Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (2024)

Genshin Impact 1.5 has finally arrived, and players have many opportunities ahead of them to gather Primogems from the many incoming events.

Players have the opportunity to get 12,000 free Primogems just by taking advantage of all these offers, so they should definitely make sure to stay on top of them.

Here's how players can get 12,000+ free Primogems in the 1.5 update.

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems: How to collect over 12,000 Primogems in the 1.5 update

Version 1.5 "Beneath the Light of Jadeite" Trailer | Genshin Impact

— Paimon (@GenshinImpact) April 16, 2021

Now that Genshin Impact 1.5 "Beneath the Light of Jadeite" has finally been released, players can begin taking advantage of the many new features added and get all the extra Primogems that they can.

Players can use this checklist to make sure that they are getting all the Primogems that are currently known about as of April 29th, 2021. As players will need as many Primogems as possible if they are rolling for Zhongli, Yanfei, or even Eula, they will definitely want to get these 12,000 easy Primogems.

  1. Daily Commissions
  2. New Story Quests and Achievements
  3. Character Test runs
  4. Stardust Exchange
  5. Spiral Abyss
  6. New Hangout Events
  7. Trust Rank System
  8. Energy Amplifier Initiation
  9. Twisted Realm
  10. Battlefront: Misty Dungeon
  11. Mimi Tomo
  12. Windtrace Event
  13. Hoyolab Daily Check In
  14. Maintenance Compensation/Bugfixes
  15. Daily Log-in Event
  16. 1.6 Livestream codes

#1 - Daily Commissions

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (2)

Players who complete every Genshin Impact 1.5 Daily Commission over the 42 days of the update will receive 2,520 Primogems, which is always a great source of Primogem income.

Players should always complete their commissions for not only the Primogems but for the Adventure Rank EXP.

#2 - 60 Primogems from Story Quests/Achievements

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (3)

Players will be able to receive at least 60 Primogems each from the two new Genshin Impact 1.5 story quests and 100 Primogems from the newly added achievements, totalling 220 Primogems.

#3 - Character Test Runs

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (4)

Players who complete Zhongli and Eula's test runs will receive 40 Primogems, which makes them definitely worth completing. Test runs are a very quick and an easy source of 20 Primogems each.

Also read: Top 5 Genshin Impact 1.5 update features you might have missed

#4 - Stardust Exchange

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (5)

Players can purchase 10 Intertwined, and 10 Acquaint fates over the 42 days of Genshin Impact 1.5, allowing for a total of 3,200 Primogems to be saved.

#5 - Spiral Abyss

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (6)

Players who complete every rotation of the Genshin Impact 1.5 Spiral Abyss with all stars unlocked will be able to receive 1,800 Primogems.

Players may have a tough time unlocking every star, but by using strong teams and even some new characters like Zhongli, they can make clearing the Abyss easy.

#6 - Hangout Events

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (7)

Players can complete these two new Hangout Events for 60 Primogems each, totalling 120 Primogems.

#7 - Trust Rank System

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (8)

Players will be able to get 600 Primogems from the Trust Rank System in their Serenitea Pot just by leveling up the trust between the player and their butler, Tubby. Players should take advantage of this great Primogem source. Follow this guide for more help.

#8 - Energy Amplifier Initiation

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (9)

Players will be able to acquire 180 Primogems from this new event, assuming they complete all six stages. This event requires players to gather data and crystals and will reward them with 30 Primogems for each completed task.

#9 - Twisted Realm

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (10)

Players will be able to gather 240 Primogems from the Twisted Realm event, as they use the crystals and data gathered from Energy Amplifier event to battle powerful foes.

#10 - Battlefront: Misty Dungeon

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (11)

This new event will task players with assembling a team to battle enemies in a new dungeon area. Players can complete every battle to receive 420 Primogems.

#11 - Mimi Tomo

Mimi TomoWith the help of Ella Musk, fulfill requests for various hilichurls in order to find the location of the Unusual Hilichurl. Defeat this Unusual Hilichurl to safeguard the merchant route from potential threat, and obtain various rewards.

— raine / tao | 📌 hu tao edit (@hutaoluvrs) April 16, 2021

Players who take part in the Mimi Tomo Event in Genshin Impact 1.5 will be able to complete all seven stages to receive 420 Primogems.

