How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (2024)

Today’s question is all about day trading options. I’m going to share with you some thoughts and insights.

Here’s the question:

“Hi, Sasha! I have a question about how to put time decay on my favor when day trading options. So far, I’ve been researching old examples on the internet to teach you how to do the selling premium.

But in a swing trading format like pretty much is the position last days and ones that your option expires, you collect the premium. But like I said, I’m doing day trading, and I would like to know how to put time decay on my favor as a day trader of options.

And I’ve read that it’s a seller instead. I’ve been experimenting with credit spreads, selling options with a cover a call or put, and in some of my test time, decay is indeed on my favor. But in others, it’s not even though they have relatively the same time to expiration like two to three days.

So I’m a little frustrated. Not sure how to do these. I don’t even know if it is even possible. So just reaching out to see if you have any experience with it. And then can you direct me to the right path. I’m repeating; this is for day trading and how to use time decay on my favor day trading. I cost my position in 15 minutes, 5 minutes”.

Well, 15 minutes and 5 minutes, that’s almost high-frequency trading.

Let’s check these things out. I’ll share with you some thoughts and insights and go from there.

Usually, with options, you’re not going to be day trading that fast or that quick: not 5 minutes or 15 minutes. You’ll probably hold even for a two-day trade in an option contract. That’s already very short.

Now usually when you’re day trading, that means you’re looking for price movement. If you’re day trading for 15 minutes, you’re looking for a movement in price. That’s ultimately the goal. But if you want time decay in your favorite, this is how you could think about it and do it.

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If you’re brand new to options, here’s what you start with. This is what typically people do – they buy a call.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (1)

And then they’re waiting for that price to move because you’re day trading 15 minutes is a price movement. It’s not time because there’s not enough time to make it from options.

For one, you’re worried too much about the time problem when you’re not in the trade long enough anyway.

That’s one thing to be aware of.

Let me shake you a little bit. You’re worried about time, but you’re only in it for 15 minutes. Here is a Netflix trade, and my theta is negative 16. That tells me that I’m going to pay $16 per day in the loss of time premium by holding this option contract.

Even in one day, if the stock doesn’t move, I lose about $16. Now that’s not too bad considering you’re looking for a price movement. In this stock where you’re investing $585 if I’m looking for a $10 move in Netflix, that’s already $435.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (2)

I think if you’re focused on movement in price, stop worrying so much about the time decay.

But if you want the movement in price, how do you do it?

Well, usually what you have to do is you have to sell the time premium. You could see what happened here is if I sell the call, it flips it the other way.

Let’s say I’m still bullish in the stock. How do I get that?

I have to flip the other side. In this case, I would have to flip to the put side. And this is where you get the time premium in your favor.

I will back this out to maybe a 250 strike price or even a 270 strike price. All of a sudden, now I have a positive theta decay.

You could take a look at that – I’m making $16 a day if it stands still or doesn’t move. If I’m holding it for 10, 15 minutes if you’re trying to day trade these and you want positive theta, then you want positive Delta. In this case, one of my bigger Greeks is the Delta.

That’s the core basics if you want positive theta. You have to be more of a net seller of options or overall a seller of options to get that. Of course, you could buy one in the future out in time, and then you’re technically a net buyer like a calendar spread you’re kind of buying it. That’s because you have more time value in the further month.

But in this case, to start our baseline and basics, you’re selling the option premium. And that’s the start of getting your positive theta. And now you need the movement in the stock price. If it goes up to ten points or so, you’re making about $312.

The problem with this is you have an unlimited loss. This is why people do spreads, credit spreads, and those kinds of things.

You buy something further down. Now instead of a seller, you buy yourself some protection. And now you have become ultimately here no loss in theta. But still, you can trade it right here.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (3)

That’s because you’re getting a positive Delta that refers to any one dollar movement in Delta or one dollar movement in the price you make $12.

That’s how it works. Looking at my current position right now, I’m down $15.

By the time you start the trade, you’re off. Delta is about 12. Let’s say and move this up one single dollar. Well, you should now be out breakeven. And you can see right there I’m breaking even.

That’s because I’ve offset this by about a dollar. You could see Delta is 12. And if I move this up to $2, I should be up about $12 right there and so forth.

It’s all based on the Delta if you’re day trading. Because if you’re day trading and you’re selling it in 15 minutes, you’re focused and you’re looking at the price. That’s what you’re trying to do.

You need to have something with positive Delta and positive movement to be able to get that bullish position. Of course, you could do this on the call side as well in a negative direction, which I’ll share with you in a second.

But you need something where you’re selling an option premium to collect that premium to decay it faster than the other premium. And the one that you’re selling is the closer one.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (4)

That’s why it decays more versus the one you’re buying for protection.

