How to Close a Bank Account When You’ve Had It With Your Bank (2024)

You’ve been with the same bank for a long time, but perhaps it’s not the best fit for you anymore and you’re looking into some different options. Whether you’re switching bank accounts to take advantage of a good deal at another financial institution or just wanting to close an old account you don’t use much anymore, you can do it without incurring fees by following a few simple steps.

Follow this guide on closing a bank account so you can make a fresh start opening a new account without worry.

Reasons to Close a Bank Account

Not sure whether you really want to close your bank account? Here are a few reasons why finding a new bank might be a good idea.

  1. Dissatisfaction with your current bank. Perhaps you’ve had several bad experiences with customer service, or maybe they are raising fees on you and you can’t afford to stay.
  2. Convenience. If you’re moving and your current bank doesn’t have a branch in your new hometown, you might choose to switch to a bank that does.
  3. Better offers elsewhere. Sometimes, banks will have a bonus offer for signing up for a new account, such as free cash for opening an account, which may entice you to switch.
  4. Better interest rates. If your current bank’s interest rates leave a lot to be desired, you may choose to switch so you can earn more money on your savings account.
  5. Consolidation. If you have multiple accounts at different financial institutions, switching so all your accounts are under one roof can make your life more convenient.

5 Steps to Closing a Bank Account

It may seem like a simple chore but you’d be surprised how complicated it can be to close a bank account. For one, just think about how many auto-pay bills you’ve connected to the account.

Step 1: Open a New Account

Before you even contemplate closing your current bank account, you need to find a replacement. Failing to find a new bank before you ditch your old one could be one giant financial headache for you.

Finding a new bank might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of resources to help you choose a bank, whether you’re considering an online-only bank, a brick-and-mortar bank or a credit union. Once you have your new account open and ready, it’s time to work on closing your old account.

Pro Tip

Check out our current list of bank promotions for a chance to gain a monetary bonus when signing up for a new bank account.

Step 2: Update Your Automatic Payments and Direct Deposits

Unless you like to live out of a checkbook, chances are you have some (if not all) of your bills paid automatically each month. Those recurring automatic bill payments are tied to your checking account, so if you close your account before you switch over your payment information to your new account, you’ll default on your payments.

At the least, that’ll mean late fees. But if you fail to pay something like your phone or internet bill, your provider may cut off service, which could be devastating if you rely on these for work. Usually there’s a grace period for good customers but you may not catch this for a while, especially if you’re in the process of moving and switching banks.

If your paychecks are dispersed into your bank account by direct deposit, you need to make sure you update that information with your employer, or anyone else who uses direct deposit to get money to you on a regular basis. You’ll need to provide your new account number, as well as the routing number of your new bank.

Whoever is paying you will want a voided check or something on bank letterhead that tells them the routing and account numbers. They likely won’t accept the number that you send via personal email. Don’t know where the account and routing numbers are on your check? Time to learn with this guide.

To make sure your direct deposits have switched correctly, keep your old account open for at least a month in case your employer made an error and your money is paid to your old account instead of the new one. Keep an eye on your bank statements to make sure everything is being deposited correctly. Once you know for sure that they have your new bank account info correct, you should be good to close your old one.

Step 3: Transfer Your Balance

Once you’ve opened your new checking account, it’s time to start transferring your money.

It’s a good idea to leave a bit of money in your old bank account for a short period to cover any payments you may have forgotten about. The last thing you want is to have an overdraft on your old bank account.

Make sure you transfer money from all your bank accounts, including checking and savings.

Once you’ve moved your money over to your new account, you might be tempted to cut ties with your old bank right away. But it’s a good idea to leave your old one open for a couple of months just to make sure you don’t have any lingering payments.

You might also leave a small amount of money ($100 to $200) in the account to cover any surprise bill payments to avoid overdraft fees.

Step 4: Contact Your Old Bank to Close Your Account

Once you feel confident that everything is in place with your new checking account, it’s time to begin the process of closing your old one.

Depending on the type of account you have (and your personal preferences), you can usually either close your account online or in person at a local branch.

Your bank might also require that you submit a written request to close this account. The notification letter should include your name, address and account number. If you have multiple accounts at the same bank, make sure you include the numbers of each account you want to close separately.

