Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know | BlvdHome (2024)

These days, it can be difficult to find healthy snacks that aren’t full of preservatives. It can also be difficult to find food storage that isn’t incredibly expensive or incredibly bland. If you like saving money, being prepared, or outdoor activities, a freeze dryer might become your new best friend. Let’s see how a freeze dryer could benefit your busy life!

Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know | BlvdHome (1)

What is a Freeze Dryer and What Does it Do?

Freeze dryers come in many shapes and sizes. Commercial freeze dryers can be 100 feet long and cost over $100,00.00! Freeze dryers for home use are generally 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide and fortunately do not cost $100,00.00. Freeze dryers vacuum the water out of food, leaving you with delicious, crunchy food that is perfect for food storage. The food can later be rehydrated with water. Watch our video “What you NEED to Know Before Buying a Freeze Dryer” to learn more about the freeze drying process, how to rehydrate your food, and more!

Benefits of Freeze Drying

Freeze drying at home is easy and healthy! Even though all the moisture is being taken out, the nutrients stay in. Freeze drying retains 97% of the original nutritional value, while dehydrating only retains 60% and canning retains 40%! Freeze-dried food doesn’t shrink or lose its color. The food becomes much lighter which makes it great for camping, hunting, hiking, or other adventurous activities. It’s great for food storage and for minimizing food waste; freeze-dried food can last 25 years!

What Foods Can I Freeze-Dry?

Almost any food can be freeze-dried! But of course, some foods work better than others. Some foods that will not freeze-dry well are fatty meats, meat with bones in them (chicken wings, T-bone steak), and most chocolate. Besides that, you can freeze-dry fruits, vegetables, meats, herbs, dairy, and even some drinks! See the full list here.

Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know | BlvdHome (2)

What is the Process of Freeze Drying?

Set your machine to “pre-freeze” for about 30 minutes. Then, prepare your food. Wash, cut up, or separate the food and put it on the pan provided with the freeze dryer. Once your food is loaded into the machine, close the door, and simply press start! Freeze drying usually takes about 24 hours with an average load. After your food is properly freeze-dried, you must store them in air-tight containers. If the food is exposed to the air for too long, the food can become chewy due to the moisture in the air. Mason jars and vacuum-sealed bags are a great way to store your freeze-dried food. If you would like to make your food “un-freeze dried” simply add water!

How to Re-Hydrate your Freeze-Dried Food

If you’d like to rehydrate your freeze-dried food, simply add water. To make your food as close to the original as possible, you need to add as much water as you took out. We recommend weighing your food before you freeze-dry it, then weight it again after you dry it. The difference in weight is how much water you put back into the freeze-dried food.

Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know | BlvdHome (3)

What Are the Challenges of Freeze Dryers?

Getting used to your Freeze Dryer can take some time. Take time to read your owner’s manual and watch our explanatory YouTube video. Some foods may take longer to freeze-dry than others. We recommend keeping notes and experimenting to figure out how long specific foods need to freeze. Freeze dryers aren’t extremely large, but they can take up a fair amount of space. It is recommended to keep them in a clean area.Many people are curious about the noise; freeze dryers are not very loud and are comparable to a quiet vacuum cleaner.

Is a Freeze Dryer Right for You?

Freeze dryers are for anyone who likes adventures and saving money! Freeze-dried food is great for backpacking, hiking, camping, hunting, traveling, saving money, limiting food waste, and so much more. Give your food storage a little extra boost with a freeze dryer!

Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know | BlvdHome (4)

Now that you’ve got the facts, what are your thoughts? If you’d like to purchase a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer, come shop with us at our St. George store, or call/text us for more info 435-986-3100.

Freeze Dryer 101: Everything You Need Know  | BlvdHome (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.