Are Roaches in Ground Coffee? Well, Why Do You Ask? (2024)

You just heard someone mention that there are roaches in ground coffee, didn’t you? And like most people that have heard this claim, you need to know if it’s true, right?

You just heard someone mention that there are roaches in ground coffee, didn’t you? And like most people that have heard this claim, you need to know if it’s true, right?

Well, as technologically advanced as we humans are, there are still some things that are simply impossible to control. So, the answer to your question is yes, it’s entirely possible for you to have ground up co*ckroaches in your coffee.

But wait!

Before you swear off your daily latte macchiato forever, let me explain what I mean and why those bug parts may not be as big a deal as they sound.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. How
  3. FDA
  4. Our Health
  5. Avoidance
  6. Verdict
  7. FAQ

Overview: Are Roaches in Ground Coffee?

Roaches in coffee – it’s a horrifying thought, isn’t it? Believe me, It gets worse. There are lots of insects in coffee, as well as in the majority of foods you eat. In fact, it’s literally impossible to avoid what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers “unavoidable defects” in raw food products.

I know the last thing you want to think about as you’re drinking pour over coffee is if there is insect filth swirling around in there. But, that opens up the door to a metric ton of other questions: how is that safe for human consumption? Do ground up co*ckroaches change the flavor? And, most importantly, do they add extra fiber?

Originally, this revelation about co*ckroaches in coffee came from an interview with an entomologist about his work with dung beetles. He recounted a story about a colleague who would go out of his way to find a coffee shop that used freshly ground coffee beans. This was way before the Starbucks era, by the way.

When asked why, he replied that there were roaches in ground coffee and that he was allergic to them.

Don’t worry, you’ll never find big chunks of bugs floating in your morning beetlejuice … I mean, coffee. Any particles, if they are present at all, are so tiny and in such trace amounts that they won’t be noticeable.

Of course, that begs yet another question: how do co*ckroaches get in there in the first place?

How Do Roaches Get Into Ground Coffee?

While co*ckroaches aren’t huge fans of the coffee grounds you use at your house, they really like eating freshly processed green coffee. This is where they, and other insects, get into the coffee food chain. There’s no way to avoid bugs when you process raw products.

In fact, some pests like leaf miners and beetles are already in the coffee cherries as they are being harvested. Thus, it’s virtually impossible to get all the bugs out of the cherries.

So, the cherries are picked and processed as best as they can be and everything gets roasted. Even if a batch of Kenya coffee is insect infested, it’s still not a complete loss, as the roasting process will destroy a lot of the contaminants.

Nonetheless, there will inevitably be some bug and co*ckroach bits that make it through and get mixed up in the grinding process. So, how much actually lands in your cup of coffee? And exactly how many roach feet are we talking about, anyway?

Does the FDA Allow Roaches In Ground Coffee?

According to the FDA, green coffee beans are allowed to have a certain percentage of mold, dirt and bugs (including roaches) present in a harvest. The number it stipulates is ten percent or less in a batch of beans.

That translates to about four to six percent that may end up in foods we consume, after complete processing from farm to table.

That doesn’t mean everything has co*ckroaches in it. However, a certain amount of bug fragments are always possible. That said, it’s such a small percentage that there’s no real reason for concern.

Do Roaches in Ground Coffee Affect Our Health?

As I mentioned above, that four to six percent of bug bits does not introduce any health hazards to humans. It’s just super gross to think about.

It also seems to be a part of our culture to be more creeped out about consuming bugs. Indeed, some other cultures eat bugs as part of their regular diet. I don’t know about the co*ckroach, but critters like mealworms and crickets are actually a good source of fiber. Plus, chocolate covered ants are a tasty treat!

In addition to that, once upon a time companies like Starbucks used a natural food coloring called cochineal extract to color their drinks. This extract actually comes from a special type of bug, and produces a pink or red color.

The takeaway from this is that insects are not all bad when it comes to using them in food.

While the FDA says pests in food aren’t a health hazard, keep in mind that humans can still be allergic to co*ckroaches. If you get a really bad headache or itch all over after drinking a cup of joe, it may not be the coffee itself that’s causing the reaction. Feel free to shudder at that particular thought.

How Can I Avoid Roach Poop Coffee?

In light of all this information, you must be wondering how to avoid brewing up a few unwanted pests in your Bodum French press or drip coffee maker. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if you can avoid it entirely without completely giving up coffee. Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to minimize the chances.

