Grace Mukherjee (Fear) (2024)

This article is about the Fear character. For other pages with the same name, see: Grace

You gave us more time, Mo. (...) I'm not talking about today. There was a time... when things were really bleak... when your father and I... were thinking of ending things. We came so close to doing it. Do you know why we didn't? Because we heard you cry. You gave us a reason to live. You gave us more time... than you know.

―Grace's last words to Mo.[src]

Grace Mukherjee, formerly known as Heron within PADRE, is the former tritagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is a former power plant worker and was one of several individuals trying to keep the power running across the country. However, Grace was unable to realize that the power was unneeded and overflowing, resulting in a reactor melting down.

Now the sole survivor, Grace attempts to right her wrongs by eliminating the radioactive walkers in order to protect other survivors and atone for what she did. After escaping the second power plant meltdown, she joined Morgan's group, and was a member until the group was forcefully incorporated into the Pioneers. Following this, Grace was imprisoned by Virginia in Lawton, in order to prevent Morgan from finding her. Following Virginia's downfall, Grace was reunited with Morgan and joined the Valley Town. When her child died at birth, Grace became distant from Morgan. After Teddy's launching of the nuclear warheads, Grace nearly gave up on life but decided to continue living with Morgan and Rachel's daughter, as they survive together in the USS Pennsylvania. She later makes a deal to work for Victor Strand in exchange for Morgan's safety, although this falls apart with the destruction of Strand's Tower.

Seven years after the fall of Strand's Tower, Grace works a radio engineer for PADRE and mutually keeps her distance from Morgan for the most part in order to keep how much they care about each other from being exposed and thus being used against them. The couple have also given up Mo in the hopes of her getting a better life on the island. However, Mo's escape from PADRE draws the family back together as does the revelation that Grace is now terminally ill, her previous radiation exposure finally catching up to her in the form of cancer. Tragically, this family reunion doesn't last long as Grace is bitten by a walker while protecting her daughter and she dies after a failed attempt to save Grace's life with June's treatment, something that deeply traumatizes Mo. After finally making peace with his loses, Morgan buries Grace in Eastman's Cemetery before returning with Mo to Alexandria and the friends that he had left behind.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Pre-Apocalypse
    • 2.1 Texas
  • 3 Post-Apocalypse
    • 3.1 Texas
    • 3.2 Season 5
      • 3.2.1 "The Hurt That Will Happen"
      • 3.2.2 "The Little Prince"
      • 3.2.3 "Still Standing"
      • 3.2.4 "Is Anybody Out There?"
      • 3.2.5 "Channel 4"
      • 3.2.6 "210 Words Per Minute"
      • 3.2.7 "Today and Tomorrow"
      • 3.2.8 "Channel 5"
      • 3.2.9 "End of the Line"
    • 3.3 Season 6
      • 3.3.1 "Damage From the Inside"
      • 3.3.2 "The Door"
      • 3.3.3 "Things Left to Do"
      • 3.3.4 "Handle With Care"
      • 3.3.5 "In Dreams"
      • 3.3.6 "J.D."
      • 3.3.7 "USS Pennsylvania"
      • 3.3.8 "The Beginning"
    • 3.4 Season 7
      • 3.4.1 "Six Hours"
      • 3.4.2 "Reclamation"
      • 3.4.3 "The Portrait"
      • 3.4.4 "Follow Me"
      • 3.4.5 "Mourning Cloak"
      • 3.4.6 "Sonny Boy"
      • 3.4.7 "The Raft"
      • 3.4.8 "Divine Providence"
      • 3.4.9 "Amina"
      • 3.4.10 "Gone"
    • 3.5 Season 8
      • 3.5.1 "Remember What They Took From You"
      • 3.5.2 "King County"
      • 3.5.3 "More Time Than You Know"
      • 3.5.4 "All I See Is Red"
  • 4 Death
  • 5 Killed Victims
  • 6 Relationships
    • 6.1 Allies
    • 6.2 Enemies
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Trivia
    • 9.1 International Dubbers
  • 10 References


As a former power plant manager, Grace is a highly intelligent woman with a great deal of knowledge about radiation, how it works, and the effects of it, something that comes in handy following the Meltdown at Lonestar Power & Light and the Nuking of Texas. After the meltdown, blaming herself for what happened, Grace takes it upon herself to seal off the irradiated area and hunt down the dozens of radioactive walkers that were created, feeling that it's her responsibility to do so. Due to her knowledge and experience, Grace proves to be the only capable of safely dealing with the radioactive walkers, as best shown with how Camp Cackleberry's incorrect handling of the remains of a number of them resulted in the survivors dying of radiation poisoning themselves. When a number of radioactive walkers end up in the moat at Strand's Tower, Grace offers her services to safely remove them for Strand, although it's unclear how or if she ever did this in the end. Due to the dangers that they had experienced from radioactive walkers, upon meeting Morgan and Alicia, Grace was rather abrupt towards them, prioritizing treating Morgan over explaining herself and berating Alicia for her reckless actions that could've gotten her terminally ill. However, after Alicia is actually exposed to radiation, Grace shows compassion for her and reassures Alicia that she may be fine.

Grace is highly compassionate as shown by her devastation at finding the reanimated residents of Camp Cackleberry and her guilt over the belief that she is responsible for everything that happened with the meltdown and afterwards. This causes her to feel remorse for not knowing about the existence of Annie's Group and thus being unable to help them and it also leads to her bonding and eventually falling in love with Morgan.

Following the death of her daughter, Grace falls into a deep depression, barely even speaking to anyone at first and worrying her friends. Although she rallies herself enough to help try to stop Teddy's plans, the successful launching of the nukes and her knowledge of what comes next pushes Grace to the point of being suicidal, wanting to avoid the pain and suffering that she knows is coming. Only the arrival of a zombified Rachel with baby Mo stops Grace and Morgan from going through with their suicide pact.

Over the next few months, Grace mostly recovers from her depression, but Grace finds herself unable to bond emotionally with baby Mo due to her lingering grief over Athena's death. The devastated state of the world outside of the sub doesn't help her at all either, especially when Grace discovers that it's actually much worse than even she thought that it would be. However, the danger of Fred killing Mo causes Grace to snap out of it completely and finally bond with the baby, becoming a loving and caring mother who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her family.

Seven years later, Grace is working as a radio engineer for PADRE and, like Morgan, she has given Mo up in the hopes of her daughter having a better life, going so far as to speak harshly to Mo in an attempt to get Mo to give up on the dream of a family with them. However, she privately breaks down into tears, admitting to Morgan that it just makes it harder to see Mo again. Grace is shown to have had a lasting impact on her daughter's life with Mo recalling Grace singing to her as a baby before anything else. During this time, Morgan and Grace have remained separated from each other, only seeing each other every now and then, but only as a form of protection as PADRE would use their love for each other against them if they knew about it. When the couple is together again, the two are clearly still deeply in love with each other and maintain a close connection despite how little they get to spend with each other. Although conflicted, Grace ultimately encourages Morgan in gaining closure with his family and taking care of Mo, revealing that she is now terminally ill from her radiation exposure years before. When walker suddenly pops out of the rubble and nearly bites Mo, Grace selflessly rushes to her daughter's rescue, saving Mo from harm at the cost of getting bitten herself.



Grace was born in the mid 1970's and grew up in Texas, although little is known regarding that of her early life.

As a kid Grace took some guitar lessons. At the age of 8, Grace loved horses and her parents once took her to a Dude Ranch to ride one. As she approached a white stallion to stroke it, the horse jerkily reacted which frightened Grace and caused her to run back to her mother whom comforted her.

This event led Grace to develop a precautious outlook on life and thus she tended to overthink many aspects of her life including car leasing, Gym memberships, and relationships.

As an adult, she became employed at Lonestar Power & Light power plant where she worked as an operations manager and lived in a house located a few miles from the plant alongside several of her co-workers.



After the outbreak began, Grace called in all of the power plant's shifts to help keep it running and then called in their families once things got worse. Her group of over 60 people had enough food, water, and fuel to last them for months with the power plant being safe from the undead as it was built to keep terrorists out. However, after the cities fell, they no longer needed the power they were making and Grace's group lacked the infrastructure to keep the plant going the right away. A reactor eventually melted down, killing all of the survivors inside except for Grace and rendering the surrounding area radioactive. Grace returned to the plant following the meltdown and searched for survivors for days without luck. Despite taking precautions, Grace believed she was exposed to a lethal dose of radiation and developed terminal radiation sickness. She later revealed to Morgan that she had a fling with a co-worker (and, unbeknownst to her, became pregnant) a few months before the meltdown.

Blaming herself for the deaths the meltdown caused, Grace spent the next year hunting down and killing all of the radioactive walkers that her group had become, setting up various traps to make it easier. Grace erected roadblocks and fences warning of high radiation to keep people out of the areas where the radiation levels were dangerous from the meltdown.

Season 5[]

"The Hurt That Will Happen"[]

In the woods, Grace finds Morgan fighting with a radioactive walker in one of her traps and shoots it, before holding him at gunpoint. She demands he take his clothes off, but Alicia jumps her, takes off her mask, and asks where Al is. Grace explains a power plant melted down last year and that Morgan needs to be decontaminated after killing a walker that was affected by it.

Grace then stands by her truck as Morgan takes a shower. She suggests he take his wedding ring off to scrub under it, which makes him uneasy. She tells Alicia she hasn’t seen Al but agrees to help after dealing with the walker's body and checking out the dead walkers at the crash site for more radioactive ones. Alicia accepts but insists on keeping her gun and passes on Grace's warning to John and June.

A while later, at the crash site, Grace confirms with a Geiger counter that the deceased walkers are all clean and becomes concerned upon seeing that the plane crash knocked down her fence as she has no bird traps in that area and the fence was the only thing keeping the radioactive walkers from crossing the eastern border. She insists on searching the area and fixing her fence while Alicia thinks they are only wasting time while Al is still alive and could need their help. The approach of a small herd interrupts their argument and Grace spots a dosimeter on one walker. Grace suits up with Morgan's help as Alicia take out the walkers one by one, though the dosimeter is lost when the walkers fall in mud. As Alicia struggles with a walker, Grace uses her Geiger counter to identify the radioactive walker, shooting him after finding the right one.

That night, Grace criticizes Alicia's actions. She explains how she was once the plant's operations manager and turned it into a safe haven for the workers and their families when the outbreak happened. Grace expresses remorse and guilt over the deaths of her friends in the meltdown, blaming herself for their loss. She tells Morgan that there are 63 radioactive walkers left and she has to take care of them now as she couldn't before. After learning from John and June that they have found more of the radioactive walkers, the group heads to Camp Cackleberry where Grace puts down the reanimated residents who had become exposed by the radioactive walkers.

Later, Grace prepares to leave in her truck to dispose of the remains when Morgan tells her they'll help her find the rest of her friends but she declines, revealing that she has been exposed to the radiation and has limited time to live and does not want to risk anyone else's lives. Morgan reminds her they'll always be on the other side of the walkie if she needs them and Grace requests they contact her if they find any more of her people.

"The Little Prince"[]

Grace is in her truck when she receives a call from Morgan over the radio to inform her of their plan to fix the plane and invites her to leave with them. Grace contemplates answering, but instead chooses to shut off the radio and walk into the radiation zone in her suit. Later, Grace calls Morgan over the radio to ask him to disconnect the truck stop's generator and prepare it for transport. She explains that the plant's second reactor is in danger of melting down and she needs the generator to help buy them time to escape though she doesn't believe that she can stop the meltdown permanently.

