How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (2024)

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (1)

Trading Education Guides Investing Economy

  • By Lucien Bechard
  • Updated February 26, 2024

5 min read


How does a strong dollar affect thestockmarket? There’s a general correlation that when the U.S. dollar’s value rises, so do U.S. stockindexes. Over the past 20 years, there has been only a slight positive correlation with the S&P and dollar rising simultaneously 40% of the time. We’ll explinto more detail about this correlation and how this knowledge can help you with the stocks you trade going forward.

Table of Contents

  • How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market? Introduction
  • How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market: Three Potential Effects
    • Special Situations
    • Currency Traders
    • Final Thoughts: How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market? Introduction

How does a strong dollar affect thestock market? The dollar can become more valuable about other currencies in two ways:

  1. Its value grows when global demand for theUSDincreases
  2. Its value grows when the Federal Reserve reduces the amount of currency available(which rarely happens)

These are the only two ways (so basically one). Because the U.S. dollar is required to purchase American stocks, the value of a U.S. stock index (like the S&P500) will also rise.

However, the effect on a specific portfolio with the dollar’s movements will depend on the individual stocks that make up the portfolio. The more diversified with large-cap stocks, the more it will follow the pattern of the S&P500, but a portfolio’s constituents could be worthless or more than before.

Approximately 40% of S&P 500 Index earnings come from outside the U.S. U.S.companiesmanufacturing goods in the U.S. and selling abroad have acknowledged that the dollar’s rise negatively affects their bottom line.

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market: Three Potential Effects

The Good

How does a strong dollar affect thestockmarket? Companies that export U.S. manufactured goods will do well if the U.S. dollar depreciates. Foreign sold items will be cheaper relative to the local currency. And when converted to USD the company’s revenues are greater, making U.S.-made goods more price competitive.

The Bad

For companies that require international imports such as fuel, raw materials, or commodities, if the USD loses value, their manufacturing costs go up dramatically, reducing profits and the company’s results. If a company does not hedge against such dollar changes, it can be affected. A company that relies onlithiumfrom Chili to produce its batteries will require more money to pay for the raw material. If they keep final product prices the same, they will make less per unit sold or they must raise their prices and possibly lose customers to make the same amount.


With a diverse portfolio, including companies operating globally, this diversification will be sufficient to prevent great changes.How does a strong dollar affect the stock market? A change in the dollar will help some companies and hurt others, but the result will be nearly even, especially if the constituent companies are hedging the USD. This indicates the importance of a diversified portfolio, and in general, the market spends more time going up along with the value of the dollar due to its general stability.

Special Situations

While the above information is important for individual stocks, the S&P500 and the U.S. Dollar index have identified some unique situations. The DXY is a basket of the following six currencies.

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (3)

Below are some graphs of the S&P500 and the DYX over a 30 year period. The grey highlighted areas in the first graph are when the two were moving in opposite directions (the first is in1987).

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (4)

We notice that about half the time, they move in the same direction (the white sections) and in opposite directions in the gray areas. This would lead us to believe there is minimal correlation, but there are a few things to know. It is common for the DXY and the S&P500 to move in the same direction under certain circ*mstances.

The following graph shows the same 30 years with the grey areas indicating when both were moving up together. This pattern usually happens in economic recovery times.

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (5)

These are long periods where the economy does well, and the dollar does well.

It is also much less likely that both will be moving downward at the same time. Notice how rare this is the case…..

How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (6)

If you see that they are both moving downward together, don’t expect this trend to last for a long time; the longest period was one year in 1990 during the lead-up to the first gulfwar. One will be switching upward soon; it is just not easy to know which will be moving up first, but stocks usually move up with a 10-30% rally when this turn happens.

Currency Traders

It is worth knowing what currencies move in the same direction as the USD.

  • USD/CHF – U.S. Dollar / Swiss Franc.
  • USD/JPY – U.S. Dollar / Japanese Yen.
  • USD/CAD – U.S. Dollar / Canadian Dollar.
  • USD/RUB – US Dollar / Ruble.

And the following move in the opposite directions

  • EUR/USD – Euro / U.S. Dollar.
  • GBP/USD – Pound / US Dollar.
  • AUD/USD – Australian Dollar / U.S. Dollar.
  • NZD/USD – New Zealand Dollar / U.S. Dollar.

Final Thoughts: How Does a Strong Dollar Affect the Stock Market

How does a strong dollar affect the stock market? Being diversified and with companies selling globally, the won’t be significantly affected by the movements of the USD. We can benefit from this knowledge in that strengthening the dollar will affect certain companies that rely on dollar imports.

Meanwhile, exporters will be helped if the dollar is down and the USD and stock markets move in the same direction under some circ*mstances. Usually, upward movements are longer in duration than downward movements. Knowing what currencies move in the same direction as the USD will also help currency traders.

