How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (2024)

Wondering what 10 10 10 fertilizer is and how to use it on your garden and lawn? Fertilizers play an important role in supporting the health of your garden, helping plants to grow vigorously, flower often, produce good yields and fight off diseases and pests.

In this article, we’re taking a look at 10 10 10 fertilizer, giving you a complete guide to what it is, when and how to apply it, and what plants it’s the best fertilizer for.

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (1)

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn

What is 10 10 10 Fertilizer?

What is a 10 10 10 Fertilizer Used For?

How to Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer

When to Apply 10-10-10 Fertilizer

What Plants Need 10 10 10 Fertilizer

How to Apply 10 10 10 Fertilizer in Your Garden

How to Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer for Lawns for Best Results

Check What Grass You Have

Applying 10 10 10 Fertilizer for Lawns

FAQs About 10-10-10 Fertilizer

Now You Know What and How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer

What is 10 10 10 Fertilizer?

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (2)

The numbers on a type of fertilizer tell you the ratio of ingredients within the mix. The first number is the amount of nitrogen (N), the second is the amount of phosphorus (P), and the last number is the amount of potassium (K).

It is also know as NPK fertilizer. This means that a bag of 10 10 10 fertilizer contains 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium.

These three ingredients are essential nutrients required by all plants, but some plants require more of certain nutrients than others, which is why there are differently numbered types of fertilizer.

This type of fertilizer comes in a few varieties, including:

  • Easy-to-use liquid 10 10 10 fertilizer.
  • Slow-release granular fertilizer.
  • An organic fertilizer.

Slow-release granular 10 10 10 fertilizer is the most popular option, as it usually comes in larger quantities ideal for use throughout your yard.

Once it is applied, it supplies these essential nutrients at a steady rate for an extended period of time. You can even make your own 10 10 10 fertilizer.

What is a 10 10 10 Fertilizer Used For?

Because of its balanced nutrients, 10 10 10 fertilizer is the best fertilizer for all-purpose gardening. Which is why it is one of the most popular fertilizers available.

You can generally use it on almost all plants in your garden, including vegetables, fruit trees, lawn and flowering plants. It is not recommended for plants with specific, unusual nutrient needs because it won’t supply everything the plant requires.

For example, banana trees need an 8 10 8 fertilizer rather than a 10 10 10 fertilizer because they are heavy feeders of nitrogen and potassium. While flowering bulbs don’t need a lot of nitrogen, so they prefer a 5 10 5 fertilizer.

How to Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer

Now that we’ve discussed what 10 10 10 fertilizer is. We have determined that it is the best fertilizer for your garden by using a soil test. Now you need to know how to use 10 10 10 fertilizer correctly.

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (3)

Testing Your Soil

Garden fertilizer is used to get the right balance of nutrients in your soil for your plants, trees and grass to thrive. But how can you be sure you’re adding the right fertilizer if you don’t know what’s already in your soil?

There’s a lot more variety in soil than we think, with different gardens even in the same neighborhood having very different nutrient levels.

There are two ways that you can test your soil, and both ways involve testing the PH levels of the soil. You can:

Buy a soil testing kit:

This comes complete with a number of easy tests for PH, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and you can find these kits at most garden centers.

They use a simple color testing strip and you perform the test by mixing a soil sample with water, adding the correct color capsule.

Giving the test a few minutes to develop and then matching that color to the reference chart. This will show how much or how little of a nutrient is present in your soil.

Make a DIY soil testing kit:

You can also make a soil testing kit yourself using vinegar and baking soda. You can see exactly how to do this by following the instructions in the video below.

Once you know what is lacking in your soil, you can add the right fertilizer.

When to Apply 10-10-10 Fertilizer

First, you need to know the right time of year to apply fertilizer in your garden if you want to get the best results. For 10 10 10 fertilizer, it is best to apply it in the early spring when plants are just beginning to start their most active growth phase.

You can continue to apply a small amount of fertilizer during the dormant months of late fall and winter, or you can stop fertilizing for these months.

Don’t apply before heavy rain however, as this can cause most of your fertilizer to leech out of your soil and run off your garden, down the drain.

What Plants Need 10 10 10 Fertilizer

Trees and shrubs, especially those that flower, benefit from a second dose of fertilizer later in early summer and a light dose in the fall.Roses are fairly heavy feeders, so they benefit from a weaker dose of liquid 10 10 10 fertilizer each week.

It can also be applied to leafy vegetables in your vegetable garden about one month after planting, in the spring, and a second dose about a month later.

This will encourage healthy, vigorous leaf growth, so it’s best applied to vegetables grown for their leaves (like spinach, kale lettuce, celery and broccoli) rather than those grown for their roots, fruits or seeds.

You can get a good variety of 10 10 10 organic fertilizers for vegetables online or at your local garden center.

