Coffee Grounds: How To Use Them To Repel Spiders - Pest Pointers (2024)

Spiders have a strong sense of smell and taste. In fact, they have receptors on their legs and anything they walk through will stick to their smell and taste receptors. The great news is that you can use this to your advantage to keep them out of your home!

Coffee grounds, a common household item that many people have on hand, can be an effective natural spider repellant when used alongside other things. The best way to use coffee grounds for spiders and other insects is to place burnt coffee grounds in areas around the outside of windows and doors.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about using the right combination of smells and repellents that make your home the last place a spider wants to be!

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Why Do I Need To Repel Spiders Anyways?

Seems like an obvious question, I mean, they’re spiders! But let’s talk about the real reasons spiders can be so problematic.

If You Have Spiders, You Also Have Other Bugs!

If you notice more than one spider, two things are probably going on. First, you probably have more spiders.

Believe it or not, it is not as common for a spider to just come in from the outside.

Spiders comes inside simply because your home is providing a better food source AND shelter than elsewhere. So if you’re seeing spiders you’ve also got other bugs!

Honestly, that’s not awful as the spiders are getting rid of the other bugs for you!

Common house spiders are likely to have a nest in your home already set up for several years. This leaves plenty of time for them to lay eggs! So if you notice spiderlings, you know their mama is close.

Spiders Leave Many Webs

Coffee Grounds: How To Use Them To Repel Spiders - Pest Pointers (1)

Spider webs convey a dusty appearance. Even if you’re a clean house keeper, a spider’s web turns into a cobweb. Cobwebs attract dust and other bugs as well, especially if the spider is still using the web.


You Don’t Want To Get A Spider Bite

Many people naturally think a spider = bite but in reality, they don’t want to see you as much as you don’t want to see them! Personally, I try to leave as many spiders in my home as possible.

More or less, spiders actually don’t even really notice humans unless they get swatted at. Then, they view us as a predator.

You can learn more about why spiders aren’t scared of humans at first, but luckily most common house spiders are harmless (do some research on the species in your specific area to confirm!)

Reasons Not To Get Rid Of Spiders

Most folks reading this won’t want to hear this, but it’s important to look at the issue from both sides! Besides, it’s only fair to give the little misunderstood arachnid some airtime.

There are two main reasons not to get rid of spiders:

  • They eat other pests to save you from their bothersome and sometimes unclean existence.
  • Spiders will duke it out with other spiders and help you to control the spider population.

The pest one is huge, as spiders are natures natural insect repellers!

How To Use Burnt Coffee Grounds To Repel Spiders

If you do decide that the cons to having spiders around outweigh the pros, the main thing to understand is that while using coffee grounds is effective, it takes a bit more to eradicate the spider issue thoroughly.

Luckily for us, coffee grounds don’t actually harm spiders, it just de-attracts them from an area so they won’t want to visit it!

It’s important to note that spiders have scent receptors on their legs. So, when they walk through something like burnt coffee grounds and it gets stuck to their little hairs, they don’t like it! Understandably.

Additionally, the scent of coffee grounds will mask other attracting scents to them that signal food and shelter, so it’ll keep spiders from wanting to enter an area.

Place burnt Coffee Grounds For Spiders To Walk Through

Using burnt coffee grounds to repel spiders is different from using it for mosquito repellent. That is the most popular way to use them! They are meant, in that case, to smoke and repel mosquitos, fleas, and other flying insects.

Unlike flying insects, spiders need to walk through the coffee grounds in order to be deterred by them. The smell of the burnt coffee grounds will also be strong enough to help confuse the spiders senses.

What might be a great smell to you will be the bane of any spider hanging out in the home!

Here are some steps to take when burning coffee grounds (do this outside:)

  1. You may use new or used coffee grounds. If you use used ones you’ll have to dry them. Dry them on a piece of aluminum foil or heat proof pan. I prefer to use new coffee grounds as you can get a cheaper kind for this and the smell will be more pungent.
  2. Take a long-handled grille lighter or a butane lighter and light the coffee grounds outside.
  3. Take them indoors and place them on a heat proof surface. It should smell like burnt coffee now! The scent will last and slowly fade over the next few days (maybe sooner depending on temperature inside.)
  4. Take the burned coffee grounds and place them in a high up area out of reach of others. Then spread them on windowsills, or in corners of the home where spiders like to nest, and near water sources.You can also place the coffee grounds in cheesecloth bags to cut way down on the mess in tight to reach places.

