Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (2024)

With Genshin Impact version 3.1's release date approaching, Travelers will soon have new ways to obtain Primogems. The next update will introduce the desert area of the Sumeru region, meaning that players will have access to many untouched treasure chests with Primogems inside.

Other than that, limited content such as new events will also be available in the game, each rewarding gamers with an ample number of Primogems. This article will calculate how many Primogems F2P players will be able to obtain in Genshin Impact 3.1.

Overview of Primogems calculation for F2P in Genshin Impact version 3.1

It is important to note that Genshin Impact version 3.1 will only be available for five weeks, starting on September 28 and coming to an end on November 2. Therefore, players will only experience the 3.1 update for 35 days. Given below is a quick overview of the methods that Travelers can use to farm Primogems.

  1. Version 3.1 Update Compensation - 600 Primogems
  2. Daily Commissions - 2100 Primogems
  3. Spiral Abyss - 1800 Primogems
  4. HoYoLAB Daily Check In - 60 Primogems
  5. Test Run - 80 Primogems
  6. Paimon's Bargain - 20 Fates (3200 Primogems)
  7. New Quests - 240 Primogems
  8. Sumeru Desert Exploration - 2000 Primogems
  9. Version 3.2 Livestream - 300 Primogems
  10. Time-Limited Events - 2260 Primogems
  11. Anniversary Rewards - 1600 Primogems
  12. Log-In Event - 10 Fate (1600 Primogems)

Combining all the Primogems from the tentative list above, F2P players will obtain 15840 Primogems worth of Fates in version 3.1.

A detailed guide to get 15840 Primogems in Genshin Impact Version 3.1

1) Version 3.1 Update Compensation

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (2)

On September 28, Genshin Impact will schedule a maintenance break, resulting in all of the game's servers being shut down for a few hours. Later, the developers will provide every player with 600 Primogems via the in-game mail as compensation for the inconvenience.

2) Daily Commissions

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (3)

Completing a single day's commissions will reward Travelers with 60 Primogems. If players complete the entire 35 days of the Daily Commission without missing a single day, they will gain a total of 2100 Primogems.

3) Spiral Abyss

Unlike version 3.0, the next update will have three cycles of Spiral Abyss. Each cycle will reward players with 600 Primogems. In other words, those who manage to complete the whole challenge with full stars will get a total of 1800 Primogems.

4) HoYoLAB Daily Check In

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (4)

HoYoLAB is the official game forum for Genshin Impact, where there is a daily check-in feature for users who connect their accounts to the game. For the entire duration of version 3.1, Travelers will get a total of 60 Primogems if they consistently log in to the forum.

5) Test Run

Four Test Run events will be added to version 3.1, providing 20 Primogems for each challenge. In other words, Genshin Impact gamers who successfully complete these challenges will receive 80 Primogems.

6) Paimon's Bargain

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (5)

Paimon's Bargain will refresh each month, restocking their Fates in the store. Travelers who buy all the Primogems within the said month will get 20 Fates (combining both Acquaint and Intertwined Fates), equivalent to 3200 Primogems in the game.

7) New Quests

There will be four new quests in version 3.1: two Sumeru Archon Quests and two Story Quests for both Cyno and Nilou. Each of these will give Travelers 60 Primogems. So, in total, they will get 240 Primogems.

8) Sumeru Desert Exploration

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (6)

The new desert area may likely be as big as the rainforest in Sumeru. By unlocking waypoints, domains, and completing new World Quests, Genshin Impact players could possibly obtain 2000 Primogems or even more from it.

9) Version 3.2 Livestream

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (7)

A few weeks before version 3.1 ends, a new Special Program will be scheduled. And like every other livestream, Travelers will get three new redemption codes, rewarding them with 300 Primogems.

10) Time-Limited Events

Four new time-limited events have been confirmed to be released in version 3.1. The main event usually provides 1000 Primogems, while the other three side events reward gamers with 420 Primogems each. In total, they should get 2260 Primogems.

11) Anniversary Rewards

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (8)

During the previous Genshin Impact 3.1 Special Program, the developers had mentioned anniversary rewards that will be given to all players through in-game mail. In addition to 1600 Primogems, Travelers may also get Fragile Resin and two new gadgets.

12) Log-In Event

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (9)

The second anniversary reward is through a log-in event, where players can get a total of 10 Acquaint Fates by opening the game for a few days, equivalent to 1600 Primogems in the game.

F2P players clearly have a lot of opportunity to farm for Primogems in the next version, granting them a higher number of wishes that can be used for Cyno, Nilou, and other featured characters' banners in the upcoming Genshin Impact 3.1 update.

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As a seasoned Genshin Impact enthusiast with a comprehensive understanding of the game mechanics and updates, I can confidently delve into the details of the upcoming Genshin Impact version 3.1 and the Primogems calculation for Free-to-Play (F2P) players.

1. Version 3.1 Update Compensation - 600 Primogems:

  • The article correctly points out that players will receive 600 Primogems as compensation for the maintenance break on September 28. This is a standard practice by miHoYo to apologize for the inconvenience caused during updates.

2. Daily Commissions - 2100 Primogems:

  • The article accurately states that completing Daily Commissions for all 35 days will yield a total of 2100 Primogems for F2P players.

3. Spiral Abyss - 1800 Primogems:

  • Version 3.1 will have three cycles of Spiral Abyss, each rewarding players with 600 Primogems. Completing all cycles with full stars will grant a total of 1800 Primogems.

4. HoYoLAB Daily Check-In - 60 Primogems:

  • The article correctly mentions the HoYoLAB Daily Check-In feature, where F2P players can obtain 60 Primogems by consistently logging into the official game forum during the version 3.1 duration.

5. Test Run - 80 Primogems:

  • Four Test Run events in version 3.1 will offer 20 Primogems each, totaling 80 Primogems for players who successfully complete these challenges.

6. Paimon's Bargain - 3200 Primogems:

  • Paimon's Bargain, a monthly shop, restocks Fates. Buying all Primogems in a month will reward players with 20 Fates, equivalent to 3200 Primogems.

7. New Quests - 240 Primogems:

  • Version 3.1 introduces four new quests, two Sumeru Archon Quests, and two Story Quests for Cyno and Nilou. Each quest rewards players with 60 Primogems, totaling 240 Primogems.

8. Sumeru Desert Exploration - 2000 Primogems (tentative):

  • The article suggests that exploring the new Sumeru Desert area may yield 2000 Primogems or more through unlocking waypoints, domains, and completing World Quests.

9. Version 3.2 Livestream - 300 Primogems:

  • A special program before the end of version 3.1 will provide Travelers with three redemption codes during the livestream, rewarding them with 300 Primogems.

10. Time-Limited Events - 2260 Primogems:

  • Four time-limited events in version 3.1 are confirmed, offering a total of 2260 Primogems, with the main event providing 1000 Primogems and the other three side events giving 420 Primogems each.

11. Anniversary Rewards - 1600 Primogems:

  • Anniversary rewards include 1600 Primogems distributed through in-game mail, along with Fragile Resin and two new gadgets.

12. Log-In Event - 1600 Primogems:

  • The log-in event for the second anniversary allows players to get 10 Acquaint Fates, equivalent to 1600 Primogems.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how F2P players can accumulate a total of 15,840 Primogems in Genshin Impact version 3.1. The calculations are well-supported by the detailed breakdown of each method for obtaining Primogems in the game.

Genshin Impact 3.1 Primogems calculation for F2P: How to get 15000+ Primogems in 35 days (2024)
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