Cannabis cultivators all have one thing in common, they want to get the most out of their crop in both quantity and quality.

But how do you do both successfully?

Incorporating training techniques, such as Fimming and Topping, is one strategy to maximize yield. However, one thing that is commonly overlooked is the nature of your cultivar and its likelihood of stretching. While desired in some cases, unwanted stretching can cause light burn, weak stocks, or even worse, a crop with nowhere to flower.


Put simply; plant stretching is a rapid upward growth spurt resulting in long and lean plants. All cannabis plants will go through a transitional period, where rapid growth will occur in a relatively short period of time. This growth spurt is often called the flowering stretch and typically occurs when cannabis shifts from the vegetative to flowering states.

Genetics play an important role in the amount that the plant will stretch. Some strains, specifically sativas, are bred to grow taller, while others, usually indicas, are more compact.

As cultivators, anticipating and knowing how to manipulate the natural genetic stretch will help you get a better quality and hopefully, yield.

Takeaway: Know the natural growth pattern of your genetics, as well as the parameters of your environment, so that you can begin to manipulate and use the stretch to your advantage.

As a grower, you have the power to use tools and techniques to enhance or discourage a plant's natural stretch. Lighting and ceiling height play a vital role in plant stretching. This is why it is critical for growers to understand the overall role that lights play in plant growth and then control the environment accordingly.

Before we launch into lights, let’s provide a few facts about why plants stretch in the first place.


1. The strain is bred to grow lean and tall. Growers should only choose these strains when they have an environment that can meet it's natural growth needs.

2. The flowering stretch. This usually occurs in the first two weeks of bloom and is when the plant shoots upwards. In some strains, it may almost double its height before it focuses on producing the bud. Since larger plants will often produce more buds, most growers want to encourage this stretch period.

3. Light conditions, either the lights lack the necessary intensity for growth or are too far away from the plant.

4. Inadequate light conditions can result in dramatic stem growth as the plant strains to reach the light that it needs for healthy growth. Plants are highly adaptive, so if the light isn’t getting to where it needs to be they will seek it out. The challenge with this is that rapid growth, particularly in the vegetive state, can directly impact the yield, lowering it anywhere between 20-30%. This type of stretch is different from flowering stretch and can be detrimental to the overall health and productivity of the plant.


LED research has taught us a lot about how plants respond to light, and specifically the light wave spectrum. Full-spectrum LED lights will provide plants with the light intensity that they need, while also helping encourage the natural pattern of plant stretching. In the blog, Tapping into Genetic Potential (Part 2), Manipulating the Sun, we explored the role that different wavelengths play to support the plant’s growth.

However, there are some situations where growers may want to alter the position, intensity, or wavelength to either promote or discourage plant stretching. Lights that are in a higher position, for example, can encourage the plant to stretch.

Blue light can reduce the plants’ growth, including smaller leaf size and a more compact growth. These lights are often used to stop the plants from stretching. However, cultivators need to find a balance as too much blue light can negatively impact the natural growth pattern of your plant, and in turn, affect the yield.

Far-red light, on the other hand, promotes growth, including impacting the size of the leaf and the length of the stem. That’s because chlorophyll is soaked up by red light, encouraging the plant to grow. In fact, red lights have been claimed to be the most efficient at converting electricity into photosynthetic photons. While excellent for flowering, this is why we do not recommend using our Aelius REDD spectrum for vegetation, as it can cause unwanted stretching in the early stages of growth.

It’s all about understanding the specific needs of the plant strain and creating an environment that best responds to its needs.


The main determining factor in how much you allow your plant to stretch is your space.

If you’re growing in a tent, you only want to allow a limited amount of stretching, or you could increase the risk of light burn as the plant gets closer to the light. If you’re short on space, cultivators may want to look for cultivars that are naturally more compact.

Alternatively, strains known for their height are well suited to spaces that have higher ceilings. These varieties will beautifully fill up your space and allow you to run high bay LEDs that include Far-red light to maximize the natural stretch

The fact is that there is no hard-set formula for plant stretching. It is a combination of science and art, as cultivators discover the best balance for their specific strain and environment. In the end, it’s about manipulating the light conditions to control how much they stretch so that the cultivator can maintain both a healthy crop and yields.

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How do you reduce plant stretches? ›

Reducing the application of fertilizer or water can also prevent stretch. Some growers try to hold back plants using lower temperatures in combination with nutrient and/or water stress. Low fertility or mild water stress can prevent stretch if carefully controlled.