The key here is to get them to walk through it. When they do, their little receptors will be full of a burned stinking mess. The smell will work to repel them as well, but if you know for certain spiders are in a certain area, really try to spread the grounds on the flat surface.

Below are suggestions for scents that spiders hate, which can be mixed in with the burned coffee grounds. The great thing is that the spiders will hate the smell of the concoctions you create, but they make your home smell beautiful!

Additional Scents That Spiders Hate

Essential oils are a great way to deter spiders and you can get Mighty Mint Peppermint oil along with the other scents that spiders hate below.

Here is a list of other scents that spiders hate:

  • Garlic
  • Catnip
  • Vinegar
  • Citrus
  • Marigold

You can mix these scents with one part water to three parts oil or spice (make a small amount.) Then simply pour or spray an even amount onto the coffee grounds! Just make sure you don’t drench them.

Because of their strong sense of smell, spiders dislike anything with a potent odor.

The smell of burnt coffee grounds and citrus (or any of the above scents) will certainly be hard for them to return to. Unlike mosquitoes, who can just fly away from the smoke, it’s hard for a spider to get rid of the sticky, smelly mess on their legs.

Did you know that in addition to the scents mentioned above, there are more scents that deter spiders? You can view our full list of the scents that spiders hate here!

How To Repel Spiders Using Habitat Modification

Spiders like to nest outside when it’s not too cold and only prefer to come inside under very specific conditions. They are an outdoor creature by nature.

If you have the right atmosphere to make them cozy, they’ll nest. And if they’re close enough to the door, a window or a crack, they’ll wander in.

You can read more about why spiders are in your home’s walls here!

Now onto the good stuff, here are some ways you can modify your own habitat to make it less enticing for spiders.

Remove High Plants and Bushes That Attract Spiders

Spiders need places to hide. You’ll often find spider webs inside the cups of certain flowers like Bromeliads.

They collect water and that’s the best space to be for a water source. Bugs fall into them and drown or when the flower is dry they’re trapped.

Coffee Grounds: How To Use Them To Repel Spiders - Pest Pointers (2)

The spider hardly has to put out an effort to eat. Spiders love high grasses and bushes that provide a dark space for them to hide.

Just make sure that high grass is away from your house, as it could be one of the different ways that spiders are getting inside your home.

Remove the Spider’s Food Source

Make sure that any pet bowls that you use to feed pets and livestock are sealed after a certain hour or removed completely and relocated if possible. While this won’t attract spiders, it’ll attract other bugs which will THEN attract spiders.

If there are any other plants that collect bugs, that’s a food source too.

We realize that it may be too destructive to mangle your entire garden to repel spiders. However, just know that spiders are actually great for your garden!

Additional Ways To Deter Spiders

In addition to the aforementioned natural spider repellents, there are things you do to make a habit of dealing with your home to make it less interesting to a spider.

Keep the House Clean And Free of Spider Hide outs

Make a daily habit of cleaning. A dust-free and cobweb-free house means spiders won’t have too many places to hide.

Wipe down your countertops with citrus cleaner and the smell will repel a strolling spider looking for food and water.

Spiders are pretty smart and will avoid those strong scented areas.

Remove Food and Water Sources That Attract Spiders

A spider has one thing on their mind and it’s food and water. Warmth and places to hide are up there too, but food and water are at the forefront. Without those, they have no real incentive to shack up in your home.

Do a quick sweep of the house at night and once in the day just to check for food and water sources.

For example, what do you have in the kitchen? Any food laying around? Stow it away and use the citrus cleaner to wipe crumbs off the counter. Then pick up the pet food dishes and wipe the sinks out with a dry cloth.

Do the same in the bathrooms and any space where water is stored. Close the toilet covers as well.Spiders can actually go inside your shower drain too!

In case you’re wondering, the spider won’t want your cookie crumbs. The bugs will and that will bring the bug eaters–the arachnids.

You can also read our guide on keeping spiders out of your shower and bathroom for more on dealing with those heavy water places.