Step 5: Get Written Confirmation

In your written request to cancel your bank account, ask for the bank to provide you with written confirmation once the account or accounts are closed. Even if you receive a confirmation letter, it’s still wise to call the bank to double check that everything went through and you didn’t miss any instructions from them to finalize the closure.

After you close your account, your old bank might send you a paper check for any remaining balance from that account.

Make sure you deposit that check ASAP into your new account. Most financial institutions have a deposit function in their apps, but you can also take the check to a branch to deposit if you feel more comfortable that way.

After you’ve officially closed your account, check your last statement carefully. You want to make sure there aren’t any unexpected charges on there or ones you don’t recognize. If you see anything suspicious, contact your old bank immediately to resolve the issue.

Will Closing a Bank Account Hurt My Credit Score?

You probably know that closing a credit card or loan can have a small effect on your credit score. Luckily, closing a checking or savings account has absolutely no effect on your credit, as long as you don’t have a negative balance.

This story will help you learn to hunt for the red flags on your credit report that can cause trouble.

How to Close a Bank Account When You’ve Had It With Your Bank (1)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Closing a Bank Account

Throughout the process, you will probably have some questions about how to close a bank account or hear some terms you don’t understand. We’ve found the answers to the most commonly asked questions.

What Are Zombie Accounts?

Some banks automatically reopen closed accounts if a charge is made. This could happen if you forgot to change the details on one of your autopay bills, or if your request to change your auto bill details didn’t go through properly. If this happens, contact your old bank to discuss your options.

What Happens if I Have a Negative Balance?

If your old checking account has a negative balance, you will likely need to pay it off before the bank will let you close it. If you manage to close it without paying off your balance, the bank can send it to collections, which will show up on your credit report and hurt your credit score.

Can I Close My Bank Account Online?

Some banks will allow you to close your account online, but many require you to either call their customer support center or stop into a branch to close your account. You will need to check with your specific financial institution to see what they require for account closures.

Is It Bad to Close a Bank Account?

No, closing a bank account isn't bad, as long as you go about it the right way. It doesn't have an effect on your credit and it shouldn't cost you anything to quit your bank. That applies whether you are closing a checking or a savings account.

How Much Does it Cost to Close a Bank Account?

If you do it the right way by following all the steps laid out in this article, it shouldn't cost you anything to close your account. But just to be safe, make sure you ask your old bank whether they charge an early account closure fee or any other type of fee for closing an account.

The only other way you might lose money closing a checking or savings account is if you forget to switch over an automatic payment and your closed account becomes overdrawn. That's why it's important to leave your old account open for at least a month to ensure all payments have switched over to your new account.

How Do I Close a Joint Account?

If you have a joint account with a partner, spouse or family member, you can still close the account using the same steps. The question of whether or not you will need the other account owner's permission depends on your state, but in general one owner can close the account without needing consent from the other owner.

However, unless you're a complete jerk, it's a good idea to give the other owner a heads up so that they can move any direct deposits or automatic payments to a different account and avoid missing a paycheck or getting charged for an unpaid bill.

What Should I Do With My Old Debit Card?

After you've closed your old account and have made sure that all your recurring payments and direct deposits have been transferred correctly, you need to dispose of your debit card. It's not enough to just cut it in half and throw it in the trash; you need to cut it into several pieces, both vertically and horizontally, and make sure you demagnetize the strip by running a magnet over it.

You should also cut through the three-digit security code on the signature line on the back of your card to make sure it can't be read. To destroy the chip, you can cut it up or smash it with a hammer (a good idea if you are still feeling frustrated with your old bank and want to take out your anger on your debit card); just make sure you don't inadvertently hammer your fingers in the process!

Switching to a new bank can seem daunting, but if you go about it the right way, it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

Ohio-based contributor Catherine Hiles writes about finance, cars, pet ownership and parenting for The Penny Hoarder


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How to Close a Bank Account When You’ve Had It With Your Bank (2024)


How to Close a Bank Account When You’ve Had It With Your Bank? ›

Typically, you must call or visit your financial institution to do this. However, some banks and credit unions will let you close an account online. Be sure to download any statements you may need for purposes such as completing your tax return before the old account is closed.

Can I close my bank account and open a new one with the same bank? ›

Can I close my bank account and open a new one with the same bank? Yes, banks allow you to close one account and open another one. The process to close the old account is the same, although you'll find your bank much happier to keep your business.

