Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (2024)

Drying orange slices and orange peel is simple and fun, and, they will fill your home with a lovely citrus scent while baking! Use these homemade decorations to create holiday garland, Christmas ornaments, or DIY simmering potpourri with cinnamon sticks and bay leaves. I used mine to decorate jars of my orange marmalade!

Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (2)
Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (3)

🍊 Heat the oven to 200F

🍊 Slice oranges into 1/4 inch thick rounds and pat dry

🍊 Spread the orange slices on a cooling rack in a single layer and bake 4 hours

🍊 Turn off the oven and let the slices sit in the oven overnight to continue to dry

🍊 For dried orange peel shapes, score the top of a large orange with an x. Use a sharp paring knife to slice down into the peel, and carefully remove the peel in 4 sections. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the peel, and bake at 200F on a cooling rack for 2 hours.

Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (4)
Cutting these stars out of orange peel was so fun! Orange peel can be thick and tough, so consider using something to help you press the cutter into the peel. I used a small plastic cutting board.
Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (5)

What would you use these dried oranges for?

Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries (2024)


Homemade Dried Orange Slices + Orange Peel - kiyafries? ›

How To Dry Orange Slices + Orange Peel. 🍊 For dried orange peel shapes, score the top of a large orange with an x. Use a sharp paring knife to slice down into the peel, and carefully remove the peel in 4 sections. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the peel, and bake at 200F on a cooling rack for 2 hours.

Can you make dried orange slices with clementines? ›

I started with small Halo clementines, but you could use oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, or grapefruit depending on the size and color that you prefer. I sliced each one into thin slices, getting 4 - 5 slices out of each orange. I placed each slice on a dehydrator tray until ready to use.

How to dry orange slices in dehydrator? ›

Using a food dehydrator to dry your orange slices

All you need to do is layout your oranges on the trays making sure they don't overlap, stack the rest of the trays and top off with your lid. I dried my oranges at about 50-60 degrees, which took about 18 hours.

How to make dried orange peel in air fryer? ›

Cover the base of the air fryer basket with parchment paper. Place cut orange slices in a single layer on the parchment paper. Air fry at 180 degrees Fahrenheit for 60 to 90 minutes, or until fully dried, flipping every 30 minutes.

Can you dry whole oranges in dehydrator? ›

Leave them in the dehydrator for a total of 8 to 12 hours or longer. Because they're so juicy, whole oranges can take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours (or more) to fully dry in a dehydrator, so be patient! As they dehydrate, you'll notice slight discoloration or browning of the peel as well as a beautiful citrus smell!

Can you dehydrate orange rind? ›

Dehydrate the orange peels in the sun, or alternatively in a dehydrator for up to 24 hours. You can also use a conventional oven set to its lowest temperature for six hours. Place the dehydrated orange peels in a blender and combine until they become a fine powder. Store in the fridge until you're ready to use.

Is it better to dehydrate oranges in the oven or dehydrator? ›

Bake at 200 degrees F for several hours until dry, flipping every 30 minutes to prevent edges from curling. It should take anywhere from 3-5 hours. - To dehydrate: Set your dehydrator to 130 degrees for about 12-14 hours, flipping every hour or so.

How long will dried orange slices last? ›

If you dry and store your oranges properly, the slices should be good for at least two years, and often much longer and they'll be ready for Christmas porch decor ideas and Christmas patio ideas. To store, place them in a completely dry airtight container until the next holiday season.

How to dehydrate orange slices quickly? ›

The easiest way to dehydrate orange slices is by using a food dehydrator, the most modern method of the three. Place the orange rounds on the dehydrator's rack. Follow the directions for your dehydrator. Turn them every hour until they are dehydrated.

What's the best way to dry orange peels? ›

Place a sheet of parchment paper on top of a baking sheet. Then, place the peels on the parchment paper in a single layer, without any overlap. Bake the peels for 30 to 60 minutes at 200 °F (93 °C). You want your oven to be at the lowest possible setting, which is usually 200 °F (93 °C).

How do you dry orange peels for old fashioned? ›

Speed method: If you are short on time, you can also dry them in a 200 F oven. Spread them on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet and dry in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes. If the peel starts to brown, turn off the oven for a few minutes, and rotate the pan. The peels will curl up and turn stiff when they're dry.

Can I air dry orange peels? ›

Cut into strips if you wish. Air dry. Or if you're in a rush, bake in an oven at 150 degrees until the rind is dry.

How to air dry orange slices? ›

The air-dry method requires the fewest tools. Simply run a piece of jute cord or baking twine through the tops of your orange slices, and hang them in a cool, dry place. Much like drying flowers, you'll need up to a week (or more) for the orange slices to dry completely.

What are dried orange peels good for? ›

Orange zest is often used to enhance other flavors in desserts, gravies, and even some meat dishes. Dried orange peels can also be sprinkled as a garnish. <Orange peels can be used to make delicious homemade oils. Place some orange peels and cranberries in olive oil and close it with a cork.

How long does it take to dehydrate clementines? ›

Set the temperature to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow 4-10 hours to dry. Or dry until they snap when cooled and no moisture is evident.

How long does it take to dry clementines? ›

Arrange the citrus slices over two baking trays lined with baking parchment so they're in a single layer. Heat the oven to 110C/90C fan/gas ¼. Bake for 2 hrs until firm and dry, turning the trays around halfway through.

How do you dehydrate clementines in the oven? ›

Probably the most popular way to dry oranges is in the oven. This is so easy! Put the wire rack on a parchment paper lined rimmed baking sheet and dry (bake) them in a low oven, turning often, until they dehydrate.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.