FAQs On Care & Handling (2024)

Frequently Asked QuestionsAbout
Care and Handling Of Flowers

In our page of "Care & Handling Tips", we provide some general procedures to helpyou condition your flowers so that they will last a bit better.In this section we'd like to answer a few commonly asked questions aboutflowers' care and handling

Table of Contents

  1. Are my flowers grown locally?
  2. How do I know if the flowers are fresh?
  3. What do flower shops do to help flowers last longer?
  4. How long do flowers last?
  5. Don't you get upset that the flowers will die after a while?
  6. If I buy a spray flower such as miniature carnations will all of the buds open?
  7. Why do the flowers that I buy change in price all the time? Some seemto be kind of expensive at holiday times?
  8. Can I leave flowers in my car while shopping?
  9. What is flower preservative?
  10. What kind of containers should I use for my flowers?
  11. I've heard that asprin and other things are good for my flowers? What do you think? Do the flowers have a headache?
  12. Do I have to change the water in containers every day?
  13. Can I put flowers in my home refrigerator?
  14. Why do I have to remove fruit before putting flowers intothe refrigerator?
  15. Should I cut the stems with a knife or a scissors?
  16. Should I cut the stems at an angle?
  17. What about cutting underwater?
  18. What temperature water should I use?
  19. How often do I add water to flowers in foam?
  20. What do I do if my roses' heads fall over?
  21. How can I send flowers to another part of the country,yet maintain my sanity?

Do you have any questions about taking care of cut flowers or flower arrangementsthat have not been discussed here? If so please send contact us. We will be happy to add them to this listing of FAQS!!

1. Are my flowers grown locally?

At one time (not all that long ago) flowers were grown only in localareas, and brought in to local markets. Today modern transportation hasmade flowers available from virtually every section of the world. Theflowers that you are buying could be from Florida, California, Israel, Hawaii, Central America, SouthAmerica, Australia, or even Europe!! They could also be from large or smallgrowers that are but a few miles away from you! In the floral industry we take thatfor granted today. But when you consider it, the idea that we can order product from sourcesthroughout the globe, and get it to our flower shops in a matter of hoursis pretty awesome stuff!!

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2. How do I know if the flowers are fresh?

There's not really a single easy answer to this one. Different flowers &foliages do have different ways of showing their age. A basic rule of thumbthat I like to give people is to judge nice quality flowers much as you wouldnice quality fruit and vegetables. If the stems and the leaves are firm and green....the petals bright and inviting, it is generally a good quality flower. Badsigns are flowers that are wilting, petals that are fading and droping, leavesthat are falling off, etc. Browning and yellowing leaves & petals are not a goodsign.

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3. What do flower shops do to help flowers last longer?

Flower shops are very concerned about keeping the product in good conditionas long as possible....after all they are dealing with perishable merchandise.Furthermore, they know that if you are happy with your purchase you'll come back to buyfrom them again, (and if you're not you wont). In the retail florist industrysuccess is based not on a one time sale, but on repeated happy customers!!For these reasons most reputableflorists are very concerned about lasting quality, &follow a whole process of assuring quality. They buy fresh product fromreputable suppliers, and apply rigorous care and handling procedures, includingthe use of preservatives and refrigeration.

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4. So how long do flowers last anyhow?

My friends ask me this one all the time!It really depends upon the flower. It also depends on the level of care, bothbefore the flowers reach you, and after you have received them. Some flowers such as tulipsand daffodils last only a few days. On the other hand other flowers such as pompons,carnations, & miniature carnations last much longer. Cymbidium orchids, protea,anthurium, and alstroemeria are also good keeping flowers. It is a good ideato ask your florist about their current selection and they can help to adviseyou for your tastes & needs.

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5. Don't you get upset that the flowers will die after a while?

I also hear this one all the time.
No, I don't get upset about the fact that flowers die. It is the natureof floral media. Look at it this way....When you go to a movie or to thetheater, your viewing experience only lasts a few hours. Does that diminishyour enjoyment of the experience? I think not. The experience of a concert, a short song, a meal or even a drink with a friend certainly is short lived,yet is still quite enjoyable. The newspaper or magazine is usually savoredfor only a few hours and then discarded. People don't expect any of thesethings to last for a long time...Why should flowers be any different?Flowers do some pretty remarkable things. They make people happy. They bring a nice atmosphere to settings. They help make occasions and events seem extra special. As long as they fulfill that function for that event or occasion they are doing what they should do. Don't be sad if they don't last on and on. Go outand get some new flowers!!

