Godfrey, First Elden Lord (2024)

Alas, I am returned. To be granted audience once more. Upon my name as Godfrey, The first Elden Lord!

- Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Godfrey, First Elden Lord is a boss in Elden Ring who is encountered in Leyndell, Ashen Capital.


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Age of the Erdtree
    • 1.2 The Long March
    • 1.3 Return to the Lands Between
  • 2 Boss Fight
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Dialogue
  • 5 Gallery
    • 5.1 Concept art
    • 5.2 Screenshots
  • 6 References


Age of the Erdtree[]

Godfrey is regarded as the first Elden Lord of the Golden Order,[1] and the former consort of Queen Marika the Eternal.[2] Godfrey was once a ferocious warrior, but when he vowed to become a lord he took upon his back the lion Serosh, the Lord of Beasts,[3] to suppress his ceaseless lust for battle.[4]

On Marika's orders, Godfrey led the War Against the Giants,[5] putting the Giants to the sword and confining their flame upon the Mountaintops of the Giants.[6] This war marked the birth of the Erdtree,[7] an epoch which would be ruled over by Queen Marika and her Elden Lord.

Godfrey and his offspring with Queen Marika became the first Demigods, regarded as the Golden Lineage.[8] Serosh's image became an emblem of the Golden Lineage,[9] acting as a counselor and guide for them.[10] Notable members of the Golden Lineage include Godwyn the Golden;[11] the Omen twins Morgott and Mohg;[12] and the feeble Godrick, the last of the Golden Lineage.[13]

Before it came to be an embodiment of Order, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree.[14] This age began amidst conflict, and Godfrey was regarded as the Lord of the Battlefield.[15][5] He wielded a great double-headed axe in battle, a weapon which symbolised the warrior's vow to conduct himself as a lord and which would later become a symbol of the Golden Lineage.[16] Axe ornamentation would also become symbolic of the knight Ordovis, who commanded the Crucible Knights under Godfrey's command.[17]

The Long March[]

As the Lord of the Battlefield, Godfrey fought in many battles. During the siege of Castle Morne, Godfrey bested a lone hero who fought for vengeance.[18] On top of leading the war against the Giants, he faced the Storm Lord alone. However, when his last enemy fell, it is said that the hue of Godfrey's eyes faded.[5] At the end of his campaign, although his golden armies were unvanquished and unbowed, he found his Grace lost, tattered and faded. He and his warriors were addressed by Queen Marika, who informed them that she had divested them of their Grace. She commanded them to leave the Lands Between, to wage war in a land afar, where they would live and die.[19] Thus, Godfrey and his kinfolk became the first Tarnished,[20] and left the Lands Between together on a pilgrimage known as the Long March, at the end of which Godfrey divested himself of kingship and became a simple warrior once more.[21]

Godfrey became a chieftain of the Badlands, under the name of Hoarah Loux.[22] Although the head of his axe had been broken in a battle fought during the Long March,[16] his loyal warriors honored him by wielding axes of their own,[23] and they became the weapon of choice for Badlands chieftains.[24]

Return to the Lands Between[]

At some point, Hoarah Loux died. However, when the Elden Ring was shattered following the death of Godwyn the Golden, another member of the Golden Lineage,[25] the Tarnished who had died outside the Lands Between were returned to life by the call of their long-lost Grace.[26] This fulfilled a promise Marika had made before Godfrey and his men had departed the Lands Between: that after their deaths they would regain what she had claimed from them, before returning to the Lands Between to wage war and brandish the Elden Ring.[27] The Tarnished, who had grown strong in the face of death, crossed the fog and returned to the Lands Between, to stand before the Elden Ring and become Elden Lord.[28]

