Digital Banking Maturity 2020 | Deloitte (2024)

Badanie pomaga bankom na całym świecie szybciej zareagować na zmiany

Badanie dojrzałości bankowości cyfrowej to największe na świecie badanie technologii cyfrowych stosowanych przez banki. Jego podstawą jest badanie „tajemniczego klienta”, które analizuje kanały cyfrowe wykorzystywane przez banki detaliczne i ocenia je z perspektywy klienta, a także inspiruje do rozmów na temat przyszłych rozwiązań.

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  • ') $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').on('click',function () { if ( $(this).index() == 0) { //expand $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(0).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).show(); $(accordionID + ' .daccord-collapse').slideDown(daccordSpeed); $(accordionID +' .daccord-header').addClass('daccord-header-icon'); } if ( $(this).index() == 1) { //collapse $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(1).hide(); $(accordionID + '-controls .daccord-expandcollapse li').eq(0).show(); $(accordionID + ' .daccord-collapse').slideUp(daccordSpeed); $(accordionID +' .daccord-header').removeClass('daccord-header-icon'); } }); } //if a valid var from url exists override open item setting. var daccordUrlVar = $.getUrlVar('gtandlcareers'); if ($.fn.daccordIsInt(daccordUrlVar)) { var urlInt = parseInt(daccordUrlVar); daccordUrlVar = urlInt; properties.openItem = daccordUrlVar; } //Build item object from AEM Vars var daccordItems = []; //Item 1 daccordItems[0] = { itemTitle: "1.Digital Banking Maturity przedstawia cyfrowych liderów i wiodące praktyki na całym świecie.", itemText: "

    Badanie DBM obejmuje 318 banków z 39 krajów i analizuje usługi bankowości elektronicznej dla klientów detalicznych oferowane w trzech kanałach. Jego podstawą jest badanie tajemniczego klienta, które sprawdza rozwiązania cyfrowe, potrzeby klientów oraz doświadczenia użytkowników.

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    60% banków zamknęło lub skróciło godziny otwarcia oddziałów, jednocześnie wiele z nich wdrożyło nowe funkcjonalności cyfrowe takie jak: w pełni zdalne otwarcie konta (34%), zdalna identyfikacja i weryfikacja (23%) oraz płatności zbliżeniowe (18%).

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    Cyfrowi liderzy przewyższają konkurentów nie tylko pod względem liczby oferowanych funkcjonalności. Spośród graczy o długoletniej pozycji na rynku (incumbents), liderzy cyfrowi przewyższają konkurentów w swoim kraju, zarówno pod względem C/I (-4,0 p.p. na świecie i -3,7 p.p. w Polsce), jak i ROE (+1,9 p.p. na świecie +1,0 p.p. w Polsce).

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    Cyfrowi liderzy inwestują w całkowicie zdigitalizowane procesy sprzedażowe i zwiększają swoją przewagę nad maruderami pod względem kluczowych produktów, np. 51% a 23% dla rachunków bieżących, 85% a 34% dla kart kredytowych i 84% a 30% dla kredytów gotówkowych.

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    Nowe rozwiązania szybciej przyjmują się w neobankach niż w bankach o ugruntowanej pozycji, np. podział rachunków (27% a 2%), wirtualna karta płatnicza (26% a 2%), chatboty realizujące zaawansowane scenariusze (15% a 4%), chatboty transakcyjne (12% a 2%).

    ", itemImage: "${item-5-image}", itemImageRight: "${item-5-image-right}", itemMoreText: "${item-5-read-more-text}", itemMoreURL: "${item-5-read-more-url}", itemVideoURL: "${item-5-video-url}", itemInfographicUrl: "${item-5-infographic-url}" }; //Item 6 daccordItems[5] = { itemOpen: "${item-6-open}", itemTitle: "6.Cyfrowi liderzy wiedzą, że doświadczenie użytkownika (UX) to kluczowy czynnik decydujący o zadowoleniu klienta.", itemText: "

    65% cyfrowych liderów znajduje się wśród 10% banków oferujących najlepsze scenariusze użytkownika. Największe różnice między liderami a maruderami obserwuje się podczas: otwierania rachunku (71% a 23%), zakupu produktu ubezpieczeniowego (44% a 7%) oraz korzystania z usług pozabankowych (48% a 11%).

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    Digital Banking Maturity 2020 | Deloitte (2024)


    What is the digital maturity of banks? ›

    The four evolutionary stages of digital maturity in banking include “Patiently Exploring,” “Innovation-Ready,” “Digital-Forward,” and “Data-First.” Each segment possesses unique strengths and weaknesses reflecting their digital priorities and willingness to challenge conventional views.