#12 - Windtrace Event

WindtraceA Hide & Seek event where players are sorted into two Aristocratic era styled teams: the Rebels, and the Hunters.

— raine / tao | 📌 hu tao edit (@hutaoluvrs) April 16, 2021

Players will be able to receive around 300 Primogems from taking part in the Genshin Impact 1.5 Windtrace event, though the exact number is still unsure.

#13 - Hoyolab Daily-Check in

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (12)

Players may be missing out on this easy source of Primogems. All they have to do is sign in daily to the Hoyolab Daily-check in to receive 80 Primogems per month.

#14 - Daily Log-in Event

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (13)

Players should be able to take advantage of another Daily Log-In Event soon. They usually reward players with 300 Primogems at the conclusion of the event.

#15 - 1.6 Livestream Codes

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (14)

Players will be able to receive 300 extra Primogems at the end of the update by tuning into the Genshin Impact 1.6 live stream and using all of the codes.

By totalling all of these rewards, players should be able to receive 12,000~ Primogems for free during the Genshin Impact 1.5 update.

Players will have to make sure they stay on top of all these opportunities, as there are many interesting characters and weapons coming soon to Genshin Impact.

Also read: Genshin Impact leaks reveal Kazuha's elemental Skill, Burst, Full name and character model

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Edited by suwaidfazal


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As a seasoned enthusiast of Genshin Impact with an in-depth understanding of the game mechanics, updates, and event structures, I can confidently guide players through the intricacies of maximizing Primogem gains in the latest 1.5 update. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge and a keen awareness of the game's evolving dynamics.

In the Genshin Impact 1.5 update, players are presented with a multitude of opportunities to amass Primogems, a valuable in-game currency crucial for character pulls and progression. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of all the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Daily Commissions:

    • Completion of all daily commissions over the 42-day update period rewards players with 2,520 Primogems.
  2. Story Quests/Achievements:

    • Two new story quests and additional achievements contribute a total of 220 Primogems (60 each from story quests and 100 from achievements).
  3. Character Test Runs:

    • Test runs for characters Zhongli and Eula offer 40 Primogems each, providing a quick and easy source of 20 Primogems each.
  4. Stardust Exchange:

    • Players can purchase 10 Intertwined and 10 Acquaint Fates over 42 days, accumulating a total of 3,200 Primogems through the Stardust Exchange.
  5. Spiral Abyss:

    • Completing every rotation of the Spiral Abyss with all stars unlocked yields 1,800 Primogems, motivating players to build strong teams for efficient clearing.
  6. Hangout Events:

    • Two new Hangout Events provide 60 Primogems each, totaling 120 Primogems.
  7. Trust Rank System:

    • Leveraging the Trust Rank System in the Serenitea Pot allows players to earn 600 Primogems by leveling up trust with their butler, Tubby.
  8. Energy Amplifier Initiation:

    • Completion of all six stages in this event rewards players with 180 Primogems.
  9. Twisted Realm:

    • Players can gather 240 Primogems from the Twisted Realm event by using crystals and data obtained from the Energy Amplifier event to battle powerful foes.
  10. Battlefront: Misty Dungeon:

    • Completing every battle in this new event grants players 420 Primogems.
  11. Mimi Tomo Event:

    • Completing all seven stages of the Mimi Tomo event results in 420 Primogems.
  12. Windtrace Event:

    • Participation in the Windtrace event can yield around 300 Primogems, although the exact number may vary.
  13. Hoyolab Daily Check-In:

    • Daily check-ins at the Hoyolab grant players 80 Primogems per month, providing a consistent source of free Primogems.
  14. Daily Log-In Event:

    • Anticipating another Daily Log-In Event that usually rewards players with 300 Primogems at its conclusion.
  15. 1.6 Livestream Codes:

    • Tuning into the Genshin Impact 1.6 livestream and using the provided codes can secure an additional 300 Primogems.

By actively engaging with all these avenues, players can amass over 12,000 Primogems during the Genshin Impact 1.5 update, ensuring they are well-prepared for upcoming character and weapon releases. Staying vigilant and participating in these events is key to maximizing free Primogem gains in the game.

Genshin Impact 1.5 F2P Primogems guide: How to get 12000+ free Primogems in 1.5 update (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.