How much will a plant stretch during flowering? ›

The flowering stretch. This usually occurs in the first two weeks of bloom and is when the plant shoots upwards. In some strains, it may almost double its height before it focuses on producing the bud. Since larger plants will often produce more buds, most growers want to encourage this stretch period.

What does it mean when a plant stretches? ›

If your plant is stretching toward your nearest window or light source, it is likely experiencing phototropism, which is a plant's tendency to stretch toward light in order to receive as much sun as possible.

How do you stop your buds from stretching? ›

Finally, controlling temperature and airflow will help to stop cannabis plant stretching. Keep temperatures below 29°C and make sure that air is moving. This helps to strengthen stems, and stops heat and humidity from building up below the canopy, which can also cause plants to stretch.

Can you fix leggy plants? ›

Yes—you can cut leggy plants back to encourage new stems to sprout, restoring your plants to lushness. Trim any exceptionally long, lanky stems, removing a third of their length and snipping just above a node (the point where leaves grow from the stem).

How can I strengthen my leggy plants? ›

The best way to fix leggy seedlings is give them more light, ASAP! This could mean adding a supplemental grow light if you're not using one already, upgrading to a stronger light, or lowering your current light closer to the seedlings so it is more effective.

How do you get fatter buds during flowering? ›

To some degree, more light translates to fatter buds and higher yields (you'll need to pay attention to the distance between your grow light and plants or your plant may suffer from light burn). Increasing light intensity is the most effective way to fatten up buds.

What will make buds bigger during flowering? ›

You have two primary ways to do this:
  • Pruning – Cut off the nodes that are lower down on the plant. ...
  • Training – Training is the other way to keep all of your buds at the same height to ensure they are getting enough light.

What week does stretch stop in flower? ›

Once the initial hormonal changes from the onset of bloom have finished your cannabis plant should stop stretching. Usually, some 2-3 weeks after bloom began.

Can you do LST during flowering? ›

LST should continue during early flowering as vegetative growth continues. Maintain a flat, level branch structure. Vegetative growth will eventually stop when the plant is putting most of its energy into flowering.

Why do plants dance when growing? ›

Plants move during the day and as they grow, creating their own movement patterns. That dance creates a sound that changes based on a variety of environmental factors, including sun, soil quality, and nutrients. “Plants that are in a healthy condition have a specific movement pattern,” Zhao said.

Does touching a sensitive plant stress it out? ›

8) in the Plant Journal found that touching plants triggers such a dramatic response in their hormones and gene expression that it could substantially inhibit their growth.

How do nugs get tight? ›

  1. 5 Tips to Grow Dense Nugs. Prune Your Plants. ...
  2. Feed Plants What They Need. Giving your plants the nutrients they need is vital through each stage of growth. ...
  3. Train Your Plants to Increase Yields. Training your plants is another easy way to increase your yields come harvest. ...
  4. Don't Harvest Too Early.
Mar 16, 2018

Why are my buds loose and fluffy? ›

💭 Airy, loose buds are caused by either high temperature during their growth period, lack of light or lack of nutrients. INDOORS: High temperature in the garden space or just near the light causes the buds to grow airy and lanky. Move the buds farther from the light so the temperature of the leaf is no higher than 86.

Why do you hang buds upside down? ›

The drying process occurs after harvest, when newly cut plants are full of moisture or “wet,” and cultivators hang them upside down or cut the flowers off the plant to reduce the natural moisture from the plants.

How do you fix elongated plants? ›

Repot the stem.

Planting the stem deeper, where the leaves were removed, will allow to grow new roots. If your stem is too long for your pot, simply trim it 1-2 inches from the base of the plant.

How do you make plants grow thicker stems? ›

How to Make Plant Stems Stronger
  1. Provide the proper amount of sunlight. Without the right sunlight, your stems will become long and spindly as they try to grow upward to catch more rays. ...
  2. Don't let plants become parched. ...
  3. Give them space. ...
  4. Take care in extreme temperatures. ...
  5. Go next-level with nitrogen.
Jan 20, 2022

Will a grow light help leggy plants? ›

One of the best ways to prevent leggy seedlings and grow the most healthy, successful plants is by using grow lights inside. I hate to say it, but more often than not, a bright sunny window alone won't provide enough light for starting seeds indoors.