Move Plants Away From Your House To Make it Harder For Spiders to Get Inside

Don’t plant any type of vegetation up against the home. In fact, planting several feet away from walls and windows is recommended.

Remember, plants = bugs and bugs = spiders. It’s just nature!

Vacuum Or Sweep Away Cobwebs And Spiderwebs That May Be Active

Add this to your maintenance and do a weekly inspection in corners where the ceiling meets the wall and the floor meets the wall too.

Also look around and inside cupboards and in corners of window and door frames. If there are cobwebs, there’s probably spiders!

Spiders are nocturnal, so they’re more likely to enter your homer and be active during the night.

Seal Cracks Around The House That Spiders May want to Dwell in

If you make a thorough sweep a few times a year when the house may have settled, you’ll naturally find cracks and fissures.

These small crevices are likely places that certain spiders will enter in an attempt to find food and water and warmth.

Store Firewood Away From The House As It can Harbor Spiders

Coffee Grounds: How To Use Them To Repel Spiders - Pest Pointers (3)

Your firewood stash can harbor a lot of creatures and the friendly arachnid is no exception. Make sure you have it stored at least 6 feet or more from the house.

The key to keeping arachnids of any sort out of the home is to eradicate their food and water source and nesting.

Firewood is one of the most common places that spiders live around the home

That’s A Wrap!

At this point, you realize that using coffee grounds to repel spiders isn’t a cure all to the problem. It takes a few sticky, smelly substances to take care of the issue. Let’s recap to make it easier for you to follow what we’ve covered.

First, remember to identify where the spiders are coming from. If you have seen them, make note of where. Are there any good food and water sources nearby the sighting? Make note of them.

Do a fair sweep around the house to take up any crumbs or food that is left out— pet food included. That’s because bugs will be drawn to the food, not the spider. Spiders do not eat what you and your pets eat. But the juicy bugs that do will be there to feed the spider.

Do a sweep of the kitchen sinks and bathrooms. Wipe out water in the drain with a dry cloth. Wipe down the counters with citrus cleaner. Take away any of the old cobwebs and remove any active webs. Make sure you dust the whole house regularly and get rid of the clutter. Any dark and dry places will attract them for nesting and they can be there spawning new babies for between 2 and 10 years in a lifecycle.

Remember we said that the spider you notice may have been there for a while and any babies mean mama is nearby–and more babies!

On the outside of the home, make sure you have no plants that have waxy flower cups like Bromeliads. Anything that collects water or that is a foot or more, is a great atmosphere for them to breed and eat.

Finally, we suggest calling a pest control company that can come and keep your yard and home free of spiders without having to give up the natural beauty you’ve worked hard to keep.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article and found it valuable. Let us know how you found the solutions suggested!


Aisenberg, A., Viera, C., & Costa, F. G. (2007). Daring females, devoted males, and reversed sexual size dimorphism in the sand-dwelling spider Allocosa brasiliensis (Araneae, Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(1), 29-35.

Albo, M. J., & Costa, F. G. (2010). Nuptial gift-giving behaviour and male mating effort in the Neotropical spider Paratrechalea ornata (Trechaleidae). Animal Behaviour, 79(5), 1031-1036.

Andersen, T., Bollerup, K., Toft, S., & Bilde, T. (2008). Why do males of the spider Pisaura mirabilis wrap their nuptial gifts in silk: female preference or male control?. Ethology, 114(8), 775-781.

Barbosa-Filho, J. M., Lima, S. A., Camorim, E. L., de Sena, K. X. F., Almeida, J. R. G., da-Cunha, V. L., … & Braz-Filho, R. (2004). Botanical study, phytochemistry and antimicrobial activity of Tabebuia aurea:(with 1 table & 1 figure). Phyton (Buenos Aires), 73, 221-228.

Çalmaşur, Ö., Aslan, İ., & Şahin, F. (2006). Insecticidal and acaricidal effect of three Lamiaceae plant essential oils against Tetranychus urticae Koch and Bemisia tabaci Genn. Industrial Crops and Products, 23(2), 140-146.

Castellanos, J. R. G., Prieto, J. M., & Heinrich, M. (2009). Red Lapacho (Tabebuia impetiginosa)—a global ethnopharmacological commodity?. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 121(1), 1-13.

