[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (2024)

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September 26, 2020, 11:52 pm

Next Expanding "Other" Tab of Cookbook Recipes

Previous [Poll] On Event Popularity

In your opinion, who do you think is the superior lumberjack, Maxwell's Shadow Loggers or Woodie's Werebeaver? I choose Woodie for personal reasons, but I'd be very interested in hearing what you guys think down below.

September 27, 2020, 12:04 am

Next Woodie's "celebrates thanksgiving early" perk

Previous Which is a better wood gatherer, Woodie or Maxwell?

What do you think about movingWaffles and Ice Cream dishes from "Vieggie" to "Other"recipe section?For me it makes sense because waffles use an egg and ice cream requires milk. It would be really cool to be able to eat ice cream as a Wigfrid, since with the latest updates you can make lots of volt goat pens and thus mass producing milk. Anyway, what do you think about that? Sorry if it was postedbefore, I'm new to forums.

September 27, 2020, 8:26 am

Next Wigfrid mains, what do you think of her new idle animation?

Previous Expanding "Other" Tab of Cookbook Recipes

I have a question about Woodie, before his rework he used to have a minor side perk that allowed him to get time benefits when befriending mobs.

Right now nothing in his descripcion states that he still has that,and according to the show me mod, he gets no benefit of time per food, nor a max limit of loyalty time. But it is possible that the mod does not take into account the benefit and is displaying the general mechanic.

So does anyone know for fact if he still has this, or not? And if he still has it, how does it work exactly?

I wouldn't really mind if he didn't have it anymore,since it was a very small and niche perk, but I've been meaning to know.


September 27, 2020, 1:53 pm

Next Weekly Creative Builds Challenge

Previous Woodie's "celebrates thanksgiving early" perk

Pretty simple. Query in the title. lmk what you think

August 23, 2020, 5:00 pm


Previous Wigfrid mains, what do you think of her new idle animation?

Hi my beautiful friends! Every Sunday I will be posting a weekly creative build challengeon this thread with a certaintheme. Everyoneis invited and welcomed to join in on the challenges and post their rendition of each weeks theme if they wish to do so. It doesn’t have to be strictly a build either, it can also be just your character dressed up like they belong to the theme.This is in no way, shape or form a competition- just be creative and have fun!

Current weeks challenge: Sideshow

Previous Weeks:


Week 1: Alice in Wonderland

Week 2: Sideshow

Week 3:Mad Scientist Lab

Week 4:Chessboard


[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (1)

[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (2)

[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (3)

Week 1: Alice in Wonderland

“We're all mad here. I'mmad. You're mad.”

Falldown your creativerabbit hole and showcase your best take on thestrangeand colorful world of Wonderland.


Credit for this thread 100% goes toWumpairsince they startedthe builders project with the same exact concept.

September 27, 2020, 10:35 am

Next New song ideas

Previous Weekly Creative Builds Challenge

Hello everyone, I am writing again about the tkhe Gorge event. I already "raised" this topic last year .. I did not hear a specific answer, only the assumption that it will be released in 2020. And now the ninth month of the 20th year is ending, and there is no sign of the event. Do you have any information? Just tell me if there are any plans for a second season replay? No need to say the exact date, or something like that, just YES or NO? Without "water" is more specific.
Sorry for my bad english ((using translator.
Thanks in advance for your answer.

September 27, 2020, 7:17 pm

Next Wigfrid's Character Refresh is Now Available!


To expand on Wigfrid's stage craft, i have some ideas for her songs

  • Rallying Recital: Spell, "rallies" all mobs who can be rallied. I.E. bunnymen will kamikaze and pigmen will stop panicking about the dark to return to fighting. This mostly helps with army wigs who raise a massive group of friendly mobs and give them helmets just to heartrend them all.
    • Cost: 1 Man Band.
  • Icey (something): Ability, attacks deal one ice staff per swing. This eventually freezes mobs, which means they won't be able to attack or might stun them from a big attack. Very good against crab king.
    • Cost: Frozen Amulet
  • Hard-headed Howl: Ability, Gain 10% armor for free. This is mostly to help her tank and to give her more reason to tank.
    • Cost: Thulecite crown
  • (warm or cold thing): Ability, Temperature will gradually attempt to reach 35 C. Mostly for Wigfrids that can't be asked to make a campfire while fighting deer or are fighting near dfly lava pools. Niche, but useful if you're caught without heat or cooling and if you have an extra spell slot.
    • Cost: Thermal Stone.