How do you control Etiolation? ›

Etiolation happens because the plant is desperately searching for a light source, so to stop etiolation, give the plant more light. While some plants need more than others, nearly all plants need sunlight. Sometimes, no action is needed and the plant will reach the light source undamaged.

How do I make my plant grow bushier? ›

Many plants benefit from a good pinching in spring. They become stronger, bushier plants as a result, because when you pinch back one stem, two stems will emerge from the node left behind. You might even be able to root the stems you pinched off, which means more plants for you.

Why are my plant starts leggy? ›

“Legginess, or stretched seedlings, occurs basically because they're not getting enough light exposure,” Graper said. “Cloudy weather has caused the seedlings to stretch or elongate more than they normally would.” Overcrowding in seedling pots will also cause legginess as the seedlings compete for light.

What week do buds fatten up the most? ›

Weeks 4-6: Buds Fatten Up

At this stage of cannabis flowering, your buds are getting bigger. They'll still have all the white pistils sticking out, but you'll be able to see the buds getting bigger every day.

What week do buds swell the most? ›

Weeks 1-3 – Transition

Also known as the flowering stretch—you'll notice a sudden increase in growth over these three weeks. Your plant needs to be big and strong enough to support the buds that'll be growing over the next few weeks—it can double or even triple in size.

When should I stop watering before harvest? ›

Stop Watering 1-3 Days Before Harvest – After flushing, in the final days of harvest, you can further stress your plants by stopping watering. You want to allow the plant to start to wilt just a small amount, because then the plant “thinks” it is dying and as a last-ditch effort, it will increase resin development.

How do I make my buds dense and heavy? ›

Increasing the amount of CO₂ in your grow room can help you grow bigger, denser buds. By doing so, you'll help plants photosynthesise faster and encourage them to take up more nutrients and water.

How do I make my buds Fluffy? ›

The fluffy structure of these lower bud sites doesn't reach optimum density due to low light levels. That's why many growers simply remove popcorn buds and the lower branches they form on. Reduced light levels mean reduced photosynthesis, less biomass and consequently fluffy buds.

How do I fatten up my buds after harvest? ›

Light intensity. Light is the most important factor when trying to get denser cannabis flowers because lights help cannabis plants produce sugars through the photosynthesis process which helps them grow, just have in mind that not any light will do, weed needs an optimal light intensity to produce big fat buds.

Do buds get bigger in last week? ›

If you grow strains with an average flowering time, the majority of bud development will occur by the 6th week of bloom. In the last two weeks, the buds will mostly be ripening and not really growing much more in size.

What should buds look like at 4 weeks? ›

Week 4. At week 4 of the flowering stage, your cannabis plants will likely have stopped growing altogether and are now spending all their energy on growing buds. There will still be white hairs sticking out from the buds, but the buds themselves will become bigger and fatter with each day.

What happens in week 7 of flowering? ›

Changes from Week 6 to Week 7

The biggest changes that you will witness in the seventh week of flowering is the amount of trichome production on the buds. Your buds in Week 7 will be noticeably frostier, as the plants begin to finish out. These plants are beginning to look smokable!

How long after switching to 12 12 will I see buds? ›

When you're ready for plants to start the flowering stage, change your lights to a 12/12 cycle (12 hours with the light on and 12 hours with it off ). You will see signs of flowering in 1-3 weeks. On average plants will be ready to harvest after 8-11 weeks of flowering.

What nutrients are best for bigger buds? ›

The bigger the leaf area, the bigger your buds will be. Nitrogen is the nutrient needed most for this green growth. When plants reach their mature size and begin flowering, they need more phosphorus, the nutrient most essential for budding.

Are bigger buds more potent? ›

Yes. Big buds are better because they are fully grown and richer in trichomes than popcorn weed nugs. They have better quality, more intoxicating, and irresistible bag appeal.

Does yelling at plants help them grow? ›

Sound is perceived as vibrations. There is no consistent scientific evidence that talking or singing to plants helps them grow better or produce more fruit.

Do plants like to be tapped? ›

While flowers and other members of the plant kingdom seem not to complain when we pinch their buds or step on them, they are fully aware of what's happening and rapidly respond to the way they're treated, scientists have discovered.

Do plants get happy when you talk to them? ›

There are many studies that verify that plant growth is influenced by sound. Many found that at the average human conversational tone (70 decibels) there was increased production in plants. Not only will your plants benefit from your conversations but you may get a psychological boost as well.