On the road, Morgan helps Grace transport the generator to one of the roadblocks and they clear it together. Morgan continues to try to convince Grace that there is more to life for her than her mission, but Grace refuses to believe it and is determined to do everything she can to buy his group the time they need to escape. Morgan then finds his plastic-wrapped staff in the back of her truck and tells her how the man who gave it to him made him realize there’s more beyond death. Grace then reveals she tricked him into getting out of the truck as she is unwilling to risk his life to delay the meltdown and drives off alone into the radiation zone, leaving Morgan behind at the roadblock.

"Still Standing"[]

Grace arrives at Lonestar Power & Light and begins to work on hooking up the generator when Morgan calls. Grace is shocked to learn that Morgan is in the radioactive zone and suggests that he search the nearby houses of some of the workers for a vehicle to rescue his friends. Not long afterwards, the generator overloads and Grace warns Morgan that they only have twelve to twenty-four hours until the second meltdown. She claims she can fix it and will meet them by the plane, but Morgan can tell that Grace is lying. After rescuing Strand and Charlie, Morgan, having found another radiation suit in a worker's car, arrives to help Grace. The two are able to repair the generator and delay the meltdown.

That night, Grace expresses concern about the level of radiation that Morgan may have been exposed to, particularly as he doesn't have a dosimeter to show them. Morgan explains to Grace that he knew the only way he could get her to save her life was by forcing her to save his by leaving. Morgan discusses Eastman with Grace and what he taught Morgan about living. He suggests that even though Grace doesn't know how much time she has left, that doesn't mean her life has to come to an end. Grace agrees to join Morgan's group in leaving in the plane.

Grace drives Morgan back towards the truck stop when he makes contact with Alicia who doesn't tell them about her encounter with a radioactive walker. As Alicia runs from a herd, alarms sound at the power plant. Grace confirms to Morgan that the alarms signal the beginning of the second meltdown.

"Is Anybody Out There?"[]

On the road, Grace tells Alicia she should be fine after she takes a hot shower off of her truck and furiously tries to rinse off the contaminated blood. As the nuclear plant sirens continue to ring, they drive away from the approaching herd. A while later, Grace hears as Morgan promises to teach Alicia aikido. She then stops the truck as the walkers pass by and head towards the siren. Suddenly, the siren stops, and the nuclear plant explodes. The walkers then turn to their truck as Grace tries to drive away. She hits a car on the barricade and gets stuck, forcing them to run away.

Grace, Morgan, and Alicia run to the plane's airfield with the walkers close behind. Morgan radios Luciana to tell everyone to get ready to fly but she says John and Dwight aren't there yet, so Morgan asks them to help him fight the walkers. Having retrieved his staff from Grace's truck, Morgan questions her if it is safe for him to use which she confirms given the greater threat of the radioactive cloud. Grace and the group then start walking backwards to the plane as the walkers close in. June tells Morgan she made John a promise and they have to get on the plane. Grace and the group makes a run for the plane as John and Dwight drive their way past the walkers in Sherry's van. Everyone makes it on the plane safely as a wall of smoke from the reactor fills the runway. Strand and Al steer through it and make it into the open air.

In the air, Grace breaks Morgan's staff in half and throws the contaminated half out of the plane, making the remaining half safe for him to use. Morgan thanks her but doesn't look pleased. She then watches happily as John proposes to June and she accepts. That night, the plane roars toward the dark runway as Wendell fixes the lights at the last second, allowing the plane to finally land.

Grace is introduced to Sarah by Morgan and then meets the rest of the group. Suddenly, a woman contacts Morgan on the radio, asking if that was his plane flying overhead. She's seen his boxes and wants his help. The communication cuts out as Logan interrupts the signal and says they need to chat. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him.

Logan tells Grace and the group the gasoline is going bad and that Clayton wrote down an oil rig location. He says if they hand over his journal he'll help them find it. They're skeptical, but he makes the case they won't be able to help anyone without it and suggests they should find it first before his former crew.

"Channel 4"[]

Sometime later, Grace and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio.

In an interview by Althea, Grace explains she tries to take advantage of every day and ignore her regrets. She is also revealed to be part of the base camp security and of escorting people to outposts when necessary, alongside June. When she is recorded touching her neck, Al asks her about it. Grace says she just wants to be prepared for when she gets sick due to her exposure to a lethal dose of radiation.

At night, Grace and the rest of the group reunite in their camp to dine together. Al then asks the group what each want, with Grace confessing she has a lot more things she wants to do. The tape concludes with everyone pleading with future survivors to help others.

"210 Words Per Minute"[]

Grace, Morgan, and Dwight go on a mission to find a man named Charles, who has been bitten, inside a mall and to put him down. At the entrance, Dwight cuts down a walker with his ax and leads Grace and Morgan inside. In an office, Grace and Morgan find an iPod with a note from Charles promising his favorite songs. They also find a chair where he tied himself up until he turned and a herd of walkers on the ground level. Suddenly, Grace passes out and Morgan tells Dwight to find a first aid kit.

Grace is laid by Morgan upon a mattress and is eventually waken up. Dwight enters with the update from Daniel. Morgan instructs Dwight to return to the caravan to bring trucks so they can load up while Grace decides she'll stay behind and help. After resting, Grace listens to "A Tale of Two Cities" on the iPod as she looks at the herd in the ground level, preparing to find Charles. Morgan stops her and Grace admits she wanted to get to the urgent care downstairs to know if she really had radiation poisoning. She asks Morgan to help her get to the generator and she'll do the rest and he agrees.

Morgan uses a toy car to draw away the walkers while he and Grace try to get to the generator. As they make their way down, Grace walks toward a walker she believes to be Chuck but gets the whole herd to chase her, forcing them to lock themselves in a store. Morgan assures her Dwight will rescue them tomorrow. After a while, Grace and Morgan bond over her past and she reiterates how scared she is about the radiation. When Grace prompts him to talk about his son, he refuses. Suddenly, the walkers begin cracking the glass on the door and they're forced to move.

While traversing the dark corridors of the mall, Morgan explains to Grace that Duane was six when he got him a remote control car. "He made me smile. He did. See, I've always been a kind of serious guy except with them. That's how I knew it was right," Morgan explains while also admitting he found himself smiling on his first date with his wife. He then asks Grace if she has someone, but she admits she never wanted a relationship out of fear.

They get the generator working and the power comes on in the mall. They lift the gate on the clinic, which causes the alarm to sound and a new horde of walkers to chase them. Morgan gets attacked by a walker on an escalator and Grace saves him. The herd starts making its way up the stairs and they are also surrounded from the sides. Grace finds a way to send the escalator back down. They break into the security room and finally turn off the alarm. Grace grabs the keys as Morgan notices Charles on one of the monitors, still alive.

Grace and Morgan find Chuck on the roof and he tells them he still wants to be buried under the stars, despite it being a cloudy night. Grace takes out a kids toy which projects stars on an overhang, which he appreciates crying in joy. The next day, Grace and Morgan bury Chuck outside the mall and put a stuffed turtle on top of him. They make it to the Urgent Care, where Grace decides she no longer wants to go inside because she doesn't want to find out when she is going to die. They hang out at the mall and ride the carousel.

Later, the rest of the group arrives. Daniel asks Morgan if there is any Cinnabon roll but gets disappointed. Dwight updates them on his run-in and suggests they should be more careful. Tess then mentions they could settle in at a ranch they passed on the road. They agree and the group begins loading the mall supplies into their trucks.

Grace switches her audiobook to normal speed, signaling she's finally enjoying her life. However, she is left heartbroken when Morgan tells her he's not going with her because he has to help Al. They separately shed tears as he drives off.

"Today and Tomorrow"[]

Grace is working on some solar panels as she listens to her audiobook. Daniel catches her attention and she confesses to him that she is thinking about the future and wants to stockpile the panels for use at any future community they might establish. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel.

At night, Grace and Daniel's transmission gives out because their truck is too heavy with supplies. She suggests they hole up in a place nearby in the meantime. On the road, Daniel tells Grace that for a while, Skidmark was all he had. Suddenly, walkers show up and overwhelm them, ruining his vinyl collection. They then manage to find shelter inside an abandoned restaurant.

Later, Daniel tells Grace he got those records for Charlie, who helped him get out of his state. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. She then spots a guitar and suggests they teach Charlie with it. Together they sing the chorus of "End of the Line".

The next morning, Grace starts succumbing to her illness as Morgan radios her. He tells Grace they need to talk, but Daniel picks up and says she has become terribly ill. Grace tells Morgan she hopes to see him again and watch him smile, but doesn't think there's much time left. Daniel gives him their location and starts comforting Grace.

"Channel 5"[]

Grace and the rest of the caravan keep traveling in search of a permanent home. She is dehydrated and having trouble keeping food down. Morgan is tending to her and admits he hasn't told her what he planned on. At night, Grace and Daniel teach Charlie how to play guitar and Grace says she hopes she'll stay alive long enough for their settlement. Later, Grace passes out but is given some medicines by Morgan. June uses the ultrasound machine from the mall on Grace's neck, but she isn't able to find anything, and she admits that she doesn't even know what to look for and that without fluids, Grace can't last very long. When she wakes up, Grace asks Morgan what's up and he again deflects. Later on, Morgan decides the group should leave in the morning.

The next day, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. The wires start to snap so Morgan instructs everyone to cross the bridge without the cars. Suddenly, Virginia drives up and offers to help, explaining she's been following them and can't believe they used extra resources to help Grace. However, no one listens to Virginia and she orders her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. She reminds them to give her a holler and drives away.

Grace is assisted to pass the bridge while Morgan, Strand, and Al handle the walkers. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across. Tom trips while recording as the truck falls through the bridge. He laughs at his good fortune until the bridge under him collapses too. Later, Grace and the others rest on the side of the road before Morgan tells the group they should continue and Janis says it's what Tom would have wanted. They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot.

Sometime later, the group finds a billboard for the Gulch. Morgan catches up with Grace and nearly confesses his feelings but she stops him. "I don't want to make things harder," she says. Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. The group debates their next move. Grace and the others then hear as Morgan radios Virginia for help.

"End of the Line"[]

Grace and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. When Morgan checks on her, Grace tells him she told a man from the plant how she felt right before he died, and that's why she didn't want Morgan to do the same. She then suggests she'll kill herself when Virginia arrives because she knows she'll have no use for her. "I won't let that happen," Morgan tells her.

After a while, Dwight arrives with some horses and explains if they're alive then there must be water nearby. They argue over whether to stay or not and eventually decide to stay, where they'll deal with the walkers and Virginia. Grace and a group break open the fence and use the horses to lead the massive herd to ambush Virginia and take their supplies while the rest moves into the gulch.

On the road, Dwight quickly gets surrounded by walkers and is forced to jump off his horse as the walkers devour it. Dwight runs off but Morgan follows him and eventually catches up. Grace and the rest lead the herd into the river while Morgan and Dwight hide in the bushes. The group then returns to the Gulch, where Al shows them the bodies of the people Virginia killed. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. Morgan just wants to make sure everybody survives and reminds them despite their failures they still made a difference in the world, and they should keep living their lives.

Later, Grace attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. She sings along with Daniel at the end of the ceremony. Suddenly, Virginia and her pioneers arrive in a SWAT truck-leading caravan to take the group into different settlements.

