How and When to Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden (2024)

We use fertilizer to make our plants grow better, but when is the best time toapply fertilizer? And how much of what kind of fertilizer do we apply?In one page, we’ll cover the basics of using fertilizers in yourgarden.


What IsFertilizer?

As well as having soil that’s rich in organic matter (compost!), plants often need anapplication of fertilizer to get the nutrients that need.Think of fertilizersas nutritional supplements. For example, tomatoes need to grow in soil that has plenty ofcalcium.

If you’ve grown and harvested plants in your garden in the past, these cropstookup the nutrients from the soil, and those nutrients should be replaced in the spring before more plants are grown there. This is where fertilizer (organic or processed) plays a role. Fertilizers replacelost nutrients, which ensures that soil nutrient levels are at an acceptable level for healthygrowth.

If you are a brand-new gardener, the ideal first step is to get a basic soil test in the autumn to see what kind and amount of fertilizer to apply to get to a “basic fertility” level. (See more about testing below.) We recognize that not every gardenertakes the time to do a soil test, but we recommend it; you may even find that thefertility level of your garden is alreadyadequate.

Apply fertilizer with caution, though: The only thing worse thanstarving a plant of nutrients is to accidentally overfertilize it.Plants use only the nutrients that they need. Absorbing more than necessary can result in abnormal growth or adverseeffects.

When to Fertilize YourGarden

For edible crops, fertilizer is usually applied in the spring and mixed into the garden soil before planting.If you’ve already sown your seeds or planted seedlings, you can still gently work in granular fertilizer (not liquid fertilizer, which can burn young roots) around the plants. It need not be worked deeply into the soil—the upper 3 to 5 inches will do. Then water in thefertilizer.

For perennial flowering plants, fertilize before growth begins in the spring. Wait until the ground is no longer frozen and the date of your last frost is only a week or so away. This ensures that there is less of a chance of the tender new growth brought about by the fertilizer getting immediately killed byfrost.

While a spring application is a good general rule, understand that what plants really need is help when they are growing themost.

  • This occurs earlier for spring plantings of lettuce,arugula, kale, and other leafy greens.
  • Rapid growth occurs in midsummer for corn and squash. So, for a long-season crop such as corn, many gardeners apply a small amount of fertilizer as a starter at the time of seeding, and then also add a larger amount in early summer, just before the period of rapid foliargrowth.
  • Tomatoes and potatoeswill need extra fertilizermid-season as the plants takeup and use existing nutrients. When tomatoes start producing flowers, switch to a low-nitrogen fertilizer in order to encourage more flowers and fruit rather thanfoliage.
  • For perennial plants, the timing depends on the plant’s growth cycle. Blueberries, for example, benefit when fertilizer is applied early in the season at bud break, while June-bearing strawberries benefit most when fertilized after theharvest.
  • Ornamental trees, shrubs, and perennials are often fertilized at the beginning of their growing season, as dormancybreaks.

How and When to Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden (1)

Always Take a SoilTest!

The only way to truly determine the level of nutrients in your soil is a “soil test.”Testing in autumn will give you plenty of time to receive the results. Soil tests are usually available for free or low-cost from your local cooperative extension.You will not need to do this ever year. The goal is to understand your soil, build it up, and then simply apply fertilizer to the soil ever year to maintain the basic fertilitylevel.

You may even find thatif your garden has been fertilized for years, you have high levels of nutrients. You do not want to add nutrients to your soil if it’s already available in high amounts; this may actually inhibit your plants’ growth. Read more about how to take a soil test.

How Much of What Kind of Fertilizer Should IUse?

A fertilizer bag will be labeled with a combination of numbers such as 3-4-4 or 8-24-8, or 12-12-12.These three numbers refer to the three most importantnutrients plants need:Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P),and Potassium (K). The numbers referto the percentage of weight of each nutrient in the bag.If you add up the numbers, they are the percentage of the bag’s total weight (the rest is simply filler to make it easy to apply). There may also be other nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, iron, andmanganese.

To start your garden, use a general vegetable fertilizer. For vegetables, we use an herb and vegetable plant food with a3-4-4 number. For tomatoes, we use a separate fertlize with a 3-4-6 ration which also contains calcium to help prevent blossom-end rot.

Phosporous isimportant because this is what’s needed for root development and growth.Potassium strengthen plants’ abilities to resist disease. Note the nitrogen (first number) is lower. Ever seen tomato plants that have lush leaves but no flowers or fruit? That’s due to too much nitrogen, which encourages leafygrowth.

  • Vegetable crops require most of their nitrogen after they have made considerable growth or have already begun to fruit. To have too much nitrogen beforethis time delays maturity and reduces flowering and yields.Your plants will also get nitrogen from the breakdown of organic matter in yoursoil.