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6. If I buy a spray flower such as miniature carnations, willall of the buds open?

We can't guarantee that every bud will open, however, you are quite likelyto get further development if the buds are showing color. We suggest puttingthe flowers in flower preservative & warm water and cutting the stems evey few days.

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7. Why do the flowers that I buy change in price all the time? Some seemto be kind of expensive at holiday times, aren't they?

The flower market operates on the law of supply and demand. If demand is lowthere is more product around and flower prices fall. If demand is high and thereis less product around, flower prices go up. This is often why flowers will costmore at some times of the year, and less at other times.

There is, but another aspect to consider, and that is all kinds of weird and random events that can effect the flow of flower product. For example if there is amajor snowstorm in the midwest that prevents alot of product from goingfrom the west coast to the east coast of the US, all flower prices may rise. It can get quite complicated. Currency fluctuations, hurricanes, earthquakes,and all kinds of things can sometimes affect flower availability, and hence prices....And remember, there are also different quality levels of even thesame flowers.This can complicate pricing too!!

No. Most florists are not trying to take advantage of you at a holiday period.If you think these flower price fluctuations bother you, believe me, they drive many florists crazy!

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8. I like to shop. Can I leave the flowers I just picked up at the flowershop in my car?

If you live in an area with very moderate temperatures, it may be O.K., but few of us are that fortunate. Pleasekeep in mind that flowers are living things. They freeze at temperatures belowthirty-two degrees. They also don't do well in hot cars during the summer.Try to limit exposures to those extremes as much as possible.

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9.What exactly is flower preservative?

Flower preservatives are products made specifically to help prolongthe life of cut flowers. Usually they provide a kind of food for the flowersand also some materials that will help keep bacteria levels in the water lower.Lower bacteria levels mean that the water will be cleaner, and that the flowerswill be able to drink the water easier. It'll help them last longer.

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10. So I buy some nice cut flowers. What kind of containers do I needto use?

Glass or plastic containers are fine with cut flowers. Your local floristis sure to be able to offer suggestions in this area. Why not stock up? You never know when a guest may arrive with a few bunches of flowers. Oh,and by the way, be sure to check out the gallery section of our site. Wehave a lesson that teaches how to arrange flowers in a glass container!!

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11. I've heard that some people give their loose cut flowers aspirin. Dothe flowers have a headache?

There are many different home remedies that have been developed over theyears to help cut flowers last longer.Aspirin is one. Another is to put a little listerine into the water (killsgerms!!) I once heard someone suggest that it would be a good idea to give a bit of vodka to tulips tohelp them stand up a little more straight. Well I tried it. Helped me but didn't do muchfor the flowers!!

My own feeling in this area is that you are probably betteroff using preservatives that you can pick up from your local florist, as theyhave been developed for optimal results.

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12. Do I have to change the water in containers every day?

No. Not really. Changing the water every few days is helpful. You see, petals, and leaves fall into water that sits for a fewdays, and the water gradually does get a bit dirty. Bacteria buildup in the water makes it harder for the flowers to take up water.

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13. Can I leave flowers in my home refrigerator?

Only for a day or so if you have a special use. Be sure to removeall fruit before you place the flowers into your refrigerator, andnever store flowers in your freezer!!!

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14. Why do I have to remove fruit before placing flowers into the refrigerator?

Fruit puts out an invisible gas called ethylene. In a closed area suchas a refrigerator it can be bad for your flowers. So keep those apples away from your carnations!!!

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15. I heard that I should cut the stems of my flowers before placing them into water. Should I use a knife or scissors?

Floral clippers, a sharp knife or scissors will all work. Try to avoid dull instruments that can pinch stems. Only cut an inch or two off ofthe bottom. The concept is that by cutting the stem, it will make ita little easier for the flower to drink up the water.

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16. Should I cut the stems at an angle?

While it is not a necessity it doesn't hurt. The practice tends to allow more surface area at the bottom of the stem to absorb water.

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17. What about cutting flower stems under water?

You should generally be on dry land when taking care of your flowers!!But seriously, you can't go wrong using this technique. Hold the bottom of the stems in abasin or small container that contains warm water, and cut approx. 1/2 to one inch off of the bottom of the stem. This is especially useful for flowers that look limpwhen you first get them, and also for roses.

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18. What temperature water should I use?

Generally warm water, not too hot or too cold is fine. It is taken up faster by the flowers.

Florists will sometimes use warm water to condition their flowers if they arrive froma distant port and are very thirsty. It is a way to get water to the flowerheads faster.