To do this the other, let’s say I’m bearish on the stock. Well, instead of here a buyer, I’ll sell it. Analyze the trade.

Now I’ll buy one for protection. Here’s a 300, and now you’ve become bearish on the stock with a positive theta.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (5)

You’re not losing theta anymore, at least. And now you have a negative Delta, which means you make money as that stock price goes down. If it drops 10, you make about $86 on 750.

You know 10% or so. Pretty good in that regard.

This is how it works.

Are there more advanced strategies to day trading or waiting for a move when it comes to option?


Let’s say here is a butterfly. Here’s how this works.

I’m going to start it out with 295. Let’s say that’s 285, that’s 305. And don’t stress how I’m picking these because it’s way more beyond the scope of this video.

I’m just showing you the concept. If you want to learn more, you can check out courses or do a coaching session with me. There are so many more opportunities.

Maybe my theta is not negative, but it’s also not super positive; at least it’s kind of negated. It’s not something that’s part of the equation.

Here’s a butterfly spread where my theta is about one.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (6)

I’m making about one dollar that I’m waiting. Because if you’re holding it for 15 minutes and you’re all making $1 day or $15 a day. Again, you’re day trading, so you’re basing it based on the Delta. That’s what you’re trying to do.

In this case, you’ve eliminated that theta. Now what you’re waiting for is for that stock to pop. And what you can do with the butterflies it’s such a small investment.

Let’s say $140, and if you’re thinking it’s going to move, your risk is also not too bad. That’s because if it goes against you, you could get out 10 points lower for 33. And then up here, you’re making about 26 if it does pop in your favor.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (7)

I’m risking about $30-$40 to make about $30-$40. Let’s see how we stack this up for some people that have more capital.

I’ll show you what that looks like. If you’re normally putting on about $2700 on the trade and let’s say instead it goes against you, you’re risking about $500-$600 to make about $558 potentially.

There’s vega that comes into play here as well. And now you’ve got a positive $18 in theta. It’s another way to play the stock, but you do have many more contracts here. There are many more commissions and those kinds of things.

And again, that’s a different story for another time.

What you can see here is I’ve gotten more of a positive theta. And I’ve gotten my positive Delta for a movement in that stock. Because as you’re day trading, you’re expecting positive movement or negative movement.

You’re expecting movement based on the price. And if you’re holding it for 15 minutes, that time value isn’t going to hurt you that bad even if you’re a buyer of option contracts.

But if you’re worried about that, overall you have to be selling option contracts to get a positive theta.There are many other strategies out there, but as far as a basic scope – this is the way it works.

You have to be a seller of option premium to get a positive theta. And if you’re day trading, you need some kind of Delta whether it’s positive or negative depending on if you’re positive you want bullish movements.

If you’re negative, you want bearish movements. And that allows you to place an idea on the stock on which way it’s going to go. And then, of course, you manage the money accordingly.

Hopefully, that answers your question and gives you some thoughts and insights.

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You could do a day trade almost on an option contract that expires extremely fast. And that allows the theta to kill. I don’t think I can do it here – zero days remaining.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (8)

I want to show you.

Buy a calendar, which means I’m going out one expiration day. Here’s October 19th, the 280.

Keep in mind there’s assignment problems and those kinds of things.

You could do the same concept. Now my theta is so high, and I have a bullish exposure.

Within a day or so, it will continue moving higher, and I’ve got that positive Delta. Now within a day, I’m going to be making about $50 every single day.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (9)

If I move this one strike further, you’ll get a better insight.

This is about seven days out. It’ll show you one day, two days into it you’re working that theta.

That’s the whole point – is to get that white line to keep climbing higher.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (10)

The thing is if you’re trying to day trade it and you want time decay, it doesn’t happen in 15 minutes if you’re holding a trade for 15 minutes. That’s the way that it would work.

Here it is right here. It’s the same type of concept.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (11)

I could position this on it to 285, and now I’ve got that same concept.

Let me put this trade-in right here, and if it does pop, I’m positive overall – creating a winning situation. However, my theta is not a huge loss here in this situation.

It’s still a positive theta. But it’s not going to work for too long because that eventually will expire. And then you take your hit or a loss at this point, which would be that green line negative $24.

That’s an exciting way of doing it to capitalize on it in that way.

And, of course, you could go maybe seven days out. It’s another way just to play the movement. But that as far as positioning, it is a whole another world end game.

Here’s another approach to it. You could see this one’s calendar.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (12)

That’s further out, but if you’re expecting a big move $30-$40, that’s a nice way.

You could say, if it goes against me, I’m risking $30-$40.

One of the other ways that I’ve seen some other traders do it when you’re day trading, and you got some serious cash.

