Color Digital LED Printer vs. Laser Printer (2024)

Table of Contents
Cost Reliability Image Quality Size

Color digital laser and light-emitting diode printers are very similar. Both can print your business documents relatively quickly by melting toner to the paper, and both use a photosensitive drum. The difference between the two printer technologies lies in how they illuminate the drum: Laser printers use a laser beam that tracks back and forth across the drum, while LED printers use an array of LEDs that flash the entire line all at once.


  1. LED printers are usually less expensive to manufacture due to the simplicity of the LED array. Laser printers, on the other hand, require a precisely focused laser beam and sensitive optical assembly with many moving parts. These components make many laser printers more expensive than comparable LED printers.


  1. The same factors that make LED printers less expensive also make them more reliable. In an LED printer, the main image engine has no moving parts, since the LED array stays in place and simply blinks the pattern of the page. While most laser printers have stationary lasers, they have a rotating optical piece that scans the laser's beam against the drum. The multiple moving parts in the laser printer's light engine make it more prone to breaking down.

Image Quality

  1. Laser printers generally offer better quality printouts than LEDs, although the differences can be subtle. Since a laser printer has only one light source, every pixel gets illuminated with the same amount of light. On LED printers, the print array has thousands of LEDs that can have slight variances in light output between them. LED printers also have a fixed resolution, based on the quantity and size of LEDs in the array. Laser printers, on the other hand, can vary their dot size to change their resolutions.


  1. Both laser and LED printers hold drums, toner cartridges and a paper path. However, the simpler light engine on an LED printer also requires less physical space, giving LED printers a smaller footprint. The size benefit of an LED printer is not so great with a color printer, though, since the printer still needs to be large enough to hold four different toner cartridges.

Color Digital LED Printer vs. Laser Printer (2024)
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