That night, the group gets separated and driven away. Morgan confesses his feelings to Grace before Virginia shows up and sends her away. Grace tells Morgan she feels the same about him as she's driven off with a doctor, leaving them alone. After she is checked on by the doctor, Grace is discovered not to be dying but instead to be pregnant for at least 3 months and malnourished.

Season 6[]

"Damage From the Inside"[]

Virginia leads Victor Strand into a hidden room where a visibly-pregnant Grace is sitting on a bed reading a book. Virginia orders Grace to get up and tells Victor that she wants everybody they took from Humbug's Gulch back.

"The Door"[]

Virginia calls Morgan on the radio, telling him that they have something that they need to discuss. When Morgan refuses to answer, Virginia puts Grace on at gunpoint and Morgan answers. Grace reassures Morgan that both she and the baby are okay and Grace believes that she's about 7 months pregnant now. Grace is relieved to talk to Morgan, having believed him to be dead along with everybody else. Taking the radio back, Virginia threatens that if anything happens to Dakota, Grace and the rest of his friends will be killed. Grace is then locked in a cell with June, Wes, Luciana, Sarah, and Daniel.

"Things Left to Do"[]

Grace is rounded up along with Luciana, Sarah, June and Daniel. Virginia aims her gun at their heads and demands to know where Morgan is. When no one answers, they beat Daniel up and Virginia decides to kill Grace. Morgan shows up on horseback and reveals to the rangers that Dakota killed Cameron and that Virginia covered it up. Strand backs up Morgan and says that the rangers will die like Cameron if they follow Virginia. A gunfight ensues as Strand's rangers fire against Virginia's loyalists, including Hill. She manages to take Grace hostage and Hill grabs Daniel hostage and the pair back their way to a station wagon where Hill is ordered to take the captives to a rendezvous.

Later, Virginia orders Hill over the radio to surrender and bring Grace and Daniel back to Lawton. Daniel, June, Luciana, and Wes arrive at the dam on horses. Morgan announces that he wants the killing to stop, despite Sherry's demand that they hand Virginia over. Morgan invites everyone to join his community. Grace shares a sweet reunion with Morgan.

"Handle With Care"[]

Grace summons Morgan to the pavilion. Daniel feels the baby kicking in Grace's belly. She says it feels like a contraction. Charlie races over to tell Morgan that Grace needs help. Morgan and Daniel sit by Grace's side as she experiences contractions. Sarah estimates it will take at least one day for June to arrive and says they need a fetal monitor. Morgan says he knows where to find one and promises to return within a few hours.

Daniel sends Charlie to accompany Grace while he tracked down the weapons. Morgan radios Daniel and says that Grace isn't at the fish shack. Daniel joins Morgan, Sarah, and Rabbi Jacob as they look for Grace in the woods. They finally find her. The group checks Grace with the fetal monitor. Daniel asks why she didn't go to the fish shack. Grace and Charlie tell Daniel that he told them to go to the caverns, not the shack. They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns.

"In Dreams"[]

A walker attacks Grace as she lays on the ground. A girl named Athena kills the walker with a staff and offers to bring Grace to her community. Athena takes Grace to Valley Town. Morgan greets them outside, but he is much older and does not recognize Grace. Inside Valley Town, Grace marvels at the thriving community. She tells Morgan that she is Grace and says the last thing she remembers is heading to June's hospital after going into labor. Morgan finally recognizes her but is incredulous that she's alive.

Morgan takes Grace to her grave and says that she died in labor, due to her radiation exposure. He says that Athena is her child. Morgan walks Grace through the village. Grace sees Daniel giving Strand a haircut and Dwight and Sherry with a son and daughter. Morgan says that everyone reunited after Athena was born. Morgan, Grace and Athena go out on a run. Athena listens to music on a cassette player and says it's the only thing she has left from her mother. They see a rusty car painted with the words, "The End." The car explodes, throwing Grace to the ground where she experiences several flashbacks, including of her lover Matthew.

Grace wakes up and screams Morgan's name. Athena helps her as walkers show up. Grace and Athena flee from the walkers. Grace hears Morgan's voice. "Come back to me," he says. The moment plays on a loop. Grace remembers that she and Morgan had been driving to the hospital when the rusty car exploded on the side of the road. She realizes the explosion knocked her unconscious and that she is now having a dream.

In reality, Morgan leans over Grace's body inside an abandoned vet's office. He begs her to wake up. In her dream, Grace realizes that Morgan is trying to wake her up. She calls Morgan's name. She remembers packing the cassette player for the hospital. She puts on the headphones and listens to music. Riley and his gang show up outside and shoot at the building. Grace tells Athena that they're in trouble. Riley calls out for Morgan and says that Morgan has something they want. Morgan removes the headphones from Grace's head.

In Grace's dream, the cassette player stops playing music. Grace asks Athena to take her to the vet's office in the hopes that it will help her wake up. Riley calls out Morgan's name. Morgan starts to move Grace. Riley's gang finds Grace and Athena on the road. Grace and Athena both double over in pain. Morgan transports Grace in a wheelbarrow and reassures her that the pain was just a contraction. Riley tells Grace that she has something they want. He gets out a knife. Grace slashes him in the throat, killing him. Grace holds her belly in the wheelbarrow.

Grace reveals to Athena that she is her mother, and that she needs to wake up so that Athena can be born. Grace laments that it's taking too long to reach the vet's office. A white horse shows up out of nowhere. Grace describes Athena's father as they ride the horse toward the vet's office. They hear Morgan's voice as they get closer. Inside a barn, Morgan urges Grace to wake up. He hears Riley's gang outside and barricades the stables.

Grace and Athena arrive at the barn. Grace tells Athena that she will die soon due to radiation poisoning but predicts that Athena will unite everyone and inspire hope at Valley Town. Riley's gang arrives at the barn. Morgan hears the gang enter the barn and urges Grace to wake up. Grace tells Athena to hide, but Athena insists on fighting. Riley's gang approaches. Riley demands the key that Morgan is wearing around his neck. He says the key will change everything and that he will leave Morgan alone once he has the key. Grace and Athena fight Riley's gang.

Grace sees the key on Athena's necklace. Athena says that Morgan gave it to her as a reminder of the cost of peace. Grace drops to the ground. In reality, Grace makes a choking sound and stops breathing. Morgan gives her chest compressions. Riley grabs Athena and slams her against a wall. He grabs the key from her neck. Morgan begs Grace to breathe. In Grace's dream, Morgan stabs Riley and helps Grace up. Grace hugs Morgan.

In reality, Morgan listens to Grace for signs of life. Grace hugs Athena and says that she will always be with her. She steps toward the barn doors. Grace regains consciousness and tells Morgan that she saw the future in a dream. She says that she is going to die in labor but that Athena will make everything okay. Grace records songs for Athena to listen to. Riley crashes a truck through the barn wall and holds them at gunpoint. He demands the key. Grace urges Morgan to hand over the key and says that the future lies in Athena, not the key. Morgan hands the key over. Riley leaves. Grace assures Morgan that Athena will unite everyone.

Grace goes into labor. Morgan delivers the baby, but much to their devastation, she is stillborn. Grace cradles Athena and cries. She realizes that her dream was about Athena's final moments, not her own. She says that her hopes for the future were just a dream.


Grace has fallen into a depression since the loss of Athena and holed up in Valley Town's old church, refusing to allow even Morgan to see her. Morgan tells June that Athena absorbed all of the deadly radiation in Grace's body, which is why she's still alive and is now cured. However, Morgan blames June for Athena's death and Grace's state.

When June returns with John Dorie Sr., Grace watches silently from the church doorway. June goes to check up on Grace with Morgan suggesting that her opinion on Athena's death could help Grace.

"USS Pennsylvania"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.

"The Beginning"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.

Season 7[]

"Six Hours"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.


Grace will appear in this episode.

"The Portrait"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.

"Follow Me"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.

"Mourning Cloak"[]

Charlie reveals to Ali that her infiltration of Strand's Tower is meant to open the door for a rescue mission by Morgan for Grace and the baby.

Following Charlie's collapse, Grace helps June to treat her and to break the bad news to Ali and John Dorie Sr. that Charlie has terminal radiation sickness. Grace gently explains to Ali that even with precautions being taken, it is still possible to suffer a lethal dose of radiation as there are other ways for it to happen.

"Sonny Boy"[]

Grace will appear in this episode.

"The Raft"[]

Morgan reveals to Alicia that Grace had recorded some songs for Mo to listen to when they escaped and she left a message for Morgan saying, "Morgan listen, we don't have much time. If this works, I need you to take Mo and get away from here, as far away from Strand and this Tower as humanly possible, even if it means leaving without me." Morgan knows that Grace is right and that it's the only way to make sure that Mo is safe. If they can't capture the Tower tonight, Morgan is going to leave with Mo, just like Grace had asked him to do as long as he can find a way out of here.

"Divine Providence"[]

Strand reveals that he locked June, Grace and Wendell on the top floor after the escape of baby Mo. With Wes taking over the Tower, Strand and Alicia plan to enlist their help to save the rest of Morgan's Group. After Strand kills Wes, Daniel is sent to free June, Grace and Wendell while Strand and Alicia go to shut off the lighthouse beacon that's drawing in radioactive walkers from the crater.

Outside, Dwight puts down a walker that is drawn to the Tower by the beacon. Dwight is worried since Alicia should've been out by now and Luciana points out that they can't wait much longer with Sarah agreeing that as long as the beacon is on, walkers will be on them. Sherry notices that someone is coming as Daniel arrives with June, Grace and Wendell. An emotional Sarah reunites with her brother for the first time in months and Dwight and Jacob question what's going on inside of the Tower and how the four got past the Rangers. Daniel tells everyone that while he doesn't have time to explain, they all need to get back inside of the Tower immediately. Grace asks about Morgan, but Sherry reassures her that Morgan had followed Grace's request and took Mo somewhere safe, but they don't know where.

Daniel warns everyone that they need to hurry as the beacon light is drawing the dead from the crater to the Tower. In Spanish, Luciana asks if he's sure and Daniel confirms it, telling Luciana rather pointedly that he's not a liar. Dwight asks how far they are, but Daniel isn't sure, revealing that Alicia and Strand are turning the light off as they speak. "Vic and AC are on the same team? What the hell did we miss?" quips Sarah. Daniel begins leading everyone inside of the Tower and brushes off June's attempts to patch him up, wanting her to tend to Charlie first. Daniel explains to a confused Luciana in Spanish that Strand had tried to convince him that Charlie is Ofelia, continuing what Luciana had started. Luciana apologizes for her actions, and a confused Daniel asks why she did it. Luciana admits that she thought that it was the only way before three Rangers open fire from the roof, killing two members of the group and sending the rest ducking for cover behind the platform. The group desperately returns fire as Wendell notices the herd approaching and he realizes that the Rangers are trying to box them out, forcing them to move out of cover.

On the roof, Strand kills two of the Rangers from behind while Alicia kills the third, ending the gunfire from the roof. Strand and Alicia notice five Rangers below charging at their friends and Strand guesses that the Rangers guarding the tunnel must've circled around. Knowing that the others are sitting ducks and seeing that the walkers are almost here, Alicia orders Strand to turn off the light while she gives the others as much cover as she can. Alicia shoots the five Rangers, but Strand hesitates to turn off the light. Strand realizes that Alicia is never going to forgive him, that even if Strand turns it off and helps Alicia to save everyone, the damage has already been done.

