Godrick the Grafted (2024)

I command thee, kneel! I am the lord of all that is golden!

- Godrick the Grafted

Godrick the Grafted is a boss in Elden Ring. He is a Demigod and a Shardbearer who is encountered in Stormveil Castle.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Boss Fight
    • 2.1 Moveset
    • 2.2 Phase 1
    • 2.3 Phase 2
    • 2.4 Environment
  • 3 Dialogue
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 References


Godrick is a descendant of the Golden Lineage, the bloodline which began with Queen Marika the Eternal and her first consort Godfrey.[1] Only a distant relation of Marika's line, his divine blood was sorely diluted, and he was viewed as the runt of the litter.[2]

After the Elden Ring was shattered, Godrick inherited the Great Rune from the centre of the Elden Ring, referred to as the anchor ring. During The Shattering, Godrick was hounded from the Leyndell, Royal Capital. He claimed a multitude of treasures, including the Mimic's Veil,[3] and then hid amongst the womenfolk to flee the city.[4]

Godrick made his way south, settling in Limgrave with an army made up of soldiers who had fled Leyndell.[5] He took up residence in Stormveil Castle, using it as a refuge to hide from General Radahn,[6] and as a place to practice grafting; a grotesque act which involves attaching parts of other living beings to oneself to gain power.[7] When the Tarnished returned to the Lands Between, Godrick sent his soldiers on Tarnished hunts, seeking new subjects to graft.[8] As well as performing the act upon himself, Godrick also produced the Grafted Scions; abhorrent beings comprised of many different limbs, seemingly grafted onto children.

When Malenia marched southward, Godrick insulted her,[9] leading to a confrontation which left Godrick beaten and humiliated, forced to grovel for mercy.[10]

Godrick idolised Godfrey, desiring for his ancestor to witness his feats.[11] He wielded an axe emblazoned with the figure of a lion, a symbol of Godfrey,[12] and furnished his army with emblems of the Golden Lineage such as axes,[13] and depictions of Serosh the Beast Regent.[14] Although he styled himself as the "lord of all that is golden",[15] he was popularly referred to as "Godrick the Grafted",[16] commanding far less respect than his forebear. He was even despised by his servants, whom he looked down on and pushed around.[17]

The Tarnished journeys to Stormveil Castle in search of Godrick's Great Rune, on the advice of White Mask Varré[18] and Melina[19] In the castle, they encounter many examples of Godrick's grafting: severed limbs hanging from the ceiling in the dining hall; a dismembered Troll hanging over a courtyard; and a pile of dismembered corpses, among whom are the remnants of Roderika's companions.[20] Eventually they find Godrick in a graveyard, speaking to a dead dragon impaled on a statue.[21] Upon noticing the Tarnished, Godrick chides them for opposing him and engages them in battle. To gain an advantage, Godrick cuts off his own hand and grafts the dragon's head to the stump, gaining the ability to spew flames. Despite this display of power, Godrick is defeated, and the Tarnished claims his Great Rune.

Later, Nepheli Loux becomes lord of Limgrave at the appointment of Kenneth Haight.[22]

Boss Fight[]

Nepheli Loux, Warrior is available as a summon for this fight, as long as the player has spoken to her in Stormveil Castle. Her summon sign can be found just outside the arena.


Moveset List
Axe SwingPhase 1/2
Raises both axes and swings them in an arc after a delay.
Axe SlamPhase 1/2
Raises both axes above his head and slams them into the ground in front of him.
StormcallerPhase 1/2
Swings his axe around him, generating a cyclone which knocks the player back. Follows up with a rolling attack and then a slash with his axe imbued with wind. In Phase 2 he ignites the cyclone with his dragon breath.
Ground SlamPhase 1/2
Leaps into the air and slams into the ground with his axe.
I Command Thee, Kneel!Phase 1/2
Smashes his axe into the ground twice, generating two earthquakes covering a large area around him. In phase 2 he brings his axe down for a third time, creating an even larger shockwave.
Axe GrindPhase 1/2
Drags his axe along the ground to create sparks, and then brings it down from above.
Jumping SlashPhase 1/2
Jumps into the air and swings his axe in front of him in a downward arc.
Forward Axe GrindPhase 1/2
Moves forwards, scraping his axe along the ground, and then slashes forwards.
Axe ComboPhase 1/2
Swings his axe in front of himself five times.
Storm BladePhase 1/2
Fires off multiple wind projectiles which home in on the player. Sometimes immediately follows Stormcaller.
RollPhase 1/2
Performs a role which chains into his next attack
Arm ChopPhase 1
Once his health reaches 60%, he stops attacking and chops his arm off, transitioning into phase 2. This will deal damage if the player is too close to the axe.
Fire SweepPhase 2
Spews fire from his grafted dragon in a single, prolonged jet which sweeps around the arena.
Fire SweepPhase 2
Spews fire from his grafted dragon in a single, prolonged jet which sweeps around the arena.
Fire MarchPhase 2
Spews fire from his grafted dragon and walks towards the player. Finishes with a horizontal fire sweep.
GrabPhase 2
Grabs the player with his dragon arm and lifts them into the air while breathing fire. Finishes by slamming the player into the ground and releasing a burst of fire.
Bear Witness!Phase 2
Drives his grafted dragon into the ground, spins in a circle, and pulls the dragon back out, unleashing a rain of fiery rocks.