Is there a penalty for closing a bank account? ›

Several banks charge an early account closure fee, usually between $5 and $50, if a customer closes their account within 90 to 180 days of opening it. Customers often choose to close their accounts early if they find better fees, higher annual percentage yields, or more convenient services at another bank.

How do I close an old bank account? ›

How to close a bank account
  1. Open a new bank account. Opening a new account is necessary before closing the old one. ...
  2. Move your recurring payments. ...
  3. Withdraw your remaining balance. ...
  4. Contact your old bank to close your account. ...
  5. Check and keep your final statement.
Oct 14, 2023

What documents are needed to close a bank account? ›

To close your bank account, you must write an application letter to the manager of your respective bank branch. Along with the application, you must also include/attach the documentation required to shut your account, such as a passbook, chequebook, ATM card (debit/credit), identity proof and so on.

Does closing a bank account hurt your credit? ›

The mere act of closing a bank account doesn't have a direct impact on your credit. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau confirms that the three major credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — don't typically include checking account history in their credit reports.

How do I permanently close my bank account? ›

Contact Your Bank

Although financial institutions allow you to do this online, they may require you to make a phone call to customer service or a visit to a local bank branch. Some banks and credit unions may require you to fill out an account closure request form or submit a written request.

Can a bank deny you closing your account? ›

Most of the time, yes, but your bank or credit union may require you to settle your balance before allowing you to close an account that is overdrawn. If you want to close your account, you should call your bank or credit union or go in person and give them your account information.

Can you withdraw all your money from the bank and close your account? ›

When you close a bank account, your bank will likely require you to withdraw all funds before the account is considered fully closed. If your account was closed by the bank, you'll need to get in touch to ask how to access your funds.

What is the rule of closing the bank account? ›

To carry out the account closure process, an account holder needs to visit the branch personally. At the branch, you need to submit an account closure form along with the de-linking form, unused cheque book and debit card. In the form, you need to mention the reason for the closure of the bank account.

What is the easiest way to close a bank account? ›

Contact the Bank to Cancel the Account

Typically, you must call or visit your financial institution to do this. However, some banks and credit unions will let you close an account online. Be sure to download any statements you may need for purposes such as completing your tax return before the old account is closed.

How much does it cost to close a bank account? ›

According to CNET sister site Bankrate, early account closure fees are most commonly charged on accounts closed within 90 days of opening and typically range from $5 to $50. Early account closure fees can be found on savings, checking and money market accounts.

What happens if you don't close your bank account? ›

The Savings Account becomes Inactive or Dormant

If an account becomes dormant, you won't be able to issue cheques, renew your ATM/ Debit Card, request to change address or carry out any transaction through ATM, Internet Banking or Phone Banking.

What do I need to know before closing my bank account? ›

6-Step Checklist for Closing a Checking Account
  • Reroute Direct Deposits. ...
  • Update Your Bill Pay Information. ...
  • Wait for Deposits and Credits to Clear. ...
  • Unlink Your Accounts. ...
  • Get It in Writing. ...
  • Watch Out for Hidden Fees.
May 27, 2023

How long does it take for a bank account to close for inactivity? ›

Generally, an account is considered abandoned or unclaimed when there is no customer-initiated activity or contact for a period of three to five years. The specific period is based on the escheatment laws of each state. […]

How much notice does a bank have to give to close an account? ›

Banks will need to provide you with 90 days' notice – up from 30 – before they close your account, if the new rules are adopted. This will give you more time to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service and challenge the decision, or to find a new bank. Banks will also have to spell out why they are closing your account.

Can I open new bank account after closing account? ›

Yes, it is possible to close your bank account and open a new one with the same bank. However, it is important to check with your specific bank to see if there are any restrictions or fees associated with this process.

Can I open a new bank account with the same bank? ›

The short answer: yes. Here's why you should consider opening a second checking account. Having multiple checking accounts can make it easier to organize your finances, but managing your money across different banks and credit unions can complicate things.

Can I open a new bank account if I already have one in the same bank? ›

Some banks will let you open a second account, but it depends on who you're banking with. In most cases, the reason people open a second account is to help manage their bills, with people adding enough to cover their bills to the new account and then paying them from there.

Should I close my bank account before switching banks? ›

No, you don't need to close your old account before opening a new one. However, if you're looking to get the best rates and features, it's usually a good idea to close your old account. This will ensure that you don't get charged any fees on multiple accounts which can add up quickly.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.