Jeon, J. H., & Lee, H. S. (2011). Acaricidal activity of Tabebuia impetiginosa bark-derived constituent against domestic and spider mites (Arachnida: Acari). Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, 54(4), 551-557.

Ramires, E. N., Retzlaff, A. V. L., Deconto, L. R., Fontana, J. D., Marques, F. A., & Marques-da-Silva, E. (2007). Evaluation of the efficacy of vacuum cleaners for the integrated control of brown spider Loxosceles intermedia. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 13(3), 607-619.

Coffee Grounds: How To Use Them To Repel Spiders - Pest Pointers (2024)


Will coffee grounds keep spiders away? ›

Does coffee keep spiders away? Since coffee grounds are very potent, it's a perfect repellent to fight off those pests. According to the EPA, coffee grounds are most potent when they are burned.

What bugs does coffee grounds repel? ›

In fact, when implemented correctly, coffee grounds can be an effective way to repel certain pests such as wasps, snails, and mosquitoes.
The following insects have been reported to be disgusted by the scent of coffee grounds:
  • Slugs.
  • Bees.
  • Wasps.
  • Fleas.
  • Ants.
  • Snails.

Why do spiders hate coffee? ›

Most bugs have a very strong sense of smell. Coffee grounds are very potent and even more potent once they are burned. The strong scent and “smoldering effect” will fight off pests and keep them away.

Are coffee grounds good for pest control? ›

Keep Bugs at Bay

Coffee grounds are great for pest control. Ants especially don't like them - both grounds and the acids damage their exoskeletons. Use spent grounds to keep ants out of the house by laying down a 2 inch wide line around the foundation and entrances.

How do I permanently repel spiders? ›

6 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Spiders
  1. Add spider-repellent plants. Lavender, mint, eucalyptus, and citronella are all plants with strong smells that spiders don't like. ...
  2. Remove the hiding places. ...
  3. Remove the webs. ...
  4. Turn off outdoor lights. ...
  5. Use a natural repellent spray. ...
  6. Use diatomaceous earth.
Jan 19, 2022

Do coffee grounds attract mice? ›

Coffee's bitter compounds are responsible for its repelling effects. These compounds make the coffee unpalatable to rats and mice. They will avoid areas where there is the use of coffee grounds.

How do you use unused coffee grounds? ›

13 Best Uses for Old Coffee Grounds
  1. Dry Rub. Coffee can be a great dry rub for meat. ...
  2. Composting Pile. Old coffee grounds are a great addition to a compost pile. ...
  3. Plant Feed. ...
  4. Candles. ...
  5. Hair Mask. ...
  6. Under Eye Cream. ...
  7. Soap. ...
  8. Scratched Furniture Repair.
Apr 22, 2021

Does coffee attract roaches? ›

Roaches aren't particularly in love with coffee, but they're not known to be picky eaters either. They'll eat almost anything to get the energy and nutrients that they need to survive. So if they won't find anything else sweeter or more delectable in a cupboard, they'll definitely go for your coffee.

Do coffee grounds attract ants? ›

Now that we know coffee grounds can repel ants, let's look at how we can actually use them in the garden. Put used grounds around the base of the soil of plants infested by ants. The strong smell will deter them from the area, and it will also confuse them.

What do spiders absolutely hate? ›

It's easy to keep spiders away using natural products. These eight-legged creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. They also don't like peppermint oils, tea tree oils, eucalyptus, and vinegar. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away.

What is the best natural spider repellent? ›

Cinnamon, tea tree, lavender, rose, eucalyptus, and peppermint essential oils: Add 20 drops of any of these oils to water in a spray bottle, and spritz it around the house where you see spiders. Cedar: Place cedar chips, blocks, or balls in places where spiders congregate in the house.

What is a spider's biggest fear? ›

Other namesArachnephobia
5 more rows

What do coffee grounds attract? ›

What's more, coffee grounds help attract worms, which are great for your garden. To use coffee grounds as fertilizer, simply sprinkle them onto the soil surrounding your plants. Summary Coffee grounds make great fertilizer because they contain several key nutrients required for plant growth.