You should be aware that warmer water also encouragessome flowers such as roses and tulips to open a little faster.

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19. What about floral designs in foam....How often do I add waterto them?

Foam used in floral designs is a remarkable product. It feeds water tothe flowers even as it holds their stems in place. Foam LOVES water, and wants to absorb it.
On the other hand your flowers also love water too.
Now the problem is this. When you receive or buy that lovely vase arrangement, theflowers will gradually suck water out of the foam. If the foam gets dryit will look for the first source of water which is?.....You guessed it....the flowers!!! So it is a good idea to check your foam every day or soto make sure that the foam doesn't dry out. Generally youcan add a little water to the foam every couple of days.

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20. My roses just keeled over!!

Roses are one of the most popular flowers in America, but they are a verysensitive flower. If enough water doesn't get to the head of the flower itcan droop very suddenly!! If you catch it quickly enough, there are some stepsthat you can try that may help to revive the flower.

Act quickly. Cut approx. one half to one inch off of the bottom of the stems. Fill a basin with warm (not hot) water. Lay the flowers flaton the surface of the water and let them float there for an hour or so. In many cases that will revive the flowers.

If you find that you are consistently having problems with roses that youbuy from a particular source, let the vendor know about it. (The sooner youdo this the better.Don't wait until two weeks after the flowers have died before you discuss it!)Most quality florists want you to be happy.

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21. How can I send some flowers to another part of the country,yet maintain my sanity!

Please see our suggestions in our Tips For Telegraphing Flowers.

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For other information on Care and Handling of flowers, please click here.

As a seasoned floral enthusiast with extensive experience in the field, I have not only cultivated a deep appreciation for the beauty of flowers but also acquired a wealth of knowledge on their care and handling. My expertise stems from hands-on experience, having worked closely with flowers, florists, and floral arrangements. I have been involved in various aspects of the floral industry, from sourcing and selecting flowers to understanding the intricate details of their preservation and presentation.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article on Frequently Asked Questions about the Care and Handling of Flowers:

  1. Are my flowers grown locally?

    • The article explains that, unlike in the past, flowers are now sourced globally, highlighting the modern transportation network that allows flowers to come from various parts of the world, including Florida, California, Israel, Hawaii, Central America, South America, Australia, and Europe.
  2. How do I know if the flowers are fresh?

    • The article provides guidance on judging the freshness of flowers by observing factors such as firm and green stems, bright and inviting petals, and warns against signs of wilting or fading.
  3. What do flower shops do to help flowers last longer?

    • Flower shops are depicted as being deeply invested in maintaining the quality of their products. The article mentions their concern for lasting quality, the application of care and handling procedures, the use of preservatives, and refrigeration.
  4. How long do flowers last?

    • The duration of flower freshness is discussed, acknowledging that it varies depending on the type of flower and the care given both before and after receiving them.
  5. Don't you get upset that the flowers will die after a while?

    • The article addresses the transient nature of flowers, comparing them to other short-lived but enjoyable experiences like movies or concerts. It emphasizes the unique and positive impact flowers have during their lifespan.
  6. If I buy a spray flower such as miniature carnations will all of the buds open?

    • The article provides insights into the potential development of buds, recommending the use of flower preservative and regular stem cutting for better results.
  7. Why do the flowers that I buy change in price all the time?

    • The flower market's operation based on supply and demand is explained, with external factors like weather events, currency fluctuations, and quality variations contributing to price fluctuations.
  8. Can I leave flowers in my car while shopping?

    • The importance of considering temperature extremes and treating flowers as living things is emphasized, discouraging leaving them in hot or freezing cars for extended periods.
  9. What exactly is flower preservative?

    • The article defines flower preservatives as products designed to prolong the life of cut flowers by providing nutrients and reducing bacterial levels in water.
  10. What kind of containers should I use for my flowers?

    • Glass or plastic containers are recommended for cut flowers, and the article suggests consulting with local florists for suitable options.

These explanations provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts covered in the article, offering valuable insights into the care and handling of flowers for enthusiasts and consumers alike.

FAQs On Care & Handling (2024)


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How do you ensure accuracy and attention to detail in your work?
  1. Develop an analytical mindset.
  2. Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
  3. Establish consistent standards and rules.
  4. Double check for any errors.
  5. Learn and improve from feedback.
Dec 11, 2023

What makes you a good care worker answer? ›

Sample Answer:

I have excellent interpersonal skills and am extremely patient and resilient – these skills have helped me tremendously with the emotional aspects of the job. In addition, I am proficient in administering medications and am well-versed in safety protocols and guidelines."

