Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (2024)

How to brew and drink chamomile as a tea? Chamomile Tea Benefits.

The useful properties of chamomile have been known since ancient times. It is one of the most used medicinal plants. Some people brew and drink chamomile flowers as a tea. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some nuances, because the chamomile is still a medicinal herb - and, therefore, there are contraindications to its use.

In what diseases is chamomile tea benefits?

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (1)

Chamomile tea has the following beneficial properties:

  • has diaphoretic and choleretic effect; strengthens the immune system;
  • improves mood and performance;
  • gets rid of flatulence;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • has a calming effect;
  • soothes sore throat and flushes out phlegm;
  • It restores cells and stimulates their regeneration.

Chamomile flowers are traditionally included in the classic Tealyra herbal teas. We present you the Floral Serenity chamomile tea. Perfectly selected blends of wild mountain herbs and flowers of the Greek mountains have a gentle effect on the body and help normalize the work of all systems, strengthen the body and fill it with energy.

This is not a complete list of the positive effects of the drink on the human body and health. Chamomile tea is recommended to drink for the following ailments and diseases:

  • painful menstruation;
  • colds; depression and stress;
  • gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Attention! The drink is excellent not only for adults but also for children. However, it is not recommended to use chamomile for children in order to prevent illnesses.

How to drink chamomile tea?

To achieve the desired result, it is important to drink chamomile tea correctly. First of all, it should be done in courses. After a week of drinking should be followed by a week break. Each day, you can consume 100 ml of drink of medium strength, not more than three times.

If a person decides to take chamomile tea for a long time, he needs to observe several rules:

  • take it no more than once a day;
  • make a weak concentration;
  • use with caution additional herbal ingredients.

How to brew chamomile tea properly?

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (2)

To brew, use a sachet of herb or a teaspoon of raw material in bulk per glass of hot water. The water should be boiled and then cooled - and 10 minutes after boiling you can use the tea.

A medicinal herb is not brewed with a reserve. If brewed chamomile stand for some time, it will become bitter.To feel comfort and ease in the stomach thanks to a unique composition of herbs and fruits you will help wild herbal tea - Sage Detox Blend. Chamomile, Apple, Beetroot, Blackberry leaves and Lemon Balm normalize the digestive system and restore intestinal microflora.

Attention! The drink should be consumed after a meal, but not earlier than an hour, then chamomile helps to normalize digestion.

The unused raw material after brewing can be used in the form of compresses and lotions. It also makes sense to use the brewed herb secondary for douches, baths and other external applications.

Traditional recipe for chamomile tea

Usually take 1 tbsp. of dried chamomile mixture for 200 ml of boiling water. It is poured and infused for 15 to 30 minutes. Before drinking, you can strain the composition and add a little honey.

Invigorating with mint and apples

Take 1 tbsp. dried chamomile, add a handful of fresh mint, half a sour apple and 1 tbsp. honey. Fill the mixture with boiling water (400 ml) and let it infuse for 15 minutes.

Green tea with chamomile

Take 1 tsp. each of dried chamomile flowers and green tea and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. After 5 minutes, you can add lemon and honey to taste. Infuse the drink for at least 15 minutes.

Vitamin composition for colds

Take 1 tbsp. each of chamomile, linden honey, mint and boil with boiling water (200 ml). Add 2 lemon slices and the same amount of orange. Leave to brew for 30 minutes and drink throughout the day in small portions.

Chamomile tea for weight loss

To speed up the metabolism and lose extra pounds, take 0.5 tsp. each of chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and St. John's wort, as well as a quarter of a lemon. All ingredients are mixed with a pre-sliced lemon and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After insisting on a water bath and boiling for 10 minutes, the infusion is strained and drunk during the day for half an hour before each meal.

External use of chamomile tea

For face

Tea with chamomile, about the benefits and harms of which it is known a lot, is widely used externally. Once brewed, the plant increases its beneficial properties. Lotions and compresses with the decoction can quickly restore a healthy complexion, remove dark circles under the eyes, relieve swelling, accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts and abrasions, remove inflammation.