How to Apply 10 10 10 Fertilizer in Your Garden

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (4)

Because this is an all-purpose garden fertilizer, the best way to apply it is to your garden as a whole. To estimate the amount of 10 10 10 fertilizer you’ll need, you need an idea of the square footage of your garden, including the lawn.

Every bag has a coverage guide on the packaging. Simply divide the square footage by the coverage of your chosen brand to get the right bag size.

Generally, 10 10 10 fertilizer is applied at a rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet.It’s always good to overestimate, as spare fertilizer keeps well and can be used for additional doses later. Or for more heavy feeders in your garden.

Ways to Apply Garden Fertilizers

By hand:

Wear gloves and walk backwards, throwing handfuls of fertilizer in an even, sweeping motion over your plants and lawn.

By broadcast applicator:

You can purchase a fertilizer spreader or broadcast applicatorwhich drops fertilizer evenly as you walk it through the garden or over your lawn.

This works well on even surfaces and is ideal if you have a large yard, but you will still have to apply the fertilizer by hand to the beds and hard-to-reach areas.

How to Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer for Lawns for Best Results

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (5)

Check What Grass You Have

The first thing that you need to do is to collect some grass from your lawn and identify it. An easy way is take it to a local garden center to help determine if you have a warm or cool season variety of grass.

Warm Season Grass Varieties

Warm grass varieties should be fertilized twice in the spring and twice again during the fall season.

When fertilizing in spring, you need to apply the first dose of fertilizer once the new grass starts growing. Then second dose should be applied 30 days after this.

In the fall, the first dose of fertilizer should be applied in early fall while the grass is still growing and the weather is warm. With the second dose occurring 30 days after this.

Warm season grasses include:
  • St Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum)
  • Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)
  • Buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides)
  • Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum)
  • Carpet grass (Axonopus affinis)
  • Centipede grass (Eremochloa ophiuroides)
  • Zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica)

Cool Season Grass Varieties

For cool season grass varieties, you can start fertilizing them once during the spring season as the new growth starts. Then twice during the fall season when the temperature starts to cool down.

Cool season grasses include:
  • Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis)
  • Creeping bent grass (Agrostis palustris)
  • Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra var. rubra)
  • Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)
  • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
  • Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)

Applying 10 10 10 Fertilizer for Lawns

After testing your soil and buying the right amount of fertilizer, you should follow these steps when applying to lawns. This is the ideal fertilizer for lawns, as the nitrogen promotes the fast growth of healthy, lush blades of grass to create a thick, green lawn.

STEP 1: Mowing Your Lawn Before Applying 10 10 10 Fertilizer

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (6)

Trim your lawn so that the blades are of an even height. This allows the fertilizer to easily seep through to the soil below. It also makes it much easier to apply the fertilizer by hand or using a hand broadcast applicator or fertilizer spreader.

Read our best lawn fertilizer spreader reviews for 2023

STEP 2: Water Your Lawn

Water your lawn thoroughly to ensure the soil soaks up plenty of moisture. You can use a garden sprinkler, sprinkler system or simply wait for a rainy day.

The grass needs the water to dissolve the fertilizer and access these critical nutrients.

STEP 3: Applying 10 10 10 Fertilizer To The Lawn

Choose a cool day and apply the fertilizer either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This will prevent the soil from drying out and getting hot, as this can cause the grass to get burned by the concentrated nutrients in the fertilizer.

STEP 4: Watering Your Lawn After Fertilization

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (7)

Water your lawn again after applying the fertilizer. This should just be a light watering to keep the soil wet. Do not water the lawn heavily, as this will wash away your fertilizer.

For more control on your watering schedule, read our reviews on the best oscillating sprinklers here.

STEP 5: Lawn Watering Schedule

Keep watering your lawn lightly every second day for about a week to fully dissolve the fertilizer. This gives the grass a chance to absorb the nutrients.

Remember to maintain your lawn and mow regularly as the new growth appears to ensure your grass gets thick and healthy.

Caution: Do Not Over-Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer

It is easy to over-use 10 10 10 fertilizer in your garden, but this can cause damage to your plants as well as the environment. If you over fertilize your garden, you will start to see plants wilting, burned areas on leaves and lawns, and a white, salt-like crust on your soil.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to flush the affected area with a long, deep water. Over fertilizing your garden also leads to increased amounts of nutrients leeching out of your garden during the rainy season and into waterways via storm drains.

This flood of nutrients is very damaging to the environment. It can cause dangerous algae blooms in lakes and rivers. It use all of the oxygen in the water, causing fish and aquatic animals to suffocate and die.

FAQs About 10-10-10 Fertilizer

What kind of fertilizer is 10 10 10?

10 10 10 is a complete and balanced all-purpose garden fertilizer that contains 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 10% potassium.

What is a good all-purpose fertilizer?