How do you answer customer care questions? ›

  1. Prepare for this question by thinking about the last time someone asked you about something you didn't know. ...
  2. Write down all the important actions you took to find the solution to the problem. ...
  3. Make sure your answer involves how you help the customer even though their question is new to you.
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How do you handle conflict example answer? ›

"When handling conflicts between team members, I like to show empathy. By understanding each team member's perspective, I can work toward a resolution that meets everyone's needs. This approach demonstrates my ability to put myself in someone else's shoes and work towards a solution that is fair to everyone."

How can you improve quality and accuracy of work? ›

13 ways to improve performance at work
  1. Limit distractions. This is a tip many people know but rarely follow: limit your potential distractions. ...
  2. Set milestones. ...
  3. Set clear and achievable goals. ...
  4. Avoid multitasking. ...
  5. Improve your time management. ...
  6. Do important tasks first. ...
  7. Delegate tasks whenever possible. ...
  8. Clear your workspace.
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How do you ensure accuracy and reliability? ›

How can you ensure data accuracy and reliability with performance analysis frameworks?
  1. Define clear and specific objectives.
  2. Choose appropriate data sources and methods.
  3. Establish data quality standards and procedures. ...
  4. Implement data security and privacy measures.
  5. Monitor and review your data regularly.
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What is your greatest skill as a care worker? ›

18 Qualities That Make an Exceptional Care Worker
  1. Passion. This is perhaps the most important quality a care worker can exhibit. ...
  2. Dedication. Along with passion, dedication to the profession is paramount. ...
  3. Experience. ...
  4. Friendliness. ...
  5. Communication. ...
  6. Attentiveness. ...
  7. Sense of humour. ...
  8. Positivity.

What is your greatest weakness as a caregiver? ›

In general, a common weakness for caregivers might be struggling to set appropriate boundaries with clients or feeling overly emotionally invested in their clients' lives. It's important for caregivers to maintain a professional distance while still providing compassionate care and support.

Have you ever dealt with someone difficult how did you handle the situation? ›

Detail the steps you took to rectify the issue. Talk about the "action" you took to overcome the situation. Explain your thought process for choosing the actions you did, being as specific as possible. Describe the results you produced.

What is your greatest strength? ›

Here are the TOP 15 Strengths that will allow you to STANDOUT in your job interview.
  • 1) Ability to Multitask. ...
  • 2) Effectively Work In HIGHLY Pressurized Situations. ...
  • 3) Attention to Detail. ...
  • 4) Ability to COLLABORATE. ...
  • 5) Resourceful. ...
  • 6) Empathetic. ...
  • 7) Self Motivated. ...
  • 8) Take Initiative.
May 11, 2023

How well do you work under pressure? ›

When discussing how you deal with pressure, focus on your strengths and abilities. For example, you might mention that you're good at staying organized under pressure or that you're able to prioritize tasks effectively. Be specific. Don't just say that you're good at handling pressure.

Can you give me an example of when you have dealt with a challenging situation? ›

Some examples of situations you can discuss include: A time when you dealt with a lot of customer complaints and how you rectified the issue. A time when you had to work long hours to meet a deadline. A time when you had to deal with a difficult colleague when working on a project.

What are 5 common ways to handle conflict? ›

This article outlines five different approaches to conflict management and the situations they are most appropriate for.
  • Accommodation. This is a lose/win situation. ...
  • Compromise. ...
  • Avoidance. ...
  • Competition. ...
  • Collaboration.

How will you ensure the accuracy of your information? ›

For example, you can use checklists, protocols, and guidelines to ensure that your data collection is consistent and accurate. You can also use data validation techniques, such as range checks, format checks, and logic checks, to verify that your data meets certain criteria and rules.

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An employer uses this type of work quality to evaluate how accurately you're completing your assigned tasks. Your supervisor may consider whether your work is normally free of errors. This shows that you have excellent attention to detail. Example: Marjorie delivers reports with an average error rate of 2%.

How do you ensure data accuracy and integrity in your data entry work? ›

The best way to ensure accurate data entry is to implement practices such as data cleansing, using standard data entry formats, and maintaining consistent data entry protocols. Data cleansing involves reviewing and updating data to remove duplicate, incomplete, or inaccurate information.

How do you ensure accuracy of information and data? ›

What steps do we need to take to ensure accuracy?
  1. accurately record the information provided;
  2. accurately record the source of the information;
  3. take reasonable steps in the circ*mstances to ensure the accuracy of the information; and.
  4. carefully consider any challenges to the accuracy of the information.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.