In the morning, it is recommended to put 1 cotton pad dipped in decoction or a brewed bag with the herb on the eyes for 10-15 minutes to give a healthy look to the face. Lotion based on chamomile decoction can be wiped over the face 3-5 times a day.

External use of chamomile tea: benefits for women

Infusion is used for inflammations of the urogenital system, making douches (for example, during exacerbation of symptoms of thrush). For skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and others), it is recommended to make baths with the addition of several liters of concentrated infusion. It also rinses the hair: it makes the strands strong and healthy, gives a beautiful light shade, as if they slightly burned in the sun.

Useful properties for teeth

Chamomile is used in the treatment of oral diseases: chewing a little brewed herb can get rid of unpleasant odor and inflammation. Do the procedure as a prophylactic for dental diseases.

Chamomile tea: benefits and harms for women

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (3)

  • It contains vitamin PP, and it is known to be especially useful for those who suffer from edema, vascular spasms, varicose veins and tired legs. This vitamin can reduce muscle spasms in the abdominal area. Combined with its sedative properties, this makes chamomile decoction a good helper for women who are painfully experiencing the symptoms of PMS. With painful and heavy menstruation girls are advised to start drinking 2-3 cups of weak decoction every day a few days before.
  • The drink also helps with diabetes: it reduces blood sugar levels and keeps it at the same level for a long time, so patients are advised to drink it regularly.

Chamomile tea: benefits and harms for men

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (4)

  • Tea from the medicinal herb is especially useful after abundant chitmills and big holidays, when every day is accompanied by overeating, large amounts of fatty foods and alcohol in the diet. To arrange the body an effective detox, for a week drink 2-3 glasses of infusion of medium concentration daily.
  • Due to its regenerating properties, the infusion is recommended for everyone who is actively engaged in sports. The composition not only removes muscle cramps, but also contributes to a faster recovery of the body after strenuous workouts.
  • For symptoms of "seasonal" depression tea is recommended to use up to 5 times a week. It will help restore performance, improve concentration, and quickly raise your mood.

Useful properties of chamomile tea for the child's body

  • To get rid of colic, infants from birth are advised to add a little chamomile infusion to drinking water. Babies under 1 year old are sometimes given 1-2 teaspoons of decoction. The natural remedy will also be useful for sore throats, lack of normal sleep, and digestive problems.
  • From one year on, babies are given a weakly brewed infusion as a regular tea to treat the same diseases as adults.
  • The decoction is especially useful in adolescence. It strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the skin. If you drink 1-2 cups of tea every day, you can avoid the appearance of acne and other inflammation provoked by a hormonal surge.
  • Do not forget about the sedative properties. With active hormonal changes, often accompanied by mood swings, drinking this remedy at night will be especially useful. In moderate quantities, it is able to normalize sleep, relieve fatigue and stress, relax and even eliminate symptoms of depression.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (5)

Chamomile is considered one of the most versatile and safe herbs, which is prescribed for therapy even for infants, its reception usually does not cause any side effects. But it is not for nothing that this plant is called a medicinal plant - the reception should be treated with caution.

First of all, it is forbidden to use it for people who have an individual intolerance or allergic reaction to this plant.

In addition, if the proportions are not observed, too strong infusion of chamomile can lead to weakness in the muscle tissues, headaches, low blood pressure, stool disorders. Continuous consumption of concentrated decoction can lead to a deterioration of the emotional state, since it contributes to a decrease in concentration, depressed or irritable mood of the person.

Do not take the decoction in the following cases:

  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal distress;
  • low blood pressure;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • decreased muscle tone.

Since the herb has a diuretic and sedative (sedative) action, it is better not to "mix" with other drugs that have similar effects.

Especially careful to control the reception of pregnant women. It stimulates the production of the hormone estrogen, with an excessive concentration or constant use of the decoction can cause problems with the preservation of pregnancy. Expectant mothers are allowed to drink only 1 cup of chamomile infusion of weak concentration per day.