10 10 10 fertilizer is the best all round fertilizer for gardens. It can be used for all plants, including trees, flowers, shrubs, vegetables and lawns. It is widely available, easy to use and comes in liquid and slow-release granules.

When should I apply 10 10 10 fertilizer to my vegetable garden?

You should apply it every 30 days to your vegetable garden through the growing season, starting about two weeks after your seedlings start growing.

It is great for vegetable gardens, especially for growing leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale and celery.

Is 10-10-10 fertilizer good for lawns?

Lawns benefit from 10 10 10 fertilizer, as it stimulates healthy leaf growth and promotes a thick, lush lawn. Using it correctly will help your lawn grow faster and thicker when applied correctly, thanks to its high nitrogen content.

How do you use 10 10 10 fertilizer in the garden?

Ten pounds of fertilizer is generally applied to 1,000 square feet of garden. Do not over fertilize your garden, as it will damage your plants and the environment. To get an even application, it’s best to use a fertilizer spreader.

Which fertilizer makes plants grow faster?

The best fertilizer for helping plants grow faster is 10 10 10 fertilizer. This is an all-purpose fertilizer that encourages healthy, vigorous leaf growth and is ideal for lawns, trees, shrubs and vegetable gardens.

Now You Know What and How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer

It can be used on vegetables, trees, flowering plants and shrubs as well as lawns, and is easy to apply by hand or using a fertilizer spreader. Be sure to keep the ground moist when you fertilize to avoid burning your plants and to help them take up these nutrients.

Don’t over fertilize, as this can damage your plants and the environment. 10 10 10 fertilizer is a great all-purpose fertilizer for gardens and lawns, as it supports healthy, rapid leaf growth.

As an expert in gardening and fertilization, my extensive knowledge and hands-on experience enable me to provide comprehensive insights into the concepts discussed in the article about 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Understanding 10-10-10 Fertilizer: The numbers on a fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, represent the percentage by weight of the three primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). A 10-10-10 fertilizer contains 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium. This balanced composition makes it an NPK fertilizer, crucial for plant growth.

Types of 10-10-10 Fertilizer:

  • Easy-to-use liquid 10-10-10 fertilizer: Convenient for quick application.
  • Slow-release granular fertilizer: Popular for its steady nutrient supply over an extended period.
  • Organic fertilizer: An eco-friendly alternative.

Uses of 10-10-10 Fertilizer: Due to its balanced nutrients, 10-10-10 fertilizer is ideal for all-purpose gardening. It can be applied to various plants, including vegetables, fruit trees, flowering plants, and lawns. However, it may not be suitable for plants with specific nutrient requirements.

How to Use 10-10-10 Fertilizer:

  1. Testing Your Soil: Determine nutrient deficiencies using soil testing kits or DIY methods.
  2. When to Apply: Best applied in early spring during the active growth phase. Avoid heavy rain to prevent leaching.
  3. What Plants Need It: Suitable for trees, shrubs, roses, leafy vegetables, and lawns.
  4. Application in Gardens: Apply based on the square footage of your garden using a spreader or by hand.

Using 10-10-10 Fertilizer for Lawns:

  1. Identify Grass Type: Warm and cool-season grasses have different fertilization schedules.
  2. Application Steps:
    • Mow Your Lawn: Ensure even grass height for effective fertilizer penetration.
    • Water Your Lawn: Moisture helps dissolve the fertilizer.
    • Apply Fertilizer: Choose a cool day and apply, avoiding soil drying.
    • Post-Fertilization Watering: Light watering to prevent nutrient runoff.
    • Lawn Watering Schedule: Water lightly every second day for a week.

Caution Against Overuse: Overuse of 10-10-10 fertilizer can harm plants and the environment. Symptoms include wilting, burned areas, and a white crust on the soil. Flush affected areas with water if overused.

FAQs About 10-10-10 Fertilizer:

  1. Type of Fertilizer: 10-10-10 is a balanced all-purpose fertilizer.
  2. All-Purpose Fertilizer: 10-10-10 is widely considered the best all-purpose fertilizer.
  3. Application in Vegetable Gardens: Apply every 30 days through the growing season, especially for leafy vegetables.
  4. Suitability for Lawns: Beneficial for lawns, promoting healthy leaf growth and a lush appearance.
  5. Application Guidelines: Apply 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet using a spreader, avoiding overuse.

In conclusion, 10-10-10 fertilizer is a versatile and widely used option for promoting plant health in gardens and lawns. Proper understanding, testing, and application are essential for maximizing its benefits while avoiding potential drawbacks.

How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn (2024)


How To Use 10 10 10 Fertilizer In Your Garden and Lawn? ›

Evenly spread the fertilizer between the two circles, avoiding application close to the trunk. If the tree is in a lawn, apply when the grass is dry. Water to moisten the soil and distribute the fertilizer to a 12- to 18-inch depth. Apply in early spring or autumn when roots are actively growing.