First of all, buy yourself whole coffee beans. It’s the pre ground kind that’s more likely to have issues with pesky co*ckroaches and the like. Whole beans that have been roasted are picked through a second time to make sure each bag of coffee is up to standards and looks good.

Then, get yourself a nice coffee grinder and grind your own beans fresh whenever you prepare coffee. It’s a win-win situation. You don’t have to worry about what’s in your coffee grinds, AND you get a better tasting coffee.

Lastly, buy your whole bean coffee from smaller, independent roasters. They have to adhere to the same criteria set forth by the FDA. Further, since their operations are smaller, they tend to pay more attention to detail when selecting and preparing their coffee beans.

Verdict: Are Roaches in Ground Coffee?

To sum it up, if you drink coffee, chances are at some point you may have enjoyed a co*ckroach fragment or two. There’s no need to panic, though; the FDA enforces guidelines as to what level of “unavoidable defects” is acceptable in our food supply. Some bug products are even beneficial, like the cochineal extract I mentioned above.

It’s important to note that insects such as co*ckroaches can be present in all kinds of processed food, not just coffee. Turns out it’s nearly impossible to have raw foods at the growing stage be totally free of pests.

However, there are ways to avoid the possibility of ingesting those creepy crawlies. You can buy whole beans and grind them yourself, and choose private roasters to make sure you’re getting quality coffee beans.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Are you ready to swear off your cup of joe forever, or switch to using whole bean coffee? I, for one, will still enjoy my favorite beetlejuice every morning. I look forward to your questions and comments!

Are Roaches in Ground Coffee? FAQ

Do coffee pods have roaches too?

Definitely! Places that mass produce pre ground coffee, if they have a roach problem, are going to have such issues whether coffee is packaged in pods or bags. That’s because while the packaging is different, the source is the same.

What contaminants are in ground coffee?

The FDA identifies several types of contaminants that can be found in pre ground coffee, including but not limited to: chemicals, molds, sticks, twigs, insects and insect parts, including co*ckroaches.

Can roaches in ground coffee cause allergies?

co*ckroaches have been identified as allergen producing bugs, and affect people very much like dust mites. So the answer is yes, it’s possible that insect fragments in pre ground coffee, such as co*ckroaches, can trigger an allergy.

Are roaches in ground coffee affecting the taste?

No, roach particles or other bugs and contaminants don’t affect the taste of your coffee. That’s because there’s such a tiny amount that actually reaches the final product, it’s hardly detectable at all.

Is roach poop coffee a delicacy?

As popular as Kopi Luwak is, I wouldn’t advise drinking a coffee that touts the wonders of roach poop. Let’s just say the sharks on Shark Tank probably wouldn’t be impressed by that product.

What do I do if I find roach parts in my ground coffee?

Actually, finding anything like bug bits or cast skins in your ground coffee is extremely unlikely. But, heaven forbid you actually find a co*ckroach leg in your ground coffee, contact the manufacturer immediately. I think it also goes without saying you probably want to make a cup of tea instead that day.

Are Roaches in Ground Coffee? Well, Why Do You Ask? (2024)


Will ground coffee keep roaches away? ›

Roaches are repelled by ground coffee. In fact, putting some ground coffee down in the corners or windowsills of your kitchen can actually help keep them insects away.

Do roaches go in coffee makers? ›

Bugs generally need three things to live and that's food, water and shelter.

Does ground coffee attract bugs? ›

As our question: “Do coffee grounds attract pests?” — no! The opposite is true. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), coffee grounds are an efficient way to keep pests out of your garden.

What food kills roaches instantly? ›

A concoction of baking soda and sugar is an effective co*ckroach killer and controls the multiplication of these pests. Sugar acts as a bait to attract co*ckroaches and the baking soda kills them.

What smell keeps roaches away? ›

Citrus. You may love the smell of fresh citrus, but co*ckroaches hate the scent. That means you can use citrus scented cleaners in your kitchen and bathroom to chase any lingering roaches away. You can also keep a few citrus peels around your home in strategic places.

How do I protect my coffee maker from roaches? ›

Keep a Clean Kitchen
  1. Prepare a mixture of warm water with a bit of soap. ...
  2. Remove any unwelcome residents from your coffee machine water reservoir. ...
  3. Put your coffee carafe in place and begin the brew cycle. ...
  4. Put out some boric roach traps in cool, dark places where the annoying pests congregate.
Aug 27, 2022

Can you be clean and still have co*ckroaches? ›

If you think you have co*ckroaches, do not panic. Finding roaches is not a sign that your house is dirty. Even if you clean regularly and maintain a tidy home, co*ckroaches can usually find food and water without much trouble. This allows them to thrive in many environments.