Later in the season, some plants benefit from a nitrogen side dressings (sprinkled in middle of rows). The demand of the plant for nitrogen often exceeds that supplied by the first two, and a nitrogen side-dressing is needed. But it depends on thevegetable.

  • Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli can benefit from more fertlizer threeweeksaftertransplanting.
  • Peas, beans, cucumbers, and muskmelonscan benefit after blossomingbegins.
  • Peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes benefit after first fruit sets and tomatoes could use more about two weeks after picking your first tomato, and then again a monthlater.
  • Sweet corn can benefit whenplants are 8 to 10 inches tall and then oneweek after tasselsappear.
  • Spinach, kale, mustard, and turnip greens can benefit when plants are about one-thirdgrown.
  • These vegetables should NOT have added nitrogen: sweet potatoes, watermelons, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips,lettuce.

The fertilizer bag should tell youthe amount to use per 1,000 square feet of garden area. You can always ask the nursery staff for help translating to your gardenspace.

Read more in our article on fertilizer basics and theNPK ratio.

Processed vs. OrganicFertilizers

The fertilizer guidelines apply to both processed or organicfertilizers.

  • Processed fertilizers(also called “synthetic”or “chemical” fertilizers) are manufactured from natural ingredients such as phosphate rock (P) and sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) salts, but these are refined to be made more concentrated. Most (but not all) processed fertilizers are quick-release in a water-soluble form to deliver nutrients quickly to the plant, which can be useful in some situations. (There are some processed fertilizers that are coated to slow down the release.)
  • Organic fertilizers are materials derived from plants that slowly release nutrients as the micro-organisms in the soil break down. Often applied in granular form (spread over the soil), most organic nutrients are slow-release, adding organic material to the soil so that you don’t need to apply it nearly as often. (Plus, they don’t leach into and pollute waterways, as do many of the synthetic, water-soluble fertilizers, which plants can’t fully absorb.)While most organic fertilizers are slow-release products, some release a portion of their nutrients quickly (examples are animal manure, biosolids, and fishemulsion).

Chemically, the nutrients for processed and organic fertilizers are the same. Ideally, slow is the way to go. Slow-release granular fertilizers meter out nutrients in a controlled, “digestible,” and safe manner, as opposed to fast-acting, synthetic, water-soluble fertilizers, which are, in essence, anoverdose.

In terms of cost: While organic fertilizers can be more expensive upfront than processed fertilizers, they are often still economical for small gardens. Plus, you don’t need to apply as often. When you add the long-term benefits to your soil, organic outweighsprocessed.

How and When to Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden (2)

How to Apply GranularFertilizers

For thatfirst “starter” fertilizer application of the season, apply granular fertilizers by broadcasting them either by hand or with a spreader over a large area. Or, if you’ve already planted, side-dress the fertilizer alongside your rows. All dry fertilizers should be worked or watered into the top 3to 5inches of soil with hoe or spade work after being applied to help the fertilizer leach down toward the plants’ root zones. If your plants are already growing, cultivate gently so that you do not damage anyroots.

During the growing season, lighter supplemental applications can be made to the top inch of soil in crop rows and perennial beds and around the drip lines of trees or shrubs. (Read the label to find out how often applications should bemade.)

In general, applying granular fertilizers just before a good rain can be beneficial, as it aids in working the fertilizer down into the soil where roots can accessit.

How to Apply LiquidFertilizers

All water-soluble fertilizers are applied by dissolving the product in irrigation water and then applying it to the leaves of the plant and the soil around theplant.

Warning: Do not apply liquid fertilizer at the same time that you plant!No matter how carefully you remove plants from their containers and place them in the ground, some root hairs will break. The fertilizer will reach the roots immediately and enter them at the broken points, potentially “burning” them and causing furtherdie-back.

Many gardeners wait 2 to 3 weeks after planting before fertilizing with liquid solutions; by then, the newly set-out plants should have recovered from any rootdamage.

It is important to water plants thoroughly with plain water before applying the liquid fertilizer to avoid burning the roots if the soil is dry. Also, take care that the fertilizer is indeed diluted based on instructions, or you could burn the leaves. If you have a watering system, you can use an injector device to run the fertilizer through thesystem.

In the case of liquid sprays, it is best to apply them on dry days in either the early morning or the early evening, when the leaves will have time to absorb the material. Avoid extremely hot days when foliage is subject toburning.

Learn More About Fertilizing YourGarden

If you have more questions about fertilizers, please ask below, or we encourage gardeners to call their country’s free cooperative extension office for localadvice.

