Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (2024)

Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (1)

Chamomile tea is a herbal infusion made from the daisy-like plant that comes from the Asteraceae family. It is often made from hot water and dried chamomile flowers.

The delicate white flowers of chamomile is a firm favorite in the tea infusion world. Often served as a soothing nightcap or for those moments when you want to sink into bliss, the smooth floral taste of this tea makes it one of the most popular options in the herbal world. Chamomile is nature’s medicine. It has a long history of being a special healing flower. For centuries, chamomile has been plucked and pounded and steeped into lotions, oils, tinctures, tisanes, and teas to help treat all kinds of ailments.

What Is Chamomile Tea?

Let’s go back to the very beginning. Chamomile tea goes all the way back to the land of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt. This delightful daisy-like flower with its white petals and golden center was used to treat those struck down with a fever or sore throat or even the common cold. The Romans used it too – both for medicine and for the magic of adding flavor to food and drink. Chamomile takes its name from the Greek translation of ‘ground apple’. Perhaps in testament to its sweet and earthy scent. In the middle ages, monks too turned to Chamomile for a whole host of reasons – not only did it make for a fine natural remedy but it also helped to sweeten the bitter taste of their home-brewed beer too.

There are two types of common chamomile – Roman chamomile and German chamomile. The Roman Chamomile (AKA Anthemis Nobilis) is sweet and shot with notes of fruit, whereas the German (Matricaria Chamomilla) is wilder and pungent.

This pretty plant blooms all over Europe and the far-flung world but is commonly harvested in Eastern Europe and in Egypt too. The flowers and buds are picked as soon as the petals open. The flowers are then dried to keep them usable for longer. The white petals slip away leaving the pale yellow or golden heads which are then packaged and used in tea. Chamomile is also part of the Asteraceae family – meaning that the bright and bustling sunflowers, buttery marigolds, and healing Echinacea are cousins of this dreamy daisy.

Being a caffeine-free tea and a brew known for its soothing calming effect on the soul means that chamomile is often used as a bedtime brew. Yet, it can be sipped any time of day and mixed with other herbs as it brings a light and delicious flavor. The taste of chamomile isn’t overbearing and it can be airy and bright with just the hint of fruit and earth.

Even to this very day, chamomile is used for culinary cool, to sweeten the air, and as a healing remedy and essential oil both for the skin and when drinking it as an infusion or in tea. We take a closer look at all the healing benefits that come with chamomile…

10 Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (2)

Along with being a beautiful tasting brew, chamomile tea also comes with a ton of health benefits too. There’s a reason why chamomile has been used so extensively in everything from skincare lotions to stress-busting recipes. This delicious little daisy gets to work on you from tip to toe.

From better heart health to a calm and cool digestive system, the end of stress and anxiety, and complete body, mind, and soul healing – there is so much to say about the bountiful benefits of chamomile. Let’s take a deeper dive into all the ways in which chamomile can cleanse you…

Solves Skin Problems

Look at the ingredients on a whole host of creams and lotions to cool and soothe the skin and you may see chamomile listed. Studies have shown that chamomile has a positive effect when helping heal acne and other skin conditions too. Chamomile brings natural calm and can help your skin combat everything from acne to irritation, eye puffiness and so much more. It works on acne as it has high anti-inflammatory properties making it a dab hand at helping to prevent breakouts and can also help soothe skin irritations like eczema. For those with acne scars and irritated skin, do as the ancient Romans and Egyptians and use chamomile to calm and moisturize and encourage swift wound healing.

Chamomile tea is also a natural lightener for the skin meaning it can help those sleepy dark circles under your eyes fade away. We love that chamomile can also help keep your skin moisturized and well-protected from harsh UV rays. Chamomile tea is chock full of antioxidants too which get to work on free radicals which cause cell damage and speed up the signs of aging.

Helps to Lose Weight

Pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and let this delicate little flower get to work on fighting unwanted obesity. While weight loss is a larger issue for sorting with your medical professional if it's veering into unhealthy or risky territory, drinking chamomile tea can help to speed up your metabolism. It works by stimulating your gastric system and getting those juices flowing faster. These juices work by breaking down food and lead to faster digestion.

Improves Hair Health

Luscious shiny locks are waiting at the bottom of your cup of chamomile tea. Those rich anti-inflammatory compounds bring a calming touch to dry and itchy scalps. All those who struggle with dandruff will find that chamomile tea can be an excellent natural solution. Not only can chamomile tea boost your hair health and bring a shine when applied topically, but it can also work as a natural lightener. The lightening properties found in chamomile can drench your hair in sunshine. Bring brightness and shine to your hair by pouring cold chamomile tea onto your hair after showering and rinse with water.

Manages Digestive Problems

Soothe your stomach and encourage healthy digestive flow with a cup or so of chamomile tea. The delicious blend of anti-inflammatory properties, reduction in bloating and stomach acid, and the fact that chamomile is a natural healer is sure to wash all those stomach issues away. Animal studies have shown that chamomile may help to protect against diarrhea and can also help to prevent stomach ulcers as it works by reducing stomach acid (which can contribute to the development of ulcers). If you want to get the best out of chamomile tea when it comes to your digestive system, you should sip a cup half an hour before you sit down to eat a meal.