Phase 1[]

The fight begins following a cutscene. Godrick will primarily use his axe and his large left arm to deal damage, and can generate cyclones and earthquakes for area-of-effect damage. He can roll to cover ground quickly, and has a wind-based ranged homing attack.

Phase 2[]

Once Godrick's health reaches 60%, he will stop attacking the player and chop off his own arm. This is followed by a cutscene, which transitions into phase 2. Godrick can now spew fire from the dragon's head grafted to his left arm, providing him with more ranged and area-of-effect attacks.


The arena mainly consists of a narrow, paved area without any obstacles, lined on both sides by graveyards. There is a wider section at the arena's entrance, around the steps. It is possible to move between the gravestones, however doing so may reduce the player's ability to avoid Godrick's attacks.


English Dialogue
Intro cutscene
Mighty dragon, thou'rt a trueborn heir.
Lend me thy strength, o kindred.
Deliver me unto greater heights.
A lowly Tarnished,
playing as a lord.
I command thee, kneel!
I am the lord of all that is golden!
Phase 2 cutscene
Ahh, truest of dragons.
Lend me thy strength...
Forefathers, one and all...
Bear witness!
If the player is killed (phase 1)
Lowly Tarnished...
Thou'rt unfit even to graft...
If the player is killed (phase 2)
Great Godfrey, didst thou witness?
...I am the Lord of all that is Golden...
...And one day, we'll return together...
...To our home, bathed in rays of gold...
Japanese Dialogue
Intro cutscene
Phase 2 cutscene
If the player is killed (phase 1)
If the player is killed (phase 2)


  • Godrick is an optional boss, however he drops a Great Rune, two of which are required to enter Leyndell, Royal Capital.
  • Cut content dialogue suggests Gostoc was to be revealed as a son of Godrick, and would be a rival to Nepheli Loux for lordship of Stormveil Castle after Godricks defeat, after which he would succumb to the practice of grafting as well.[23]
  • The lines Godrick speaks upon being killed are an abridged version of a longer monologue, which was cut from the game before release. The full monologue is as follows:
    • One day, we'll return together.
      To our home, bathed in rays of gold.
      There is only one tree, and only its branches.
      That bathe in true rays of gold.
      Not the fool Omen King.
      Nor the rank malformed twins.
      O, we are the Golden Ones. The true and rightful heirs.
      Our land's grown old, now ashen, and cold.
      But look up, the Erdtree glows!
      One day, we'll return together.
      To our home, bathed in rays of gold.
      And grace will surely guide us safe.
      To our home, bathed in rays of gold.


Godrick the Grafted (1)

Godrick the Grafted (2)


