I'm 78 and refuse to retire—here are 9 things about happiness and money we're often taught too late (2024)

I am 78 years old, have been married to the same woman for 50 years and am a proud parent of two daughters. My wife and I are also grandparents, of two children.

Of course, there have been ups and downs, including being diagnosed with two forms of cancer. But I'm able to look back on my life, and on my career as a publisher and writer, and feel reasonably successful and happy.

Now that I'm nearly 80, I've learned nine important lessons about success, money and happiness.

1. Remember to be kind to yourself

Kindness can be directed inward as well as outward. Being kind to yourself isn't self-indulgence; it's validating your own worth.

We are probably our own harshest critics, and we certainly know our limitations better than anyone else. So when things don't turn out as you intended, it's sometimes a kindness to remind yourself that your intentions were honorable.

Not everything that goes wrong is your fault, and while you might be good at taking the blame for the sake of a peaceful life, being kind to yourself means sharing the burden of guilt that from time to time cripples us all.

2. Money won't make you happy

Money allows you to enjoy life if you have enough — and maybe a bit more than "enough."

But it won't significantly boost your happiness in life. (I don't need to emphasize this very much, as there are various studies out there that will tell you the same.)

Your happiness and well-being comes from taking care of yourself, the good things you've experienced (like love and laughter) and nurturing relationships with people who make a positive difference in your life.

3. You're never too old (or young) to make mistakes

Mistakes are signs of vitality, inventiveness and adventurous intelligence, at least when you're the person making them.

You'll never try or discover something new if you're afraid of getting it wrong. Mistakes are an unavoidable part of progress, so don't be afraid to make the leaps, no matter how frightening they may seem.

Of course, there are limits.

Incompetence or malpractice deserves punishment. But people — especially the younger ones — should be aware that generally when we make mistakes, it's a sign that we prefer to experiment, rather than be cautious to the point of cowardice.

4. 'Retirement' is a nonsensical term

I am self-employed and still working in my late-70s — and I don't plan or want to retire anytime soon. (I've just finished writing a novel and even have another one planned!) In a world where so many dream of early retirement, this must sound like a shocker.

But "retirement" is a nonsensical term: to call yourself retired is a totally inaccurate description of all the activities and anxieties that fill your waking — and often your sleeping — hours. Just because you're no longer in full-time employment doesn't mean you have withdrawn from the world, or that you have nothing more to contribute.

Giving up your active work life just because you have reached an arbitrary age is ridiculous. If you're still alive, active, capable and taking pride and pleasure in what you do, you should be encouraged to continue.

5. Self-employment isn't for everyone, but it can be rewarding

If you have a hard time just thinking about working for someone else, and you have the energy, confidence and communication skills to persuade other people to use a service, then I encourage you to consider self-employment or running your own business.

Find a gap in the market and look for something that no one else is going to do — or if they are doing it, do it better. It's risky, of course, and it's not for everyone; you must work harder than you ever did for some other company or corporation. And you must be prepared to make all the important decisions, as well as take responsibility for anyone you employ.

The good news is that no one can fire you, unless you do something illegal or go bankrupt. But if you do it right, you'll wake up each morning looking forward to the next challenge.

6. Keep your ambition engine running

Ambition is something you should cultivate even if you've long left the world of full-time work and boast — probably when drunk, depressed or seeking empathy — that you've achieved all the goals you once set for yourself.

Without something to aim for, you risk getting bored, and boredom can destroy you. An ambition should be just — but not too far — beyond your reach. At my age, I still have the ambition to do my daily walk a bit quicker or cook a dish I've never tried before to impress my wife.

Also, the greatest ambitions don't always have to be career-related. They can be things you've never gotten around to doing, like playing jazz piano or mastering mahjong.

Then, once you've acquired the basics, you should play to win because you never really lost the competitive spirit that kept you going in the first place. Ambition means looking forward, and that's always better than looking back.

7. There's no point in trying to escape change

Change is difficult and uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean you should avoid it. It can be forced upon us by unexpected circ*mstances: an accident, a job loss, an illness or malfunction in a machine we rely on.

If your partner suddenly breaks a leg and you need to abandon your usual activities to take care of them, show them what an adaptable, tolerant and responsible person you are — and change accordingly.

The odd thing is, the older we get, the more we grumble about change, yet so many of us have already faced the greatest change of all: going from independence to dependence, with little or no preparation at all. I suppose it's because it's something we don't want to think about too much, as we're secretly confident we'll cope when we have to.

8. You can be a hypocrite without even knowing it

Hypocrisy isn't when you tell an actor they were wonderful when they were terrible, or when you tell a friend they look terrific when they're deathly ill. That's being well-mannered for the sake of a quiet life (and because we all want to be liked).

Hypocrisy is when you promise you'll go see someone you have no desire or intention to visit; when you say you'd love to have lunch with someone you've successfully avoided for months; when you add to an email: "Please let me know if there's anything more I can do," when you've plainly washed your hands of the matter.

Hypocrisy is lying, and you may be guilty of it without even realizing it. And it's nonetheless reprehensible when you do it at a distance. Don't fall into the trap of getting so used it to that it no longer bothers you.

9. Don't worry about keeping up with slang

It's one thing to keep up with the Kardashians, but trying to keep up with slang is something else entirely.

