How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (2024)

A step-by-step to starting a blog in this free blogging for beginners course

We’re starting a six-part series on starting a blog and how I built my business to over a hundred grand in four years. I’ll not only answer the question, How Do I Start a Blog, but will show you how to set it up and be successful.

I’ll show you a step-by-step to start a blog and how I make money on seven income sources. I’m revealing the secrets to picking a blogging idea and growing your website.

This video is part of our five-video blogging tutorial, a step-by-step to starting a blog from getting online to making money fast. Click here and get a free checklist of everything you need to start a profitable blog.

Blogging Can Change Your Life but You Have to Get Started

I’m excited to get started on this series, blogging haschanged my life and I guarantee it will give you something that can make alittle extra money or become a full-time money maker. I just started my Workfrom Home blog a few years ago and already reach almost 400,000 people a year.Not only does this provide a huge community to share with but I think mostpeople don’t understand just how big a business it can be.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (1)

I won’t tell you that blogging is the easy passive income everyone makes it out to be. It’s a business and I had to build it from the ground up but it’s a business that grows like you wouldn’t believe. In less than four years, I’ve grown the business to over $100,000 a year and broke $10,000 a month in 2018.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (2)

You see from that chart though that it didn’t start thatway. You have to get started first and that’s what we’ll talk about in thisfirst video. I’m going to give you a step-by-step to picking a blog topic,starting your website and what you need to set a blog up for success. I’ll walkyou through all the way so that anyone can get started blogging.

The rest of the series will give you everything you need tomake that money from writing posts to getting the word out, all the ways I useto make money and the biggest blogging challenges.

How to Pick a Blog Topic that Makes Money

Let’s get to that process of how to start a blog. It’s going to be an easy, procedural video today and I’ll screen share exactly what you need to get started. I’m posting the videos over the next week but you can get a free checklist to everything we’ll cover by clicking here.

One of the first questions people ask about startingblogging is, well, what should I blog about?

It’s maybe more important than you realize for a couple ofreasons. First, you’re going to be doing a lot of writing and talking aboutthis subject and it could be a business that lasts decades. You definitely wantit to be in something you enjoy talking about and learning.

Also though is some topics are just more profitable thanothers. There’s a saying in online business that the money is in health, wealthand love. It’s those three major topics; health and fitness, personal financeand relationships where the most ad dollars are spent, where the most is spenton courses and just where people are most willing to spend money. Of course,there are a lot of narrower topics within these larger ideas and you don’t wantto start a blog on something as broad as personal finance.

You want to narrow what you’ll be talking about further to a specific category in personal finance, maybe saving money or investing. You can also narrow your blog by your audience, so speaking to a specific group like stay at home moms or families or millennials.

This narrowing is called your niche and it serves two purposes.

First, it brings you closer to your readers because you’re talking more directly to them and their specific needs. Also though, this is going to make your blog an authority in that specific topic. Google will see that you’re building authority in one area and will rank you higher and your visitors won’t have to sift through dozens of unrelated articles to get more of what they came to your site for.

How to Pick a Blog Name

So we’ve got a topic that we enjoy and a niche within itthat’s going to make money, now is the step of picking your website name andgetting it online. These are technically two steps but I’ve got a solution thatwill take care of both in one that I’ll share next.

Now in the good old days of 2005, it used to be that youcould get a boost on Google if your website name included keywords. So you gotall kinds of blogs like how to make and but nowyour domain name really doesn’t matter as much.

That means you can pretty much name your site whatever youlike, something that’s easy to remember and spell. The one thing I’d cautionabout here is putting your name in your domain. The problem here is that if youever want to sell the website, it’s obviously going to be harder to find abuyer if everyone knows the site as

Picking a blog name that’s available can be tricky so I’lluse the domain name checker on bluehost to see if something’s available. Ifit’s not then the site will make a lot of suggestions here and I wouldn’tnecessarily go with any of these but they can give you some ideas that you cantry out different combinations of adjectives and other words.

How Do You Start a Blog Online?

Now to get your blog online you’ll need to register that domain, your blog name, and you’ll need web hosting. Web hosting is just a company that holds your website on its servers and then delivers it across the internet to readers.

For both of these, I recommend Bluehost and have actually negotiated a special deal if you use the link below. I recommend Bluehost for quite a few reasons and it’s the host I’ve started all four of my blogs on.