Stating that they don't have time for this, Alicia charges Strand, but he throws her into a cable, severing it and damaging the light. Strand angrily states that it was never going to be enough to make Alicia love him, but Alicia tells him that it could've been, but Strand ruined it by killing Wes. An emotional Strand insists that he didn't have a choice, but Alicia angrily accuses him of always having a choice and making the wrong ones. Although Strand tells her that he had killed Wes to save her life, Alicia believes that Strand was only trying to save himself and he didn't care who he had to kill to do it. Alicia kicks Strand backwards and struggles with him, telling Strand that "the person you used to be -- the person you said you wanted to forget -- that was never you!" In the struggle, Alicia punctures a gas can with the blades on her prosthetic arm and breaks another cable in the process, sending the antenna falling and shattering the light. The herd arrives, devouring a few members of Morgan's group as the rest rush inside of the Tower and barricade the doors against the radioactive walkers, watching them through the glass in horror.

Alicia climbs the platform holding the light with her transmitter and she hooks it up to the antenna. A despondent Strand tells Alicia that it's too late and there's no way out of here, but she ignores him. Stating that there's one, Alicia begins her broadcast. "This is Alicia Clark. If you're listening to this, you're not alone. The place you've been looking for, the place you've heard about, PADRE, it's here -- the Tower. Coordinates 29 degrees, 20 minutes, 14.1 seconds north, 94 degrees, 59 minutes, 25.7 seconds west. We're gonna build the new home you've been looking for. We can help you. But first... we're gonna need a little help from you." Sparks from the broken light suddenly set the spilled fuel on fire and it quickly spreads. Strand warns Alicia that the fire is going to spread through the whole building, but Alicia passes out as the fire spreads across the roof and Strand calls out for her.


Grace will appear in this episode.


Morgan plays Mo a tape of Grace singing "Dock of the Bay" for her daughter.

Season 8[]

"Remember What They Took From You"[]

Seven years after Morgan's Group is taken to PADRE, Mo has several flashbacks of Grace singing to her on the tape that she had recorded.

Mo later escapes with the help of Madison Clark, but they and Morgan get trapped by a herd at Morgan's Houseboat. During this time, Mo finds the old tape player and listens to her mother singing to her.

Later, as Morgan and Mo attempt to free Mo's trapped foot and escape, Madison starts banging her sledgehammer on the houseboat, drawing the herd towards herself to buy Morgan and Mo time while Morgan puts down the few that get too close to him and Mo regardless. Morgan finally manages to free Mo and restrains his daughter as she desperately tries to help Madison who is getting swarmed by walkers. However, Madison is willing to sacrifice herself for them, knowing that there's too many walkers for Morgan and Mo to help her Morgan reveals that the last time he killed as many walkers as he could before PADRE came back and saved him, but Morgan doubts that they're coming this time. As the walkers are about to devour Madison, Grace suddenly races up in a boat and shoots all of the walkers going after Madison and two that try to climb into the boat, having heard the radio chatter and came as fast as she could. Shocked to see Mo, Grace introduces herself as her mother and escapes with Morgan, Madison and Mo before more walkers can reach them.

Sitting on a beach, Madison realizes that Grace is also working with PADRE which she admits to. Grace works maintaining PADRE's radio towers and radio traffic exploded when Madison escaped. Having heard Morgan's message, Grace deduced that they would end up at the houseboat after he went silent. Madison realizes that PADRE has all of Morgan's group on their side while Mo, holding the Walkman, realizes that Grace is the one who was singing on the tape which she confirms, having made it a long time ago. Mo admits that she remembered Grace's singing even before she heard it on the houseboat which surprises her parents, but Grace tells her daughter to try and put that out of her mind while Grace hasn't heard anything about if PADRE is still looking for them.

Mo suggests that they don't have to go back to the island. Morgan did save her seven years ago by calling PADRE when he didn't want to, and he almost died fighting to get Mo back to them. Morgan points out how badly things had gone for them earlier, but Mo points out that Grace had showed up to help them. Morgan is incredulous as Mo was fighting to get back to the island just the day before and now she doesn't want to anymore. Mo now knows that PADRE has been lying to her this whole time. Mo has been taught that her father is selfish and that he couldn't make the hard calls to protect her, but she now knows that he did before. Madison did too just now and Mo invites her to come with them, but Madison refuses as she'll just slow them down and she did what she set out to do. Mo angrily asks if Madison is just going to give up and die out here "and what about everyone else? I can't be the only one you took. What about all the other kids you rescued for PADRE?" Madison doesn't think she can help them, but Mo points out that Madison helped her, and they wouldn't be doing it alone.

However, their conversation is interrupted by the approach of PADRE. Morgan and Grace reveal that they radioed PADRE as they can protect their daughter in ways that they can't. Mo stubbornly refuses to go back, but Morgan and Grace aren't having it, insisting that their daughter has to go back and forget everything that happened at the boat, everything that she's learned about them. However, Mo can't as she now knows what she was missing when she looked to shore: Morgan and Grace, her parents. Morgan harshly tells Mo that her parents were Isaac and Rachel who are dead. They died a long time ago and they made Morgan promise to take care of her which is what he's doing and why Mo is going back to PADRE. Madison angrily confronts Morgan over throwing away his chance to be with Mo, but he tells Madison that she needs to get out of here and run while she can and not make things any harder than they already are. Calling this the biggest mistake of Morgan and Grace's lives, Madison refuses to run despite the possibility that PADRE will kill her and Morgan, Grace and Mo trying to get Madison to save herself with Mo urging Madison to save herself so that she can save everyone else. Madison doesn't think that she's going to make it, but Mo urges her to try.

Three PADRE boats arrive with several PADRE guards and Shrike who tells Madison that PADRE still has use for her. As Madison is taken onto a boat, she yells to Mo to "remember what I showed you. Remember what they took from you." Mo is led by PADRE guards onto another boat and Shrike, addressing Grace as Heron, orders her to go to the delta receiver for repairs. Watching Mo get taken away, Morgan comments that they at least got to see her, but Grace, breaking down into tears once their daughter is gone, admits that it only makes it harder for her which Morgan acknowledges and apologizes for before Grace leaves. Shrike announces that PADRE is retiring Morgan as a Collector, having invested too much in Mo to run the risk that she'll cross paths with Morgan again now that she knows that Morgan is her father. Morgan reassures Shrike that he's made sure that that's not gonna happen again which she knows is because Morgan thinks that's what's best for her now. However, that might not always be the case. Shrike has Morgan taken away on her boat.

"King County"[]

In King County, Morgan is drawn out of his despair by the sounds of a vehicle nearby. Investigating, Morgan spots a PADRE truck slowly driving through the nearby streets. Morgan ambushes the driver, only to find Grace who tells Morgan that he had asked her to come, confusing Morgan as he didn't. Grace explains that she was working at the repeater station and got an SOS from Morgan, one that was coded like they had talked about. Morgan is disturbed as no one knew that he was coming to King County unless someone followed him. Morgan chides Grace for listening to her audio book as he could've been a walker sneaking up on her, but she quickly dismisses his concerns, noticing the skunk smell on Morgan.

As Grace questions what he's doing so far inland, Morgan notices a noise in the back of her truck, and they find a hiding Mo. Morgan chides the two for coming, believing that they are just going to get themselves killed and asking if Mo got the same message as Grace. However, Mo reveals that she was the one who had sent the message, having been told by Madison that Morgan was going to do something important. Morgan is pleased to hear that Madison got away, but Morgan didn't tell Madison where he was going. However, Mo figured it out for herself based on the graffiti that she saw on Morgan's Houseboat about King County and his attempts to lie to her about it not being important. Exasperated but proud, Morgan admits that his daughter is so much smarter than she has any right to be, getting a laugh out of Grace.

Mo asks if this has to do with Jenny and Duane as their names were on the houseboat wall too. Morgan tries to get his girlfriend and daughter to leave, but Grace explains that Jenny and Duane are Morgan's wife and son and asks if they're why he's here. Morgan finally admits that he came back to King County to put his son to rest as Duane is still a walker. Morgan asks how Mo figured out their code "Dock of the Bay", and Mo explains that she knew that song meant something to him and her mother, asking if she can call Grace Mom who immediately agrees. Mo had deduced that if she played it at the end of the message, Grace would think that it was Morgan. Mo knew that if she told Grace the truth, she probably wouldn't have brought her along with her to King County. Mo jokingly asks if this is what it feels like to get in trouble with your parents, but Morgan is more concerned about her getting into trouble with PADRE. Mo explains that Daniel helped her get away, surprising Morgan and Grace that he's still alive, and that Daniel is building an army of other parents to take PADRE down. Mo wants them to help Daniel do that, but Morgan needs to finish what he came back to King County for first.

Morgan leads his family back to the house where he lost Duane and explains that "we were looking for food. Man, we were always looking for food and I went down into the basem*nt and told him to stay in the kitchen. I don't know, maybe the door was ajar. The front door because when I came up, there she was, his mother standing right opposite him, but she wasn't his mother anymore. Before I could even get my gun up, Jenny was on top of him. I finally did what I should've done weeks before. I, uh, I... I... I fired. But it was too late." Grace expresses her sympathizes to Morgan who finishes "it was just blood. God, the blood and the teeth and... and... I don't know. I just ran. You know, I ran like I didn't know what else to do. I ran and left him here. Left my boy to become one of them." Mo asks where Morgan went, but Morgan admits that he doesn't know as Morgan's period of insanity after losing his family is a blur that comes back to him in pieces. Morgan only knows that he started killing everything in front of him that moved whether it was alive or dead. Grace questions whether Morgan is up for this, and he believes that he is, but that he should go in alone. However, Mo wants them both to go with him, telling Morgan that he needs some new clothes, but they're still here which should tell Morgan that they won't let him go inside alone and Grace backs her up.

Before they can go inside, a flare shoots into the air and Grace reassures Morgan that she was careful. The three hide as Dwight and Sherry arrive on horses and Dwight calls out to Morgan that there's nowhere to go, surprising Mo that her father knows Red Kite. Morgan explains that he's the reason that Dwight is at PADRE, and he orders Grace and Mo to remain in hiding while he goes out to confront his old friends alone. The two explain that they're here to take Morgan back to PADRE, having intercepted the message to Grace. Although it was coded, Dwight and Sherry know Morgan well enough to figure it out and are firm that Morgan needs to go back with them. Morgan realizes that Padre has Finch and is using him as leverage which Sherry confirms, telling Morgan that if they bring him back, Padre will give them the freedom to go wherever they want. Morgan points out how unlikely Padre is to keep his word, but Dwight and Sherry know that something worse than what has already happened to Finch will happen to him if they don't bring Morgan back. "You sold us out seven years ago to rescue your kid, we're just returning the favor."

A walker appears nearby and heads for Grace and Mo. Morgan goes to stop it, but Dwight takes care of it instead with a hatchet and discovers the hiding Grace and Mo in the process. The couple is shocked to see them, and Mo admits that they technically came without Morgan's permission. Dwight and Sherry are conflicted about what to do with this turn of events as a woman calls in asking if they need assistance. Dwight suggests that Morgan takes off with Grace and Mo while he and Sherry find some walkers that look similar enough to them so that they can fake Morgan, Grace and Mo's deaths like Dwight and Al did when they ran from Virginia. However, Morgan knows that it might not work this time and it will only put Finch's life on the line if it doesn't work. Although Sherry isn't willing to take the chance either, Dwight points out that they can't tell Finch that they traded another kid for his freedom, causing her to relent. Dwight warns Morgan that they have two guards babysitting them and Dwight and Sherry rode ahead to sweep the town, so Morgan needs to make his decision right now before they catch up. Morgan is unwilling to leave without finishing what he came to King County to do first and he runs off with Grace and Mo as Dwight and Sherry move to block the entrance.