Chamomile Tea Benefits. How to Drink And Brew? (2024)


How should I drink chamomile tea? ›

The most common form is a tea, and some people drink one to four cups daily. To make chamomile tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or chamomile flowers in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes in a mug covered with a saucer. Then, drink the infusion when it has cooled to the point it is safe to drink.

How can I make chamomile tea more effective? ›

Adjust the strength: For a stronger tea, adjust the ratio of chamomile flowers (or tea bags) added to the water or increase the steep time by 1-2 minutes (not any longer, or it may become bitter). To keep the teapot hot: Pour some hot water into it, swirl it around, then discard. Then add the brewed tea.

Do you have to boil water for chamomile tea? ›

You should prepare chamomile tea using water that has reached a full boil (approximately 212 degrees.) This floral herbal tea is caffeine-free and goes great with a dollop of honey.

How long do you brew chamomile tea? ›

How long to steep chamomile tea? We recommend steeping chamomile tea for five or more minutes. Chamomile won't become bitter even when infused for more than five minutes. Our Egyptian Chamomile herbal tea is a fresh, flavorful herbal tea with a honey-like natural sweetness.

Is it better to drink chamomile hot or cold? ›

Hot or cold — it's your choice. But if you prefer the cold version, brew the tea in hot water first and then let it cool down. This caffeine-free herbal infusion is delicious and healthier when served with honey or lemon.

Do you put milk in chamomile tea? ›

Can you Put Milk in Chamomile Tea. Yes! By using milk instead of water as your base, the flavors from the tea steep into the milk and provide that flavorful chamomile tea latte. Instead of just sipping on tea, you will be enjoying a simple evening snack since the milk provides protein and carbohydrates.

Should you drink chamomile tea on an empty stomach? ›

The drink should be consumed after a meal, but not earlier than an hour, then chamomile helps to normalize digestion.

What is the right time to drink chamomile tea? ›

Nevertheless, drinking chamomile tea before bed is certainly worth a try if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Summary: Chamomile contains antioxidants that may promote sleepiness, and drinking chamomile tea has been shown to improve overall sleep quality.

How soon before bed should you drink chamomile? ›

If you want to take advantage of chamomile's sleep-inducing benefits, it's recommended that you drink your chamomile tea for about 45 minutes before going to bed. This allows your body plenty of time to metabolize the chemical compounds that make chamomile an effective sleep aid.

How much water do you put in chamomile tea? ›

Fill up your tea kettle with 8 oz of water and begin heating. Place 3-4 Tbsp (4 Tbsp for a stronger tea) of chamomile and your mint sprig into your teapot or makeshift teabag of choice. Pour 8 oz of boiling water over the chamomile flowers and mint and then steep for 5 minutes.

Can you brew chamomile tea in cold water? ›

This easy cold-brew chamomile tea is a refreshing herbal drink steeped overnight in the fridge. All you need is dried chamomile, lavender, water and (optionally) sweetener. I've been drinking lots of cold herbal teas lately. Sometimes I make hot herbal teas and then chill them to drink later.

Can you put chamomile tea in cold water? ›

To make cold brewed chamomile infusion, all you need to do is, add the chamomile infusion bags to 4 cups of cold water. Cover and let the mixture refrigerate for a few hours up to overnight. Stir sugar or honey to taste and enjoy the drink as it is or use it to make other delicious mocktails.

How many cups of chamomile tea should I drink a day? ›

Chamomile tea is generally safe and well-tolerated. Like many herbal teas, it works best when you drink it regularly – it is fine and even encouraged to drink two-three cups a day.

How do you prepare chamomile? ›

Fill up your tea kettle with 8 oz of water and begin heating. Place 3-4 Tbsp (4 for a stronger tea) of chamomile and your mint sprig into your teapot or makeshift teabag of choice. Pour 8 oz of boiling water over the chamomile flowers and mint and then steep for 5 minutes.

