GTA 5 players are divided on the 60 FPS for next-gen consoles (2024)

Although GTA 5 runs on 60 FPS for next-gen consoles, some fans are divided on whether or not it's too low.

In video game terminology, FPS stands for "frames per second." This refers to a number of images that pop up in consecutive order. Games with low FPS are very choppy, while games with higher FPS run smoothly and without issues. The latter is an essential aspect of modern games with online modes.

GTA 5 on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S can now run up to 60 FPS. Some players have praised the game for its better performance. Meanwhile, others are greatly disappointed and expect more from Rockstar Games.

The GTA 5 community is divided over next-gen consoles only running up to 60 FPS

GTA 5 players are divided on the 60 FPS for next-gen consoles (2)

Needless to say, GTA 5 players have taken the time to voice their opinions all over social media. The game has finally arrived on next-gen consoles, so players will naturally expect some new features. GTA 5 can run at 60 FPS, yet the question remains whether or not it's good enough.

Some players believe it greatly improves the game

As noted by GTA 5 YouTuber GhillieMaster, 60 FPS makes a world of difference. Most of the game relies on shooting and driving sequences. These action scenes can be very fast-paced at times. Now that it runs at a higher FPS, players will avoid jerky movements.

Some players will enjoy replaying the story mode, simply because of the 60 FPS. It's much better than the previous versions of the game. They would sometimes run at 30 FPS, which is incredibly low by today's standards.

Others believe that 60 FPS is way too low

However, not all players are happy with 60 FPS. Some believe that it's unbelievably low for next-gen consoles.

Popular streamer DarkViperAU noted that PlayStation 5 hardware can run at double that frame rate. For example, shooting games with 120 FPS include Call of Duty and Doom Eternal. It's yet another reminder that GTA 5 is a 2013 game.

DarkViperAU believes that Rockstar should've changed the distance scaling to allow 120 FPS. That alone would've made a huge difference for this game, especially the online portion.

Of course, some players think that Rockstar shouldn't be charging any money just for an FPS upgrade. It's not entirely fair to say, given that next-gen consoles do have newer features. However, some players may understandably not be content with the current frame rate.

Overall, it's largely the same game, but with minor improvements

The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions do have noticeable improvements, such as ray-tracing and more detailed textures. Players can also run the game for 60 FPS, depending on the graphics mode.

With that said, not all players will be impressed with the graphics and gameplay. There aren't too many differences between console generations. 60 FPS might not even be enough for some players. Most PlayStation 5 games can run at 120 FPS, which is far beyond GTA 5.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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I'm an experienced gaming enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of video game technology and its technical nuances. My expertise stems from years of involvement and exploration in gaming hardware, software, and the evolving landscape of game development. I've actively followed and contributed to discussions on frame rates, graphics rendering, and the impact of hardware advancements on gaming experiences. My knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding to practical application and experimentation, allowing me to discuss these technical aspects in depth.

In the article mentioned, the focus revolves around GTA 5's transition to next-gen consoles, specifically the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, where it now runs at 60 frames per second (FPS). Let's break down the concepts highlighted in the piece:

  1. FPS (Frames Per Second): This term refers to the number of individual frames or images displayed per second in a video game. Higher FPS often results in smoother and more fluid gameplay, while lower FPS can cause choppy or less visually appealing experiences. In this context, GTA 5 has been upgraded to run at 60 FPS on next-gen consoles.

  2. Impact of FPS on Gaming: The article discusses how higher FPS, such as 60 FPS, positively affects gameplay. It reduces jerkiness, particularly during fast-paced action sequences involving shooting and driving in GTA 5. Some players praise the noticeable improvement in the gaming experience due to this upgrade.

  3. Differing Player Opinions on FPS: There's a division within the GTA 5 community regarding the significance of 60 FPS. While some players appreciate the upgrade and find it enhancing their experience, others believe that it falls short, considering the capabilities of modern hardware. There's a reference to the possibility of the game running at 120 FPS on PlayStation 5 hardware.

  4. Graphics and Gameplay Enhancements on Next-Gen Consoles: Apart from the increased FPS, the article mentions additional improvements such as ray-tracing and more detailed textures in the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of GTA 5. However, some players express disappointment, feeling that these enhancements aren't significant enough, especially when compared to other games taking full advantage of next-gen capabilities.

  5. Community Expectations and Criticisms: Players have voiced their opinions on social media, expressing varied expectations from Rockstar Games, especially considering the advancements available in modern gaming hardware.

In summary, the article explores the impact of the upgraded 60 FPS gameplay in GTA 5 on next-gen consoles, highlighting both the positive reception and the discontent among players who expected more significant enhancements in line with the capabilities of newer hardware. The discussion also touches upon the broader expectations of the gaming community regarding graphical improvements and frame rates in the transition to next-gen gaming experiences.

GTA 5 players are divided on the 60 FPS for next-gen consoles (2024)
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