As another herd closes in, Morgan leads Grace and Mo to an abandoned house, finding it to be clear of walkers. Morgan directs them to oil lamps in the cupboards and a rifle that might be up on the second floor in the front bedroom and extra ammo in a shoebox under the bed. Morgan knows that they're going to need the gun as walkers are going to find them before Dwight and Sherry do. As he adjusts the blackout curtains over the windows, Grace demands to know how Morgan knows where everything is in this house. Morgan admits that he'd lived in the house with Duane before he died, and a concerned Grace asks if Morgan is sure that being here is a good idea. However, when prompted by Morgan, Grace doesn't have a better idea.

That night, after masking the skunk smell on himself using tomato soup, Morgan shares a story with Mo about how Duane's dog Mitch had once gotten too close to the wrong end of a skunk and, with the dog needing to be where Duane was at, Morgan and Jenny had bathed her in tomato soup, resulting in such a horrible smell that Duane wouldn't touch the stuff even when he and Morgan hadn't eaten in days. Mo asks if how things used to be was nice and whether or not he thinks it will ever be like that again, but Morgan tells her that he would say that it wasn't bad and he thinks that if they do things right, they might have the chance to make it even better and give everybody the second chance that they deserve. Morgan apologizes for his harsh words before about how he and Grace aren't Mo's parents, reassuring his daughter that they are in every way that matters. Mo already knows and she understands what Morgan had been trying to do when he'd told her that they aren't. Morgan tells Mo that Isaac and Rachel are her parents too and that they had sacrificed their lives so that Mo would survive.

Hearing walkers outside, Grace sends Mo upstairs, and she warns Morgan that they can't stay. There are too many walkers outside and they are going to lead Dwight and Sherry here. However, Morgan believes that the herd will head off soon and when they do, Morgan wants Grace to take Mo as far north as her truck will get them. Morgan still needs to take care of Duane and then he will catch up with Grace and Mo and they can regroup with Madison and Daniel. Grace argues with Morgan about how he wants a second chance, but Morgan is insistent that he needs to lay Duane to rest. Grace compares what Morgan's doing to what she was doing when they first met: risking his life for someone who is already dead. The two argue about Morgan's refusal to leave when Dwight and Sherry gave them the chance and their conflicting priorities over their children. Morgan needs to do this as it's the only way that he can give Mo what she needs because Morgan needs to know that he won't let her down like he did with Duane. "You're so scared of the past repeating itself that you don't even realize that you're the one who's making it happen. And now we're trapped in this house that you and Duane lived because you brought us here," states Grace.

Dwight interrupts their argument over the radio, telling Morgan that they know he's inside and instructing him to look out of the window. Morgan sends a spying Mo upstairs and looks outside where Dwight, Sherry and two others are on horseback and walkers attempt to get through the door. Dwight urges Morgan to be smart about this while Grace tells Morgan that whatever happened in this house with Duane, it doesn't have to happen with them. Morgan agrees to listen, and Dwight tells him that they're trying to make this easy on him, but Morgan's the one making it hard, and he doesn't need to make it any harder. Grace suggests that they can still make the deal, but Morgan recognizes that it's too late for that. Morgan tells an impatient Dwight that he can keep waiting as the walkers outside are bigger problem for him than they are Morgan's family. Seeing more walkers approaching, Sherry cuts in and offers their help with what Morgan needs to take care of, telling Morgan that Padre thinks that Morgan came out here for a reason, although he thinks that it's weapons or soldiers for an attack. Morgan explains that his son died in one of the houses close by and Morgan came back to bury him. Although sympathetic, Dwight and Sherry have their own son to think about and Dwight has Oriole and the other guard shoot off flares to draw in more walkers, warning Morgan that the house won't hold when it's surrounded by every walker within 10 miles.

Mo calls Morgan upstairs where they find more of Morgan's crazy writings on the walls. However, Morgan doesn't remember ever coming back to the house after Duane died. Morgan finds a rifle sitting next to the window and, picking it up, explains that "Jenny was always outside. She would wander back here most nights, I don't know if it's 'cause she heard us in here, or she could smell us, but I would... I'd sit and wait. Wanted to put her to rest, didn't want Duane to have to see his mother like that. A man named Rick Grimes gave me this rifle to do right by her and I... never could." Morgan guesses that he must've come back to the house after Duane died and Mo asks why he wrote all of this and what "Clear" means. Morgan explains that things went wrong for him for a long time and Clear was when he was killing anything and anyone who came near him.

Mo finds Morgan's dusty photo album and both Grace and Mo, looking at the pictures, tell Morgan that they like it when he smiles, and Grace recalls the first time that she saw him smile on the carousel. Grace wonders what they've been doing these past seven years and Morgan tells her that they've been doing what they thought they had to. Mo asks if her parents ever saw each other and Morgan admits that they did now and then as they had to hide what they mean to each other from Padre so that he couldn't use it against them. Grace tearfully apologizes for wasting all of that time before Dwight has more flares launched to hurry them up.

Taking aim out of the window, Morgan hallucinates a walker as Jenny before seeing that it's actually a walker that's partially on fire heading for the house. Morgan realizes that the PADRE forces are trying to burn them out, but Oriole puts the walker down as a curtesy kill with a warning from Dwight that the next one they light on fire keeps walking. Morgan tries to reason with Dwight, but he is unmoved and gives Morgan five minutes to turn himself over before he sends another flaming walker up on the porch. Morgan regrets not taking the earlier deal and thus putting his family in danger, but Mo reassures her father that he made the right choice, and they just can't abandon Daniel and Madison.

Grace tells Morgan that they just have to get back to her truck while Mo believes that Morgan can stop the walkers before they can get to the house so they can make it to the truck. "You just have to Clear for us." Morgan warns his daughter that it's not that simple, but Mo tells him that this is his second chance while Grace suggests that this is what Morgan needs to show himself that things can be different. Morgan is reluctant as Dwight and Sherry are outside and Padre will hurt their son if Morgan and his family get past them, but Mo tells him that Padre won't if they can help Daniel take the island first. "She's right, Morgan. Rick -- he gave you this gun for a reason. Use it," agrees Grace. Morgan finally agrees to their plan.

Gathering in front of the door, Grace instructs Morgan, who straps a belt full of bullets to himself, to aim for the walkers in the center while Grace takes the ones to the side and Mo stays behind her. Morgan adds that if they can get through the scrum, walkers will follow them and make it hard for Dwight and Sherry to get close. Morgan will cover them and when he says, Grace and Mo need to take a hard right and not stop until they are at the truck. Grace reassures Morgan that he can do this and reiterates her apology for wasting so much time, a sentiment that Morgan returns. Much to the disgust of their daughter, Morgan and Grace kiss.

Rushing outside, Morgan shoots several walkers in their way while Grace uses Morgan's staff to hold back a few others and Mo takes out a walker with her sledgehammer. However, Morgan hesitates after once again hallucinating that a walker is Jenny and several walkers break through the porch railing in front of Mo. Struggling to hold back some more walkers, Grace orders her daughter to go back inside the house. Grace notices that the walker that Morgan is hesitating to shoot is on fire and calls out to him as Morgan struggles to break through his hallucination of Jenny. Grace saves Morgan from a walker coming at him from behind, putting it down with his staff, and the burning walker is shot by Oriole and the other guard. Dwight and Sherry demand answers as to why Morgan is really here, and Morgan reiterates that he's here for his son. Dwight orders Morgan to show them as it's the only way that Padre's ever going to believe him.

Morgan, Grace and the PADRE forces enter the house where Duane died, and Morgan tells them that they can take him back to Padre if they have to after Morgan shows them that he's telling the truth. Morgan asks for them to get Mo out of the house which is surrounded by walkers in return and Sherry promises to make sure that she's okay. A walker rattles a door, causing Morgan to hesitate and ask Dwight for his hatchet so that he can be the one to put his son down. After Morgan promises that he won't try anything, Dwight agrees and hands over his weapon. On Morgan's signal, Dwight opens the door and Morgan puts down the walker with the hatchet, but it's clearly not Duane. While there's no sign of his son, Morgan finds Jenny's corpse in the next room, a bullet hole in her forehead. Morgan tearfully covers up his wife's body and yells for his son, insisting that Duane has to be here. Dwight and Grace attempt to comfort Morgan with Grace guessing that Duane must've gotten out at some point. Morgan is devastated that he waited too long and as a result, Morgan lost his chance to put his son to rest and he put Grace and Mo in danger for nothing.

The guard orders Morgan on his feet, stating that Shrike wants answers and demanding to know why Morgan really came here. Grace insists that Morgan is telling the truth about having come to the house for his son, but she doesn't believe him and reports to Shrike that Morgan was lying and his kid isn't there. Shrike orders the guard to kill Morgan if he won't tell them why he's in King County, but despite Grace and Dwight's attempts to intercede, Morgan simply challenges Oriole to kill him, going so far as to press the barrel of the man's gun to his head. Exchanging a look, Dwight and Sherry suddenly turn on the PADRE guards, bashing them both over the head and killing them.

Morgan chides his friends for their actions, but Dwight and Sherry are unwilling to watch Morgan get killed in cold blood and he is not the only one trying to escape his past. Dwight compares what PADRE is making them do to living at the Sanctuary all over again. Morgan is worried that Finch will end up just like Duane and he isn't willing to have that on him. Shrike calls in for a report and Morgan warns Dwight that Padre is going to kill Finch. Dwight responds to a visibly frustrated Shrike and demands to talk to Finch so that he can know his son's okay. Shrike gives Finch the mic and Finch tells Dwight that he thinks the treatment worked. A confused Finch asks what's going on, but Dwight instructs his son to use the Chimney Sweep move that Dwight taught him in class. Acting fast, Finch knocks Shrike headfirst into a table using a stool, knocking her unconscious. Dwight tells Finch to board a morning supply boat that leaves in 20 minutes, promising that he and Sherry will meet Finch at the dock when he lands. After Dwight reassures Finch that he and Sherry believe in him, Finch runs off to make his escape. Before leaving to meet the boat, Dwight tells Morgan that, whatever happened here, Morgan has a chance to make things different with Mo.

Grace contacts Mo, telling her that they are on their way to drive the walkers away and Mo needs to keep away from the door. Morgan tells Grace that she needs to go alone as she's their daughter's best shot, reminding Grace that he had frozen outside of the house. Grace tearfully tells Morgan that she had listening to a book at double speed in the truck and reveals that she's sick because the radiation has finally caught up with her and she can feel it. Morgan reminds Grace that she was wrong before, but this time it's different and Grace really is sick. While it's not what Morgan wants to hear, especially now, he has to get Mo out of that house. Grace admits that she's known about her illness for a few months: after she started feeling sick, Grace found a hospital and did a scan that confirmed it. "I'm paying the price for chasing the dead, Morgan, and I don't want you to do the same. You can't do the same!" Morgan promises that he's going to get Mo and then they're going to spend some time together as a family. However, when Morgan contacts Mo, she reveals that one of the flares set the house on fire and it's spreading.

