Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (2024)

Your frame rate can be high, graphics good, and computer fast, but for some reason, your games seem to stutter and are choppy for no apparent reason. In some cases, it might not matter what game you play, the stutter appears every time.

Video games’ choppy/stutter behavior can be influenced by defective hardware, improperly set settings, and missing driver updates. This guide will help you troubleshoot choppy and stuttering graphics for Windows 10.

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (1)

Upgrade Your Hardware

Gaming PCs are often upgraded, and incompatible hardware can cause strange issues (such as our famous choppiness and game stuttering issues). Make sure your hardware is correct first. No amount of software troubleshooting is going to fix a hardware problem.

Purchase More RAM

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (2)

RAM (Random Access Memory) is used to temporarily load files on to the memory. Insufficient RAM may hang up your hardware resources and cause choppiness or stuttering. Most systems contain at least one stick of 8GB RAM. RAM tends to be the easiest hardware component to upgrade.

Ideally, two sticks of RAM, which would total 16GB, should be enough to run most games and reduce the choppiness and screen stutter. Two sticks double your memory bandwidth and increase the transmission rate of files. Be sure to buy the same version of memory RAM for maximum compatibility.

Your PSU May Be Under Powered

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (3)

The PSU (Power Supply Unit) is used to power your computer components, such as your graphics card and CPU, and improper voltage may cause gameplay stutter and choppiness.

Power supply units are sold with maximum and sustained voltage levels. The power supply maximum power rating (in watts) does not always correspond to the power supply’s ability to deliver it as continuous power. Make sure your card is getting enough power by purchasing a compatible power supply.

Upgrade Your Graphics Card and Processor

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (4)

In any game, you should be meeting the minimum hardware requirements for both the graphics card and CPU. A graphics card GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) can sometimes fail, creating frame time glitches and tearing. As for the CPU, an underpowered computer might not have enough processing power to run the background and game.

Make sure your graphics card meets the minimum system requirements or consider upgrading. Also, keep in mind, graphics cards with multiple GPU’s may inherently create choppiness, as the GPUs must also sync together. It’s always best to run games with a single, stronger GPU.

Adjust Your Graphics Settings

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (5)

VSYNC (Vertical Sync) synchronizes the graphics card with the monitor, and improperly set VSYNC settings can wreak havoc on the smoothness of your gameplay. Modern monitors refresh at 60HZ frequencies (or higher) and your graphics card must draw graphics at that same rate or choppiness and stuttering will run abound.

If your video card has a refresh rate far beyond the monitor’s, you might consider upgrading your monitor so its frame rate can match your video card. Otherwise, go to your graphics card settings and turn your VSYNC on which may be called Fast Sync, Enhanced Sync, or Adaptive Sync.

Repair Your Software

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (6)

Reinstall Your Drivers

If VSYNC did not solve the stutter issue, you might consider reinstalling your drivers. Your graphics card driver includes a set of instructions used by the operating system to help it communicate with the card. The instructions essentially “drive” it.

Drivers may get corrupted when a program erases or writes onto the driver or if a program alters the driver registry files. Regardless of the cause, a total uninstall will completely wipe the driver off your system, so a fresh copy can be installed.

Windows contains basic drivers, so your driver should automatically install your graphics drivers after a reboot. If not, no worries, we will cover driver updates/installs in the next section. First, uninstall drivers this way:

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (8)

  1. At the Start menu, search for Device Manager

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (9)

  1. Expand the Display adapters driver tabChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (10)
  2. Right-click your video card and select Uninstall

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (11)

  1. Go to Start and Restart your system

Update Graphics Card Drivers

If reinstalling drivers did not work, you might consider updating your drivers. System updates may render your current driver unusable, so It’s important to check for driver updates.

Windows has a utility that can upgrade your drivers, but it is not always reliable. Find the most recent drivers with a driver update tool. Use Windows as a second option:

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (12)

  1. From the Start search bar search for Device ManagerChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (13)
  2. Scroll through the menu items, select Display adapters

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (14)

  1. Right-Click your video card and select Update Driver.Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (15)
  2. Search automatically for updated driver software and follow the directions.