September 24, 2020, 9:33 am

Next [Poll] On Combat Style Efficiency

Previous New song ideas

The next character refresh has arrived! As usual we also have some new skins and some new streaming drops.

The Curtain Calls

Though she may have left her old life far behind, Wigfrid still feels its echoes... and an irresistible desire to perform. Recently, she has begun honing this side of herself even further, using the power of performance to stir the hearts and minds of her audience whether it be by lifting their spirits, frightening them out of their wits, or giving them the courage to take on the world. For this venturesome Viking vocalist, all the world's a stage... and she will play her part well.

Here are some of the details:

  • When in combat Wigfrid now gains Inspiration, which, as it fills her meter, allows players to use the new craftable songs.
  • Fighting stronger foes will provide more Inspiration.
  • Disengaging combat will cause the inspiration to diminish.
  • Wigfrid has a new Stagecraft crafting tab from which she can make her new songs.
  • Singing adds a buff to all players in an area around Wigfrid, which remains active as long as she keeps her inspiration level up.
  • As Wigfrid's inspiration raises, she can preform up to three abilities at a time.
  • Some abilities have an instant effect, at the cost of reducing Wigfrid's inspiration

New skin sets available!

Wigfrid Deluxe Wardrobe ($10.99):This Deluxe Wardrobe contains Wigfrid's complete set of Guest of Honor, Roseate, Survivor, Triumphant, and Winged Victory skin items.

Wigfrid Winged Victory Chest ($2.99):This Chest contains Wigfrid's complete set of Winged Victory skin items.

Winged Victory Chest ($3.99):This Winged Victory Chest contains the following skin items: Winged Spear, Winged Helm, and Marble Victory Armor.

For a limited time Wigfrid's past skins are 50% off. After that herGuest of Honor, Roseate Chest, Triumphant, Survivor Chests will beavailable for $2.99.

Starter Pack 2020 ($7.99):This Chest contains the playable character, Wortox: The Soul Starved, Wilson's Victorian skin set, Willow's Guest of Honor skin set, Wigfrid's Verdant skin set, Webber's Contenders skin set, the Weathered Spear, the Mini Beefalo Carryall, and the Sleepytime Ensemble.

New Streaming Drops!

We are adding the Dark Magic Telelocator Focus skin to the Crystalline collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out our support topic here.

Coming up!

Hallowed Nights is coming up next month and we really wanted to focus on the content update so we aren't making a lot of changes to it this year, but we will have a little bit of new stuff and some fun new Hallowed Nights Skins.

The team is working hard on the next big update we're calling "Forgotten Knowledge". We're keeping this all under wraps for now, but we'll have more details as we get closer to the October content update. Maybe this little teaser will be enough to hold you over until then.

[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (4)

Bug Fixes

  • Fallounders and Bloomfin Tuna can now be placed in the Crock Pot, contributing as small meat and small fish.
  • Fixed missing HasItemWithTag on the container_classified.
  • Fixed a crash when woby despawns.
  • Fixed a crash when loading a world with a saved klaus that is dying.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed clients to reveal the entire minimap.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with GetModConfigData for client hosted servers.
  • Fixed a crash when haunting a burnt tackle station.
  • Fixed a crash when inputting certain characters into the search bar
  • Added some sounds fx to the fishing rod
  • DST will now display a notification if you have less than 100mb disk space remaining on the hard drive that is used for save files. This is to help prevent the saves from becoming corrupted due to lack of disk space

Notes for Modders
Server mods can specify that a configuration option is client only by setting “client = true” for a configuration option, this will hide the option on the server creation screen so they can’t configure it there.