Outside of the burning house, Morgan begins shooting the walkers and he orders Mo to get to the attic since she can't get out, promising that he's coming for her. In the attic, Mo finds more of Morgan's crazy writing and the growls of a walker while Morgan hesitates after once again hallucinating the walkers as Jenny. Mo finds a walker chained to the attic wall and realizes that it's actually Duane. As Morgan fights through the hallucination and shoots the walkers outside, part of the celling collapses, trapping Mo with the zombified Duane. Entering the attic, Morgan sees that his writings spell out "DUANE YOU STAY THERE" and Morgan is shocked to realize that at some point, he brought Duane back to the house where they had been living and chained him up in the attic. As the trapped Mo struggles to free herself and Duane reaches for her, Morgan takes aim at Duane with the very same rifle that he had failed to put Duane's mother down with years before, but he once again hesitates to shoot as his daughter pleads for him to do it. As Mo shouts encouragement at him, Morgan remembers Duane as he was when he was still alive before Morgan finally shoots Duane in the head, putting his son to rest at last. Looking at adoptive brother's corpse, Mo tells her father that she's fine and he did it. Morgan helps free Mo, and they escape.

The next morning, outside of the completely burned down house, Morgan buries his wife and son's bodies together. Laying flowers on the grave, Morgan promises his family that he'll be back after taking care of a few things and it won't take him 10 years this time. Morgan is finally at peace over the loss of his family and Grace reminds Morgan that he didn't let it happen again which is what matters. Morgan declares that they're going to help Madison and Daniel beat PADRE and reunite every child who still has a parent out there, do what they said they were going to do and spend as much time together as they can. Grace tearfully remembers that Morgan had once told her that, no matter what was coming, she had to live, so that's what they're going to do. The two decide to keep Grace's illness from their daughter for the time being.

In the house's wreckage, Mo finds Morgan's slightly scorched but still intact photo album and she starts going through it, telling Morgan that he needs something to help him remember what they were like before. A walker suddenly bursts out of the rubble and grabs Mo, but Grace pulls her daughter to safety and Morgan bashes the walker's head in with his rifle butt. While Mo is unharmed, a terrified Grace has been bitten on the side of her stomach by the walker.

At the dock, Dwight and Sherry observe the supply boat, but there's no sign of Finch getting off. Much to their surprise and relief, Finch sneaks up behind his parents who are happily reunited with their son. Hearing an engine, the three hide, fearful that the PADRE guards have found them. Instead, Morgan races up in Grace's truck and he shoots the two guards dead. Morgan reveals to Dwight and Sherry that Grace got bit and that he needs their help. The two confirm that June's treatment on Finch has been working and Morgan tells them that Grace's only chance is for them to get her to June. Dwight, Sherry, Mo, Finch, Morgan and Grace race off in the PADRE boat and Morgan urges Grace to hold on, promising that June can fix this. Grace is doubtful, but Morgan tells her that they have to live no matter what and Grace promises him that she will.

"More Time Than You Know"[]

Morgan, Mo, Dwight, Sherry and Finch attempt to rush Grace to June. Grace is burning up while Morgan attempts to raise June on the radio. Grace wakes up on the boat, confused, and Morgan explains that Grace had gotten bit and Grace remembers what happened in the rubble of the house. Morgan tries to reassure Grace that everything is going to be alright because June has a way of treating bites, but Grace doesn't believe it. Mo and Sherry use Finch as an example of how the cure works and Morgan explains that the treatment helps to stop the infection and it stops the fever. Morgan promises Grace that they're going to get to do the things that they said and spend time together as a family.

Suddenly, shots ring out as two PADRE guards in another boat catch up to them. Dwight pushes the engine as much as he can while Morgan finally manages to raise June on the radio. Morgan tells June that Grace has been bitten on the side and they can't amputate, asking if June thinks that what she did for Finch will work on Grace. June admits that it might work, which Morgan is willing to take, but they will need equipment that PADRE has to do it. Morgan asks where she treated Finch and June reveals that it was on a train car. The boat's engine begins to overheat, and June asks for Grace's temperature, but Morgan can only tell her that Grace is really hot.

June tells Morgan that they must treat Grace fast, and Morgan asks for the last place that she saw the train car, but Shrike cuts in to tell Morgan that the train is no longer there. "Why do you think I put it on wheels in the first place? To keep people like you from messing with it." Morgan asks what Shrike wants and she claims that she wants to help save Grace's life. Morgan tells her to call off her men then, but Shrike wants Morgan to hear her out first. Shrike offers to tell Morgan where the train car is, have her people escort them there and even allow June to administer the treatment, explaining that she had paid a visit to King County and saw how many walkers that Morgan had killed single-handedly aside from the one who bit Grace. Morgan demands to know what Shrike wants and she tells him that there's a shipyard that is very important to their future. Standing next to a large machine gun looking at the shipyard, Shrike reveals that it has thousands of walkers inside that she needs cleared out. Shrike doesn't care if Morgan gets help from Dwight, Sherry, Madison or even Daniel's Resistance, she just wants the walkers dead. While Shrike was going to have the Prefects do it, she can risk Morgan instead of them. "That's how Grace gets a shot at living," she finishes.

After having passed out, Grace awakens again in the back of a PADRE truck. Morgan explains that they're on their way to the shipyard and Grace is then going to be taken to the train to meet June. Grace is shocked that Morgan surrendered to PADRE, asking how he knows that they will keep their word. Morgan reveals that they won't clear the shipyard until they're sure that Grace is safe with June, but Grace thinks that it's too dangerous despite Morgan's assurances that they've got it handled. Morgan radios Daniel who's people are armed and ready, but they need reassurances from Shrike that they're not walking into a trap. Shrike assures Daniel that the walkers are real and that she wants them dead, revealing that the contents of the shipping containers are valuable to her. Grace asks what they're going to help her do and Morgan tells her that they're going to help Shrike clear the shipyard, and they have the people and the weapons to do it with.

Morgan asks where the train is, but Shrike tells him that the job has to be done by hand, not with guns. The containers hold supplies that are needed to rebuild the world such as fertilizers and munitions. "One stray bullet and PADRE's entire legacy goes up in smoke," warns Shrike. Shrike didn't tell them before because she knew that Morgan had an army, but she didn't know that he had an armory too. Daniel backs out of the plan, telling Morgan that he's already told Shrike too much and it's too dangerous for Daniel to ask his soldiers to do this. Morgan begs Daniel not to back out on this now, but Daniel tells Morgan that he's not the one that Morgan should be angry with. Agreeing with Daniel, Grace takes the radio and reassures him that it's okay as Grace doesn't want anyone to die for her. Visibly saddened by the choice that he has to make, Daniel apologizes to his old friend as he genuinely wishes that they could help her.

Taking back the radio, Morgan is willing to do it without Daniel's help, but Grace tells Morgan that he doesn't know that he can do and he needs to be there for Mo while Dwight and Sherry need to be there for Finch. Morgan had to watch Jenny die from a bite and he isn't willing to do it again, but Grace tells Morgan that it's not up to them and it's not like she has much time left anyways. As her daughter begins to cry, Grace reveals that "before the bite, I was sick. It's cancer, Mo. I've been running away from it for a long time. It's finally catching up to me." Grace only has months left to live, maybe a year at most, which Mo points out is a lot more than a day.

The truck suddenly pulls over and Shrike tells Morgan that if he's not going to take the deal, then they need to make sure that Grace doesn't hurt Mo or Finch when she turns. Grace is dragged out of the truck and Shrike tells Mo that this is to protect her while Morgan begs Shrike that he will do whatever she wants. Grace begs the guards not to let her daughter watch while Mo begs them to stop. Morgan and Dwight share a look before attacking as Mo suddenly rushes in and shoves the guard's gun away as he shoots at Grace. Morgan strangles one man unconscious from behind while Dwight gets the other's gun and pistol-whips him unconscious as well. Dwight praises Mo's instincts and Mo credits Dwight's teaching of her. Mo promises that she's going to fight for every moment that she can have with Grace while Shrike calls in, ordering Kingfisher and Magpie to kill Morgan, Dwight and Sherry next. Grabbing a radio, Dwight informs Shrike that her men won't be able to comply with her orders, and Shrike warns him that while others have tried, no one has ever managed to steal a child from PADRE before. Before turning off the radio, Dwight tells Shrike that he thinks that Finch and Mo are going to be the first of many.

Morgan has Dwight get the map out of the truck cab in the hopes that it contains the location of the train car. However, Grace weakly warns him that even if they find its location, they won't make it there and neither will June. However, Morgan insists that it doesn't mean that they shouldn't try. Grace hands Morgan a set of coordinates that she wants to spend whatever time she has left with her family at, but she refuses to explain what they lead to, begging to just be taken there before Grace passes out again. Morgan knows that, with Grace's fever getting worse, they don't have much time. Dwight and Mo examine the map and find the tracks that train was on and guess that Shrike must've moved it further down the tracks. At Morgan's request, Dwight identifies Grace's coordinates as being a repeater station like the one that she serviced for PADRE, confusing Morgan as to why Grace would want to go there. Mo thinks that it's just because Grace is sick and confused, but Morgan doesn't think so as Grace had seemed pretty clear to him. However, Mo just got her parents back and she's not going to lose them again. Mo tells Morgan that this is no different than him and Grace sending Mo back to PADRE when they first met because it was what was best for her. Morgan finally concedes and agrees to take Grace to the train car, ordering Sherry to raise June and do everything that she can to meet them there. Shrike isn't going to make this easy, but Mo tells her father that they're fighting for someone they love and that's why they're going to win this. Having retrieved their weapons from the truck's cab, Mo returns Morgan's latest staff to him.

Grace awakens on a canoe as various status reports come in over the radio, including about Kingfisher and Magpie being found as well as a trail. Mo and Morgan explain that Dwight and Sherry are acting as a decoy for them and Grace manages to sit up and asks where they are. Morgan explains that he thought that they'd be hard to track in the swamp that they're passing through even if PADRE did figure out what they're doing. Grace realizes that they're not heading for her coordinates which are located inland, and she asks where they're taking her. Morgan points out that the coordinates were for one of PADRE's repeater stations which Grace knows and is distressed to learn that they're taking her to the train car instead. Morgan tells Grace that June is gonna try and meet them there and he insists that they can stop this and give them more time. Grace points out that there's no way that PADRE will be leaving the train unguarded, but Morgan is still intent on trying. Grace is worried that they will both only get killed trying and Morgan questions why Grace wants to go to the repeater station instead. However, Grace refuses to answer, stating that it no longer matters as the station is too far away now.

Hearing gunshots in the distance, Morgan realizes that Dwight and the others must be in trouble, and he has Mo raise Dwight for him. Dwight, Sherry and Finch flee from PADRE guards that are shooting at them into an abandoned house. Dwight reports that they're pinned down while Sherry tells her husband that they can't stay here for long as they're going to be flanked. Dwight warns Morgan that PADRE's forces know that they're following the wrong people and Morgan's group may have company soon. Addressing Shrike if she's listening, Morgan tells her that it's him that she wants, and Morgan asks that Shrike let Dwight and Sherry take their kid and go. Dwight doesn't believe that Shrike will call off her people after what they've done, and he sees that Shrike has sent Prefects rather than adults after them as Shrike knows that they won't kill them. Dwight decides to lay down suppressive fire, believing that if the Prefects do what he taught them to do, they'll fall back and regroup while Sherry takes Finch and runs. Dwight opens fire as Sherry reluctantly runs with Finch, Dwight's shots causing the Prefects to retreat as he had predicted.