We hope you’ve learned a lot about fertilizers!When is your soil ready to plant in the spring? See our minimum temperature for seeds to germinate.

Learn how to make your own organic fertilizer at home—fromweeds!

Free Online GardeningGuides

We’ve gathered all of our best beginner gardening guides into a step-by-step series designed tohelp you learn how to garden! Visit our complete Gardening for Everyonehub,where you’ll find a series of guides—all free! From selecting the right gardening spot to choosing the bestvegetables to grow, our Almanac gardening experts are excited to teach gardening to everyone—whether it’s your 1st or 40thgarden.

How and When to Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden (2024)


How should I fertilize my vegetable garden? ›

Vegetable fertilizer tips

Fertilize spring seedlings and transplants with a soluble fertilizer mixed with water then switch to a granular vegetable fertilizer as the plants grow. Mix dry fertilizers into the top 2-4 inches of soil. Water-in fertilizers after application if rainfall is not expected.

How often do I fertilize my vegetable garden? ›

Usually a balanced fertilizer is applied every three to four weeks throughout the growing season. Don't stop applications when fruit appears—continue to apply fertilizer as needed to ensure continued production.

What time of day is best to fertilize vegetable garden? ›

Avoid fertilizing vegetable plants during the mid-day heat and sun. What is this? Instead, fertilize plants in the early morning or late evening to avoid any issues and maximize the nutrients.

When should you feed your vegetable garden? ›

When soil dries out 1 to 2 inches down, vegetable plants need water. To help reduce disease, water early in the day so leaves dry well before evening. Apply foliar fertilizers early in the day too, before pores on leaves close in midday heat. Regular weeding is essential to well-fed vegetables.

How do I know if my vegetable garden needs fertilizer? ›

Always Take a Soil Test!

You will not need to do this ever year. The goal is to understand your soil, build it up, and then simply apply fertilizer to the soil ever year to maintain the basic fertility level. You may even find that if your garden has been fertilized for years, you have high levels of nutrients.

Can you fertilize a garden too much? ›

Excess fertilizer alters the soil by creating too high of a salt concentration, and this can hurt beneficial soil microorganisms. Over- fertilization can lead to sudden plant growth with an insufficient root system to supply adequate water and nutrients to the plant.

How often should I use Miracle Grow on my vegetable garden? ›

Full of essential nutrients, Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food instantly feeds vegetables, trees, shrubs, and houseplants to grow bigger and more beautiful than unfed plants. Simply feed them every 1-2 weeks. The formula is safe for all plants, and is guaranteed not to burn when used as directed.

Should you fertilize before or after rain? ›

When is the best time to fertilize a lawn – before or after a rain? Too much rain could wash away the fertilizer before it has a chance to soak into the soil, so plan to fertilize several days before a heavy rain arrives or several days later.

Should you water plants before fertilizing? ›

Never apply fertilizer to dry soil. It's important that the soil is evenly moist before adding the fertilizing liquid. Water until water drips from the pot into the saucer.

How often should you feed vegetable plants? ›

Vegetable gardeners can fertilize their garden beds about once a month with a quick-release fertilizer or about once a season with a slow-release fertilizer. Some gardeners prefer to feed their flowers and plants with a liquid-soluble plant food once every one to two weeks.

Should I fertilize my garden before it rains? ›

Using Fertilizer Before Rain

It's fine to spread your fertilizer before it rains as long as it's more mild or light conditions. Of course, water is important for plant growth and is similarly important to helping the fertilizer's nutrients break down and get absorbed through the roots.

How often should you fertilize tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes should be first fertilized when you plant them in the garden. You can then wait until they set fruit to start fertilizing again. After the tomato plants start growing fruit, add light fertilizer once every one to two weeks until the first frost kills the plant.

How long does fertilizer last in soil? ›

Fertilizers can last in the soil anywhere from seven days to several months. The exact amount of time that fertilizer lasts in soil will vary depending on the type of fertilizer you have and the formulation of the fertilizer. What is this? Some fertilizers are also made to target specific plants.

How do you properly fertilize? ›

How to Use Lawn Fertilizer
  1. Water your lawn. A few days before you feed your lawn, give it a good watering. ...
  2. Pick the best spreader for your lawn. Spreaders fall into two main categories: broadcast and drop. ...
  3. Apply grass fertilizer around the perimeter. ...
  4. Fill in the middle. ...
  5. Properly handle remaining product.

Do you have to fertilize you garden every day? ›

You might take daily vitamins, but plants don't need to be fertilized as frequently. Exactly how often you need to fertilize plants depends on the types of plants you are growing and the time of year. Some garden plants are heavy feeders (meaning they need more nutrients than others).