View full update

September 27, 2020, 10:37 pm

Next NEW Streaming Drops Available Now! (The Sorcerer's Circle)

Previous Wigfrid's Character Refresh is Now Available!

Next on my list of queries: which combat style is most effective for you?

Feel free to vote and discuss why in the comments!

September 24, 2020, 9:58 am

Next [Archive] GetNerfedOn's Polls

Previous [Poll] On Combat Style Efficiency


March 18, 2020, 10:15 am

Next Any unknown mechanic to share?

Previous NEW Streaming Drops Available Now! (The Sorcerer's Circle)

Hello, everyone!

So here is a collection of the polls I have taken over the course of the previous year until now and further beyond. I am leaving the links here such that information on said polls may be used in the future, as I feel that said information may be of great use, being that it was a gauge of its' respondents' choices at the time.

DISCLAIMER: Do note, however, that said information may be outdated, the sample sizes may be too low to make accurate judgments, and new trends may have arisen as of late. If the lattermost option is in occurrence, do feel free to PM me a request for polls. While said information may be useful to gauge community response, that does not mean it is not subject to change/conclusive.



2019 POLLS


The First Poll, the base locations poll, which I had the foolishness to obliterate the first question out of... rendering it pretty useless as that obliterated most of the results too.


On Ranged Weapons:


On Characters


On Set Pieces


On Starting Routines


On Character Mods


On Farm Produce


On Ranged Combat:


On [Player] Objectives


On Annoyances


On Future Reworks To Powerful Characters


On Farming


On Mains


On Caveless Worlds


On Previous Events


2020 POLLS


On DST 2019


On Wind and Waves


On New Content


On Food Sources


On Singleplayer Characters Being Added To DST


On DST Work Themes


On DST Fight Themes


On DST Boss Themes


On Wendy's Rework Postmortem


On Base Locations v2


On She Sells Seashells Postmortem


On Core Gameplay/Worldgen Mods


On Crock Pot Food Consumption


On Portable Crock Pot Food Consumption


On the May QOL Rework, Postmortem


On Walter's Update, Postmortem


On Hamlet Mechanics Added To DST


On Exploration


On Vegetables


On Fruits


On Troubled Waters Impressions


On Characters, v3


On Don't Starve Newhome


On the August QoL Update v1


On the August QoL Update v2


On Playstyles


On Update Priority


On Event Popularity


On Combat Style Efficiency





On Woby



[UPDATE!] I shall post the latest ongoing poll in the comments. If you have any poll requests, feel free to make them here!

May 24, 2019, 9:25 pm

Next We now know when the survivors being taken took place

Previous [Archive] GetNerfedOn's Polls

Do you know any game mechanic that could not be very popular, you use for your advantage and could let us know?

For example: If you feed a pig x4 monster meat and kill it, you get 2x meat and 1x pig skin; two out of three ingredients to prototype hambat, also, you can repeat the process to get pig skin without destroying pig houses.

September 24, 2020, 1:39 pm

Next Idea's for a vampire character

Previous Any unknown mechanic to share?

In the newest Wigfrid short, we can see on her newspaper that a San Francisco earthquake took place that was also very destructive.


[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (5)

And off of this, we can easily tell when this takes place! Because there just so happens to be a very news worthy 7.8 earthquake that happened in san Francisco back in 1906!
One that destroyed many buildings and caused massive destructuon!


[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (6)

So based off of this, we can easily say that Wigfrid was taken only a few days/weeks after April 18'th 1906!
And we know the others were taken around this timeframe as well, as the newspaper shown in the last few seconds of the short hints that Wigfrid wasn'tthe first to disappear.

(There was also an earthquake in 1989, but I dont believe its referring to that one)

September 25, 2020, 12:00 am

Next What do you want in DST the most?