    What is the growth rate of digital banking? ›

    The Digital Banking market industry is projected to grow from USD 98.6 Billion in 2023 to USD 199.38 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.20% during the forecast period (2023–2032).

    What year did digital banking start? ›

    However, the 90s marked the true origin of online banking, when Stanford Federal Credit Union launched the first Internet banking website in 1994. Members could pay their bills through the website in 1997, then use mobile banking as early as 2002.

    What percentage of Americans use digital banking? ›

    As of 2022, 78% of adults in the U.S. prefer to bank via a mobile app or website. Only 29% of Americans prefer to bank in person.

    What are the 5 levels of digital maturity? ›

    The five maturity levels are the same for all activities:
    • Initial.
    • Managed.
    • Integrated.
    • Optimising.
    • Transforming.

    What are the digitalization maturity levels? ›

    This model highlights four stages of digital maturity: Nascent, Emerging, Connected, and Multi-Moment.

    How is digital banking growing? ›

    In the Digital Banks market market, the projected Net Interest Income worldwide is set to reach US$2.19tn in 2024. Looking ahead, it is expected that the Net Interest Income will display an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 9.95%, leading to a market volume of US$3.20tn by 2028.

    What is the success factor of digital banking? ›

    Key success factors for digital banks include seamless user experience, innovative technology integration, data analytics for personalization, and cost-efficiency.

    What is the most successful digital bank? ›

    Best Digital Banks
    • Nubank. Founded in 2013 with the mission of reinventing financial services, Nubank has become one of the world's largest banking platforms in the world – serving 90 million customers across Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. ...
    • Quontic. ...
    • Varo. ...
    • NBKC Bank. ...
    • Chime. ...
    • Revolut. ...
    • Discover Bank. ...
    • Starling Bank.

    Why is digital banking the future? ›

    Digital technology is transforming the banking industry by improving customer experience, increasing operational efficiency, and reducing costs. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, mobile banking, cybersecurity, big data analytics, and augmented reality are among the key trends shaping the future of banking.

    What is digital banking vs online banking? ›

    What does digital banking mean? Think of it as online banking but taken to the next level. It incorporates all the familiar features of online banking, such as checking account balances or transferring money, and integrates even more tools and services.

    What is new in digital banking? ›

    In this article:

    Banking trend #1: Customers want to text their bank. Banking trend #2: Anticipate queries with personalized, interactive solutions. Banking trend #3: Customers are ready for digital- and AI-based relationships — but trust is key. Banking trend #4: People love tech but still need real human connections.

    What is the best digital bank in USA? ›

    Bankrate's best online banks of 2024
    • Top online bank: Quontic.
    • Top online bank: LendingClub.
    • Top online bank: CIBC USA.
    • Top online bank: First Internet Bank of Indiana.
    • Top online bank: Rising Bank.
    • Top online bank: Varo Bank.
    • Top online bank: Bank5 Connect.
    • Top online bank: Discover.

    What is the most used digital payment? ›

    PayPal is still the most used digital payment method in the US. In 2023, 40% of US online adults used PayPal over the past three months to make a purchase. But its consumer adoption rate has hovered around 40% since 2019.

    How big is the digital banking market? ›

    Global Digital Banking Platform Market size was valued at USD 25.18 Billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 30.44 Billion in 2023 to USD 138.96 Billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 20.9% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

    What is the maturity model of a bank? ›

    The proposed maturity model consists of five maturity levels namely: Initial, Managed, Defined, Established and Digital Oriented. The maturity of the bank was assessed based on seven dimensions and its explanatory factors.

    What does it mean when a bank goes fully digital? ›

    While most legacy banks now offer online services, digital-only banks are developed entirely electronically. Digital-only banks don't lean on the financial and customer support from an established physical location—instead they're powered via digital platforms that appeal to the millennial and Gen Z populations.

    What is the digital maturity of a company? ›

    In other words, a company can be said to have achieved digital maturity when it has successfully adopted new technologies to optimise its results in all its business processes: internal operations, advertising campaigns, customer satisfaction, etc.

    What are the benefits of digital maturity? ›

    Businesses with high levels of digital maturity are more likely to gain a competitive advantage and ace several performance metrics, like revenue growth, time to market, cost efficiency, product quality, and customer satisfaction.

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    Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5561

    Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

    Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

    Birthday: 1993-01-10

    Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

    Phone: +6806610432415

    Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

    Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.