Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (2024)

While we all know that plants need light to thrive, do we know which is better between grow lights vs sunlight? One is a four-billion-year-old nuclear-powered ball of gas a million times larger than Earth and heated to around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. While the other is a lamp. Which still gets hot, but isn't going to vaporise you. So that's nice.

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Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (1)

But when it comes to which one is going to be better for growing and looking after your plants, the differences may not be as obvious as they first appear. In this guide, we'll let you know the key differences, benefits and drawbacks of each, and when each might be most appropriate for your plants.


Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better?

Before we get into the details, it's worth briefly running through the way that plants and light interact. We'll try to avoid turning this into a biology lesson. But understanding why light is essential for plants, will help to appreciate the key differences between sunlight and grow lights.

Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Why Plants Need Light

We've probably all heard of photosynthesis, right? This is the way that plants use sunlight to create energy, that enables them to grow and flourish. The chlorophyll in the plant (the stuff that makes plants green) absorbs the light, and converts it into sugars that the plant then feeds on.

More specifically, plants need light from both the red part of the spectrum, and also the blue part of the spectrum. The red spectrum light generally helps with flower buds, while the blue light helps with growing more foliage.

Why are we telling you this? Well, a typical fluorescent lightbulb in your house will provide light from the blue part of the spectrum, while an incandescent bulb tends more towards the red part of the spectrum. The sun obviously offers both. And plants have evolved over millions of years to make the most of the light provided by the sun.


Grow lights are much more sophisticated than simply putting your plant close to a desk lamp. These now come with bulbs that emit light from the full spectrum, much more effectively mimicking natural sunlight. But if all we're doing is mimicking what is already freely available, why bother? It's a good question. Let's look at the benefits and drawbacks of grow lights and sunlight.

Read More: How Do Grow Lights Work?

Sunlight Pros And Cons

We'll start with light from the sun. After all, it's much bigger and older than we are. It is also one of the main reasons that Earth can sustain life of any kind. So it's probably deserving of a little respect. Let's start with the benefits of sunlight:

It's free. Sunlight is a virtually limitless resource. It's certainly not going to run out for at least a few billion years. And all you need to do to access it is put your plant close to a window, or outside.

Sunlight also offers all the different wavelengths of light that plants need to grow. This makes sense, as plants evolved to use sunlight as their only source of light. As far as we know anyway. No one has discovered any plant species in the wild that grow or build their own grow lamps. Yet.

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While all this is great, relying on sunlight can have some drawbacks as well:

First of all, sunlight isn't always available as and when you need it. This is especially true in more extreme latitudes, and in the Winter. In Tromsø, Norway, for example, the sun doesn't rise at all between November and January. While from May to July, the sun never sets. While this is an extreme example, if you've bought yourself an exotic houseplant, the natural light conditions available where you live may not be ideal.

Even if you do put your plants close to a window, the strength of the light can be filtered by the glass, reducing its efficacy. And windows can also distort the temperature that a plant is exposed to. In hot weather, some plants may become distressed, or get scorched. And in the cold, plants can easily be damaged by touching a frosty pane of glass, or a draft coming through the window.

Grow Lights Pros And Cons

Luckily, grow lights can mitigate many of the problems of relying on natural sunlight. Let's take a look at the key benefits:

First off, a grow light can be set to provide stable and consistent light conditions no matter the time of year. This means that you can ensure your plants are getting the right amount of light, no matter the season. You can also increase or reduce the amount of light the plant is getting, to ensure each plant gets just the right amount of light. You can't switch off the sun, or tailor its strength to suit your plant.

Grow lights also mean you have more flexibility over where to put your plants. If you have a plant that struggles in shady spots, a grow light suddenly opens up more options for you.

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So does that mean you can draw all the curtains, or live in a bunker, and your plants will still flourish? Well, grow lights also have their weaknesses:

The most obvious disadvantage of a grow light is that because you need to plug it in, it's going to cost you money. Sunlight won't cost you a bean in comparison. There are also costs for the equipment and any replacement bulbs you may need.

Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (5)

Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (6) click to enlarge

Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (7) + 2

And sunlight is, as we said earlier, the perfect light for plants to grow in. It's what they've known for billions of years, so they've evolved to use it. While a grow light can be great, it is always going to struggle to compete with a giant ball of impossibly-hot gas that has fuelled life on this planet since the dawn of time. That's a tough sell.

It's also worth remembering that plants are naturally conditioned to expect cycles of light and darkness. Too much light can actually be bad for a plant, as they do need some darkness in order to thrive.


With all of this in mind, how do you know which one is going to be most suitable for you? We have some thoughts...

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Grow Lights vs Sunlight: How To Decide

There are plenty of factors that may decide whether sunlight or a grow light will be more suitable for you. First, think about how much light your plants are going to need, and consider whether that's something that you can achieve by sunlight.

Many plants need somewhere in the region of 12-18 hours of sunlight every day. Is this achievable where you live? Is your house particular dark, and lacking in sunlight? If so, then a grow light may help you to overcome an absence of natural light.