Godfrey was among those who made their way back to the Lands Between. After the Tarnished has claimed the Great Runes, burned the Erdtree, and unbound the Rune of Death,[29] they return to the city of Leyndell and approach the Erdtree. At the Elden Throne they find Godfrey, Serosh at his back, mourning the death of Morgott, whom the Tarnished had previously slain.[30] Godfrey rises to his feet and addresses the Tarnished. He acknowledges their effort, however he declares his intention to be once again granted audience.[31] The two Tarnished do battle, and Godfrey finds himself overpowered. The former Elden Lord grabs the head of Serosh, thanks him for his service, and then tears him from his back. Drenched in the blood of his loyal regent, Godfrey resumes the fight, now as Hoarah Loux.[32] Nevertheless, the Tarnished defeats Godfrey, who declares that their strength befits a crown.[33] With Godfrey dead, the Tarnished finally gains entry to the Erdtree, to seek audience with Queen Marika.

Boss Fight[]

  • Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Leyndell, Royal Capital)

  • Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Leyndell, Ashen Capital)


Moveset List
Ground SmashPhase 1
Slams his axe into the ground, leaving half of it buried for a moment, before pulling it back out, causing a small earthquake.
Axe SwingsPhase 1
Swings his axe several times.
StompPhase 1
Stomps, causing spikes of rock to rise out of the ground in front of him.
Jumping SmashPhase 1
Leaps into the air and falls back down, axe-first.
Jumping Axe ThrowPhase 1
Leaps into the air and throws his axe at the player, before launching himself towards the axe to retrieve it.

This is a boss fight against a golden, spectral version of Godfrey. He is fought within the Erdtree Sanctuary, accessed by climbing up a large root south of the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace. This battle is not optional as he must be defeated to progress Leyndell further and continue the story. Compared to the later encounter, this version of Godfrey has a greatly reduced moveset, mainly consisting of close-range axe swings. He can create areas of effect by stomping or smashing his axe into the ground, and he may also throw his axe at the player from a distance.


Godfrey is fought in a long, fairly spacious room. There is a narrower, lower section to the left of the entrance, as well as various pillars which may restrict movement or allow one to gain distance from the boss.

Nepheli Loux, Warrior and Shabriri are both available as summons for this fight, provided their questlines have been completed. Like the first battle, this fight is not optional and must be defeated to reach the final bosses of the game.


Moveset List
Ground SmashPhase 1
Slams his axe into the ground, leaving half of it buried for a moment, before pulling it back out, causing a small earthquake.
Axe SwingsPhase 1
Swings his axe several times.
StompPhase 1
Stomps, causing spikes of rock to rise out of the ground in front of him.
Jumping SmashPhase 1
Leaps into the air and falls back down, axe-first.
Jumping Axe ThrowPhase 1
Leaps into the air and throws his axe at the player, before launching himself towards the axe to retrieve it.
UppercutPhase 1
Drags his axe along the ground and swings upwards. Follows with a stomp.
Axe ScrapePhase 1
Scrapes his axe along the ground in an arc. May follow up with a downward swing, momentarily burying his axe in the ground.
Axe ThrustPhase 1
Thrusts his axe forwards. May follow up with an additional swing.
FissurePhase 1
Raises his axe above his head and then smashes it into the ground. A long fissure spanning the length of the arena opens in the ground. Energy will erupt from the fissure, dealing heavy damage.
Regal RoarPhase 1
Raises his axe above his head and lifts his leg off the ground. After a brief delay, he stomps down, creating a large shockwave. The roar will buff him, causing his stomp attacks to create shockwaves.
BashPhase 1
Performs a close-range bash with the head of his axe.
KickPhase 2
An upwards kick which knocks down the player.
Claw SwipesPhase 2
Performs several rapid swipes with his hands, ending with an uppercut.
Jump-SlamPhase 2
Leaps into the air and slams down on the ground with his open hand, causing a shockwave.
Double StompPhase 2
Performs a stomp similar to phase 1, causing spikes to erupt from the ground. Follows up with a second stomp.
Claw RushPhase 2
Crosses his hands in front of himself and charges at the player, before slashing at them with both claws. If he hits the player, they will be thrown into the air, and Godfrey will jump up and smash them into the ground.
ShockwavePhase 2
Roars, knocking the player back if they are in range. Leaps into the air and slams down with his hand, creating an earthquake similar to his jump-slam attack. Slams both hands into the ground and pulls them back up, creating a huge earthquake around him and causing energy to erupt from the ground.
GrabPhase 2
Winds his arm back and grabs the player by the neck. If the grab is successful, he lifts the player up and slams them into the ground.
Stomp-Claw ComboPhase 2
Roars, and then unleashes a series of stomps and claw swipes.
Hoarah Loux's EarthshakerPhase 2
Raises his hands above his head and raises one leg. Stomps down and simultaneously smashes both fists into the ground, creating a shockwave. Follows up with a second shockwave. This attack applies a buff to Godfrey which increases the damage of his stomp attacks.

