Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (2024)

After two weeks with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, the plant stops growing and every bud starts to develop its first flowers.

Almost no leaves are being made anymore and the roots also don’t grow as quickly.

Marijuana flowering week 3 & 4 visual guide

  1. Day 50
  2. Day 52
  3. Day 54
  4. Day 57
  5. Day 59
  6. Day 61

All pistils are white and increase very rapidly. The little flowers are now just small white balls, spread along the branches.

And the smell starts to really develop at this point. I always find this stage very exciting.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (1)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (2)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (3)

From now on, you shouldn’t prune your plants anymore. Your plants need all their energy to create buds, and pruning would create a wound the plant needs to repair, which costs energy.

Since the plants don’t grow much anymore and it completely focuses on the development of the buds, you have to provide it with different nutrients.

Your plant needs less nitrogen, a bit of potassium and a lot of phosphor.

You could use Bloom Fertilizer byFlower Poweror ask your local garden center or growshop for advice.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (4)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (5)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (6)

The plants now use a lot of water, so make sure they never go without and that the soil is always a bit moist.

Reach your hand halfway down the pot and lift them out of the pot often to check the humidity.

It’s better to water them a bit every day than water them a lot every 5 days.

You can better manage your plants this way, because you’re checking every day so you won’t water them too little or too much as quickly.

It’s often tempting to already taste a little bud, but that has little use.

The buds barely contain any THC and the taste isn’t all that great. You would only cause damage to the plant. Have a bit more patience.

Bergman’s Numbers

Environmental factors

  • Light cycle: 12 hours light – 12 hours darkness
  • Light color: Orange-red – HPS
  • Temperature: 70-77 degrees
  • Humidity: 50 – 60%
  • Fertilizer: 1.3 – 1.4
  • pH: 6.0

Day 50

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (8)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (9)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (10)

You can see the first buds appear starting today. They don’t really look like buds, but you can see more white hairs come out of the new growth.

It’s best visible at the main bud, but you can see little white hairs appear all over the plant.

From now on, the plant will use its energy for the production of as many buds as possible.

So make sure the plant has everything it needs and provide it with sufficient water and a nice climate.

Also check the leaves again, both the top and underneath. They should have a nice green color without spots, discoloration or deformation.

Bugs usually hang out underneath the leaves, so make sure you check these spots.If your leaves look healthy, you can increase the EC to 1.3.

You can also switch to flowering nutrients now. This contains a lot of phosphor and potassium and a bit less nitrogen, which is exactly what your plants need to produce buds.

I rinsed the soil with only acidulated water, so the plants can directly absorb all the new nutrients.

Read more about the use of certain nutrients in the articleNutrients for marijuana plants.

Here are two links to proper flowering fertilizers you can use.

I now give them 1/2 gallons of water every other day and they use every last drop.

This is a good sign, because it means the respiration process is going well. They absorb tons of nutrients along with the water, which is exactly what they need right now.

Day 52

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (11)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (12)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (13)

You can now see the first real buds appear. They are just tiny balls with white hairs, but they’re buds!

They don’t contain any THC yet and aren’t really smokable, but they’re starting to get a nice smell.

Gently squeeze one of these balls and smell your fingers after. This is very promising ;)The plant won’t grow anymore really, so you don’t need to check the height of your lamp every time.

Do however maintain a perfect climate. The humidity needs to be between 50 and 60 percent, and the temperature shouldn’t rise above 77 degrees.

Always make sure the plants have enough water, and take good care of them.

This is a very important period, because the number of buds your plant will produce is determined right now.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (14)

We’re all doing it for the buds. But in order to grow thick buds, all organs of the plant must be healthy: the leaves, root system, stems and tissue.

Read the articleWhat is a marijuana plantto see how all parts work together and what their functions are.

Day 54

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (15)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (16)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (17)

This is really starting to look like a bud. You can see many white hairs grow from the little buds and probably also some leaves.

These leaves are important, because they can tell you a lot about the health of your buds.

If you look closely at those little leaves that grow out of your buds, you can see there’s already some resin on them.

The leaves around the buds are perfect to make hash or weed butter out of later.I already taught you how to check if your plant is healthy.

But now that the plant has buds, there are some more factors you have to take into account;

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (18)

The color of the hairs must be white during the first two weeks. If that’s not the case the plant can experience stress, causing it to finish flowering quicker.