When should I apply 10 10 10 fertilizer to my vegetable garden? ›

For 10 10 10 fertilizer, it is best to apply it in the early spring when plants are just beginning to start their most active growth phase. You can continue to apply a small amount of fertilizer during the dormant months of late fall and winter, or you can stop fertilizing for these months.

Can I use the same fertilizer for all my vegetables? ›

Can you use the same fertilizer for every vegetable? Although technically you can use the same fertilizer for every crop, it's better to try to find one marked for use on the plant that you're growing (like tomato-specific fertilizer or fertilizer good for leafy greens).

Which fertilizer makes vegetables grow faster? ›

High-nitrogen fertilizers are known for causing huge growth in plants, which is why many types are rich in nitrogen or include it as the main component. Fertilizers high in nitrogen will also restore bright green hues to your foliage.

How do you know if your soil is good for growing vegetables? ›

Signs of healthy soil include plenty of underground animal and plant activity, such as earthworms and fungi. Soil that is rich in organic matter tends to be darker and crumbles off of the roots of plants you pull up. A healthy, spread-out root system is also a sign of good soil.

How do I know if my soil needs fertilizer? ›

Look At Your Plants

Your plants are the best indicator of your level of garden soil nutrients. Look out for: Yellowed plants, which can indicate nitrogen deficiencies. Purple or dark-green plants with “burnt” leaves, which can indicate a phosphorous deficiency.

How do I know if I over fertilize my garden? ›

Signs of over fertilization include stunted growth, burned or dried leaf margins, wilting, and collapse or death of plants. Over fertilized plants may also exhibit yellowing of the leaves.

When should you not fertilize? ›

Do not apply fertilizer on an abnormally hot day, not even in the morning. Wait until the weather cools back down to a normal temperature. You can mow anytime after fertilizing with a granular treatment. With a liquid treatment, wait a day or two.

What makes plants grow faster and bigger? ›

So What Makes Plants Grow Faster & Bigger? Water, air, light, soil nutrients, and the correct temperature coupled with affection and care are the most basic factors to make a plant grow faster and bigger.

When should you not fertilize plants? ›

The worst time to fertilize plants is at the end of their growing season. Trees, for example, begin to wake up and grow in early spring, and typically are fertilized once in February or March. Most shrubs make active growth in the spring and early summer, so we tend to fertilize them once around March or April.

Which Miracle Grow is best for vegetables? ›

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food Vegetables & Herbs feeds your garden instantly and easily. It's great for tomatoes, squash, peppers, cucumber, carrots, basil and other herbs and vegetables. Also, use Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food Vegetables & Herbs with Miracle-Gro Soil for even more harvest (vs. unfed).

What is the best fertilizer for tomato plants? ›

7 Best Tomato Fertilizer Reviews
  • Jobe's | Tomato Fertilizer Spikes 6-18-6. ...
  • Espoma | Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer 3-4-6. ...
  • Neptune's Harvest | Tomato & Veg Fertilizer 2-4-2. ...
  • Dr. ...
  • JR Peters | Jack's Classic 12-15-30 Tomato Feed. ...
  • Miracle-Gro | Performance Organics Plant Nutrition 9-4-12.

Should I water after I fertilize? ›

At Master Lawn, we typically say to wait 24 hours before watering your lawn after fertilizing. But it is important to make sure that it does receive a good watering session soon after that 24 hour waiting period. Watering helps the fertilizer to activate and to break down and begin feeding nutrients to the lawn.

What if it rains right after I fertilize? ›

Water helps "activate" your fertilizer. It helps move the granules deep into the thatch where it starts to break down so that it can be soaked into the root system. So rain after a fertilizer is a GOOD thing.

Is it better to fertilize at night or morning? ›

Fertilizing your lawn in the morning enables you to take advantage of cooler temperatures and morning dew to reduce the risk of burning the grass. As you spread the fertilizer and water it in, the nutrients will have the best chance of reaching the roots and being absorbed quickly.

What plants should not be fertilized? ›

Perennials that do best with no supplement fertilizer include butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), false indigo (Baptisia australis), asters, pinks (Dianthus spp.), rock roses (Helianthemum spp.), sea holly (Eryngium spp.), bee balm (Monarda didyma), speedwell (Veronica spp.), coneflowers (Echinacea spp.

Should I seed before or after fertilizing? ›

Do I apply the fertilizer before seeding or after? Apply the fertilizer before seeding. When is the best time to plant a new lawn? Spring and fall are the best times to plant a new lawn.

Should I water vegetable plants everyday? ›

Plants do best when watered about three times a week, factoring in the rain. If the plants are seedlings, water twice a day until established.