  1. Godrick's Great Rune
  2. Finger Reader Enia: "The demigods are each and all the direct offspring of Queen Marika. Godrick the Grafted was but a distant relation... The runt of the litter, his divine blood sorely diluted."
  3. Mimic's Veil
  4. Kenneth Haight: "First he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital"
  5. Godrick Soldier Ashes
  6. Kenneth Haight: "then hid from Radahn in that castle..."
  7. Remembrance of the Grafted
  8. Kenneth Haight: "I would take great care to avoid Godrick's Tarnished hunts, were I in your shoes. That depraved lot are obsessed with sacrificing Tarnished like you for the sake of "grafting"."
  9. Kenneth Haight: "Then he insulted Malenia, lost to her in battle, only to lick her boots rather than die like a man."
  10. Sword Monument: "Godrick the Golden, humiliated Having tasted defeat by the Blade of Miquella Now on his knees, begging for mercy"
  11. Godrick the Grafted: "Great Godfrey, didst thou witness?"
  12. Axe of Godrick
  13. Godrick Knight Armor
  14. Tree-and-Beast Surcoat
  15. Godrick the Grafted: "I am the lord of all that is golden!"
  16. White Mask Varré: "Challenge Godrick the Grafted, lord of Stormveil, to acquire a Great Rune."
  17. Gatekeeper Gostoc: "Pushing me about like that. And after all that grafting? Where did that get you? Look down, on me, would you?"
  18. White Mask Varré: "Challenge Godrick the Grafted, lord of Stormveil, to acquire a Great Rune."
  19. Melina: "Upon the cliff, in Castle Stormveil, is a shardbearer. A demigod who inherited a fragment of the shattered Elden Ring. If the rays of grace signal the castle, then the Elden Ring beckons you. As an ally by pact, ...I pray that you are fit... To face the challenge presented by the Ring."
  20. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Everyone's...been grafted. Everyone who came with me. They crossed the sea for me. They fought, for me. Heh... Only to have their arms taken. Their legs taken. Even their heads...taken. Taken and stuck to the spider."
  21. Godrick the Grafted: "Mighty dragon, thou'rt a trueborn heir. Lend me thy strength, o kindred. Deliver me unto greater heights."
  22. Kenneth Haight: "Ah, quite. I have indeed selected a new ruler. Lady Nepheli is strong and just. Worthy of the burden of Limgrave's lineage. Such is the sincere opinion of I, Kenneth Haight, no less."
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kNOG7WdRls

Bosses in Elden Ring
Great Enemies

As a seasoned expert in Elden Ring lore and boss mechanics, let's delve into the rich tapestry of information surrounding Godrick the Grafted, a formidable boss encountered in Stormveil Castle.

Godrick's Background: Godrick belongs to the Golden Lineage, tracing his ancestry back to Queen Marika the Eternal and her consort Godfrey. Despite being a distant relative, Godrick's divine blood was diluted, earning him the scornful label of the runt of the litter. Following the shattering of the Elden Ring, Godrick inherited the Great Rune from its center, known as the anchor ring. He was forced to flee Leyndell, Royal Capital, claimed treasures like the Mimic's Veil, and sought refuge in Limgrave, where he engaged in the grotesque act of grafting – attaching parts of other beings to gain power.

Godrick's Actions and Ambitions: Godrick, styling himself as the "lord of all that is golden," desired recognition and respect akin to his revered ancestor Godfrey. Despite wielding symbols associated with the Golden Lineage, he was unpopular and despised, even by his own servants. His ambition to impress Godfrey led to confrontations, including a humiliating defeat at the hands of Malenia.

Boss Fight Overview: The encounter with Godrick unfolds in phases. In the first phase, he primarily uses his axe and left arm for attacks, incorporating cyclones, earthquakes, and wind-based ranged attacks. Upon reaching 60% health, Godrick transitions to the second phase by chopping off his own arm. Now, with a dragon's head grafted to his arm, he gains fiery abilities, including a sweeping fire attack and the ability to breathe fire.

Moveset: Godrick's moveset is diverse and challenging, featuring axe swings, slams, cyclones, earthquakes, and fire-based attacks. His second phase introduces new abilities, such as a prolonged fire sweep, a fire march, and a devastating grab attack.

Environment: The boss fight takes place in an arena surrounded by graveyards, providing a narrow, paved area for combat with minimal obstacles.

Dialogue and Lore: Godrick's dialogue reflects his desire for recognition and power. He speaks of his lineage, ambitions, and reverence for Godfrey. Cut content suggests a connection between Godrick and Gostoc, potentially revealing familial ties and a rivalry for control over Stormveil Castle.

Notes and References: Godrick is an optional boss, but defeating him yields a Great Rune necessary to enter Leyndell, Royal Capital. Cut content hints at Gostoc's role post-Godrick's defeat, exploring themes of succession and grafting.

Conclusion: Godrick the Grafted stands as a compelling character in Elden Ring, intricately woven into the game's narrative and lore. The boss fight against him showcases the depth of FromSoftware's design, providing players with a challenging and lore-rich experience in the vast world of the Lands Between.

Godrick the Grafted (2024)
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