Do your plants need a consistent, well-regulated temperature? If so, then a grow light may make this easier to provide. The sun, as we know, is impossible to regulate, and plants that get too hot or too cold can suffer.

What type of plants are you trying to grow? Are they native to where you live? If so, they'll be more likely to cope with the natural variations in light levels and temperature that occur as the seasons change. But if you're trying to grow something that has adapted to a very different environment, then sunlight where you live may not help your plant to thrive.

How strong does the light need to be for your plant? The sun is extremely powerful, and grow lights can struggle to match its intensity. They'll consume more energy if you need to crank up the intensity of the light.

Another factor we haven't really talked about is the environmental impact. The sun provides free clean energy. A grow light will cost you money, and will almost certainly leave a carbon footprint. While perhaps less of a factor, it's still important to consider the financial and environmental cost of using artificial light.

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Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better?

Hopefully, by now you have a better understanding of the respective merits of grow lights vs sunlight. And when it comes to answering the question of which is better, the answer is a resounding "it depends".

As is so often the case, a wide range of factors will influence just how suitable one choice will be over the other. And in fact, you may find that using a combination of sunlight and grow lights will give your plants the absolute best chance of thriving. The most important thing is that plants are exposed to enough light, whether that's natural sunlight, or via a grow lamp.


Sunlight is of course, what plants have always used. We know it's great. But grow lights are an effective way to supplement sunlight, especially in environments that may be sub-optimal for growing plants.

Grow Lights vs Sunlight: Which Is Better? (2024)


Is sunlight better than grow lights? ›

While photosynthesis originally evolved as a reaction to sunlight, the development of indoor farming has proven that indoor grow lights can be as, if not more, effective than the sun.

Can plant grow light replace sunlight? ›

The sun fuels photosynthesis, but the right grow lights can simulate the sun's action. Although virtually any light will stimulate the growing process, not all artificial lights will provide the best conditions for growth. Some may run too hot, while others lack the spectrum of light for optimal growth.

Can LED grow light replace sunlight? ›

Yes, plants will grow under normal LED lights. Grow lights aren't special – they're just strong. Bright light causes plants to grow, whether they're marketed as grow lights or not. They do need to be close to them though – the closer the better (without them burning).

Is a grow light the same as a sun lamp? ›

Resource: Sunlight is the natural light from the sun, while Grow light is a type of artificial light specifically designed to mimic the sun's light. Colors: Sunlight is composed of multiple colors, including blue, green, and red, while grow lights are often just one color (usually red, blue or green).

Do plants grow faster with grow lights? ›

Grow lights can help you grow plants faster. Plants grown under grow lights grow faster than plants grown in natural light. This is because grow lights provide the optimal amount of light for plant growth.

When should you stop using grow lights? ›

The only time you should stop using lights on your seedlings is when they are outside. As long as they are inside the house, they should be under the lights. Once you're in the process of hardening them, you can turn off the lights while your seedlings are outside during the day.

Do grow lights simulate sunlight? ›

You can almost equal the quality of sunlight with grow lights if you only use full-spectrum bulbs. Plants that aren't getting enough light will suffer ill effects. Plants may pale or turn yellow or white. Leaves may drop and the plant will grow less foliage and fail to flower.

How many hours a day should you have grow lights on plants? ›

' plants do require a daily respiration period of at least 6 hours per day (for seedlings) and ideally 8-10 hours for more mature plants. Therefore we do not recommend providing more than 14-16 hours per day of light, even if you are growing long-day-loving varieties and trying to induce flowering/fruit from them.

How many hours a day should plants be under a grow light? ›

To be effective, grow lights really need to be on for at least 8-10 hours a day. This can vary up to 16 hours, depending on the conditions. That's why LED grow lights are so popular – when they have to be left on all day, it's best to use an energy efficient type!

Do LED grow lights raise electric bill? ›

Extensive setups or a more powerful led light will increase your daily expense because your electricity usage will go up. If your setup has a high power consumption, see if there are things you can do to reduce how much energy you're using.

What can I use instead of sunlight for plants? ›

Fluorescent tubes provide one of the best artificial light sources available for plants in the home. They are about 2-1/2 times more efficient in converting electrical energy into light energy than are incandescent sources, making them less expensive to operate.

What grow light is closest to sunlight? ›

After seeing how different wavelengths are responsible for different plants reactions, it is easy to see why full-spectrum lights are the best for plant growth. Full-spectrum light most closely mimics the natural sunlight by using a combination of all colors at all stages of growth.

Can I get vitamin D from grow lights? ›

An alternative to getting out in the sun is to use a grow light, but only one type of grow light stimulates vitamin D production. A lamp with a bright white light will put you at risk of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, which can cause cataracts and skin damage. Other lamps are simply ineffective for your needs.