Can you be clean and still have roaches? ›

No matter how clean your home is, if there's some excess moisture somewhere, it could very well be an attractive invitation for your neighborhood roaches. This is one of the reasons why you'll commonly find roaches hanging out in your bathroom and laundry room or around an appliance that produces condensation.

What bugs eat coffee grounds? ›

The beetle is the only animal that can feed solely on coffee beans. Others might occasionally nibble the seeds or other parts of the coffee plant, but they don't dedicate themselves to the task.

What bugs do coffee grounds get rid of? ›

Keep Bugs at Bay

Use spent grounds to keep ants out of the house by laying down a 2 inch wide line around the foundation and entrances. It also works for many kinds of worms, snails, slugs and other insects. Put the same kind of line around plants, or mix grounds with hot water, and pour over anthills.

What insect leaves droppings that look like coffee grounds? ›

With over 4,000 species of roaches in the world, there can be many variations in roach feces. But typically, small to medium-sized roaches leave behind droppings that look like ground coffee or black pepper. The feces of bigger co*ckroaches are oval with ridges along the sides.

What kills roaches permanently? ›

The ONLY thing that will thoroughly eradicate an infestation is borax powder. It is cheap, non-toxic to humans and pets, and extremely effective. Just sprinkle the powder where roaches walk and spray it into crevices with an inexpensive dust sprayer.

What kills roaches forever? ›

For best results, combine equal parts borax and white table sugar. Dust the mixture any place you've seen roach activity. When the roaches consume the borax, it will dehydrate them and kill them rapidly.

What is the number one thing that kills roaches? ›

Boric acid: Used correctly, boric acid is one of the most effective roach killers. It's odorless, has low toxicity to pets, and since it isn't repellent to roaches, they will not seek to avoid it, crawling through it repeatedly until it kills them.

What attracts roaches in a clean house? ›

Some factors that can attract co*ckroaches to clean houses include: Moisture. Leaking sinks and appliances create conditions in which roaches thrive, since they offer a readily available source of water as well as the warm, sheltered spaces that provide the ideal harborage for co*ckroach nests. Untidy landscaping.

Do moth balls keep roaches away? ›

So, do mothballs get rid of roaches? The answer is yes they can. The use of mothballs is one of the most effective and easiest ways to use home remedies to curb a roach infestation. Apart from preventing roach infestations, mothballs also prevent other insects from coming into your home.

Will bleach smell keep roaches away? ›

What Smells Keep Roaches Away? While bleach is ineffective when it comes to killing co*ckroaches, it does repel them. But, bleach should only be used with extreme caution, as it is toxic when ingested, and has the potential to bleach or damage anything it touches.

Will roaches leave a cold house? ›

Generally, co*ckroaches don't like the cold one bit. They are cold-blooded arthropods that don't survive very well in either extremely cold or hot circ*mstances. They're always at whatever temperature their environment is and generally slow down with cooler temperatures.

Can you smell if a house has roaches? ›

Subtle Signs

Odors: When co*ckroaches infest a home, they often create a smell that is very noticeable. This odor is hard to describe. If you're noticing a smell that you would describe as "unpleasant," it may be co*ckroaches. See if you can figure out where the smell is coming from.

What attracts roaches the most? ›

co*ckroaches seek places where they can find ample food. Food crumbs, spills, leftovers, and pet food are the most common food sources. Kitchen trash and grease on stovetops and countertops can be inviting for roaches, and they may also get into stored food items.

Do roaches ever go away on their own? ›

In general, they feed on anything digestible and can stick around your home even if there's no food available. They usually find their way out in the complete absence of food, but such a situation would be highly unlikely because they can still survive on starchy substances around your home's periphery.

Why do co*ckroaches suddenly appear? ›

The Presence Of Food. Available food is the single most powerful reason co*ckroaches enter our homes. These insects aren't picky eaters—almost anything left out on your kitchen counters is fair game to them, and they'll be drawn to it.

Is it OK to dump coffee grounds outside? ›

Coffee grounds are granular, acidic, and rich in nitrogen, making them a great, easy-to-apply fertilizer for both indoor and outdoor plants. You can either sprinkle coffee grounds directly over the soil around your plant or work them into the soil with your hands.

