caught short unexpectedly, start now by making a list of your anticipated costs.

How much money do you need to retire with $100000 a year income in Canada? ›

For example, assume you earn $100,000 per year before retiring. Using the 70% rule, you will need approximately $70,000 ($100,000 x 70%) in annual income to maintain your lifestyle in retirement. Going back to Rule 2, it implies you need: ⇒ $70,000 x 25 ⇒ $1.75 million in retirement.

How much does the average Canadian retiree live on? ›

As of the most recent information from Statistics Canada, the average Canadian senior family made $69,900 in 2021. When looking at a single senior, that dropped down to an average of $31,400.

Can I retire at 60 with $500 K in Canada? ›

Retiring at age 60

For example, you have $500,000 saved for retirement and you want to retire at 60. Instead of calculating this amount based on 25 years, a good start would be to base it on 30 years. The annual income based on this principle would then be $16,667.

What is a realistic retirement budget? ›

Retirement Expenses Vary: The amount needed for retirement varies depending on factors such as age, lifestyle, health, and location. A general rule suggests 80% of pre-retirement income, but individual circ*mstances can significantly impact spending.

What is the upper middle class retirement income in Canada? ›

Retirement Income and the Upper Middle Class

In order to have a retirement income that's considered to be upper middle class in Canada, you would need to have around $1.7 million saved. This would give you an average income of around $100,000 annually for a total of 25 years.

How much does the average retired person live on per month? ›

Retirement Income Varies Widely By State
StateAverage Retirement Income
47 more rows
Oct 30, 2023

What is the biggest expense in retirement? ›

Housing. Housing—which includes mortgage, rent, property tax, insurance, maintenance and repair costs—is the largest expense for retirees.

What is the average Social Security check? ›

Social Security offers a monthly benefit check to many kinds of recipients. As of December 2023, the average check is $1,767.03, according to the Social Security Administration – but that amount can differ drastically depending on the type of recipient. In fact, retirees typically make more than the overall average.

What is a good monthly retirement income for a couple? ›

The average retirement savings for a person about to retire are approximately, $225,000, equal to $450,000 combined for a couple that has saved equally. Following the conservative rule of thumb and withdrawing 4% a year will provide this couple with another $1,500 monthly or $18,000 a year.

At what age can you retire with $1 million dollars in Canada? ›

Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you. However, it's important to remember there is no one-size-fits-all amount.

How long will $500,000 last in retirement in Canada? ›

If you have $500,000 in savings, then according to the 4% rule, you will have access to roughly $20,000 per year for 30 years. Retiring early will affect the amount of your Social Security benefit.

Can I retire with 300k in Canada? ›

So, the answer is yes; you can theoretically retire with $300,000 in the bank. But should you? That's up to the individual, but preferably, it'd be advisable to inject more growth into one's portfolio, so one's purchasing power can outpace inflation over time. Stay hungry.

Do you really need 1.7 million to retire in Canada? ›

The Star reached out to several financial experts and all agreed: you don't need $1.7 million to retire. In fact, that number is “absurd,” said Malcolm Hamilton, a retired actuary. “This survey says all Canadians need to save the same, but we know that's not the case,” said Hamilton.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.