A steadily weakening Grace protests that this isn't what she had wanted, and this is why Morgan should've listened to her. Morgan presses Grace for why she wanted to go to the repeater station so badly and Grace reveals to her family that "it's our future. Over the years, I've been scavenging for supplies to fix things for PADRE and... I collected other things too. Things to make a home. A place where we could live. A place where you'd feel safe." Morgan didn't know that, and he'd thought that they had both agreed that PADRE was the best place for Mo. While Grace did agree, it doesn't mean that it was what she wanted. Grace regrets not saying something sooner as that might've changed her and Morgan's minds, "but I waited until it was too late 'cause that's what I always do. If I'm not gonna make it, I at least wanted to give her a moment there. A moment for how it could've been for us." Morgan insists that they can still take Mo there after June has stopped the infection, but flares are suddenly shot into the air and Mo realizes that PADRE knows that they're in the swamp.

In an underground area, Dwight joins his family and finds Finch out of breath. While Dwight at first thinks that it's because they've been running, Sherry tells her husband that Finch is running a fever. Sherry contacts June about Finch's condition and, when they check Finch's bite, they find it to be red and inflamed with the skin around it being hot. A worried June admits that the bite infection could be back, but she'd have to see it in order to be sure. Dwight demands to know what June means, but June needs to see Finch in person before she can make any kind of an assessment. Sherry points out that Grace's repeater station is close by, and Dwight agrees to send June the coordinates. Morgan orders June to go to Finch who needs her, and June promises to get to the train car as soon as she can and to talk Morgan through the procedure over the radio if she has to.

While Mo insists that June has to get to the train car, Morgan recognizes that the situation may well be hopeless after all since Finch's infection seems to have returned. Morgan and Grace explain to Mo that if Finch's infection really is back, "then whatever June's doing, it doesn't work." Mo refuses to give up and while Grace doesn't want her to, she also doesn't want her family to risk their lives for a treatment that doesn't work. Grace wants to spend whatever time she has left with Morgan and Mo and Morgan suggests heading to the carnival that he and Mo had walked through with Madison and blocking off the entrances so that they can stay there for as much time as they have. Mo won't give up, but Grace tells her that it's accepting how things are, not giving up. More flares shoot into the air and Morgan realizes that Dwight was right that PADRE's forces are getting closer. Morgan decides to lead PADRE's forces away and take the long way to the carnival, promising to meet Mo and Grace there against Mo's objections. Morgan gets off the boat and Grace tells him "thank you for understanding my love. It's what I want." Morgan promises to see Grace soon and, with a kiss to her hand, sends Mo and Grace off without him, instructing Mo to look after her mom.

Having reached the carnival, Morgan calls Mo asking where she is, before realizing what Mo is doing. On a small hand cranked railway car, Mo moves herself and Grace down the tracks, figuring that the train can't be far away now and promising that Grace will understand when she's better. Grace begs Mo to stop, but she refuses as every minute counts, even if Morgan and Grace can't see it like Mo can. Grace protests that even if they do make it to the train car, the cure won't work, but Mo is determined to prove her mother wrong. As Grace worries that the Prefects are going to take Mo back to PADRE, she suddenly stops because the Prefects, standing between them and the train car, have found them. Grace orders Mo to call her father for help, but Mo refuses as Morgan will make them go back.

Dove orders Mo to stop while Grace instructs her daughter to do as the Prefects say. However, Mo believes that the Prefects won't hurt her, although Dove tells her not to be so sure. Seeing Hawk amongst the group, Mo asks if they know the truth about Padre. "There is no Padre. He's been dead for a long time. And that Shrike and Crane are full of sh*t. That they're doing all of this because they lost their dad." Removing her mask, Dove tells her former friend that Padre is an idea, not a person, the right idea. Mo refuses to relent, telling Dove that she'll have to kill Mo to stop her as Grace protests and Dove asks Mo not to make her do this. Mo knows how upset Dove was when she found out that her mom was dead and Mo doesn't think that Dove wants her to feel that too. Dove hesitates before finally moving out of the way. Mo doesn't think that any of the Prefects want that or that they will hurt her as Mo is trying to save her mother. Mo promises a smiling Grace that it's going to be okay, and that they are going to save her.

Mo helps Grace into train car, laying her mother down on the operating table. Outside, the Prefects move Mo's car away and Hawk shoots flares into the air to draw in walkers. Mo blocks the door and Grace asks her daughter how she knew that the Prefects wouldn't hurt her, and Mo admits that while she didn't know, she had to take the chance. Mo contacts June for help and she confirms that Finch's infection is back. June didn't give Finch a high enough dose of radiation to kill it as she didn't want the radiation to kill him. However, June did come close to getting it and if Grace already has cancer, they don't have to worry about how much radiation she gets. As a result, the cure might work on Grace and buy her the time that she wants. June promises that they're working on a solution for Finch, but Mo can't let PADRE destroy her equipment.

Under June's directions, Mo performs the radiation treatment on her mother while June observes Sherry tending to a very ill Finch. June tells Mo that it could take awhile for the treatment to work, but they have to watch Grace's temperature. If it starts to fall, that's a good sign, but if it keeps going up, they'll deal with it. Dwight asks what that means for Finch and June explains that Grace had the infection for longer than Finch did when June treated him. If this dose of radiation works on Grace, then it might work on Finch too. Dwight is concerned by the might in June's statement while June has Mo power down the equipment and the generator so that Mo isn't exposed to anything that she doesn't have to be. Mo notices a herd gathering outside and realizes that they won't be able to get out themselves, but Grace reassures her that Morgan is on his way. Grace asks about the Prefects and Mo is sure that they're hanging around somewhere, Dwight having taught them not to leave themselves exposed unless they had to. Mo knows that the Prefects are likely going to try to stop Morgan from getting to them.

Grace proudly commends her daughter's bravery when the Prefects tried to stop her and Mo admits that losing her mother had seemed scarier. Grace recalls that when she was Mo's age, she couldn't even pick up the courage to pick up the telephone when Grace's parents left her at home with her sister. Mo is confused by what a telephone is, getting a chuckle out of her mother who forgets how different things are for her daughter. "That's what I was trying to do at the repeater station. Show you how things were. How they still could be." Grace grows increasingly weaker and Mo discovers that her temperature is only going up. Mo discovers that Grace has a temperature of 106 degrees which June sadly reports means that Grace didn't get the radiotherapy in time. Even though Mo got her mother to the train car as fast as she could, it's not her fault: even if Grace had gotten the treatment right after the bite, it might not have been enough as it hasn't worked on anyone else. Mo desperately suggests giving Grace more, but both Grace and June tell her not to, knowing that Grace won't survive either way and more radiation would just kill her outright. June admits that she can't help Mo anymore and she instructs the young girl to enjoy the time that she has left while Grace reassures Mo that it's alright and that she did everything that she could.

As walkers continue to bang on the windows, Grace calls her daughter over. Morgan calls for his daughter over the radio as he races to the train car and Mo tells her father that she tried which Morgan already knows, having heard it all. As Mo starts to cry, realizing that Grace is going to die, Morgan promises her that she has nothing to be sorry about and Mo instructs him to be careful as there are Prefects in the woods. Morgan begins yelling at the Prefects not to try and stop him as he continues to run towards the train. Morgan asks to talk to Grace who tells Morgan that it wasn't meant to be while Morgan regrets not listening to Grace before, but Grace, near death, reassures Morgan that it's okay and she understands why he didn't. Morgan tearfully realizes that he's probably not going to get to her before Grace dies. Morgan promises to do everything that he can to get there in time, but if he can't make it then Mo's gotta leave. However, Grace tells him that Mo can't because of the walkers outside. Both Morgan and Grace know what Grace has to do as a result and express their love for each other, although they both aren't ready to let each other go. Morgan resumes running through the woods, desperately trying to get to his family in time.

Not wanting to hurt Mo if she dies and inevitably turns before Morgan comes, Grace directs her daughter to a nearby scalpel to put her down with before she can turn. Grace asks Mo to promise her to do it if Grace can't hold out until Morgan arrives and Mo promises Grace that she will. Mo regrets that, instead of following Grace's wishes to spend whatever time she has left with her family, Mo took that from her parents. Mo believes that she wasted all of the time that they had left, but Grace insists that Mo gave them more time. In flashbacks, Morgan and Grace are shown sitting together at Humbug's Gulch and preparing to commit suicide on the USS Pennsylvania before the arrival of baby Mo stops them and the family embracing just before Grace got bit. Grace weakly explains that "I'm not talking about today. There was a time... when things were really bleak... when your father and I... were thinking of ending things. We came so close to doing it. Do you know why we didn't? Because we heard you cry. You gave us a reason to live. You gave us more time... than you know." Holding her daughter's hand, Grace dies of her walker bite infection.

Mo desperately calls for her mother before realizing that she's gone. Mo readies the scalpel, but she can't bring herself to use it on Grace. Grace reanimates and attacks her daughter who drops the scalpel in the struggle. Mo eventually manages to shove Grace off of her and attempts to escape, but the cart that she put to block the door gets stuck, keeping her from getting out. Grace catches Mo who falls to the floor in the struggle and attempts to hold her mother back from biting her, but she can't reach the scalpel. Finally, Morgan enters and stabs the zombified Grace in the back of the head with his staff, putting her down. Tossing his weapon aside, Morgan gently lays Grace's body on the train floor before father and daughter embrace each other in their grief. Morgan gently closes Grace's eyes before Shrike calls out to him from outside of the train, telling Morgan that they need to talk. Morgan promises Mo, who continues to stare silently at Grace's body, that he's going to be right back.

Outside, Shrike, surrounded by armed Prefects, admits that Morgan is a brave man as she thought that they'd have to come inside to get him. Morgan knows that any one of Shrike's people could've killed him before, but they didn't, and Shrike explains that they knew what Heron would've done to Mo if Morgan hadn't been allowed to intervene. Morgan angrily corrects Shrike on Grace's name and Shrike holds up Morgan's old battle axe, telling Morgan that they had dug it out of storage, and they remember what Morgan did with it seven years ago when he had tried to run. Shrike comments that it's a shame that Morgan couldn't have used those same skills today. Morgan asks Shrike to leave them alone to bury Grace properly, but she refuses to allow him to do it. Shrike tells Morgan that he can still make things right, but Morgan makes it clear that he wasn't asking for permission. Shrike knows that Morgan isn't going to harm her Prefects, but they don't have that same hangup about him. Holding his staff to Shrike's throat, Morgan warns her that the Prefects aren't the ones that she needs to be worried about. Shrike orders Morgan to listen closely, telling Morgan that she could kill him right now, but she doesn't want to. "I know the pain Wren's in. The whole reason I am doing what I'm doing is to prevent anyone else from feeling that kind of pain." Pushing down Morgan's staff, Shrike tells him that Mo has already lost a parent today and she asks that Morgan not make her lose a second one.

