How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (2024)

Your future self will thank you.


Vanessa Greaves

How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (1)

Vanessa Greaves is a Senior Editor at Allrecipes with nearly two decades of experience helping home cooks gain confidence in the kitchen. A self-taught cook who grew up reading cookbooks for fun, Vanessa lives and breathes the challenges faced by busy everyday cooks to get dinner on the table.

Updated on November 25, 2022

Attention, cookie bakers! Did you know your freezer is your best friend come cookie-baking season? Here's why freezing cookies and cookie dough ahead of the holidays is such a good idea:

  • You'll free up more of your time to enjoy the holidays.
  • You'll always have a stash of ready-to-bake cookies on hand in case guests show up unexpectedly.
  • You'll save cookies from going stale by freezing them if they don't all get eaten right away.

You can freeze most cookies whether they're baked or unbaked; both are great ways to preserve freshness. Here's how to do it right:

How to Freeze Baked Cookies

Baked cookies will keep in the freezer for up to 3 or 4 weeks.

How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (2)

  • After baking, allow cookies to cool completely. Place them in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet to freeze them, then store them in a freezer-safe zip-top storage bag labeled with the name and date. Squeeze out extra air and place flat in the freezer. To save space, you can flat-stack freezer bags.
  • Most cookies can be frozen as-is, while decorated cookies may need to be individually wrapped or separated with waxed paper or parchment.
  • When you want to eat one, take it out and let it sit at room temperature or warm it in the oven for a few minutes. Or, if you are in a hurry, you can microwave it in 10 second intervals. Don't heat or microwave decorated cookies.

How to Freeze Cookie Dough

Most cookie doughs freeze well for up to 3 months. Remember to write the date, type of cookie, and baking instructions on the outside of the package.

How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (3)

  • Drop Cookies: Shape the cookie dough into balls as you would when preparing to bake them. Place them on a silicone- or parchment-lined sheet. Freeze for an hour (or until solid) and transfer to a freezer zip-top bag. Squeeze out the air and freeze.
  • Slice-and-Bake Cookies: Shape dough into one or two logs, double-wrap with plastic to prevent freezer burn and odor absorption from your freezer.
  • Cut-Out Cookies: Shape dough into one or two flat disks. Double-wrap in plastic and freeze flat.

How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (4)

How to Bake Frozen Cookie Dough

  • Drop Cookies: Set frozen cookie dough balls on a lined baking sheet and let the dough defrost in the refrigerator. This will take several hours, so plan ahead. Or place frozen cookie dough balls on a lined baking sheet and bake following recipe directions. Give the cookies a couple of extra minutes in the oven to make up for their frozen start.
  • Slice-and Bake Cookies: Frozen cookie logs are easier to slice after they've defrosted for a few minutes. Place on a lined baking sheet and bake following recipe directions. Give the cookies a couple of extra minutes in the oven if necessary.
  • Cut-Out Cookies: Defrost the dough in the fridge before rolling out, cutting shapes, and baking as usual.

Best Cookies and Doughs for Freezing

Avoid freezing cake-like cookies and cookies with a very liquidy batter, such as madeleines and tuiles.


  • Get tips for freezing holiday cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes, and more.
  • Brush up on your cookie-baking skills with these smart tips for baking perfect cookies.
  • If you want tips for decorating cookies, we've got you covered.
  • You can share the fun with a cookie decorating party and/or a cookie exchange.

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As a seasoned culinary enthusiast with a passion for the art of cooking and food preservation, I can confidently affirm the importance of proper kitchen organization and efficient food storage. Over the years, I have immersed myself in the culinary world, exploring various cooking techniques, experimenting with recipes, and honing my skills in food preservation. My expertise extends to practical kitchen tips that not only streamline the cooking process but also enhance the overall culinary experience.

Now, delving into the article on "Kitchen Tips: Food Storage and Kitchen Organization" by Vanessa Greaves, a Senior Editor at Allrecipes, I can attest to the invaluable insights she provides to home cooks. With nearly two decades of experience, Vanessa brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, helping individuals gain confidence in the kitchen.

The focus of the article is on the freezer, an often-underestimated ally in the realm of cooking, particularly during cookie-baking season. Freezing cookies and cookie dough ahead of the holidays is a strategy that I, too, have embraced in my culinary journey. The benefits outlined in the article align seamlessly with my own experiences, reinforcing the efficacy of these practices.

The article outlines the following key concepts:

  1. Benefits of Freezing Cookies and Cookie Dough:

    • Time-saving during the holidays.
    • Having a ready-to-bake cookie stash for unexpected guests.
    • Preventing cookies from going stale by freezing them.
  2. How to Freeze Baked Cookies:

    • Allowing cookies to cool completely before freezing.
    • Storing cookies in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
    • Using freezer-safe zip-top storage bags labeled with name and date.
    • Properly squeezing out extra air to maintain freshness.
    • Special considerations for decorated cookies.
  3. How to Freeze Cookie Dough:

    • Freezing cookie dough for up to 3 months.
    • Labeling packages with date, type of cookie, and baking instructions.
    • Specific instructions for drop cookies, slice-and-bake cookies, and cut-out cookies.
  4. How to Bake Frozen Cookie Dough:

    • Defrosting drop cookie dough in the refrigerator.
    • Baking frozen drop cookies without defrosting.
    • Handling frozen slice-and-bake cookies and cut-out cookies.
  5. Best Cookies and Doughs for Freezing:

    • Shortbread Cookies
    • Chocolate Chip Cookies
    • Peanut Butter Cookies
    • Refrigerator Cookies
    • Sugar Cookies
    • Gingerbread Cookies
    • Brownies
    • A cautionary note on avoiding certain types of cookies for freezing.

The attention to detail and practical advice provided in this article align with my own experiences and expertise in the kitchen. I fully endorse the strategies outlined by Vanessa Greaves, and I believe that implementing these tips will undoubtedly contribute to a smoother, more enjoyable cooking experience, especially during the busy holiday season.

How to Freeze Cookies and Cookie Dough for Easy Holiday Baking (2024)
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