Relieves Anxiety

One glance at the gorgeous little white and yellow flower is enough to pick you up but turn it into tea and chamomile goes even further when it comes to alleviating anxiety and helping to settle frayed nerves. Chamomile acts as a natural sedative which can quickly help put the mind and body at ease and help you to let go of spiraling thoughts and bodily tension. For these reasons, chamomile is a common aromatherapy choice for those who are suffering from an anxiety disorder and looking for herbal remedies to get them back on track.

A study back in 2012 returned amazing results. Over an eight-week period, participants with anxiety were given chamomile extract every single day. At the end of the study period, there was a whopping 50% reduction in anxiety symptoms from those who took part.

Chamomile tea can help raise serotonin levels in your body along with melatonin levels too. These two hormones work in harmony to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The added benefits of less stress also mean that you are less likely to suffer from migraines and headaches too. As your body is more relaxed it will also help prevent muscle tension and is well known for reducing the pain associated with menstrual cramps and muscle spasms.

Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (3)

Helps To Sleep Better

Along with kicking out jangly nerves and putting you at perfect ease, sipping chamomile tea on the reg can also ensure you enjoy higher sleep quality. This is of course a natural side effect of lessening the grip of stress and anxiety, but it also contains a special antioxidant which can contribute to feelings of sleepiness. Apigenin is the antioxidant which binds to special receptors in your brain and reduces insomnia and other related problems.

Human studies showed that those who took chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days reported falling asleep faster and getting more quality shut eye than those who didn’t take it. Those odds easily convince us to tuck up tight with a steaming cup of chamomile each night.

Improve Heart Health

Flushed with flavones (antioxidants found in chamomile tea), sipping a few cups of floral fresh chamomile tea a day can even help to improve your heart health. Not only do flavones reduce blood pressure levels and lower cholesterol (both which will dramatically improve the health of your heart), but they also work by relaxing blood vessels and arteries. Chamomile tea is also an effective stress buster meaning that it can encourage better sleep and less tension in your life. All this is good news for your heart.

Works As An Immune System Booster

A strong immune system is essential if you want to fend off cold, flu, and virus season and this is where chamomile tea can be the perfect addition to your cupboard. This tea’s immune-boosting properties have been studied and as chamomile is said to raise your levels of Hippurate (a chemical which naturally boosts your immune system), you can be safe and snug in the knowledge that curling up with a cup of tea is helping to keep you strong and healthy.

The added value of a ton of antioxidants is also going to help as is the lowered stress levels. Studies have also shown that when we are stressed our body is an easier target for illness and viruses.

Promotes Bone Density

Keep your bones strong and happy with chamomile tea. Chamomile tea has been studied for its anti-estrogen levels and a 2004 study uncovered the potential for this tea to promote healthy bone density. High levels of estrogen can be a contributing fact in osteoporosis especially in post-menopausal women. As osteoporosis can lead to poor posture and brittle bones, sipping tea is an easy fuss-free solution that could help bone density.

Helps to Lower Blood Sugar

For all diabetics out there, chamomile tea has been studied and found to be a great supplement alongside traditional medical treatments for keeping your blood sugar under control. A study completed in 2008 on animals returned results showing that consuming chamomile tea could have helped prevent blood sugar levels from rising. Not convinced by animal studies. There have been human studies too.

A small study from Tabriz University observed a group of people with type 2 diabetes. Half the group were given chamomile tea every day during meals. The rest of the group had water instead. At the end of the eight-week period, those who consumed chamomile tea had significantly lower blood sugar levels than those who drank water.

Rising blood sugar can lead to long term complications of diabetes so this is definitely welcome news for all those who love the taste of chamomile and want to keep their levels under control.

What Are The Side Effects of Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (4)

A pretty herbal flower that makes a light and airy tea and is loaded with health benefits – there is so much to celebrate about the ancient remedy that is chamomile. For most people, consuming chamomile tea is safe and sound and will deliver no adverse side effects. Those who don’t want to choose caffeinated tea can also enjoy a cup of chamomile without the worry.

There are a few people who need to check in with their medical professional before turning to chamomile tea and there are those who should not drink chamomile tea. Take a look at whether you make the list of those who may want to skip chamomile or check in with their doctor first:

  • Those with a history of allergies to pollens (remember chamomile is a flower so chances are it could be contaminated with pollen from other plants too).
  • Those who have previously had allergic reactions to chamomile products.
  • Young children (like all-natural products, chamomile could have been open to botulism spores which adults can fight but children may struggle with).
  • Certain medications may also be at odds with chamomile so always check in with your doctor to avoid complications before consuming chamomile tea.
  • For those who have surgery lined up, you may also want to check in before consuming chamomile tea as it can work as a blood thinner.
  • Pregnant people may also want to seek advice before drinking this tea.