First, with bluehost, you get your domain registered forfree which saves you ten or fifteen bucks right there. It’s also one of themost inexpensive web hosts and offers a lot of freebies that we’ll look at ingetting your blog set up. I’m going to walk you through setting up your blogbut really it takes all of about five minutes and Bluehost makes it extremelyeasy.

If you click on the link here you’ll see our special discount page here and you’ll see the offer we’ve set up which includes that free domain name, round-the-clock support and a money-back guarantee for less than three bucks a month.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (3)

This is why I love websites as a business idea. For lessthan that mocha-coca-china at Starbucks, you can get your website up andrunning for a month and making money.

How to Get a Blog on Bluehost

So the first thing we see are these three pricing plans and honestly this first plan is probably more than you’ll need to start out. Fifty gigabytes of storage space is huge, you get the free security certificate and everything we’re going to be talking about.

The two things that I like and why I ended up on the Plus plan were this unlimited websites, since I wanted to start a few websites at once, and then the $200 in marketing offers. Understand that you can always upgrade later so you might just go with the basic plan and see if you need more later.

We’re going to select that basic plan and next they’ll askyou to pick a domain name which we just talked about so you just enter yoursite name in here. You can change this from .com to others like .net or .bizbut I would recommend sticking with the .com type.

A few things here on the account signup page, most of this is just your contact information and payment so all pretty easy though I will point out some of this package information.

First here is you can change the length of your plan from twelve to 36 months. Even the shorter-term plan is pretty inexpensive but I always like to lock in the biggest discount. This business is something you’re going to be building and making money off for years to come so getting that discount is always nice.

Some things they try to upsell you on here that I usually just check off. The domain privacy information isn’t really that big of a deal. I’ve got my home address on mine and have never had a problem or you can use a PO box.

This site backup plan, you’ll be able to backup your site with free plugins we’ll use so we’ll click off that as well and save you the three bucks a month.

Then we’ll uncheck this sitelock security because this isn’t really something you need to get started either. So this brings my total to just over a hundred dollars which remember is for three years of hosting. Basically you’ve got your site online for three years so I’m going to enter in my information and click submit.

You’ll get a confirmationemail and next be prompted to create a password for the blog so not your birthdayand no pet’s names please. We’ll just use the auto-generated passwords for now.

Next it’s going to prompt youto pick a theme for your blog. This is like the layout or design of your blogwhat people see, so it’s hugely important. Bluehost will show you the freethemes to get started so we’ll just pick one of these.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (4)

How to Set Up a New Blog

That’s basically it to getyour blog online. It used to be that you had to install WordPress but nowBluehost is doing all this automatically for you. Your blog will be in atemporary status at first and just show a “Coming Soon” page so when we clickthrough then we can click to “Launch Site” and take it live.

Here we’re still on theBluehost panel which is like a behind the scenes dashboard for your Bluehostaccount. You’ll rarely use this so we’re just going to click to Login toWordpress, the behind the scenes for your blog itself.

And here’s WordPress, once wex out of all these notices on the right, you’ll see the left-side menu which ishow you’ll make changes to the blog and manage it.

There’s some basic setupyou’ll want to take care of like changing your site title and tagline inSettings and then General Settings. You can also try out a few different looksfor your blog by going to Appearance and then themes to let you pick some ofthe other free themes.

What are Blog Plugins?

Once you’ve got your website up and running, there’s something that’s going to make your life a whole lot easier called plugins. These are computer programs that you can install onto your website to do a specific task like keep you from getting lots of spam comments and making it easier for people to share your site on social media.

To add a plugin to your blog, just click plugins in the left menu in WordPress. You’ll see all the plugins on your website and can click Add New to search for ones you want. When you find one, you’ll click Install Now and then Activate to get it working.

There are more than 30,000 plugins available on WordPressbut understand that having too many can slow down your website. There’s noconsensus to how many is too many. Whenever you decide on whether to addanother, just ask yourself if you really need what it offers.

Let’s look at some of the plugins I use that will becritical to starting your blog. Most of these are free plugins though theymight have some premium levels. When it comes to paying for plugins, I onlyhave three plugins I pay for and only consider one absolutely necessary forbeginner bloggers.