How do I apply 10-10-10 fertilizer to my garden? ›

Apply with a broad spreader on a setting that doesn't allow too much out at a time. You'll need about 1 pound per 1000 square feet to give it a good feeding. Then water in well the fertilizer can burn the plants chemically if just layer down with out watering in the fertilizer.

How much 10-10-10 fertilizer in garden? ›

A common recommendation for vegetables is to apply 1 pound of a 10-10-10 fertilizer or 2 pounds of a 5-10-5 (or 5-10-10) fertilizer per 100 feet of row.

Will 10-10-10 fertilizer help grass grow? ›

Best Choice for Various Lawns: 10-10-10 fertilizer is a balanced blend that works well for different types of grass, making it one of the best lawn fertilizers available.

What is the proper way to apply fertilizer to a lawn? ›

Using a Broadcast or Rotary Spreader

Before filling the hopper, make sure it's closed. It's a good idea to fill it on a tarp, so you can easily gather any spilled fertilizer. Apply fertilizer around the perimeter of the lawn first, and then start to move back and forth across turf in an orderly pattern.

Should I use 10-10-10 in my garden? ›

10-10-10 fertilizer can be a vital part of plant health and is a great choice to deliver most plants the macronutrients they need to thrive. However, there are rules you'll want to follow for optimal results. To get a better understanding of what 10-10-10 fertilizer is, liquid vs.

Do you water after applying 10-10-10 fertilizer? ›

Granular fertilizer needs the help of water for it to activate, so it will have no effect on your garden if you forget to water after adding it. For liquid fertilizer, you should wait longer before watering your plants. In fact, you can wait for as much as 12-24 hours to water your plants again for the best results.

What is the best fertilizer to use on a vegetable garden? ›

Compost, fish emulsion, manure, and organic fertilizers are all great options for fertilizing your vegetable garden and ensuring healthy growth. Compost is a natural, organic fertilizer that can be made from kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials.

Can you use 10-10-10 fertilizer on tomato plants? ›

If only one type of formulated fertilizer is used, it's best to choose a balanced product such as NPK 10-10-10. When should I fertilize my tomato plants? You should fertilize your tomato plants just before or during planting, around two weeks before bloom begins, and again when the first tomatoes are small.

How do you apply 10-10-10 fertilizer to tomatoes? ›

When the plant starts setting fruit, apply three Tbsp. per plant. Repeat every four – six weeks thereafter throughout the growing season. Sprinkle the fertilizer six inches from the plant's stem to avoid fertilizer burn.

How long should fertilizer be on grass before watering? ›

When to Water a Lawn After Fertilizing? At Master Lawn, we typically say to wait 24 hours before watering your lawn after fertilizing. But it is important to make sure that it does receive a good watering session soon after that 24 hour waiting period.

Is 10-10-10 fertilizer good for clover? ›

A balanced fertilizer with N (such as 10-10-10) can be used at planting time when establishing the clover, but after it's established I would use zero N. Legumes produce their own nitrogen, if you add nitrogen to legumes you encourage other grasses and unwanted weeds to take root and you “train” your clover to be lazy.

What is 20/20/20 fertilizer good for? ›

NPK 20 20 20 is a highly concentrated, balanced plant fertiliser. It contains equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is ideal for growing plants in poor quality soils as it provides a high amount of each of the three essential plant macronutrients.

Do you water grass immediately after fertilizing? ›

It depends on the fertilizer. Some lawn foods perform better when you water them in right after applying, while others—such as some weed-and-feed products—need to be watered a day or two after fertilizing. It all comes down to this: Check the product directions on the bag—they'll tell you when to water.

What happens if you don't water after fertilizing? ›

Watering to the appropriate levels after a fertilizer application is important. Too much and you can have run-off and diluted products. Too little and the fertilizer will just sit on the very surface of the ground and will not provide ideal conditions for the grass to take up the nutrients.

Should I water after fertilizing? ›

We recommend waiting 24 hours after fertilizing to water your lawn, which will give the fertilizer time to settle. After the 24 hours are up, it's important to give it a good soak—not just a quick spritz with your hose—to activate the fertilizer and help the critical nutrients absorb into the soil.

How to apply fertilizer to a vegetable garden? ›

Fertilize spring seedlings and transplants with a soluble fertilizer mixed with water then switch to a granular vegetable fertilizer as the plants grow. Mix dry fertilizers into the top 2-4 inches of soil. Water-in fertilizers after application if rainfall is not expected.

How do you apply fertilizer to a garden bed? ›

All dry fertilizers should be worked or watered into the top 3 to 5 inches of soil with hoe or spade work after being applied to help the fertilizer leach down toward the plants' root zones. If your plants are already growing, cultivate them gently so that you do not damage any roots.

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