Vocabulary changes so rapidly that attempting to adapt to today's ever-changing culture of slang is simply a waste of time; you're perfectly capable of holding a decent conversation with the words you've already acquired over the years.

Now, learning about new advancements in technology may be essential to your career and contribution to the world, but if you attempt to use new slang, you're bound to get it wrong and become an object of pity bordering on contempt. Apart from political correctness, today's neologisms can be so limited in application, they're better avoided.

Call me old-fashioned, but I think the language we learned is expressive, flexible and often beautiful, and though of course it's always in a state of flux — if it's properly used, it'll be properly appreciated. Amirite?

Peter Buckman has written books, plays and scripts for film, TV and radio. In 2003, he set up The Ampersand Agency. The first writer he took on was Vikas Swarup, whose book turned into "Slumdog Millionaire." Peter's eighth book, "Still With It!" (published by The Experiment), is a collection of life-changing lessons for readers of all ages.

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I'm 78 and refuse to retire—here are 9 things about happiness and money we're often taught too late (2)


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I'm 78 and refuse to retire—here are 9 things about happiness and money we're often taught too late (2024)


Is 78 too old to work? ›

Some older Americans are choosing to stay in their jobs or find new challenges that will keep them engaged. It's not uncommon for baby boomers to continue to work well into their 60s, 70s or even 80s.

What is the best age to retire for happiness? ›

On average, both retirees and pre-retirees said 63 is the ideal age for retirement — and current retirees left the workforce pretty close to that mark. The survey found that 62 is the average retirement age, but future retirees may have some challenges retiring on time.

What percentage of retirees are happy? ›

About 67% of retirees who are 15 years or less into retirement said they're happier since retiring, and 82% said they're more relaxed on a typical day. While only 8% report feeling less happy in retirement, about a third said they're not more happy than they were before leaving the workforce.

What if I never want to retire? ›

You can: Continue working as always. Stay in the same or similar job, maybe part-time instead of full-time. Move to a new job you enjoy more, even if for less money.

What percentage of 75 year olds are still working? ›

About 26% of people between 65 to 74 are continuing to work, and that number shrinks to about 7.3% for people over 75, according to census data. "We can recognize that these folks are indeed not representative of the underlying cohorts that they're born into," he said.

What age do most people stop working? ›

Right now, the average age for men to retire is 65 while the average age for women to retire is 63. While many people say they will work for as long as they can, others retire earlier than expected.

What is the happiest age of life? ›

The researchers found people reached their happiest when they arrived at the age of 70. Life satisfaction decreased between the ages of nine and 16, increased a little until the age of 70, and then declined again until the age of 96.

Which retirees are happiest? ›

“In similar research that we conducted a decade ago, we also found a strong relationship between happiness and planning, as retirees who expressed the highest levels of satisfaction were also those who took concrete steps to put their emotional and financial lives in order at least five years before retirement.

At what age does it most benefit you to retire? ›

67-70 – During this age range, your Social Security benefit, if you haven't already taken it, will increase by 8% for each year you delay taking it until you turn 70. So, if your benefit will be, say, $2,500/month if you start at your full retirement age, it would be more than $3,300/month if you can wait.

What is the biggest retirement regret among seniors? ›

Some of the biggest retirement regrets include: A vague financial plan. No retirement goals. Counting on long-term employment.

What do retirees miss the most? ›

Retirees don't miss working, they miss the people

One participant, when asked what he missed about being a doctor for nearly 50 years, answered: “Absolutely nothing about the work itself. I miss the people and the friendships.”

What is the biggest problem for retirees? ›

“The main problems people face when they retire are financial insecurity, health issues and social isolation,” says Derek Miser, investment advisor and CEO at Miser Wealth Partners in Knoxville, Tennessee.

What if I have no money when I retire? ›

Many retirees with little to no savings rely solely on Social Security as their main source of income. You can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but your benefit amount will depend on when you start filing for the benefit. You get less than your full benefit if you file before your full retirement age.

What do people do when they can't afford to retire? ›

If you retire with no money, you'll have to consider ways to create income to pay your living expenses. That might include applying for Social Security retirement benefits, getting a reverse mortgage if you own a home, or starting a side hustle or part-time job to generate a steady paycheck.

Why do some people never want to retire? ›

Financial Need

Forty percent of respondents said not having enough money in retirement makes them want to keep working part of the time.

Do people still work at 80 years old? ›

Many Americans are working into their 70s and 80s — or longer — because of longer life spans, changing attitudes about retirement and insufficient savings. Others simply say they enjoy what they do, and never contemplated giving it up.

Can a 75 year old still work? ›

Over the next decade, the number of workers ages 75 and older is expected to increase in the US by 96.5%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with their labor force participation rate projected to rise from 8.9% in 2020 to 11.7% by 2030, a rate that has steadily increased from 4.7% in 1996.

At what age can a person stop working? ›

If You Stop Work Between Age 62 and Your Full Retirement Age

You can stop working before your full retirement age and receive reduced benefits. The earliest age you can start receiving retirement benefits is age 62. If you file for benefits when you reach full retirement age, you will receive full retirement benefits.

At what age does it become harder to get a job? ›

Once you are over 50 (or even 40) it is harder to get a job offer. They also offer some insights from recruiters as to why this might be.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.