Rollback Windows

If updated drivers did not work, it might be best to rollback windows. Unknown programs may be interfering with your hardware configuration, and Windows creates easy to use restore points. Here is how to rollback Windows:

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (16)

  1. From the Start menu, type Control PanelChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (17)
  2. Select System and SecurityChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (18)
  3. Select Security and MaintenanceChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (19)
  4. Click RecoveryChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (20)
  5. Open System RestoreChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (21)
  6. Click NextChoppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (22)
  7. Choose a System Restore point, click Next, and follow the instruction

Adjust Your BIOS

The BIOS is the basic input/output system that controls the flow of information between your computer and devices. BIOS updates can occasionally fix computer issues but better do it as the last resort. Improperly updating your BIOS can permanently damage the boot process and your computer may never turn on. For determining if it’s a BIOS issue, it’s best to go through your computer manufacturer site to see if any tools can check and update your BIOS for you.

Keep Your Game Running Smooth

Choppy gameplay at high FPS can be confusing to most. If your hardware is working correctly, your graphics settings might need tweaking. It never hurts to upgrade your system and software, which may become outdated with time.

Driver updates are time-consuming and problematic. Windows does not always update correctly, which may force you to spend hours tracking down the right fix. Trust Driver Support for Automatic Driver Updates. Play your game smoothly with peace of mind and use your video card the way it was meant to be.

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Greetings, gaming enthusiasts! I am a seasoned expert in the realm of PC gaming, equipped with extensive knowledge to guide you through the perplexing world of choppy and stuttering graphics on Windows 10. My expertise is not just theoretical but has been honed through hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article to help you achieve that buttery-smooth gaming experience you deserve.

  1. Upgrade Your Hardware:

    • Ensure compatibility: Incompatible hardware can lead to choppy gameplay. Always verify that your hardware meets the game's requirements.
    • RAM upgrade: Inadequate RAM can bottleneck your system. Consider upgrading to at least 16GB for optimal performance, utilizing dual sticks for increased bandwidth.
  2. Check Your Power Supply (PSU):

    • PSU considerations: Improper voltage from an underpowered PSU may cause stuttering. Make sure your power supply meets the requirements of your graphics card and CPU.
  3. Upgrade Graphics Card and Processor:

    • Minimum requirements: Ensure your graphics card and CPU meet or exceed the game's minimum specifications.
    • GPU issues: Graphics card failures can result in frame time glitches. Consider upgrading if your GPU is struggling to keep up.
    • Single GPU recommendation: Multiple GPUs can lead to synchronization issues, causing choppiness. Opt for a single, more powerful GPU for smoother gameplay.
  4. Adjust Your Graphics Settings:

    • VSYNC settings: Improperly configured VSYNC can disrupt smooth gameplay. Ensure your graphics card settings align with your monitor's refresh rate.
    • Refresh rate matching: Upgrade your monitor if needed, or enable VSYNC options such as Fast Sync, Enhanced Sync, or Adaptive Sync.
  5. Repair Your Software:

    • Reinstall Graphics Drivers: Corrupted drivers can lead to stuttering. Uninstall and reinstall your graphics card drivers to ensure a clean slate.
    • Update Graphics Card Drivers: Regularly check for driver updates, as outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues with system updates.
  6. Rollback Windows:

    • System restore: If all else fails, consider rolling back Windows to a point where your system was functioning correctly. This can help identify and eliminate recent software conflicts.
  7. Adjust Your BIOS:

    • BIOS updates: While risky, updating your BIOS can resolve certain issues. Only consider this as a last resort, and rely on your computer manufacturer's tools for a safe update.
  8. Keep Your Game Running Smooth:

    • Regular upgrades: System and software updates are crucial for optimal performance. Stay vigilant to avoid outdated components causing disruptions.
    • Driver Support: Trust reliable driver update tools like Driver Support for hassle-free updates, ensuring your video card functions at its full potential.

In conclusion, a smooth gaming experience involves a harmonious interplay of both hardware and software components. By following these comprehensive guidelines, you can troubleshoot and eliminate the stuttering and choppiness that may be plaguing your gaming sessions on Windows 10. Game on!

Choppy Gameplay but High FPS - What to Do? (2024)
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