What are old coffee grounds good for? ›

16 Creative Ways to Use Old Coffee Grounds
  • Fertilize Your Garden. Most soil does not contain the essential nutrients needed for optimal plant growth. ...
  • Compost It for Later. ...
  • Repel Insects and Pests. ...
  • Remove Fleas from Your Pet. ...
  • Neutralize Odors. ...
  • Use It as a Natural Cleaning Scrub. ...
  • Scour Your Pots and Pans. ...
  • Exfoliate Your Skin.
Apr 12, 2018

What is a coffee bug? ›

Antestiopsis is a genus of shield bug, commonly known as antestia and the variegated coffee bug.

Do coffee grounds attract mice? ›

Neither dry coffee grounds nor used ones will attract rats and mice. Rodents don't like the smell of most products containing caffeine, and they typically won't bother with coffee grounds in any form.

Do coffee grounds keep mosquitoes away? ›

You can control them with coffee grounds, a safe and effective way to keep pests away. Not only do they repel mosquitoes, but also other insects such as wasps and bees. Coffee grounds are the bee's knees when it comes to staying bug bite free.

How do you use coffee grounds as a deodorizer? ›

Used coffee grounds can serve as a natural air freshener, absorbing unwanted odors.
  1. Place a dish of grounds (dried first) to freshen your fridge.
  2. Neutralize smells in the microwave by combining 2 tbsp of grounds with 1/2 cup of water, then heat for less than a minute.

Do roach eggs look like coffee grounds? ›

Roach droppings look like specks of pepper, coffee grounds, or dark grains of rice.

How do you tell roach poop from coffee grounds? ›

co*ckroach Poop Vs.

The poop is pellet-shaped, not rice or coffee-ground shaped. The poop is six-sided, lacking a roach's clean cylinder shape with ridges. Termite poop is almost exclusively found in or near wood. Roach poop can be found anywhere.

What insects don t like coffee grounds? ›

Ants especially don't like them - both grounds and the acids damage their exoskeletons. Use spent grounds to keep ants out of the house by laying down a 2 inch wide line around the foundation and entrances. It also works for many kinds of worms, snails, slugs and other insects.

Will baking soda keep roaches away? ›

#2: Baking Soda Is a Convenient Home Remedy for co*ckroaches

A concoction of baking soda and sugar is an effective co*ckroach killer and controls the multiplication of these pests.

Does ground cinnamon keep roaches away? ›

"You can use cinnamon on any indoor or outdoor space as protection against pest infestations." Cinnamon doesn't only scare away ants, but also co*ckroaches, spiders, fruit flies, rats, wasps, earwigs, silverfish, mosquitoes, and even bed bugs, according to Barrett.

Do coffee grounds attract house flies? ›

Fact: Fruit flies are attracted to and feed on decaying fruits and vegetables, drinks (including beer and wine), spills, coffee grounds, drains, trash cans, dirty mops, towels, damp clothing, moist pet food and indoor houseplants.

Does apple cider vinegar get rid of roaches? ›

All About Vinegar

Unfortunately, it doesn't actually kill these problem insects. It's more of a cleaning tool than anything else, and it won't actually help eliminate your roach problem. It can, however, help deter roaches and get rid of germs in the kitchen when used as a cleaning agent.

What household cleaner repels roaches? ›

Pine-Sol and Fabuloso are strong, all-purpose household cleaners. Similar to bleach, these products kill roaches on contact. Some homeowners suggest spraying Pine-Sol around the outside of your house to keep co*ckroaches away.

Does toothpaste get rid of roaches? ›

Use Boric Acid Powder: Have you heard that toothpaste can kill co*ckroaches? Well, boric acid powder is a substance deadly to co*ckroaches but low in toxicity to humans that can be found in toothpaste and clothing detergent. These household items can be used to effectively kill co*ckroaches.

How do I get rid of roaches forever? ›

Borax is a readily-available laundry product that's excellent for killing roaches. For best results, combine equal parts borax and white table sugar. Dust the mixture any place you've seen roach activity. When the roaches consume the borax, it will dehydrate them and kill them rapidly.

How do I get rid of roaches forever naturally? ›

A concoction of baking soda and sugar is an effective way to control the multiplication of these pests. Sugar acts as bait to attract co*ckroaches and the baking soda will kill them. You just need to identify their hideouts and sprinkle this mixture in those corners. This is one of the best way to get rid of roaches.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.