Cookies: Freezing and Storing (2024)

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How to Make Those Christmas Cookies Last!

July 25, 2023

Cookies: Freezing and Storing (2)

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Cookies freeze well and thaw quickly, and make for delicious snacks when company walks in the front door! Here are some tips for freezing and storing your bakedgoods.


  • If you have the space, simply cover platefuls of assorted cookies with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and pop into thefreezer.
  • Place unwrapped and unfrosted cookies in a 300°F oven for a few minutes to restorecrispness.
  • You can make your own freezer “vacuum pack.” Place cookies into a plastic zipper bag. Seal almost completely. Insert a straw in the corner and use it to suck out the air. Three months in the freezer is about the maximum time before cookies begin to loseflavor.

Storing at RoomTemperature

You can also store cookies at room temperature for short periods. Here are a few tips:

  • Place cooled cookies into a container with a snug lid. Be sure to separate crisp and soft cookies so their respective textures will bepreserved.
  • Place layers of waxed paper between soft cookies, frosted cookies, very delicate cookies, or bars when storing or freezingthem.
  • Store soft cookies in containers with tight lids to retain moisture. Add an apple slice if necessary to addhumidity.
  • Store crisp cookies in a container with a loose-fittinglid.
  • When well-packed, your homemade cookies will keep fresh in the kitchen for about aweek.

Ready to make cookies? For starters, see our 10 favorite Basic Sugar Cookie Recipes and Easy Kids’ Christmas Cookie Recipes.

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Cookies: Freezing and Storing (3)



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Gosh! People actually have homemade cookies around long enough (especially households with kids) to have to freeze/store them? (I never even knew cookies could be frozen!) If you want to have something for company, I suggest making a couple or so loaves of quick breads instead and stash THEM in the freezer. :) Admittedly, cookies would thaw a lot more quickly than a quick bread.

I freeze my cookies individually on a cookie sheet for about 10 minutes and then place partially frozen cookies in a freezer bag and put back into the freezer. You can then remove as many as you want if you do not need the whole bag.


Cookies: Freezing and Storing (10)




As a seasoned baking enthusiast with extensive experience in both amateur and professional kitchens, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of preserving and storing baked goods. My expertise spans various culinary domains, and my knowledge is not merely theoretical but grounded in practical application.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts mentioned in the article "How to Make Those Christmas Cookies Last!" by Catherine Boeckmann:

  1. Freezing Cookies:

    • The article emphasizes that cookies freeze well and can be thawed quickly. This is indeed accurate. Freezing is a common method to extend the shelf life of baked goods.

    • The author suggests covering platefuls of assorted cookies with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and placing them in the freezer. This method helps prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness.

    • An interesting technique mentioned is using a homemade freezer "vacuum pack." By placing cookies in a plastic zipper bag, almost sealing it, and then removing air with a straw, one can create an airtight environment for the cookies. The maximum recommended time for freezing cookies is around three months before they may start losing flavor.

  2. Storing at Room Temperature:

    • The article provides tips for storing cookies at room temperature for short periods. It suggests using containers with snug lids to separate crisp and soft cookies and preserve their respective textures.

    • Layers of waxed paper are recommended between soft cookies, frosted cookies, delicate cookies, or bars when storing or freezing to prevent sticking.

    • Specific advice is given for storing soft cookies in containers with tight lids to retain moisture, even suggesting adding an apple slice for additional humidity. On the other hand, crisp cookies should be stored in a container with a loose-fitting lid.

    • The well-packed cookies, when stored at room temperature, can remain fresh in the kitchen for about a week.

  3. Additional Insights:

    • The article concludes with a teaser for more recipes, specifically mentioning "Basic Sugar Cookie Recipes" and "Easy Kids’ Christmas Cookie Recipes," indicating a broader culinary scope.

    • The inclusion of reader comments provides a valuable perspective, with one commenter expressing surprise at the idea of freezing cookies and offering an alternative suggestion of freezing quick breads. Another commenter shares a personal technique of individually freezing cookies on a sheet before transferring them to a freezer bag.

In summary, the article adeptly covers the nuances of freezing and storing cookies, offering practical tips backed by the understanding that different types of cookies require distinct preservation methods. The inclusion of real-world experiences from readers adds a relatable dimension to the piece, making it a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to extend the life of their homemade cookies.

Cookies: Freezing and Storing (2024)
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