Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks: Albedo’s signature 4-star sword and stats revealed (2024)

There is a new Genshin Impact 2.3 leak detailing Albedo's signature sword and what its stats are.

His signature weapon is known as the Cinnabar Spindle, and it's a 4-star sword. Both its stats and effects have been leaked. Not only that, but Travelers can also see how it looks in Genshin Impact 2.3. Like other weapons in Genshin Impact, any sword user can equip it.

Naturally, the sword is designed to complement Albedo's playstyle. Its secondary stat is DEF, and it also bolsters the user's Elemental Skill DMG by a set amount of their DEF.

Genshin Impact: Albedo's signature sword (Cinnabar Spindle) revealed in 2.3 leaks

The above Tweet showcases a few angles of Albedo's signature sword. Its design complements Albedo's appearance, as it reuses the same color scheme. The backdrop is Dragonspine, which is fitting given Albedo's connection to the location.

At Level 90, the Cinnabar Spindle has 454 ATK and 69 DEF. Its effect is that 40/50/60/70/80% of the user's DEF will be used to increase their Elemental Skill DMG. It will disappear after 0.1 seconds when it deals damage, and it has a 1.5-second cooldown.

If Genshin Impact players think the images are fake, they should check out the footage shown below.

Footage of Albedo's signature sword

It's only a six-second clip, but it features Albedo using his sword. The slight camera shift makes it easy to notice that it's the same sword as the one visible in the leaked photos.

There are also leaks about Albedo having a rerun banner in Genshin Impact 2.3. The second banner has been leaked to feature Itto and Gorou, so it would mean that Albedo's banner would be on the first half of version 2.3.

Some leakers have stated that the first banner is a rerun banner, so there is some credibility to the rumors of Albedo being the one with a rerun. Apparently, there will also be a plot involving Albedo in Genshin Impact 2.3, but that particular leak isn't as reliable as the previous ones.

Cinnabar Spindle Ascension materials

Genshin Impact players will need the following Ascension materials to max out the level of Cinnabar Spindle:

  • 3x Tile of Decarabian's Tower
  • 9x Debris of Decarabian's City
  • 9x Fragment of Decarabian's Epic
  • 4x Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream
  • 15x Chaos Device
  • 18x Chaos Circuit
  • 27x Chaos Core
  • 10x Damaged Mask
  • 15x Stained Mask
  • 18x Ominous Mask
  • 150,000 Mora (Not counting Mora used to enhance the level)

The Decarabian materials are available in the Cecilia Garden domain. However, players can only get new ones on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. The remaining items are available as drops by the appropriate enemy. Hilichurl-type enemies drop the Mask materials, and Ruin enemies drop the Chaos items.

The Cecilia Garden domain is located northwest of Wolvendom.

Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks: Albedo’s signature 4-star sword and stats revealed (3)

Cinnabar Spindle will apparently be given for free in a Genshin Impact 2.3 event, similar to other 4-star event weapons. Likewise, its Refinement Materials will also be awarded during this event.

Everything in this article comes from various Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks; hence, miHoYo may change some aspects in the final version.

One of the most likely things they'll change is the name of Albedo's sword, as weapon names often differ in the beta version from the final release (Brumal Star and Polar Star, for example).

Poll : Do you own Albedo?



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I'm an avid enthusiast with a deep understanding of Genshin Impact, and my knowledge extends to the most recent updates and leaks. I stay abreast of the game's developments, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of the mechanics, characters, and items.

Now, delving into the content you provided:

1. Albedo's Signature Sword - Cinnabar Spindle:

  • Stats and Effects: It's a 4-star sword with a secondary stat of DEF. The weapon enhances Elemental Skill DMG based on a percentage of the user's DEF (40/50/60/70/80%). The sword disappears 0.1 seconds after dealing damage, with a 1.5-second cooldown.
  • Appearance: The design of the sword complements Albedo's appearance, with a color scheme matching his. The backdrop in promotional material is Dragonspine, connecting it to Albedo's association with that location.

2. Genshin Impact 2.3 Leaks:

  • Albedo Rerun Banner: There are leaks suggesting that Albedo will have a rerun banner in Genshin Impact 2.3. The second banner is rumored to feature Itto and Gorou.
  • Plot Involving Albedo: While leaks hint at a plot involving Albedo in Genshin Impact 2.3, the reliability of this information is not as certain as other leaks.

3. Cinnabar Spindle Ascension Materials:

  • To maximize the Cinnabar Spindle, players need specific Ascension materials, including items like Tile of Decarabian's Tower, Debris of Decarabian's City, Fragment of Decarabian's Epic, Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream, Chaos Device, Chaos Circuit, Damaged Mask, Stained Mask, Ominous Mask, and 150,000 Mora.
  • Materials can be obtained from Cecilia Garden domain, with specific days for new ones. Mask materials drop from Hilichurl-type enemies, and Chaos items drop from Ruin enemies.

4. Cinnabar Spindle Availability:

  • The Cinnabar Spindle is expected to be available for free in a Genshin Impact 2.3 event, similar to other 4-star event weapons. Refinement Materials for the sword will also be awarded during this event.

5. Possible Changes and Variations:

  • It's important to note that all the information is sourced from leaks, and miHoYo may make changes before the final release. Weapon names, in particular, might differ between beta versions and the official release.

In conclusion, Albedo's Cinnabar Spindle and its related details are exciting additions to Genshin Impact 2.3, providing players with new strategies and options for their characters.

Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks: Albedo’s signature 4-star sword and stats revealed (2024)
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