Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (2024)

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When you’ve been stuck inside your house all winter, it can make you realize how much junk and clutter you have.

Even when we're still holding onto items that no longer serve us, it can still be hard to let go. Identifying what needs to get tossed is one of the most critical parts of decluttering, so it’s time to pinpoint the excess in your home and say goodbye.

1. Instruction Manuals

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (1)

When you get something new, it’s normal to want to hold onto the instructions, manual, or box for a while. What if you want to return it? What if it doesn’t work? What if you can't figure it out? These concerns are valid, but you probably don’t need the manual and box after a few months.

2. Broken or Old Electronics

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If you've recently bought a new laptop, tossing your old one in the garbage can feel too wasteful. We understand that throwing away something so expensive feels unwise, but if you’re not going to use it or sell it, it doesn’t need to be in your house. Take a deep breath, and remove the box TV from 1995.

3. Expired Cosmetics

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Sadly, many cosmetics expire after six months to a year, including lotions, shampoos, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, toothpaste, and more. If your cosmetics are unopened, they’re likely okay to use, but opened products must go. Sealed products should go if you don’t open them after a year.

4. Old Linens

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When you buy nice new sheets or towels, you probably put the old ones in storage in case you need them. This is fine for a month or two, but if you don’t use the old linens for several months, you’ll probably never use them again, so it’s best to trash or donate them.

5. Unwanted Clothing

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Many people have bags or boxes in their basem*nts filled with clothes they plan to donate or sell. While the idea is excellent, the execution is effortful and time-consuming. Either take the plunge and go to the donation center, sell them online, or toss the clothes in the trash.

6. Bags and Luggage

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Keeping extra bags and suitcases around seems wise, but it’s often unnecessary. Don’t hold onto reusable bags, old backpacks, and outdated luggage if you don’t use them. Most people don’t need 50 reusable bags and five suitcases, so only keep what you genuinely need.

7. Extra Furniture

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There are many reasons to hang onto old furniture, but some can get flimsy with age. Whether you think you might use that wardrobe again, donate it, sell it, give it to a neighbor, send it to your grandchildren, or discover a wintry world hidden inside, you’ll probably do none of the above.

8. Textbooks and Notebooks

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Throwing old college textbooks away, knowing the exorbitant amount you spent on them, might give you an unpleasant gut feeling. You put so much effort into taking notes that tossing them feels wrong. We know it’s tough, but if you already did the learning, there’s no reason to hang onto them.

9. Extra Clothing Hangers

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If you have ten extra wooden hangers, we think it’s okay to hold onto those. However, if an entire bin is dedicated to twisted wire hangers you “might” need one day, we say get rid of them. Those hangers are cheap to replace and probably abusive toward your clothes anyway.

10. Unused Exercise Equipment

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The treadmill isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Rather than let your unused gym equipment haunt you or make you feel guilty every time you see it, sell or donate it. This may sting initially, but you’ll be glad you moved on when you have all that extra space.

11. Home Renovation Leftovers

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (11)

Home improvement projects can be expensive, so we understand if you held onto the extra paint, nails, and drywall plaster. But after a few months, it’s best to offload items that hog valuable storage space. If you’re hesitant, consider throwing away most of it and keeping a small container of paint or plaster, just in case.

12. Duplicate Items

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (12)

A person only needs so many mugs and coat racks. If you have duplicate items or extensive collections like cups, pens, paintbrushes, extension cords, tools, buttons, or anything else, choose the ones you like best and move the rest on. They’re just in your way, and you’ll likely never use them.

13. Incomplete Games

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (13)

Sometimes, we lose a crucial piece in a board game, but we put the game away, hoping to find the piece one day. We have bad news – you’ll likely never find that piece, so the game should go in the trash. Plus, if you played the game often enough, you would’ve replaced the piece by now.

14. Expired Pantry Items

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While canned goods can last long, many pantry items have expiration dates. Check all your pantry items, including spices, oils, flour, baking soda, peanut butter, rice, broth, extracts, and vinegar, for their expiration dates, and throw things away accordingly. Expired items probably won’t taste right anyway.

15. “Important” Paperwork

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (15)

Along with the instructions for the microwave you’ve had for five years, you should also sift through paperwork and get rid of anything you don’t need. For example, you probably don’t need your college admission letter, tax refund check from 2010, or W2 from the job you had in high school.

16. Empty Storage Containers

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While storage containers can help you organize, they can also unnecessarily take up space. If you have containers, whether a spice jar or an extra-large bin, that’s been sitting empty for months, you probably won’t find anything to store in it, so you can donate it or throw it out while decluttering.

17. Unwanted Gifts

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (17)

We know tossing something that a loved one gifted to you can feel cruel, but you shouldn’t feel guilty. When decluttering early in the year, consider all the holiday gifts you received and whether they’ll benefit you and get used. You can be grateful without keeping the item!

18. Keepsakes You Never See

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (18)

Those of us who are sentimental struggle to toss keepsakes, whether a lovely vacation souvenir or a letter from our mom when we were at summer camp. However, you can hold onto these beautiful and meaningful memories while letting go of the items cluttering your space.

19. Broken Holiday Decorations

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Trust us, you’re never going to replace that bulb on the broken string of lights, and you’re not going to take that cracked ornament to a repair shop. Most holiday decorations are replaceable, so don’t crowd your space with damaged or faulty items that don’t bring cheer around the holidays.

