Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (2024)

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Keqing constantly reminds people around her that humanity has to decide their own fate. As the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, Keqing is adept at navigating the chaotic world of policymaking in Liyue. And to the delight of Genshin Impact players, Keqing herself is quite adept with the blade. An Electro Sword user, Keqing relies on flashy techniques to outmaneuver opponents, pressuring them without letting them launch a counterattack.

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As a DPS, Keqing can use her innate skills to dash around the battlefield while spamming her rotations. Her sheer movement control helps her take on larger foes while her team finishes off the rest. Anyone working to build a team with Keqing should capitalize on certain characteristics to keep the pressure on their foes.

Updated on April 4, 2022, by Rhenn Taguiam: With Yae Miko providing a new face to the Electro element during the release of the 2.5 Update of Genshin Impact, fans can eagerly wait for the release of new Hydra user Kamisato Ayato for the 2.6 Update by the end of March. Those planning on rolling for Ayato in the upcoming banner might find themselves wondering who best to pair this new hero with - and who better to become a companion than swift swordmaster Keqing of the Electro element? However, before players test Keqing’s Electro-Charge potential with Ayato, they might want to try Keqin with other heroes first.

Geo MC, Kaeya, Barbara

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (5)

Players can capitalize on Keqing’s fast-paced combat with a balanced build, comprised of Geo MC (Geo), Kaeya (Cryo), and Barbara (Hydro). Compared to other extremely aggressive builds, this team composition is quite balanced and ensures Keqing is adequately protected regardless of the fight.

Thanks to the Geo MC, Keqing’s offenses have a stable grounding on defense. In addition, Kaeya’s constant freezing and fast-paced attacks complement Keqing’s well, and Barbara’s healing can save everyone in a pinch.

Xiangling, Amber, Barbara

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (6)

Players who want a more aggressive take on Keqing’s offense that still plays safe might want to use Xiangling (Pyro), Amber (Pyro), and Barbara (Hydro). This beginner-friendly lineup allows Keqing to capitalize on dealing damage but also deter the enemy’s assault with enough long-ranged attacks.

For instance, Xiangling’s steady melee attacks and usual bombing can capitalize on burst damage, aided by Amber’s superiority in the long-range. Meanwhile, Barbara’s constant healing can help Keqing secure the team’s health to ensure the party survives enough troubles in the beginning stages of the game.

Xingqiu, Qiqi, Venti

Players who want to explore their options in terms of offense might want to go for Xingqiu (Hydro), Qiqi (Cryo), and Venti (Anemo). With this lineup, players can enjoy using Xingqiu and Qiqi to freeze enemies, Venti to gather them around, and Keqing to eliminate them with her Elemental Burst attack.

Outside this combo, the team synergizes pretty well in both mobility and offensive capabilities. Qiqi can provide constant healing to the party, while Venti can deter the enemy’s assault. With enough timing, Xingqiu and Keqing can use speed to make quick work of mobs.

Raiden Shogun, Kazuha, Bennett

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (8)

Players who want a more fast-paced approach to combat might want to capitalize on boosting DPS opportunities, something they can do when adding Keqing to the likes of Raiden Shogun (Electro), Kazuha (Anemo), and Bennett (Pyro). Aside from anyone but Bennett being an offensive character, Bennett’s presence as a support can ensure the party enjoys DPS boosts all over.

Moreover, with Raiden Shogun as the lead DPS and Keqing and Kazuha as support DPS, the party can eliminate mobs quickly and have no trouble at all against bosses. Bennett’s presence can also ensure the party has enough DPS buffs going around to secure victory.

Beidou, Xiangling, Bennett

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (9)

Players who want to deal heavy damage throughout combat can capitalize on Keqing’s speed with the likes of Beidou (Electro), Xiangling (Pyro), and Bennett (Pyro).

At its core, Keqing and Beidou can synergize and boost their overall damage thanks to double element resonance. Meanwhile, Xiangling’s Pyro specialization allows her to deal with mobs quite quickly with mid-ranged attacks and a bit of burst damage. Finally, Bennett’s presence ensures that the party has more than enough DPS boosts to guarantee that they can face most threats.

Fischl, Xingqiu, Venti

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (10)

Players looking to train with Keqing's early-game synergies without investing too much in rolls would do wonders with Fischl (Electro), Xingqiu (Hydro), and Venti (Anemo). This build capitalizes on Keqing's ability to pull groups of enemies together with her Electrocharged burst. Thanks to Venti's toolkit, the team can dish out decent crowd control from the get-go.

And with Keqing's synergy with Fischl, the team can easily dish out their heavy-hitters for bonus damage. However, a risk element here would be Xingqiu's presence. Granted, Xingqiu's burst ability pairs well even with Keqing's fast-paced basic attacks. However, the burst cooldown can be a bit of a nuisance. Xingqiu's main role in this team would be providing Wet for extra synergies.

Fischl, Bennett, Venti

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (11)

Players looking to dish out decent damage consistently with a low-cost team could work wonders with Fischl (Electro), Bennett (Pyro), and Venti (Anemo). With this setup, Keqing and Fischl alone can generate a decent DMG boost with their Elemental Resonance.