Can plants feel your energy? ›

We have yet to scientifically verify that that plants have feelings. However, we do know that they can pick up on energies and sense. It's a phenomenon that's both perplexing and amazing!

Can plants hear you talk? ›

Do Plants React to Human Voices? Here's the good news: plants do respond to the sound of your voice. In a study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society, research demonstrated that plants did respond to human voices. In this study, there were 10 tomato plants, 8 of which had headphones placed around their pots.

Do plants have feelings? ›

Plants can sense a lot about their environment and it can cause them stress. Unlike most humans and animals though, when plants face predation, damage, or environmental changes they can't run away and hide. Sessile – or stalkless – plants evolved to be incredibly sensitive to their environment in order to survive.

Are small nugs better than big nugs? ›

Small buds, about the size of a marble or smaller, are appropriately called “Smalls” and are considered lower quality than larger nugs. Large and smalls can both come from the same harvest and the same plants but will get filtered out in the packaging process.

Are smaller nugs less potent? ›

Are Small Buds more Potent? Small buds are generally the same potency as large nugs of the same strain. Small nugs come from the same plants as large nugs, they're simply pieces of flower that tended to get less light and thus didn't grow as large.

How do dispensaries get dense buds? ›

High-stress techniques like topping can also be used to encourage ramification and improve bud density. Pruning can similarly be used to enhance growth, flower quality, and shape. By removing selected leaves and branches, growers direct energy and resources toward the flowers instead.

Are airy buds still good to smoke? ›

In contrast, fluffy buds yield disappointment and less plant matter. These airy flowers are often the result of suboptimal growing conditions, a lack of light, or nutrient deficiency. Fluffy buds don't only look less appetising, but you'll need to use more of your harvest every time you roll a blunt or hit a bowl.

What happens when buds are too close to light? ›

Cannabis plants will show a number of key signs when they're getting too much light. The most obvious indicator is leaf burning. This typically causes yellow leaves at the top of the plant directly under the grow lights. While the inside veins stay green, the leaves take on a yellow, burnt look.

Why are my buds crispy? ›

Without light, you can say goodbye to cannabis buds altogether. Yet, too much light will burn the upper areas of your plant, causing leaves to crisp over and even damaging high-flying colas. If you let your canopy grow too tall, expect discolouration, dryness, and reduced yields.

Should I remove fan leaves before drying? ›

The sugar and fan leaves protect the buds while they dry and can help to create an ideal moisture level. When they are removed before drying, it can cause the buds to dry up more quickly than they should and negatively impact quality.

Can stretched seedlings be saved? ›

The good news is, leggy seedlings can usually be fixed before it's too late. I've transplanted hundreds of tall, floppy seedlings with success, most of which went on to recover and have normal, productive yields.

How long does flowering stretch last? ›

Stretching continues through the first 2-3 weeks of flower cycle. Your plants will double or triple in height.

How do you fix plant posture? ›

Lack of light. Indoor plants will always grow toward the light. If the light source, i.e. the window, is too far away, it may make your plant lean a lot as it desperately reaches for more rays. Solution: Simply move your plant closer to a window.

How do you reduce internodal spacing? ›

Maximum Yield Explains Internodal Spacing

Internodal spacing can be controlled, to an extent, by growers if they lessen the difference in the daytime temperature versus the nighttime temperature in the greenhouse or growroom. Poor lighting also increases internodal spacing.

How do I stop my seedlings from getting leggy? ›

There are four surefire ways to prevent your seedlings from becoming leggy and they all involve light manipulation.
  1. Provide direct light.
  2. Provide artificial light.
  3. Adjust supplemental light.
  4. Brush the seedlings gently with your hand or a ruler several times a day to strengthen the stems.
May 27, 2021

Can you salvage leggy seedlings? ›

Put a small fan next to your seedlings on a timer so that the plants are blown in the breeze for a couple of hours a day and gently passing your hand over the tops of seedlings a few times every day to stimulate stronger growth. Some leggy seedlings can be saved with modified transplanting techniques.

Is it OK to remove fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

What week Do buds stop getting bigger? ›

From week 4-5 plants stop growing in size and start growing, fattening their buds and darkening their pistils.

What week of flower Do buds get fat? ›

Week 5: Buds Grow More and More

Cannabis plants get fatter and fatter every day. This is a good sign that the plant is in full flowering mode. The odor will be very strong at this point.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.