How do you make chamomile tea for sleep? ›

Use 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 5-10 minutes. As a sedative, make a double-strength tea using 2 teaspoons of flowers. For infants, make an ordinary strength tea and give them 2 or 3 teaspoons to drink, either directly or with some pure fruit juice.

Who shouldnt drink chamomile? ›

Precautions about its use are advised for pregnant people, breastfeeding people, children under 12 years old, and people with liver or kidney disease. Those who have allergies to plants in the Asteraceae family should not use Roman chamomile.

What can you not drink with chamomile tea? ›

Avoid using chamomile with other herbal/health supplements that can cause drowsiness. This includes 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), California poppy, catnip, gotu kola, Jamaican dogwood, kava, melatonin, St. John's wort, skullcap (or scullcap), valerian, yerba mansa, and others.

What happens if you drink chamomile tea everyday? ›

Drinking 1-2 cups of chamomile tea every day is completely safe. In fact, studies have shown that it is OK to drink up to 5 cups of chamomile tea a day. Historically, chamomile has been used to treat conditions such as: Fever.

Do you put honey in chamomile tea? ›

Bring water to a low boil and add Stash Chamomile tea bags, continuing to boil for 3 minutes. Remove tea bags and discard. Add honey to the brewed tea, stirring.

How much milk should I put in chamomile tea? ›

Stir. If desired, froth 1/3 cup milk. Check out this handy tutorial on 8 Ways to Froth Milk without any special tools. Pour hot Chamomile Milk Tea into mugs.

How do you make chamomile tea tasty? ›

If you do not want to use sugar but want to make the chamomile tea taste better without sugar, you can try raw honey (just like I do sometimes!) or you can use other natural sweeteners like pure maple syrup (make sure to use the natural 100% pure maple syrup) or your favorite natural sweeteners.

Why not to drink water after tea? ›

There is little to no scientific evidence that proves that drinking water after having tea is dangerous for your health. However, it is believed that drinking water immediately after drinking a hot beverage like tea can lead to problems like pyorrhoea disease and digestive issues like acidity or pain.

What should you drink first thing in the morning? ›

Water. My favorite morning beverage is always water, first and foremost. Your body is deprived of water when you sleep, so it is best to rehydrate with water first thing before anything else. I then follow with coffee or a homemade matcha tea latte for a caffeinated boost.

Which tea is best first thing in the morning? ›

Top 3 Teas to Help You Jump Start Your Morning
  • Green Tea. Green tea is an excellent choice for drinkers who are concerned with their caffeine consumption but still want to enjoy a hot beverage in the morning. ...
  • Black Tea. With the number of exotic teas that are now popular, it is easy to forget about black tea. ...
  • Mate Tea.
Feb 26, 2020

How many cups of chamomile tea can you drink at night? ›

There isn't such a thing as too much chamomile. It is for the most part, a very safe tea to drink! Typical consumption of chamomile tea is from one to four cups a day!

How many cups of chamomile tea a day for anxiety? ›

There is no standard dose of chamomile. Studies have used between 220 milligrams to 1,600 milligrams daily in capsule form. The most common form to take chamomile is as a tea, and some people drink one to four cups daily.

Does chamomile tea dehydrate you? ›

It doesn't matter whether it's herbal, black, green or chamomile; hot or cold—tea is just about as hydrating as water. Tea is also packed with antioxidants.

Does steeping chamomile longer make it more effective? ›

Plus, because chamomile is naturally milder, it requires a longer steep time to produce a stronger flavor profile.

How long should you soak chamomile tea? ›

How long to steep chamomile tea? We recommend steeping chamomile tea for five or more minutes. Chamomile won't become bitter even when infused for more than five minutes. Our Egyptian Chamomile herbal tea is a fresh, flavorful herbal tea with a honey-like natural sweetness.

Do you put sugar in chamomile tea? ›

If you want, you can flavor your tea with things like sugar, lemon, or honey. You can also drink the tea without any added ingredients. If you steep your tea longer, it will have more medicinal properties, but will taste stronger, too.

Does chamomile tea have any side effects? ›

Side effects are uncommon and may include nausea, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Rare cases of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) have occurred in people who consumed or came into contact with chamomile products.