How long does it take for coffee grounds to break down? ›

Composting coffee grounds doesn't take any longer than composting other kitchen and yard wastes. When composted in an outdoor compost pile and turned once a week, the coffee grounds will turn to usable compost within three to six months.

Does spraying vinegar keep spiders away? ›

Vinegar Spray

Vinegar is used in many homemade cleaners, however not many people know, that vinegar is an excellent bugs and spiders repellent. Prepare a solution of 1 part vinegar and 1 part water, and spray around your home.

What smells do spiders love? ›

The stinky smell of sweaty socks might repulse humans, but scientists now find it enthralls mosquitoes and spiders. The odor apparently helps the creatures hunt down their victims — the mosquitoes want to feed on people, while the spiders prefer to devour the mosquitoes.

What animals do coffee grounds attract? ›

Spreading coffee grounds throughout your garden will also attract insects, such as, worms. Worms provide tons of nutrients to help your garden grow and thrive.

Does coffee attract rats? ›

Also, Rats are attracted to coffee for the reason of caffeine. However, while a cup of joe might give you a morning pick-me-up, too much caffeine can be fatal for rats. So, if you're worried about attracting rats to your home with coffee grounds, don't be. They'll likely steer clear.

Do squirrels like coffee grounds? ›

Deterrent For Other Animals

Coffee grounds not only repel squirrels but other pesky critters as well. So whether you're trying to minimize the number of small chipmunks or large deer (read our article about deer and coffee grounds) in your yard, there's a chance that coffee grounds can help.

Are old coffee grounds good for anything? ›

Used coffee grounds make great additions to compost bins and gardens. They're what the gardening world calls “green”, or very rich in nitrogen. Worms love nitrogen-rich soil, which means adding coffee grounds to your compost bin makes worms more likely to stick around.

How do you use coffee grounds to get rid of roaches? ›

There are a couple of options when using coffee grounds as a DIY solution for co*ckroaches. One is to make a trap using a jar, water, and coffee grounds in order to drown them. Another is to sprinkle coffee grounds around your home to repel them.

What kills co*ckroaches instantly? ›

You can spray them with soapy water and this will suffocate them. The focus here is to create a thin film of soap around the roach's body and that will suffocate him. You can easily use a bottle with a spray nozzle, combine some water with soap and then that's it.

Does coffee attract flies? ›

Fact: Fruit flies are attracted to and feed on decaying fruits and vegetables, drinks (including beer and wine), spills, coffee grounds, drains, trash cans, dirty mops, towels, damp clothing, moist pet food and indoor houseplants.

How do you use coffee grounds to repel ants? ›

Repel ants

This safe material confuses the worker ants because they lose their scent trails. Leave coffee grounds where the ants are and they will carry it home and eat it. This method takes a few weeks to see, but after a while you'll notice a decrease of the ants population.

What is the natural enemy of spiders? ›

Many amphibians, reptiles, and fish eat both insects and spiders. Some hunt spiders, while others wait near their nesting places to ambush them. Snakes and lizards like geckos, chameleons, and anoles also help keep the spider population in check.

What color are spiders afraid of? ›

The color that spiders tend to hate is light blue. People don't just paint their porches light blue for the aesthetic. Painting your porch ceiling in this shade is a pretty effective way of keeping spiders away.

What do spiders love the most? ›

Leaving lights on when it's dark: Just like a bear that is attracted to a flowing river filled with jumping fish, spiders are attracted to bright lights, surrounded by flying insects. Any place that is near an insect-attracting light is prime real estate for spiders.

Do dryer sheets repel spiders? ›

Dryer Sheets to Repel Mosquitoes, Spiders and Rodents: Myth

But there is no scientific research to back up these claims. Wiping dryer sheets along baseboards and in corners may appear to work because they are picking up dust and crumbs, which attract pests.

What keeps spiders away at night? ›

Before use, mix peppermint with some water and spray it all over your room, especially in areas insects like spiders are likely to hide out. You may also consider combining the peppermint with detergents while washing your bedding. Lavender, rose, eucalyptus, tea tree, and lemon essential oils also repel spiders.

Does cinnamon keep spiders away? ›

Yes: spiders hate the smell of cinnamon. We'll tell you outright what won't work, though: cinnamon-scented candles. While they're good for fragrancing your home, they don't really work against spiders. What you need is proper, all-natural cinnamon quills that you use in cooking.