You could go deep in the money. Of course, that’s because you’re expecting a big move. And when you’re going deep in the money, in this case, you’re expecting a fast move.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (13)

And you’re putting a lot of eggs in your baskets for that movement.

You do have that negative theta. That’s the best way to get a stock equivalent move. That’s because your Delta, one contract controls a hundred shares a stock, which basically would have a hundred Delta.

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (14)

But in this case, you got 90, which is very close to the stock equivalent without paying the stock price.

I hope that gives you some thoughts, insights, and maybe some more things to think about.

If you have a personal question regarding trading, investing options, feel free to submit your question here!

How to Day-Trade Options with a Positive Time Decay... - Tradersfly (2024)


Why do you need $25,000 to day trade? ›

Why Do I Have to Maintain Minimum Equity of $25,000? Day trading can be extremely risky—both for the day trader and for the brokerage firm that clears the day trader's transactions. Even if you end the day with no open positions, the trades you made while day trading most likely have not yet settled.

How do you overcome time decay in options? ›

The time decay results in a loss for the option buyers and the option sellers profit from it. So, when you buy and sell options simultaneously, the time value that you lose in the bought option position will be offset by the gain in time value in the short option position. In this way, your losses can be minimized.

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If a customer's account falls below the $25,000 requirement, the customer will not be permitted to day trade until the customer deposits cash or securities into the account to restore the account to the $25,000 minimum equity level.

How much premium decays in options in one day? ›

If we look again at the Time-Value Decay figure, at five days remaining until expiration, this at-the-money S&P 500 call option has 11 points in premium. This means that the premium will decline by approximately 2.2 points per day.

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What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? A risk management principle known as the “3-5-7” rule in trading advises diversifying one's financial holdings to reduce risk. The 3% rule states that you should never risk more than 3% of your whole trading capital on a single deal.

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With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

Which option has fastest time decay? ›

ATM options have the highest rate of decay (all else equal). As options move either OTM or ITM, the rate of decay drops and approaches zero. Also, shorter-term options decay faster than longer-term options (again, all else equal). This rate of decay speeds up as an option gets closer to expiration.

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His agency, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, known as Sebi, says 90% of active retail traders lose money trading options and other derivative contracts. In the year ended March 2022, the latest for which figures are available, investors lost $5.4 billion.

How fast does time decay work for options? ›

Time decay is the rate of change in value to an option's price as it nears expiration. Depending on whether an option is in-the-money (ITM), time decay accelerates in the last month before expiration. The more time left until expiry, the slower the time decay while the closer to expiry, the more time decay increases.

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Traders that follow the 10 a.m. rule think a stock's price trajectory is relatively set for the day by the end of that half-hour. For example, if a stock closed at $40 the previous day, opened at $42 the next, and reached $43 by 10 a.m., this would indicate that the stock is likely to remain above $42 by market close.

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Placing fewer than 4 day trades in any rolling 5 trading day period will help avoid a PDT flag.

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Getting unlimited day trades on Robinhood typically requires meeting the minimum account balance of $25,000 or upgrading to Robinhood Gold. Alternatively, opening a cash account or exploring swing trading strategies can also provide more flexibility in executing day trades.

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The 3-30 rule in the stock market suggests that a stock's price tends to move in cycles, with the first 3 days after a major event often showing the most significant price change. Then, there's usually a period of around 30 days where the stock's price stabilizes or corrects before potentially starting a new cycle.

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Theta is generally expressed as a negative number for long positions and a positive number for short positions. It can be thought of as the amount by which an option's value declines daily. For instance, a theta of -0.05 indicates that the option's price will decrease by five cents per day.

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Deep out of the money options, often termed as DOTM options, possess strike prices that diverge greatly from the prevailing market price. These options, while appearing to be a gamble, are a calculated risk for many traders. Their attraction lies in their affordability and the perspective of significant returns.

Can I day trade if I have more than 25k? ›

Under the PDT rules, you must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 in your margin account prior to day trading on any given day. If the account falls below the $25,000 requirement, you cannot day trade until you are back at or above the $25,000 minimum.

Can I day trade if I have more than 25000? ›

If you want to be a more active trader, or occasionally do a little day trading, be sure to keep tabs on all the applicable limits. Otherwise, if you can steer clear of violating the rules, and keep your account value well over $25,000, there will be no restrictions should you need to execute a short-term trade.

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PDT Rule. Any US-based prospective day trader quickly learns about the dreaded pattern day trader (PDT) rule. The PDT essentially states that traders with less than $25,000 in their margin account cannot make more than three day trades in a rolling five day period.

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The rule that limits how many day trades you make while under a $25k account size is called the Pattern Day Trader rule. This rule was implemented in 2001 after the dot com bubble and limits the number of day trades you can make to just 3 round-trip day trades in 5 days while your account is under $25k.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.