Phase 1 - Godfrey, First Elden Lord[]

Godfrey will usually initiate the fight by throwing his axe at the player and then dashing after it.

Godfrey has a stomp attack similar to that of the Crucible Knights, causing spikes to come out of the ground that are easier to dodge by jumping than to i-frame with a roll. He will generally follow up on the spike stomp with a series of axe swings, but can do a second stomp at any time, even repeatedly.

Godfrey's primary offense will be axe swing combos. They can be dodge rolled safely and involve enough delays for the player to sneak in a hit before having to dodge again.

He retains his moves from the earlier fight, with the addition of more close-range axe attacks and some abilities that generate earthquakes.

Phase 2 - Hoarah Loux, Warrior[]

After his health drops below 50%, a cutscene plays and phase 2 begins. Godfrey no longer has Serosh or his axe, and has an almost entirely new, grappling-based fighting style.

Phase 2 always starts with him rushing towards the player with a delayed command grab. He will always briefly go into slow-motion mid-jump, which can roll-catch. He will attempt to grab the player like this multiple times over the course of phase 2. Properly rolling out of the way of it gives you one of the largest time windows to attack him out of his entire phase 2.

He will do many other grab attacks, ground-slams, leap attacks, delayed kicks and delayed stomp attacks. Panic-rolling and blocking is not recommended.

When he begins to crack the ground after a leap attack by smashing his hands into the ground, the player must run away from him as far as they can, otherwise they will get blown up by an explosion that is very difficult to roll through. He often announces this attack by knocking the player away from him with a roar.


The arena is a wide, circular platform with no obstacles. It is the same arena where Morgott, the Omen King was fought previously.


  • The character Nepheli Loux shares her last name with Godfrey/Hoarah Loux, implying some sort of kinship. The nature of their relationship is unknown, but Kenneth Haight deems Nepheli to be of the "proper lineage", implying that she is either a daughter or descendant of Hoarah Loux.
  • Much of Godfrey's character shares ties with the mythical Greek hero, Heracles. Godfrey possesses earthshattering strength, endured harsh trials to earn his godhood, slew the mightiest of the Giants, has a connection with lions through Serosh, and he even enters a berserker state.
  • There are also parallels between Godfrey and Arthur, legendary King of Britain, with both being great warriors once presiding over a lost golden age, and with Arthur himself being away - but prophesized to one day return, reclaim his rule and save his people. Other parallels include the round table seen at the Roundtable Hold, and his chief Crucible Knights, Ordovis and Siluria, being named for ancient Celtic tribes in Pre-Roman Britain.
  • The axe that the golden phantom version of Godfrey wields is unbroken, featuring two blades, implying that it is modelled on Godfrey's appearance before the Long March.