Does it hurt to leave grow lights on all the time? ›

A: In general, you should not leave grow lights on 24/7. Plants need a light-dark cycle to develop properly. It's believed that they truly do “rest” during periods of darkness, and probably use this time to move nutrients into their extremities while taking a break from growing.

Do plants need more water with grow lights? ›

The more light a plant consumes, the more water it needs. For example, this Pink Princess Philodendron and Lilies are getting tons of light. That means they need lots of water.

Can you give plants too much grow light? ›

Plants cannot get too much light, but they can get too much of the heat energy that comes with the light. Photosynthesis and other plant growth processes will shut down when the environmental and tissue temperature gets high enough that all the water taken up by the plant is used to cool the plant tissue.

How far should a 60 watt grow light be from plants? ›

In general, you'll want to hang your light no more than 12" away from your plants. - Remember: after 12" fluorescent lighting loses its power, so make sure you don't raise it any more than 12" above your canopy otherwise your plants aren't getting light energy.

Do I really need grow lights? ›

South-facing windows may provide enough light for a tray or two of seedlings, but if you want to grow vegetables, or any other sun-loving plants, to maturity, you're going to need grow lights. The indoor lighting found in most homes does little to support photosynthesis.

Why is sunlight better than artificial light? ›

Vastly more energy comes from the sun than from any artificial light. But the light from the sun is different from a street lamp another way: most artificial light doesn't emit as much energy in the red and blue region of the light spectrum as sunlight does.

How close do I put my grow light to my plants? ›

As an unofficial rule of thumb, many growers work on the basis that:
  1. You need 20-40 watts of power per square foot.
  2. Lower wattage LEDs of around 200 watts should sit between 12-20 inches from the top of the plant.
  3. Higher wattage LEDs of 1000 watts and above should sit between 36-46 inches from the top of the plant.
Oct 28, 2022

Can plants get too much light what happens if they do? ›

Plants harvest energy from the sun with the help of chlorophyll and carotenoid, two photon-capturing molecules. But if the plants are exposed to too much sun, these molecules absorb more energy than they can handle and generate reactive species of oxygen that can destroy the plant.

Is 2 hours of sunlight enough for plants? ›

Full Sun: A plant requiring full sun needs all the sunlight it can get; at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sun exposure per day. “Full sun” is often indicated on nursery tags with a sun icon. Part Sun: A plant requiring part sun needs 3-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

What happens if I leave my grow lights on all night? ›

While leaving growing lights on for a single night is unlikely to have long-term effects on your plants, constantly leaving the lights on can stunt their growth, prevent flowering, cause wilting and burn damage, and may kill the plants.

Is 12 hours of sun too much for plants? ›

Full sun – Plants need at least 6 hours of direct sun daily. Part sun – Plants thrive with between 3 and 6 hours of direct sun per day. Part shade – Plants require between 3 and 6 hours of sun per day, but need protection from intense mid-day sun. Full shade – Plants require less than 3 hours of direct sun per day.

What is the most effective light for plant growth? ›

Red light is known to be the most effective light spectrum to encourage photosynthesis as it's highly absorbed by chlorophyll pigments. In other words, it sits in the peaks in chlorophyll absorption.

Do plants grow better in sunlight or darkness? ›

Green plants need light to grow in what is known as a "photosynthetic process," or as we commonly call it, photosynthesis. Without light, a plant will get taller, but not as a result of photosynthesis. Plants that grow in the dark simply stretch. Think of it as looking for the light.

What light is best for indoor plants? ›

Like plants growing outdoors in the sunlight, indoor plants generally grow best under full-spectrum bulbs, which produce a balance of cool and warm light that replicates the natural solar spectrum.

How far should LED grow lights be from plants? ›

As an unofficial rule of thumb, many growers work on the basis that: You need 20-40 watts of power per square foot. Lower wattage LEDs of around 200 watts should sit between 12-20 inches from the top of the plant. Higher wattage LEDs of 1000 watts and above should sit between 36-46 inches from the top of the plant.

Do grow lights use a lot of electricity? ›

Some grow lights are fairly low powered, using as little as 10 watts in use. Others could easily draw up to 100 watts or more (ten times as much). Your electricity rates. Electrical use is measured in Kilowatt Hours (kWh) and generally, a single kWh will have a set price.

What makes plants grow faster and bigger? ›

So What Makes Plants Grow Faster & Bigger? Water, air, light, soil nutrients, and the correct temperature coupled with affection and care are the most basic factors to make a plant grow faster and bigger.

Do plants need direct sunlight or just light? ›

All plants require sunlight to grow, but differ in the amount and intensity of light needed to prosper. Plant labels identify the amount of sun a plant requires as full sun, part sun, part shade or full shade as defined: Full sun – Plants need at least 6 hours of direct sun daily.

Can I leave my grow light on 24 7? ›

A: In general, you should not leave grow lights on 24/7. Plants need a light-dark cycle to develop properly. It's believed that they truly do “rest” during periods of darkness, and probably use this time to move nutrients into their extremities while taking a break from growing.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.