20. Half-Done Projects

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Many people start hobbies or projects, and then their interest fizzles out. When this happens, you may keep the half-done project for a few weeks, but it will probably never happen if you aren’t compelled to finish it. Whether you were into pottery for a week or started a 2,000-piece puzzle, move on and free up some space in your home.

21. Unloved Toys

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (21)

People often hold onto dog or kids’ toys in case someone wants to use them again one day, but they go untouched for years. Toys can be sentimental, but if no one is ever going to play with them again, they’re just collecting dust and adding clutter.

22. Costumes and Event-Specific Clothes

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (22)

There is no reason to hold onto old Halloween costumes, kids’ play costumes, or bachelorette party custom T-shirts if you never wear them. While some of these items may be sentimental, they also waste space. Some people think they'll re-wear a Halloween costume or the ugly Christmas sweater from that one themed party they went to, but it's unlikely.

23. Unworn Clothing and Jewelry

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Listen, we’ve all been there. You bought sparkling jewelry or flashy shirts and never actually wore them. Many people feel they can’t get rid of unworn or unused things because it’s admitting defeat, but letting them go is okay. After a year of going unworn or unused, it’s time to get rid of it.

24. Other People's Belongings

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (24)

If you’re a kind friend or family member, you may store items for people with less space than you. While this is a nice thing to do, it’s not fair for you to keep these items indefinitely. Contact the owner and give them a reasonable deadline to pick their things up or put them in the trash.

Decluttering Before Spring? 24 Things to Toss Now | Wealth of Geeks (2024)


What should you not throw out when decluttering? ›

What Not to Throw Away When Decluttering Your House
  • PHYSICAL PHOTOS. Our memories are more often immortalized on social media than in leather-bound albums. ...
Mar 16, 2018

What should I remove first when decluttering? ›

Start by clearing off your bathroom counters, emptying drawers and completely cleaning out linen closets in or near your bathrooms. Some experts recommend decluttering multiple bathrooms at once to really get an idea how much excess you have. You may have enough soap to last you for two years and not even know it!

What is the 20/20/20 rule for decluttering? ›

The 20/20 rule is a genius invention by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus from The Minimalists. This simple rule is if you can replace something you are decluttering in less than 20 minutes for less than $20, you can declutter it.

What is the one touch rule for clutter? ›

This rule is “so simple, yet so life changing”. Simply by dealing with an item immediately, whether it is your shoes, incoming mail, or your used coffee mug, less clutter will be created. One touch, one movement, equals less effort overall. This rule can also be applied when you are purging, editing, and organizing.

What is the tidy toss method? ›

As you can see from Blakey's video, this method is as easy and breezy as it sounds. You simply tidy up your space by tossing items into your containers of choice. Unlike other methods that might involve rolling, decanting, or labeling, you just toss and go.

What is the 333 decluttering method? ›

I started the Project 333 challenge way back in 2010 and I've been following these fashion rules since the beginning. All you have to do is to choose 33 items (clothing, jewelry, accessories, shoes) to wear for 3 months and hide everything else. Spoiler alert: doing it is much easier than thinking about doing it.

What is the 80 20 rule for clutter? ›

Research shows that people use 20% of what they own 80% of the time. The rest takes up space, mostly untouched. Consider the things in your home, the clothes on your body, and even what you take in your luggage on vacation.

What is the 90 90 rule for decluttering? ›

The 90/90 decluttering rule

Anything. Have you used that item in the last 90 days? If you haven't, will you use it in the next 90? If not, then it's okay to let go,' write Joshua and Ryan on their blog.

How do you brutally declutter? ›

Decluttering involves being brutally honest with yourself and creating a complete decluttering mindset. Relating your stuff to bigger picture topics including finances, consumer habits, and also breaking the cycle of binge-shopping and purging can help you rid your cluttered tendencies and start living better — today.

How to clear out clutter quickly? ›

7 Helpful Tips to Speed Up the Decluttering Process
  1. Start easy with a clean sweep. ...
  2. Find motivation with built-in deadlines. ...
  3. Donate more. ...
  4. Include some help. ...
  5. Find freedom in temporary storage. ...
  6. Tell a friend and invite them over. ...
  7. Don't confuse intent with action.

What is the core 4 method of decluttering? ›

The Core 4 Organizing Method breaks down the daunting task of decluttering and organizing into 4 simple steps: Clear Out, Categorize, Cut Out, and Contain.

What is the 5 second rule for decluttering? ›

The five second rule is picking up an item, and making the decision as to whether it stays or goes within this amount of time. 'The basic premise behind this rule in decluttering is that you should know within five seconds whether you should keep something or not,' explains Amanda Wiss, Founder of Urban Clarity.

What is the 5 year rule for decluttering? ›

The 5-year rule for decluttering suggests that if you haven't used an item in the past five years, it is unlikely you will use it in the future, and thus it should be discarded, donated, or given away.

What happens to your brain when you declutter your home? ›

If you're looking for an easy way to reduce stress, decluttering your environment may be a good place to start. Getting rid of excess stuff can benefit your mental health by making you feel calmer, happier, and more in control. A tidier space can make for a more relaxed mind.

What is the most thrown away item? ›

Top 10 Items People Commonly Throw Away (That Could Be Recycled or Reused)
  1. Electronics. From old mobile phones to obsolete computers, electronic waste is a growing concern. ...
  2. Textiles. ...
  3. Ink Cartridges. ...
  4. Batteries. ...
  5. CDs and DVDs. ...
  6. Eyeglasses. ...
  7. Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs) ...
  8. Old Furniture.
Oct 4, 2023

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.