After two weeks the first hairs will turn red, and towards the end of the harvest they’ll all be red/brown, as they should be.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (19)

These should also be green. If the tip of a leaf is brown it indicates a nutrient surplus, and you should give the plant half the dose the next time.

If whole leaves are turning brown, you could be experiencing bud rot. This won’t happen at this stage, but it can occur near the end of the harvest.

So from now on you should also look at the color of the hairs and the leaves between the buds.

If you are in doubt, immediately talk to one of our growing experts on theforum.

Download myfree marijuana grow guideto learn more about growing marijuana.

Day 57

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (20)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (21)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (22)

It’s really starting to look like something now! They’ve grown a lot over the weekend!

You can see that the little white balls are getting bigger and are starting to grow towards each other.

This can eventually amount to very big buds. If you look at the bottom of your plants, you can see all kinds of little buds starting to grow.

Keep the climate and your watering at the right level.If your plants are healthy and your leaves are nice and green, you can increase the EC to 1.4.

If this is not the case, follow the step-by-step plan to see what’s wrong with your plants and approach a growing expert on our forum to help you.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (23)

The absorption of water and the nutrients dissolved in it takes place through the roots of a plant.

This process takes place through osmosis. Osmosis is a physical process in which substances can move from one liquid – separated by a semi-permeable wall (the plant cell) – to another liquid.

This takes place from the side with the highest concentration to the side with the lowest concentration of nutrients. This movement of ions is called osmotic pressure.

The same principle applies to a marijuana plant, which consists of about 80% water.

So the type and amount of substances on both sides of the cell wall are important.

Let’s keep it simple and assume the liquid in a plant and the water outside the plant only contain N (nitrogen), P (phosphor) and K (potassium) ions.

If the marijuana plant used nitrogen ions, the concentration in the plant is lower than in the water outside of the plant.

So new nitrogen ions are being sucked in from the water. If the plant has enough potassium ions in the plant (the concentration on both sides of the cell wall is the same), the K-molecules won’t come into action and stay where they are.

If a plant has many more P-ions than the liquid outside the plant, the phosphor is sucked out of the plant, creating a shortage in the plant. Read more about osmosis in the article What isosmosis.

Day 59

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (24)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (25)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (26)

Despite the fact that this is a very important stage, the days all look the same.

Besides checking the climate, plants and water, you don’t have to do much else.

This is a good moment to start broadening your knowledge and read a number of articles on plant physiology.

The articles are quite detailed, but give you a good understanding of the functioning and the needs of a marijuana plant.

You can use this knowledge in future harvests. To motivate you a little bit, I’ll show you a small series of pictures on how the main bud is going to develop.

If you make sure you have enough knowledge and you stick to this schedule, it will look just like this on your plants…

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (27)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (28)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (29)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (30)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (31)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (32)

Day 61

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (33)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (34)
Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (35)

Keep checking all values and take good care of your plants. Starting next week no new buds will be produced, but the buds will start to blow up.

If your plants are healthy, the size of your buds can increase optimally. From this moment on, the risk of fungi and diseases increases.

The buds are warm, humid spots where fungi can develop well under the right circ*mstances.

From now on it’s important you take a number of things into consideration:

Don’t spray your buds

Make sure your buds stay dry and don’t spray your plants anymore. Bud rot, which develops best under a high humidity, is disastrous to your plants.

You should therefore keep the humidity around 50% and the temperature around 77 degrees.

Proper ventilation

Fungi usually develop in places that don’t experience airflow. A proper ventilation between the buds prevents the easy nestling of fungi. It also blows the buds dry in case they got wet.


Regularly check your buds and leaves for fungi and diseases. Look for brown, white or black spots on the leaves.

Brown leaves that grow out of the bud and discoloration on top of the buds. Touch your plants as little as possible and preferably wear surgical gloves.

Here’s an overview of themost common fungi and diseases, with a link to an article with more information.

Flowering Cannabis Week 3 - 4 (Visual Guide) (2024)


What does week 3 of flowering cannabis look like? ›

Week 3. Your cannabis plants have still not entirely stopped growing and will now be about 50% bigger than what they were just three weeks earlier. Although still stretching a bit, the stretch will now gradually slow down and soon come to a complete halt.

What does week 4 of cannabis flowering look like? ›

Week 4: Growth Stops and Plants Focus on Their Buds

Even though there are still white hairs sticking out from the buds, the buds themselves become larger with each day and as the buds grow more and more, the plants will produce more trichomes. This causes the odor to become much more pungent.