  • EN

  • JP

English Dialogue
Intro cutscene
It's been a long while, Morgott.
Long and hard didst thou fight.
Tarnished Warrior.
Spurned by the grace of gold.
Be assured, the Elden Ring
resteth close at hand.
Alas, I am returned.
To be granted audience once more.
Upon my name as Godfrey,
The first Elden Lord!
Phase 2 cutscene
That will be all.
Thou didst me good service, Serosh.
I've given thee courtesy enough.
Now I fight as Hoarah Loux!
If the player is killed (phase 1)
Tarnished Warrior. 'Twas nobly fought.
If the player is killed (phase 2)
A crown is warranted with strength!
Brave Tarnished...
Thy strength befits a crown.
Japanese Dialogue
Intro cutscene
Phase 2 cutscene
If the player is killed (phase 1)
If the player is killed (phase 2)


Concept art[]

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (1)

Portrait of Godfrey

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (2)

Concept art

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (3)

Godfrey receiving grace as Hoarah Loux.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (4)

A portrait of Godfrey in Roundtable Hold

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (5)

Painting's texture


Godfrey, First Elden Lord (6)

Godfrey holding Morgott's body.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (7)

Godfrey and Serosh staring down the Tarnished.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (8)

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (9)

"Now I fight as Hoarah Loux! Warrior!"

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (10)

A statue depicting Godfrey and Serosh in Stormveil Castle.


  1. Hidetaka Miyazaki, The Hidetaka Miyazaki Interview, Edge Magazine: "In the sort of heyday of the Golden Order of the Lands Between there were two Elden Lords, and Godfrey was the first of these."
  2. Miriel, Pastor of Vows: "However, when Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital, becoming Queen Marika's second husband and King Consort."
  3. Beastclaw Greathammer
  4. Godfrey Icon
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Elden Lord Crown
  6. Melina: "Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal, to the place ye stand. Put the Giants to the sword, and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!"
  7. Smithing Stone 8
  8. Godrick's Great Rune
  9. Tree-and-Beast Surcoat
  10. Golden Beast Crest Shield
  11. Finger Reader Crone: "A scion of the golden bough, sentenced to live in Death..."
  12. Morgott's Great Rune
  13. Kenneth Haight: "And to think, he's the blood of Godfrey! Last of the golden lineage, though you almost wouldn't know it to look at him."
  14. Protection of the Erdtree
  15. Radahn's Lion Armor
  16. 16.0 16.1 Axe of Godfrey
  17. Crucible Axe Helm
  18. Sword Monument: "The siege of Castle Morne
    A lone hero fights for his vengeance
    Only to fall at the hand of Lord Godfrey"
  19. Melina: "My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die."
  20. Hidetaka Miyazaki, the Hidetaka Miyazaki Interview, Edge Magazine: "He himself became tarnished and he shares this deep connection with Tarnished - the player character."
  21. Remembrance of Hoarah Loux
  22. Champion Headband
  23. Axe Talisman
  24. Greataxe
  25. Sorcerer Rogier: "And on a bitter night, murdered Godwyn the Golden. That was the first recorded Death of a demigod in all history. And it became the catalyst. Soon, the Elden Ring was smashed, and thus sprang forth the war known as the Shattering."
  26. Narrator: "Arise now, ye Tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all. Hoarah Loux, chieftan of the badlands..."
  27. Melina: "Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring. Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey."
  28. Narrator: "Cross the fog, to the Lands Between. To stand before the Elden Ring. And become the Elden Lord."
  29. Finger Reader Enia: "The Rune of Death is unbound. and the Lands Between are shrouded by Death's dark fate. But the flames will also burn the impenetrable thorns. Farewell it is, then. You'll be Elden Lord, yet."
  30. Godfrey, First Elden Lord: "It's been a long while, Morgott."
  31. Godfrey, First Elden Lord: "Long and hard didst thou fight. Tarnished Warrior. Spurned by the grace of gold. Be assured, the Elden Ring resteth close at hand. Alas, I am returned. To be granted audience once more."
  32. Godfrey, First Elden Lord: "Nngh! That will be all. Thou didst me good service, Serosh. I've given thee courtesy enough. Rrraaargh! Now I fight as Hoarah Loux! Warrior!"
  33. Godfrey, First Elden Lord: "Brave Tarnished... Thy strength befits a crown."

Bosses in Elden Ring
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Godfrey, First Elden Lord (2024)
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