Should I water vegetable garden every day? ›

Quick facts. Water your garden so that your plants always have enough moisture. On sandy, well-drained soil, you may need to water twice a week. For soils that hold moisture, such as heavier clay soils, or loamy soils rich in organic matter, watering once a week is fine.

How often do you fertilize cucumbers? ›

Apply 1 week after the plant starts blooming and every 3 weeks thereafter, directly to the soil around the plants. Or, you can work a granular fertilizer into the soil. Do not over-fertilize or the fruits will get stunted.

Is morning Dew enough for fertilizer? ›

Early morning is the best time of day to fertilize your lawn. Fresh morning dew provides just enough moisture for your grass to absorb the fertilizer.

Can I fertilize and seed at the same time? ›

Applying fertilizer at the same time you seed your lawn is not a recommended idea. Many experts will tell you that doing so you could risk to destroy a large part of your lawn where the soil was heavily fertilized.

How much should you water after fertilizing? ›

After the first application of fertilizer, you only want to get the nutrients to the soil and roots, which is about ¼ to ½ an inch of water.

How do you increase the size of tomatoes? ›

Hand thinning of tomatoes on the end of a truss ensures more evenly sized, larger fruit. The use of growth regulators such as auxins at anthesis can stimulate fruit set, and increase fruit size especially under low light and low temperature conditions.

What does Epsom salt do to tomatoes? ›

Late in the season use an Epsom salt spray to increase tomato and pepper yield and keep plants green and bushy; early in the season add Epsom salt to the soil to aid germination, early root and cell development, photosynthesis, plant growth, and to prevent blossom-end rot.

Do you sprinkle fertilizer on top soil? ›

Fertilizers work best when mixed into the upper portion of the soil just before planting. However, if your plants or crops have started developing, you can sprinkle the right type of fertilizer in moderate amounts around the base and over the soil.

How long does it take for fertilizer to work on tomato plants? ›

It's great in so many ways, but just not for quick results. Of course, some products work faster than others, so always check the label, but it could be 2-3 weeks before seeing results. Granular fertilizers take longer to release nutrients because the nutrient molecules are not as mobile.

Can you put down fertilizer anytime? ›

The best time to fertilize your lawn is when the grass is actively growing, and for cool-season grasses, that's when temperatures are 60 to 70 degrees F. For warm-season grasses, active growth will usually happen when temperatures are between 75 and 85 degrees F.

What is the best fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers? ›

An ideal fertilizer ratio for fruiting tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants is 5-10-10 with trace amounts of magnesium and calcium added. What is this? Liquid organic fertilizers can be watered-in around the base of plants or applied directly to crop leaves as foliar feeds.

When should you not fertilize tomato plants? ›

Tomatoes should be first fertilized when you plant them in the garden. You can then wait until they set fruit to start fertilizing again. After the tomato plants start growing fruit, add light fertilizer once every one to two weeks until the first frost kills the plant.

Do tomatoes and peppers need the same fertilizer? ›

Peppers, like tomatoes and other veggies, require nitrogen for robust plant growth, phosphorus for increasing the plant's ability to store energy, and potassium to help the plant resist disease. Depending on the soil content, peppers also might need a fertilizer that contains calcium, magnesium, or iron.

Why do you put Epsom salt on tomatoes? ›

Use Epsom salts to restore the micronutrient levels in the soil, and your tomato plants will grow taller and produce more fruit – every tomato gardener's ultimate goal.

What time of day should fertilizer be put down? ›

Late afternoon or early evening (when there's still light, of course) is the best time of day to apply lawn fertilizer. Applying it in the heat of a scorching afternoon can cause the sun's rays to burn your grass—and when your goal is “lush and green,” burned grass blades simply won't cut it.

What fertilizer makes tomatoes bigger? ›

Feed Your Tomatoes With Phosphorus

Water-soluble fertilizer formulations like 24-8-16 and 18-18-21 provide phosphorus needed to promote fruiting, but some gardeners on a quest for large tomatoes prefer to apply 0–45–0 triple superphosphate at a rate of 1/2 cup per 100 feet of row.

Is Miracle Grow good for tomatoes? ›

Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food instantly feeds to grow bigger, more bountiful tomatoes and vegetables compared to unfed plants. Use our plant food with the Miracle-Gro® Garden Feeder or any watering can, and feed every 1-2 weeks. Safe for all plants when used as directed.

What fertilizer makes tomatoes taste better? ›

Use a Sea Salt Fertilizer

Try this trick to make tomatoes taste better: put salt on the plants themselves (it's also tasty on the fruits).

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