How to Make Chamomile Tea Properly

Check out our Aloha Pineapple Chamomile

Dried flowers, boiling water, and the pure love of an easy tea making ritual are all you need when it comes to making chamomile tea. Brewing up just one or two cups a day is all you need to reap in those health benefits. Chamomile tea is equally delicious whether you have it hot and steamy as an evening ritual or shaken with ice for a light and refreshing summer drink. Here’s how to brew up the best chamomile tea.

1. If you are using fresh flowers for your chamomile tea you will need an infuser or you can use a reusable tea bag. Dried chamomile flowers should use a teaspoon of heaped buds per eight ounces of water. Fresh flowers can use 3 teaspoons for the same amount of water.

2. Heat your water on the stove but try not to boil it. Chamomile is a delicate brew and reacts best to hot water rather than boiling.

3. Add your chamomile flowers and let it steep together for 3-5 minutes depending on how strong or subtle you like the taste. It’s said that allowing the tea to steep for a full 3-5 minutes is the best way to get all those lush health benefits.

4. Strain the flowers or remove the tea bag/infuser and add whatever sweetener you like best. Chamomile tea works beautifully with a spoonful of natural honey.

5. Sit back and relax with your tea or stash it in the refrigerator and let it chill for a couple of hours before serving with ice for a sweet and quenching summer drink.

6. If you want to add extra zest to your chamomile tea (iced or hot), the delicate flavorings work a tear with a citrus tang like lemongrass and orange. It works with a whole range of fruit tastes too, especially apple. If you want to bring a touch of minty fresh goodness, throw in some fresh mint leaves too.

If you want to keep your chamomile tea making as easy as can be, simply turn to out Tea Drops Aloha Pineapple Chamomile Tea. All you do is add your drop to a cup, pour on some hot water and wait until it dissolves. No more measuring out buds and cups of water to get the right flavor consistency and no more unnecessary waste.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chamomile Tea

After skimming the surface of all the amazing ways in which chamomile tea can help balance out your health and wellbeing, we are here to directly address all your chamomile tea queries so you can decide if it’s the right tea for you. Take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about chamomile tea…

Is it OK to drink chamomile tea every day?

Yes! In fact drinking a cup or two of chamomile tea every single day is the best way to make the most of its healing powers. When you work this tea into your routine, you are stacking up on incremental health benefits and all those antioxidants and other supplemental goodies can get to work on your body and build your immunity bit by bit.

When should I drink chamomile tea?

As a beautiful caffeine-free tea option, you can enjoy chamomile any time of day. We love curling up at night with chamomile tea as part of a bedtime routine. Because chamomile is great at fending off stress and encouraging sleep it’s a perfect remedy for part of your self-care sleep pattern.

How long does it take for chamomile tea to work?

If you are taking chamomile tea as a remedy for rest and sleep you may want to start sipping around 45 minutes before you plan to climb into bed. It normally takes the body around this amount of time to metabolize the tea and for the chemicals to be released into your body leading you down the pathway to a perfect slumber.

Does chamomile tea help to cure cancer?

Chamomile tea has been studied to see if it has any effect on cancer. While a long way from certainty, the studies did show that the antioxidant contained in chamomile tea known as apigenin can fight cancer cells when in a test tube setting. The cancer cells it seems to impact are uterus, prostate, breast, skin, and digestive system based. Another study showed that those who consumed chamomile tea several times a week were less at risk of developing thyroid cancer. Of course, plenty more research is needed before making absolute claims but the info collected so far is looking good.

Is chamomile tea good for pregnancy?

Some studies have shown that chamomile tea can stimulate contractions so pregnant people may want to avoid sipping this tea especially in the first trimester. Outside of that, they should also be sure to check in with their medical professional as some of the anti-inflammatory properties may pose a slight risk during pregnancy.

Can you give chamomile tea to children?

You should avoid giving chamomile tea to children. Just like honey and other naturally sourced products, chamomile may have been infected with botulism spores that are found in the environment. While adults can fend off the side effects of botulism, children may have more difficulty.

Wrap Up

There’s a reason some recipes and remedies stay with us for thousands of years and chamomile tea is one of them. From the riddle of the sphinx to medieval witch magic, the chamomile flower has been everything from a culinary flavor to a sweet scent and also a herbal medicine for wonder and wellness. Even today, high-quality chamomile tea brings its powerful touch to the body and the mind. This tea is awesome at reducing anxiety, soothing nerves, boosting the immune system, and keeping your heart and other organs in the best health possible. With little to no side effects, zero caffeine, and a delicate dreamy flavor, just getting into the habit of having a cup or two a day is enough to put your health and wellbeing on the right track.

What are your thoughts on chamomile tea? Have you fallen hard for its historic healing or do you prefer other kinds of herbal teas instead or even traditional green tea and black tea? Share your thoughts in the comments and let us know if chamomile tea is part of your daily routine. We would love to hear from you.

Medical Disclaimer: While we have delved into the research available on the health benefits of these teas, this is for informative purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. Those who have any health-related queries should reach out to a medical professional.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Chamomile Tea Benefits: 10 Reasons To Love This Ancient Drink (2024)
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