Thanks to Bennett, the entire team can get relevant boosts to DMG due to his toolkit. Venti's presence can ensure the team can juggle foes when needed, and focus on targets whenever necessary. Despite the low-budget, "common" nature of this lineup, it boasts consistent DPS, making this a go-to comp for early-game fights.

Fischl, Mona, Venti

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (12)

High-speed Keqing can tap into her high-mobility combat with the right teammates. In this situation, Fischl (Electro), Mona (Hydro), and Venti (Anemo) can pulverize groups of enemies with ease. Keqing can pull enemies into her giant electrifying AOE, leaving them wide open for the rest of the team's burst moves.

Mona's secondary carry highlights this team's DPS potential, as she can help Keqing proc Electrocharge consistently. Meanwhile, Venti's presence can ensure there's decent crowd control during essential cooldown breaks. Lastly, the natural synergies between Keqing and Fischl can give the team that necessary DMG boost.

Zhongli, Xingqiu, Barbara

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (13)

Keqing users who trust in her offensive potential should take note of her defenses, too. In this regard, an effective setup for Keqing's best offensive interests would be comprised of Zhongli (Geo), Xingqiu (Hydro), and Barbara (Hydro). Thanks to Xinqiu and Barbara's Hydro Resonance, the entire team can enjoy a host of benefits for healing. This greatly helps, given Zhongli's penchant for defensive builds as a Geo user, on top of Barbara's overall healing abilities.

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Meanwhile, Keqing can benefit from Xingqiu as a Secondary DPS given her penchant for burst attacks as well. With lightning-fast Keqing leading the killing blow, a Xingqiu-Keqing tandem can easily become deadly for most enemies.

Fischl, Bennett, Xiangling

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (14)

Players who want to experience the sheer thrill of double resonances would enjoy a team with Fischl (Electro), Bennett (Pyro), and Xiangling (Pyro). This setup alone will grant players a massive DMG boost and more energy to work with.

Moreover, the short cooldowns on supports such as Bennett can give the party a constant supply of DMG buffs. Keqing can use such buffs to dish out more damage, compared to other builds. This party's core source of attacks would be Keqing's natural DPS and multiple elemental reactions. Of course, the lack of an Anemo user would mean this comp's crowd control suffers a bit. However, the focus fire potential of this team will help players mow down bigger enemies much faster than expected.

Lisa, Qiqi, Kaeya

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (15)

This team offers another double resonance, but this time with Cryo into the mix. Players can capitalize on Keqing's fast-paced attacks with frozen enemies thanks to Lisa (Electro), Qiqi (Cryo), and Kaeya (Cryo). Due to the innate resonances of this build, Keqing can enjoy a physical approach to fights.

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Cryo Resonance and Electro Resonance can give the team a much-needed DMG and CRIT Rate boost — much more for Keqing if she uses her burst. Moreover, this comp gives her access to Thrilling Tales; thus, Keqing can become a powerhouse against most bosses. With Qiqi and Kaeya giving Keqing much-needed sustains and Cryo spams, she should have enough wiggle room for her lightning-fast techniques against opponents on the slower side.

Ganyu, Rosaria, Bennett

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (16)

Despite the lack of an Electro pair, Keqing can gain massive boosts from a party with Ganyu (Cryo), Rosaria (Cryo), and Bennett (Pyro). The Cryo Resonance from Ganyu and Rosaria alone can trigger Elemental Reactions with Keqing's attacks, alongside their base DMG boost. Moreover, Bennett's innate buffs can boost Keqing's attacks, allowing her to maintain a sustainable charge attack cycle.

Thanks to this team, Keqing becomes a powerhouse against mobs and elite foes. Bennett's constant buffs and sustains can ensure that Keqing has enough firepower to deal with groups of enemies at a time. Meanwhile, Cryo spam from the two Cryo users can consistently debilitate opponents.

Chongyun, Kaeya, Xiangling

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (17)

Though this team lacks an Electro support for Resonance, Keqing can capitalize on other Elemental Reactions to build her damage potential. A great team in this regard is comprised of Chongyun (Cryo), Kaeya (Cryo), and Xiangling (Pyro). Thanks to the Cryo Resonance between Chongyun and Kaeya, Keqing can get decent Elemental Reactions that chain into high damage output.

Moreover, the Cryo Resonance will boost Chongyun and Kaeya's damage, making them extremely optimized Secondary DPS for Keqing. Whereas Bennett provides a damage buff for Keqing, Xiangling's presence will give Keqing more than enough room to dish out killing blows. Thanks to Xiangling's crowd control potential, she can rain hell down on enemies while Keqing dashes to obliterate her foes.

Zhongli, Albedo, Jean

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (18)

Players who want to maximize Keqing's offensive potential might leave her defenses vulnerable. In this regard, she might benefit from a defense-oriented team composed of Zhongli (Geo), Albedo (Geo), and Jean (Anemo). Geo users Zhongli and Albedo provide Geo Resonance, boosting their overall defense. Zhongli's defensive potential can help add much-needed sustain for the team.

Meanwhile, Albedo's stable attack patterns can add survivability to the setup. Additionally, Jean's presence as an Anemo user can offer much-needed crowd control. This should give Keqing more than enough time to stabilize her setups and dish out damage to enemy threats before they can punch through defenses.

Genshin Impact was released in 2020 and is playable on PC, PS4, Android, and iOS.

Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (19)
Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions To Pair With Keqing (2024)
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