Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (2024)

Klee is a character that confused many players of Genshin Impact when she first debuted. She was a little girl that had a huge love for explosives, giving a whole new level of destruction to the Catalyst class. Klee is a five-star Pyro character who got her very own banner and already has a story quest within the game that helps introduce players to her wondrous personality.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Playing As Klee

She is a very bubbly character who seems to spend most of her time being happy. Despite seeming like a straightforward character, there are still tons of facts about Klee that many players don't know.

Updated September 30, 2022, by Rebecca Timberlake: One of the things that keeps Genshin Impact fresh is the ongoing story of every character. You're always finding out more and more about everyone involved as time goes on and new Events are added. Klee, of course, is no exception to this rule. Slowly, the game is giving us more clues about her mysterious parents - like her mom, Alice - and her personal relationships with other characters - like the various Knights of Favonius.


13/13 Cute But Deadly

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (1)

Probably the most shocking thing you'll learn about Klee in Genshin Impact is her passion for explosives. She's always creating new bombs and is very likely to have one stowed away in her bag whenever you speak to her. It makes sense that she's classified as a Pyro-user because her desire to blow things up verges on pyromania.

Nearly every time she's in trouble with the Knights of Favonius and is 'grounded', it's because of her explosive inventions. Once she's been punished by Jean, she then spends all her time detained inventing new ways to create explosions - making a circular pattern in her behavior and routines.

12/13 Honorary Little Sis

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (2)

After being placed in the care of the Knights of Favonius, she was quickly taken under Albedo and Kaeya's wings. They both treat her like a loving little sister, and they offer different advice and overall aspects of siblinghood. Albedo is protective of Klee, very much acting as her wise and brave older brother by always looking out for her.

Kaeya, on the other hand, acts as the big bro that encourages Klee's wild side - as long as she's safe. He taught her general 'survival skills' to follow, so she doesn't hurt herself with her bombs or out in the world. Where Albedo can be too much of a brother, Kaeya fosters her spirit in a slightly questionable way.

11/13 She Inspired An Entire Event

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (3)

The Golden Apple Archipelago Event started with Klee being invited on a mysterious adventure by the Dodo-King. As always, the Knights supported her adventures but also joined her as needed to keep her safe. This Event led out to some islands (later this is incorporated into parts of Inazuma), where ultimately it's discovered that Alice, Klee's mother, was behind it all.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Klee Ascension And Talent Materials

Alice had traveled to the area and felt Klee would love it, so she set up the adventure for her in hopes it made her summer fun. You still don't get to meet her mom, but it's a touching moment, showing that Alice is still looking out for - and constantly thinking about - her daughter.

10/13 Her Parents Are Famous

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (4)

Klee doesn't just get her curious nature from being a child; her parents are well-known adventures. Due to their jobs, they had to leave Klee with the Knights at a young age. This has allowed her to stay in the hub of Mondstadt's actions and learn more about the town's problems.

Her parent's reputation, combined with her time with the Knights, has turned her into a curious child.

9/13 Klee Likes To Fish

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (5)

Klee really loves to eat fish and has even come up with her very own way to ensure she catches a ton of them. To do this, she literally throws bombs into the water to blow the fish out of it. Despite this method working well, it is quite wasteful and annoys those who love to fish around her.

She has even dubbed her explosion-cooked fish as her secret BBQ recipe to those she gifts it to.

8/13 She Is Very Klutzy

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (6)

Like most kids, Klee doesn't mean to cause anyone harm by her actions and often wants to make things better. The only problem is that Klee is rather bad at fixing things and often ends up making them worse, whether it is messing up simple cooking recipes or destroying a windmill.

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Klee doesn't do much without making a huge mess for Jean and the other knights to clean up.

7/13 She Is Always Grounded

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (7)

The amount of time that Klee spends in "solitary confinement" is pretty high. The game states that Jean has to punish Klee at least twice a week due to her destructive nature. Klee will often cry and throw a fit when being taken to her room to reflect on her actions, though.

Despite spending so much time every week being grounded, she still repeats the same process time and time again.

6/13 Her Mom Supports Her

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (8)

Klee's parents love her very much, and her mom is a huge fan of her explosion. When Klee was young, her mom spent tons of time encouraging her to pursue her passions. This included her strange fixation with making explosives even as a young child.

Thanks to the fact that her mom pushed her to follow her dreams, Klee has now become a capable fighter.

5/13 She Has A Precious Doll

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (9)

Klee is still very much a little girl despite the fact that she is so adept in battle. She has a small doll that her parents gifted to her named Dodoco that she treasures just as much as her explosives. She hangs the doll from her backpack to ensure that she will never be separated from her friend.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Ways To Prepare For New Events And Banners

This doll was handmade, making it even more special to Klee, who looks up to her mother.

4/13 The Knights Dote On Her

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (10)

Despite the fact that the Knights are always having to clean up after Klee, they spend a lot of time doting on her. Lisa loves to give treats to Klee, and Amber lets her play with Baron Bunny. Her precious relationship with the Knights has allowed her to be considered an official member of the Knights of Favonius, even though she's just a child.

Thanks to all the love she gets from the Knights, her passion for helping the people of Mondstadt has grown.

3/13 Razor Is Scared Of Her

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (11)

Razor, on the other hand, is extremely spooked by Klee and her explosions. Klee views Razor as her friend and loves to go visit him, stating that he has fluffy hair. She also states that Razor helps her clean up all the messes that she makes when trying out her new explosions.

Razor seems to truly fear for his life when Klee comes around with her newest explosives.

2/13 She Is Probably Scared Of The Dark

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (12)

While she won't admit it, one of her voice lines asks for the traveler to help her get home because it is night. She says that she doesn't want to go home, but she should and that she can't see in the dark. Once inside, though, Klee loves to try and stay up past her bedtime.

This is one of the game's subtle reminders that despite her battle prowess, she is still a young child.

1/13 She Is Incredibly Innocent

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (13)

Klee is extremely innocent despite her destructive nature. Her passion for explosives comes from a place of pure curiosity, and she always has the best interest of others in mind. When not trying to fight, she has a childish wonder about the world and loves to play.

Klee loves things that are fluffy, introduces people to her doll, and loves to sneak to watch late-night parades.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: Best Team Composition For Klee

Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Klee (2024)
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