Mo emerges from the train, telling Morgan to stop and ignoring Morgan's orders to go back inside. Mo declares that Shirke is right and that she doesn't want to feel like this anymore. Morgan insists that there's nothing that Shrike can do to make that go away, but Mo asks Shrike why she needs to get to the containers in the shipyard. Shrike explains that it's so that they can build new settlements all over the country, so that they can make sure that no one else feels what Mo is feeling right now. Morgan tells his daughter that she can't run away from her feelings, but Shrike tells him that Mo won't be running away from anything but rather that Mo will be heading towards a bright future. Morgan questions this, pointing out that Shrike can't even get to the containers in the shipyard. However, Mo tells Dove and the other Prefects that she can clear it if they help her, that it's what PADRE has been training them to do for years. Mo ignores Morgan's protests that the walkers are going to kill her, stating that they won't if they do it smart and use their training. After a moment, Dove agrees and Mo leaves with Dove, Hawk and the other Prefects, completely ignoring her father's calls.

Held back by two Prefects, Morgan protests that it's not going to work, and he can't lose her too. Shrike accuses Morgan of only caring about what he wants rather than what Mo wants, but Morgan continues to insist that Shrike is going to get his daughter killed. Shrike reiterates that she doesn't want to kill him, and Morgan seemingly relents. As Shrike starts walking away, Morgan suddenly attacks and disarms the Prefects using his staff and superior aikido skills despite the fact that one of the Prefects is also armed with a staff. Morgan races after Mo, but as he runs past Shrike, she uses Morgan's battle axe to knock him to the ground. With all of Morgan's recent losses, he begins to slip back into his old insanity telling Shrike that "you're not gonna kill me... because you can't. Because I don't die! Everybody else does, but I don't." Shrike suggests that Morgan might be right and that he needs to think about why that keeps happening.

The Prefects grab Morgan and throw him into the train car with Shrike ordering them to make sure that Morgan can't get out. The two chain the doors shut and shoot more flares into the air. As another herd emerges from the woods and surrounds the train car, Shrike tosses Morgan's battle axe onto the tracks next to his staff and departs with her Prefects, leaving Morgan trapped and weaponless.

"All I See Is Red"[]

In a red-tinged flashback, Morgan remembers putting down a zombified Grace before Mo leaves with PADRE's forces.

Morgan awakens on the train tracks at night in the middle of a thunderstorm with Madison calling out to him and pinning Morgan down with her sledgehammer. After Morgan calms down, Madison explains that she had heard about Grace's death and came to the train to see if he was okay, only to find Morgan killing the herd surrounding it with his battle axe after having somehow gotten out. Morgan asks why he's on the ground and Madison reveals that Morgan had swung his axe at her and she had to knock him out. Morgan is in disbelief as he doesn't remember, but Madison reassures him that it's not Morgan's fault as "you weren't you. How could you be?" Morgan remembers Mo leaving to go to the shipyard and angrily demands his axe.

Inside the train, Grace's body is covered in a sheet with a pool of blood around it. Madison retrieves Morgan's bloody battle axe from a shelf, telling him that she had to make sure that he wouldn't hurt her. Madison asks Morgan what's going on and he explains that Mo thinks that she can clear the shipyard by herself, but she will die without their help. However, Madison isn't talking about that, and she draws Morgan's attention to writing on the walls in Grace's blood reading "GRACE TURNED. CLEAR. MO RAN. CLEAR. YOU CAN'T RUN. CLEAR. CAN'T FEEL THIS AGAIN." Morgan is shocked, and he urgently tells Madison to get away from him. "It means it's happening again, like it did before. Losing... losing... her. Grace. It's like I lost Jenny. Losing Mo." Madison insists that he hasn't lost Mo, but Morgan tells her that he will like he did Duane. Morgan explains that "I... I thought I was past this. I thought that when I put him to rest that I was past this! It's like I see red. It's all I see and all I do is kill. Again, and again until I've Cleared. Walkers, people, I don't see no difference, all I see is red, so you are not safe with me." Madison doesn't believe that, but Morgan states "that's 'cause you weren't there. You're not seeing how many I killed. And it's like a... it's like a... a cycle and it's startin' all over again."

Madison insists that they'll break the cycle, but Morgan points out that he swung his axe at her, and he doesn't even remember doing it. Morgan is worried about what else he might do, but Madison refuses to leave him because she knows what the thought of losing her kids did to her and Madison had lost herself too when they first met. Morgan helped to bring Madison back and she's here now to help keep what happened to Morgan before from happening to him again. Madison promises that whatever happens now, she'll be there for Morgan and make sure that he doesn't lose himself again. Conceding, Morgan tells her that they have to come back here afterwards and bury Grace right which she agrees to. Morgan can't lose Mo, he doesn't think that he could survive that. Telling Morgan "then let's not lose her," Madison returns Morgan's battle axe to him. Before following Madison out of the train car, Morgan takes one last look at the word Clear on the walls and his bloody hands.

After defeating PADRE, Morgan buries Grace in the makeshift cemetery near Eastman's Cabin, the place that Morgan had first regained his sanity after losing his family. Morgan hands his daughter a new staff that he found for her and suggests that she go practice with it. Holding his battle axe - which is made mostly out of the staff that Eastman had given him - Morgan addresses his old friend's grave. "Have you seen how much this has changed since you first gave it to me here? I suppose you'd say I have too. You made that all possible with all that you did and all that you taught me. There's something I realized just lately, that all life is precious, but that is not about killing or not killing. It's about... what you do with the time that you have. And the... the people that you have, ya know? I need you to look after Grace for me. Please." Watching Mo practice her aikido, Morgan offers her some of the same advice that Eastman had given him, laughing at the fond memories that it brings up.

Morgan announces that they have to get going as Morgan has decided to go looking for the friend that he mentioned who told him not to run, noting that it wouldn't be the first time that they found their way back to each other. Taking his radio, Morgan makes an open broadcast. "This message is for Rick Grimes. It's Morgan Jones. Man, I'm gonna come and look for you, whether you're at Alexandria or not. I will leave this message every morning at dawn, and I will leave the walkie on for a few minutes after. Who knows? Maybe you might even be listening." Morgan touches a kiss to Grace's grave and he has flashes of Eastman, Benjamin, Nick Clark, Isaac, Rachel, John Dorie, John Dorie Sr., Alicia Clark, Jenny, Duane and Grace, all of the people that he's cared about and lost along the way. This time, Morgan only sees fond memories of his loved ones without the red-tinge, at peace at last with those that he's lost. With one last look back at Grace and Eastman's graves, Morgan and Mo depart, heading for Alexandria and to find Rick.


Killed By
  • Herself (Caused, Sacrifice)
  • Zombies (Alive)

While protecting her daughter from a lurker that suddenly pops out of the ruins of the Drake Family Home, Grace is bitten on the side. Following a failed attempt at curing her using June's radiotherapy treatment, Grace succumbs to the infection from the bite and dies. After Mo can't bring herself to stab her mother in the head afterwards in order to keep her from turning, Grace reanimates.

As a zombified Grace attacks Mo, Morgan comes up from behind her and stabs Grace in the back of the head with his staff, putting her down.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Grace has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Grace's relationships, read here; Grace Mukherjee (Fear)/Relationships


  • List

  • Table

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6👁
Season 7
Season 8
AppearsVoice is heard
👁Appears with no linesAppears in a flashback
Appears as a walker🖼Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpseAppears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Grace, please visit Grace Mukherjee (Fear)/Gallery.


International Dubbers[]

LanguageDubberOther Characters Voiced
CzechKateřina LojdováN/A
FrenchAriane AggiagePaula
GreekIfigenia StaikouSarah Rabinowitz
Spanish (Latin America)Marisol RomeroN/A
Spanish (Spain)Neus SendraN/A


  1. "…Season 6 left off with Morgan and Grace (Karen David) as the adoptive parents of the orphaned Baby Morgan…"


Fear the Walking Dead Characters
El SerenoMadisonAliciaPatrickCynthiaMariaDouglasMr. PosadaMrs. PosadaNicholasTravisHectorSusanPeterJoannaGladysMr. Cruz
Los AngelesDanielVictorAdamT.J.WilliamHillaryPatelOfeliaChristopherElizabethGriseldaKimberlyCalvinGloria
Paul R. Williams High SchoolTobiasBillRussellBrandonArtMatt
California Army National GuardGraceFrenchMcElroyAndrewScottDavidsonColeRichardsCastroHodgesMasonJonesJohnsonBethanyShihKuchenMelvinWillimasMoyersVrakking
Catrina IslandHarryGeorgeSethMelissaWilla
Flight 462AlexMichaelAlanIanJakeTom
Connor's PiratesJackVidaConnorBenBreannahReed
Abigail VineyardSofiaJuanJorgeLuisCeliaThomas
Mexican NavyGalvanTintosVazquezMiguel
Baja CaliforniaJavierRamonDianaMr. MagañaMrs. MagañaGael
La ColoniaLucianaIvonneReynaldoAlejandroAnaLauraFranciscoBertoOlivieroAlonso
Los HermanosMarcoAntonioRamiro
Rosarito Beach HotelElenaHectorAvaAndrésOscarJessicaChristinaMrs. DiazIleneCharles
Brandon's GroupBrandonDerekJames
Suarez FamilyElíasAngelicaBenitoSara
Broke Jaw RanchTroyChristineErinPatBobBlakeDaxKerryStanGabePaulMrs. TwomeyJakeCooperTerranceJeremiahJosephJimmieGretchenKathyVernonMikePhilMarthaRussellCharleneWillyTracy
Gonzalez DamLolaEverardoEfraínDanteOthónJ.C.Pablito
Hopi TribeQaletaqaLeeJoséMartaJohnKlahMr. Walker
El BazarMariaJohnnyMatarifeEddie
The ProctorsJohnNineteenNineEleven
TexasAltheaDwightJacobSlimRyanMollyTessPhilippeJosiahMayaBeaWesJohn Sr.PaulEliEmileFredEmmaJohnEdCharlesQuinnSerena
Leland's GroupLelandHardyBill
Dell Diamond StadiumJuneVivianDouglasCole
The VulturesCharlieMelvinEdgarIngridEnnis
Wittington's Denim CompanyPeteDomRollieDorisLoganClaytonPurvisStevie
Camp CackleberryDylanMaxAnnie
Civic Republic MilitaryIsabelleBeckett
Lonestar Power & LightGraceRobertMichaelMatthew
The PioneersJamesEllenCleveKennethTerrenceFrankieRegSamanthaDakotaHillVirginiaMarcusTerryMary AnneMalcolmDr. HoltJanisCameronSanjayAdrienneBenJebRidingsTom
USS PennsylvaniaRogersPowerNelsonBrownGreenJohnsonFranciscoVossWatersStewartFarleyWrightThompsonGarzaWalter
Valley TownMorganRachelAthenaIsaacJohnTina
Creative Visionaries AgencyNoraLeeMichaelMark
The OutcastsSherryOswald
Doomsday CultMikeSabrinaArnoldSageJasonTheodoreHarveyDerekPaige
Galveston County JailHayesGeorge
Larson FamilyBrigaKimKevin
Strand's TowerTobyBellMickeyJulianaKatHowardAliGarcia
Franklin HotelEliasWill
Daniel's ResistanceDianeAdrian
Emissary SuitesFrankKlausMariettaHildy
Troy's GroupTracyRussellSerena
Marty's GroupMartyPhil
Alicia's GroupAdaDellaSara
Miscellaneous SurvivorsBetaMiaMatinMuhammadRowanJennyLucyStevenCindyEstelleMs. Maddox
Alive characters appear in green. Unknown characters appear in blue. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Undead characters appear in gray and italics. Non-Existent characters appear in orange and italics.

Grace Mukherjee (Fear) (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.