How do you make chamomile water? ›

Chamomile and mint water recipe step by step:

Fill it with fresh water from your tap. Cut the lemon in slices and add them to the water together with the chamomile. Let the mix infuse at room temperature a minimum of 3-4h. Enjoy your infused water!

Do you have to brush your teeth after chamomile? ›

While chamomile tea is a good beverage to drink at night, it can still stain the teeth. By adding a little milk, it will reduce issues with discoloration and help you fall asleep. Just make sure you wait about an hour to brush your teeth. Brushing too soon can hurt the enamel.

Why does chamomile not make me sleepy? ›

Chamomile or another tea like lavender might calm you down or even make you a bit drowsy. But it's not, in any fashion, a depressant, like alcohol or a sleeping pill. It just doesn't have that chemical structure.

Is it OK to drink chamomile tea everyday? ›

Chamomile has been shown to improve symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Is it safe to drink chamomile tea every day? Chamomile is safe to drink daily unless you're pregnant, have floral allergies, or are on medications such as cyclosporine (Restasis), in which case there may be adverse reactions.

What is the best time to drink chamomile tea for sleep? ›

If you want to take advantage of chamomile's sleep-inducing benefits, it's recommended that you drink your chamomile tea for about 45 minutes before going to bed. This allows your body plenty of time to metabolize the chemical compounds that make chamomile an effective sleep aid.

What happens if you drink chamomile tea on an empty stomach? ›

Tea and coffee are acidic in nature and having them on an empty stomach can disrupt the acid-basic balance which can lead to acidity or indigestion. Tea also contains a compound called theophylline which has a dehydrating effect and might cause constipation.

Can you drink chamomile on an empty stomach? ›

Drinking chamomile tea before or after meals can help your body absorb more nutrients from food. The bitter compounds in the plant stimulate the production of digestive enzymes that break down food in the digestive tract.

Can I lay down after drinking chamomile tea? ›

Good for sleep

Having trouble falling asleep at night? Chamomile tea has been used for centuries as a sleep and relaxation aid. Chamomile tea has a mild sedative effect that is great for inducing sleep. After you fall asleep, chamomile can help to improve sleep quality so that you wake up rested and refreshed.

How many cups of chamomile tea a day is safe? ›

Chamomile tea is generally safe and well-tolerated. Like many herbal teas, it works best when you drink it regularly – it is fine and even encouraged to drink two-three cups a day.

Does chamomile have side effects? ›

Side effects are uncommon and may include nausea, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Rare cases of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) have occurred in people who consumed or came into contact with chamomile products.

How many cups of chamomile is too much? ›

There isn't such a thing as too much chamomile. It is for the most part, a very safe tea to drink! Typical consumption of chamomile tea is from one to four cups a day! There was a study where participants drank 5 cups of tea A DAY!

What medications should not be taken with chamomile tea? ›

Blood thinning medications (anticoagulants and antiplatelets): Chamomile may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with blood-thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), and aspirin.

What does chamomile tea do to the brain? ›

Chamomile is widely regarded as a mild tranquillizer and sleep-inducer. Sedative effects may be due to the flavonoid, apigenin that binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain (68). Studies in preclinical models have shown anticonvulsant and CNS depressant effects respectively.

Does chamomile tea affect the brain? ›

Chamomile is widely recognized as a mild tranquilizer and sleep-inducer. It is thought that chamomile may increase brain neurotransmitter activity (serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline) and thereby have positive effects on mood and anxiety.

How many cups of chamomile tea should you drink before bed? ›

According to Breus, you should drink one cup of chamomile tea about 45 minutes before bed if you're hoping to induce sleepiness. That will give your body enough time to metabolize the tea, and the chemical compounds that cause those sedative feelings to kick in.

Is chamomile tea good for kidneys? ›

Chamomile also helps to prevent kidney damage caused by high-fat diets. All in all, chamomile appears to be beneficial to the kidneys. That's a good cup of news.

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