How long into flowering will I see pistils? ›

Mid-Flowering Stage: Bud Bulking Up (Week 4-8)

During the mid-flowering stage, you'll observe the buds starting to bulk up, accompanied by the emergence of numerous "stigmas" or white hairs. Often, these hairs are incorrectly referred to as "pistils." This is a critical phase to minimize any stress on the plant.

What week does cannabis flower the most? ›

Best Practices. Feeding: This period (weeks 5 and 6) is considered peak flowering time for most cannabis strains. Make sure to keep a very close eye on your plants and look out for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or overfeeding.

What happens during week 3 of flowering? ›

More growth and stretching of the plants in Week 3

You will notice continued growth and stretching. You can see in the video how bushy everything has become. This rapid, almost non-stop growth is all a sign of the post-vegetative stretch that these plants go through after switching to the 12/12 light cycle.

What week of flower does cannabis stop stretching? ›

Most cannabis strains stretch for around the first 2 weeks of flowering. Some stretchy strains will continue to stretch into the 3rd or even 4th week of bloom. Sativa strains will stretch more than indicas. A sativa may double or even triple her height during bloom whereas an indica may increase her height by 50%-100%.

What does week 5 of flowering look like? ›

Week 5 – Trichomes begin to ripen

At the halfway point of the flowering stage, your plants should be displaying easily recognizable buds with a good number of white pistils, though a few may have started to turn a brownish orange. Trichome covered buds will also begin to form along the main cola.

What happens in week 5 of flowering cannabis? ›

It is in Week 5 that the buds really begin to fill out. Even more growth will occur in Week 6 and beyond. If you recall the vegetative look and feel of the first three weeks, Week 4 represented a distinct shift away from veg and into flower. Week 5 takes that shift and kicks it up a notch.

What does early flowering cannabis look like? ›

The female Cannabis plant starts blooming by producing pre-flowers, their pistils look like “white hairs”. Towards the end of the third week, the plant starts forming its bud sites in the plant nodes (where the main stem and the branches meet). Look for clusters of female preflowers.

Is it OK to harvest with white pistils? ›

As your plant readies itself for harvest, they will turn darker red, brown, and orange hues. Never harvest your buds when most of the pistils are still white. This indicates your plants should be left to mature for a little longer.

What are the white pistils in flowering stage? ›

In the early stages of flower development, pistils commonly appear white or pale in color. These young pistils are crucial for capturing pollen during pollination. At this stage, the plant is still in the process of reproductive readiness.

Does white pistils mean flowering? ›

When Do White Pistil Hairs Appear? Pistils appear early on in the flowering stage. The first pistillate flowers to appear are often called “preflowers” because they don't resemble the large buds that develop later down the line. However, the first of these structures to appear are in fact full pistillate flowers.

What to expect at week 6 of flowering? ›

By week six, your crop's flowers will have reached their full size. While your plants may look and smell amazing, the show is far from over. Over the next two weeks, the resin glands and flowering hairs of your plants will slowly begin to deteriorate, adding new colors, flavors, aromas, and psychoactive effects.

How often should you water a flowering stage? ›

It is important to know when to water your plants so we avoid overwatering or underwatering, which can stress your plants and will affect your yield. Generally, you want to water every 2 or 3 days during Flowering and you want to water enough that 10-20% of water comes out from the pot as runoff.

What should my buds look like at 6 weeks? ›

Your buds in Week 6 will be noticeably bigger than they were in Week 5. At this point, these plants are deep into flower, and are really maturing day by day. You will notice that the colas are filling our.

What should my cannabis plant look like after 3 weeks? ›

Whereas an autoflower plant in veg may be perhaps 10-20cm tall, perhaps 3 weeks old and ready to start stretching once bloom begins. Much depends on your cannabis genetics and grow style. But you can expect to see a medium-sized plant with healthy green foliage, but no buds.

What happens in the last 2 weeks of flowering? ›

The Final 2 Weeks Of Flowering. If you grow strains with an average flowering time, the majority of bud development will occur by the 6th week of bloom. In the last two weeks, the buds will mostly be ripening and not really growing much more in size.

What happens in week 6 of flowering cannabis? ›

By week six, your crop's flowers will have reached their full size. While your plants may look and smell amazing, the show is far from over.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.