Previous We now know when the survivors being taken took place

I'm making a vampire character and I could go into detail about what abilities and stats they already have but I would rather just look at some suggestions rather then explain my entire character (Plus that would probably be more suited for the modding catagory)

(yes she will burn in the sun please do not suggest this unless its something specific about it)

September 28, 2020, 12:34 pm

Next Screenshot showcase

Previous Idea's for a vampire character

What do you want in DST the most? This doesn't have to be specific. What is that one thing in the game you want the most?

March 4, 2018, 4:04 am

Next What about the concept of endless monster waves in DST?

Previous What do you want in DST the most?

A thread like this existed before but I'm afraid it fell deep into the archive, so here is a new one. You can post funny, odd and terrible pictures that you made while playing DST.

Here are some from my collection:

Love this one because it looks like as if the third bunny from the right (not counting the bunny behind the hut) is throwing the small bunny.

My dear Wolfgang managed to trap himself while being sane and of course I mocked him by taking a screenshot and weeks later finding myself trapped in this too while being sane.

Wigfrid is able to fish in carpet. Who would have guessed.

September 28, 2020, 4:51 pm

Next Who is mainly next for a rework?

Previous Screenshot showcase

Latest character refreshes' direction is buffing characters; making characters more powerful. With the buffs of characters even ruins and the hardest bosses of them all are now not that much challenging. So I suggest the concept of : an endless waves of monsters in limited area,like kinda a combination of the moon stone event and the forge event. Players enter with theirsupplies and get out with materials for exclusive items with unique ability.

Although the current developing direction is focused on sailing, I'm sure this could be a nice touch to satisfy both beginners and experts.I'm just suggesting the concept of this, and maybe klei might add such a thing some time..

What's you guys' point of view here?

September 28, 2020, 9:56 pm

Next Throwing some ideas for Wigfrid refresh

Previous What about the concept of endless monster waves in DST?

After the wigfrid rework im wondering who's next in line for a refresh/rework

September 29, 2020, 12:56 am

Next Walter Missing a Vignette

Previous Who is mainly next for a rework?

First of all, Wigfrid is mini Bee Queen now[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (7). Both can sing a song that can cause mob to panic, except Bee Queen's song cannot be interrupt by being hitand Bee Queen has a song that boost its followermovement speed and attack speed, wouldn't it be nice to have it on our Wigfrid.

Thought out my testing I notice the meter as it fill up,progressively require more hitsto do so.

Here I would like to suggest to addsongs that can only be use on second slot and third slot, while notchangingwhat is already added to the game. I would categorise them as tier 1, 2 & 3. Songs that are more powerful it couldn't be perform in the early stage of battle(or early stage of performance), it can only be perform in the heat of the battle,especially on tier 3 songs I would consider them the "Ultimate". Those Ultimate are unlock when Wigfrid hits the third meter and will consume certain amount of meter upon usage. In the current version there's only two song that consume meter to perform, however due to meterprogressively harder to build it is easier to not have any buffs just so you could refill and use it again. Currently those two songs are not worth to spam with though. And currently a fully filled up meter doesn't do anything, having tier 3 song provide a use and refill instead of "I'm full there is nothing I can gain from this"

Some idea would be, buff X for X seconds, restore X upon each use

Also I find it hard to believe a renown performer cannot perform a song without holdingthe lyrics, did she also read from the script as well while on stage? Maybe add an option to right click "eat" the script literally, to remember that song word by word as she eats it. Then shecan perform it later with an icon without taking the inventory space. And eating another lyrics would replace the existing one as favorite.

Just throwing some of my ideas out

September 25, 2020, 10:45 am

Next Introducing, Klei Rewards

Previous Throwing some ideas for Wigfrid refresh

Just as the title implies, I was surprised when I had the realization that Walter has no Vignette along with his release. I may be mistaken but I thought every new character got a Vignette along with their release/rework (which now I guess applies to Wigfrid too). These are my personal favorite scenes from both, let me know what your favorite scenes are from their animations you'd personally like to see as Vignettes.



[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (8)



[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (9)

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[Don't Starve Together] General Discussion Latest Topics (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.