What is a spider's worst enemy? ›

The worst enemies of spiders usually are other spiders, but some insects, like the assassin bug and mud dauber wasp, prey upon them, as do bats, shrews and birds.

Can spiders sense fear in humans? ›

While the theory is unproven, it is likely that spiders can detect human fear. However, there are only few studies about this topic and it is not yet known for certain. Different animals have sensory organs that are able to identify different stimuli.

What celebrity has a fear of spiders? ›

Justin Timberlake is well-known as a singer, as a “teen heartthrob,” and as Jessica Biel's charming boyfriend. He possesses a fear of spiders. This fear represents a common phobia that is known as arachnophobia. Aside from spiders, Timberlake also avoids sharks and snakes at all costs.

What animals do coffee grounds repel? ›

Coffee Grounds to Deter Pests

Coffee grounds are commonly used to keep animals including slugs, snails, rabbits and fire ants from eating plants in the garden, and to keep cats from treating garden beds like litter boxes.

Why do people put coffee grounds on their lawn? ›

The benefit of using coffee grounds as a fertilizer is that it adds organic material to the soil, which improves drainage, water retention and aeration in the soil. The used coffee grounds will also help microorganisms beneficial to plant growth thrive as well as attract earthworms.

Can you pour over coffee grounds twice? ›

You can reuse your coffee grounds a second time after brewing a pot of coffee! Yes, that's right, you can save those used coffee grounds from the morning and use them again to brew another cup or pot of coffee in the afternoon to get you through the rest of the day.

How many times can you run coffee grounds? ›

Conclusion. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend using coffee grounds to brew more than one cup of coffee. If you immediately reuse the grounds you'll wind up with a bitter, over-extracted mess, and if you let the grounds dry first, you'll instead have a sour, disappointing cup.

What smells will keep spiders away? ›

It's easy to keep spiders away using natural products. These eight-legged creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. They also don't like peppermint oils, tea tree oils, eucalyptus, and vinegar. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away.

What household item keeps spiders away? ›

Cinnamon, tea tree, lavender, rose, eucalyptus, and peppermint essential oils: Add 20 drops of any of these oils to water in a spray bottle, and spritz it around the house where you see spiders. Cedar: Place cedar chips, blocks, or balls in places where spiders congregate in the house.

What household items do spiders hate? ›

Spiders really don't like strong scents such as citrus, peppermint, tea-tree, lavender, rose or cinnamon. Add 15 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oil or a couple of capfuls of Zoflora fragrance to a spray bottle filled with water, and spritz around the house.

What is the best homemade spider repellent? ›

Spiders hate peppermint and citrus! Mix about 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil OR a citrus essential oil (orange essential oil, lemon essential oil, or lime essential oil) to every 2 cups of water. You can also add a few drops of dishwashing soap or Castile soap for a little extra power.

What is the best spider deterrent? ›

Spiders don't tolerate the smell of peppermint and will avoid every area where it is applied. You can also use eucalyptus oil to the same effect. Vinegar: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it directly onto any spiders you see.

Do spiders like a clean house? ›

Regular cleaning will do much to keep their numbers down. Cleaning and removing their webs will also get rid of their eggs.

What color do spiders hate? ›

Light blue paint on porch ceilings isn't just done out of Southern tradition. Apparently, the color also keeps wasps from building nests and spiders from weaving webs overhead.

Why do spiders run at you? ›

Sometimes when we get too close or disturb them, they treat us like they would treat any predator. Many spiders have threat displays intended to scare off predators, such as rearing up or lunging. Biting in self-defence is another strategy that spiders can use when they are afraid for their lives.

What attracts brown recluse spiders? ›

Brown recluse are attracted to cardboard, and they prefer the stillness of a storage room. They may also be found in attics, basem*nts, closets, bedrooms, boiler rooms, heat tunnels, crawl spaces, and garages. A common outdoor location to find brown recluse is in debris or woodpile.

Where do spiders go during the day? ›

During the day, they may rest in their webs or in a safe spot nearby. Some orb weaver spiders build a new web every night. They eat the old one in the morning! Other spiders hunt without spinning a web.

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