As always, never put yourself at risk with one position more than you’re willing to lose, and good luck with all your trades.

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How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? (2024)


How Does a Strong Dollar Affect Investing in the Stock Market? ›

That means a rising dollar is likely to have a noticeable impact on these companies' revenues, earnings, and stock prices. Besides hurting earnings, a super-strong dollar can also hurt prices of US stocks and bonds by making them more expensive for big non-US institutional investors.

How does a strong dollar affect the stock market? ›

A stronger dollar is a problem for U.S. stocks because it reduces what companies rake in when foreign sales are translated back into greenbacks.

What happens to the stock market when the dollar rises? ›

The dollar and the S&P 500 have often had a negative correlation in the past three years, meaning that when the dollar rises, stocks fall. From April to October 2022, the dollar surged and the S&P 500 plummeted. It happened again from late July to late October of last year.

What happens to trade when the dollar is strong? ›

In terms of its impact, a strong dollar means that goods exported by the U.S. are relatively pricier for foreign customers to buy, while imports to the U.S. are relatively cheap. A weak dollar means American consumers must spend more dollars to buy the same imported goods but are a relative bargain abroad.

How can investors take advantage of the strong dollar? ›

Invest in More Domestically Focused Sectors

For example, utilities and real estate are good options as most of their profits are generated domestically. Manufacturing businesses that receive their raw materials from foreign markets can also benefit from a rising dollar.

How does currency affect the stock market? ›

The strength of the economy and the currency rates are directly proportional to each other. This means that when the economy is stronger, the currency of that country becomes stronger and global investors are more likely to invest in the stock market of that country.

Why is a strong dollar bad for emerging markets? ›

A strong U.S. dollar generally harms the economies of emerging nations. Emerging markets are reliant on foreign investment and foreign capital, both of which can evaporate when the dollar gains in value.

Who benefits from a strong dollar? ›

A strengthening U.S. dollar means it can buy more foreign currency than before. For example, a strong dollar benefits Americans traveling overseas because $1 buys more; however, this would disadvantage foreign tourists visiting the U.S. because their currency would buy less.

Which is the strongest currency in the world? ›

1. Kuwaiti dinar. Known as the strongest currency in the world, the Kuwaiti dinar or KWD was introduced in 1960 and was initially equivalent to one pound sterling. Kuwait is a small country that is nestled between Iraq and Saudi Arabia whose wealth has been driven largely by its large global exports of oil.

Where does all the money go when the stock market drops? ›

Just as a high number of buyers creates value, a high number of sellers erodes value. So even though it might feel like someone is taking your money when your stock declines, the cash is simply disappearing into thin air with the popularity of the stock.

What are the disadvantages of a strong dollar? ›

Cons of the Strong U.S. Dollar

A strong U.S. dollar means lower costs for imported goods, which translates to less-expensive consumer items, but in the face of a record inflation and quantitative tightening, it only exacerbates the ongoing contraction on multinational corporations' top and bottom lines.

What happens if other countries stop using the U.S. dollar? ›

If the world stops using the dollar as its reserve currency, it could have a significant impact on the U.S. stock market. A shift away from the dollar could lead to a decline in demand for U.S. financial assets, including stocks. This could result in a decrease in stock prices and potentially lead to a bear market.

What is the weakest currency in the world? ›

What Is the Weakest Currency in the World? The weakest currency in the world is the Iranian rial (IRR). The USD to IRR operational rate of exchange is 371,992, meaning that one U.S. dollar equals 371,922 Iranian rials.

Is a stronger dollar good for stocks? ›

While a strong dollar may hurt US stocks, it also makes international stocks a bargain for US investors who want to diversify their portfolios.

Who would not benefit from a stronger U.S. dollar? ›

Other things equal, a stronger dollar makes U.S. goods relatively more expensive for foreigners, which benefits U.S. consumers of foreign goods (imports) and hurts American exporters and American firms that might not export but do compete with imports.

What to buy when the dollar is strong? ›

Shift your stock portfolio to small/mid-sized companies

As the dollar rises in value, companies that do business overseas will be hit hard, this makes a strong dollar a great time to invest in smaller-cap companies that do business exclusively in the United States.

Is a weaker dollar good for stocks? ›

More important to an investor is the impact of the dollar's rise or fall on the individual stocks they own. Companies that rely on imports thrive when the U.S. dollar is strong. Companies that sell their products globally thrive when the dollar is weak.

Who benefits from a weaker dollar? ›

A weaker dollar, however, can be good for exporters, making their products relatively less expensive for buyers abroad. Investors can also try to profit from a falling dollar by owning foreign-currency ETFs or investing in U.S. exporting companies.

Who is hurt by a weaker dollar? ›

A falling dollar diminishes its purchasing power internationally, and that eventually translates to the consumer level. For example, a weak dollar increases the cost to import oil, causing oil prices to rise. This means a dollar buys less gas and that pinches many consumers.

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