First is Akismet, probably the most widely used plugin onWordPress. This one filters obvious spam comments so you don’t spend hours aweek deleting crap from your comment section. It’s free and the first plugineveryone needs to install.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (5)

Next is Broken Link Checker. Now a broken link is anytime you click on something online and all you see is an error page or a 404 page. This is obviously super annoying for your readers and Google will actually ding your site if it finds too many. So you install this broken link plugin that checks all the links on your website to make sure they go somewhere. A word of warning though, this one can slow down your blog if you leave it on because it’s constantly running through checking your links.

Instead, what you want to do is install it but only activate it for maybe a weekend each month. Let it run for those three days or so to check your links, fix any broken links it finds, and then deactivate it so it doesn’t run continuously.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (6)

Next is the PrettyLinks plugin, easily my favorite pluginand the only premium plugin I think every beginning blogger should have. Thereare two things this plugin does. First, it let’s you create a link you want toput on your blog. So if you’ve ever hovered over a linkable text and seen justa jumble of letters, with PrettyLinks you create a link that starts with yourwebsite name and looks much more professional.

More importantly though, the plugin makes it easy to manage all your links. You can change out the direction or the target where the link goes when someone clicks.

This is hugely important for products or affiliates. You might link your course or an affiliate on a dozen or more pages on your blog but if you ever want to change the link then you have to go to each page and change the link.

With prettylink, you just go into the plugin and change the target and it’s automatically changed on all the pages. The plugin also shows you how many people clicked on that link and from which page so it’s a great tracking tool.

How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (7)

The next plugin I recommend is the Shareaholic socialsharer. If you’ve ever noticed those social share buttons on the left side ortop of a blog post, it’s probably shareaholic. This just makes it easier forreaders to share your article and gets you more traffic which is huge for newbloggers. One feature I like about Shareaholic is that you can set it to floatwhere it will stay showing on the screen even as someone scrolls down the page.

Now you’ve got your blog set up and you’re ready to start posting, getting visitors to your blog and making money. Next week, I’m going to show you how to write a blog post that will get noticed, not just by visitors but by Google to rank in search. I’ll be revealing secrets I’ve learned to make writing easy for anyone so make sure you check that out.

Getting started blogging is easy and you can get a blog online in less than five minutes with Bluehost. Be sure to take advantage of that special rate I’ve negotiated with Bluehost for your discount pricing and extra features. Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss any of those free blogging course videos.

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How Do You Start a Blog? [Free Blogging for Beginners Course] - Finance Quick Fix (2024)


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Free blogging platforms such as, Blogger, and Wix offer basic features and functionality to get you started with your blog. They're easy to use, even for those without technical skills, and they often provide pre-made templates and designs to help you get your blog up and running quickly.

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Make a list of what you're currently interested in, what's making you curious, what is bringing you joy. Don't worry about connecting it to business right away. Start with the list. That's how two of my favorite blogs came to be.

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That said, it takes an average of 20 months to start making money with a blog. However, there are many bloggers who start making money much sooner, and some who never make any money at all. Here are some of the factors that can affect how long it takes to start making money blogging: The niche you're in.

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Once you're logged into your Google account, visit Blogger ( and click on the “Create your blog” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your blog, choosing a title, domain name, and template. One popular and accessible way to do this is by starting your own blog.

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1. Ad Networks. Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or — and then ads get displayed on your site.

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There is no set number of views required to monetize a blog. Monetization depends on several factors, including the niche, the target audience, and the type of monetization being used (e.g. advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing).

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Anonymous bloggers can make money through methods like affiliate marketing, ad revenue, selling products or services, and sponsored content. However, it may be more challenging to build trust and credibility when you blog anonymously.

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The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

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How to Start a Blog in 6 Steps
  1. Pick a blog name. Choose a descriptive name for your blog.
  2. Get your blog online. Register your blog and get hosting.
  3. Customize your blog. Choose a free blog design template and tweak it.
  4. Write & publish your first post. ...
  5. Promote your blog. ...
  6. Make money blogging.

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Earnings from ad networks admittedly might not be super high in your first year. But once you work your way up to 50,000 monthly blog views and have substantial website traffic, you could easily start earning thousands per year.

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Overall, the cost of starting a blog can range from as little as $50 to several hundred or even thousands of dollars, depending on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to carefully consider your budget and prioritize your investments based on your goals and resources.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.