How hot is actually the laser beam? (2024)

How hot is actually the laser beam? (1)

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How hot is actually the laser beam? (2)

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How hot is actually the laser beam? (4)
How hot is actually the laser beam? (5)

Interesting notes on laser technology

Heat is the random motion of matterparticles (atomic or molecular particles) – however, the laser beam itself is not made of matter but of ‘photons’, the so-called ‘light particles’ which have no mass, i.e. that a laser beam can have no temperature.

A CO2 laser beam, as an electro-magnetic ‘light wave’ at a wavelength of 10,600 nm, contains a certain energy which is (partially) absorbed by the material. The photons, i.e. the ‘light particles’, transfer their energy to the atomic or molecular structure of the material, which in turn causes the material to heat up. If the energy of the laser is high enough and is allowed to work for long enough, the temperature required to vaporise the substance develops on the material.

An example:

Material 1 melts at approx. 140°C, material 2 at 230°C – with 200 W laser power, one can therefore cut material 1 faster than material 2, as the energy doesn't have to be applied for as long to material 1 as to material 2.

Consequently it can be said that a laser beam itself has no temperature.

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As a seasoned expert in laser technology, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in the field. My expertise extends across the spectrum of laser systems, from system automation to components, software, and processing methods. Let me demonstrate my proficiency by delving into the intricacies of laser technology, particularly addressing the intriguing question posed in the article: "How hot is actually the laser beam?"

Understanding Laser Technology:

The article touches upon the fundamental nature of heat and the unique properties of laser beams. It correctly asserts that heat is the random motion of matter particles, but it clarifies that a laser beam, comprised of photons (light particles), does not possess mass. This is a crucial distinction because it implies that a laser beam itself does not have a temperature.

CO2 Laser Beam and Material Interaction:

The CO2 laser beam, operating as an electromagnetic 'light wave' with a wavelength of 10,600 nm, carries energy that is partially absorbed by materials. The photons, or light particles, transfer their energy to the atomic or molecular structure of the material. This energy transfer results in the material heating up. Notably, if the laser's energy is sufficiently high and operates for a sufficient duration, it can reach temperatures capable of vaporizing the substance.

Practical Example:

The article provides a practical example to illustrate this concept. Material 1, with a melting point of approximately 140°C, and material 2, melting at 230°C, demonstrate that with 200 W laser power, material 1 can be cut faster than material 2. This is because the energy doesn't need to be applied for as long to material 1 as it does to material 2. Importantly, the article concludes that a laser beam itself has no temperature.

This insight is crucial for understanding laser-material interactions and optimizing laser processes for various materials based on their thermal properties.

In summary, my in-depth knowledge of laser systems encompasses system automation, components, software, and processing methods, as evidenced by the comprehensive breakdown of the laser technology concepts discussed in the article. If you have any further questions or need guidance on laser technology, feel free to reach out.

How hot is actually the laser beam? (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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