Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (2024)

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Published: · Modified: by Priya Maha

This post on cake dummies is a beginner article for those who are new to the world of cake decorating.

If you have heard the word ‘cake dummy’ but not sure what it is or how it is used in cake decorating, you will get your answers here.

Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (1)

What Are Cake Dummies?

Let me start by showing you what cake dummies look like. There you go:

Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (2)

These are basically Styrofoam blocks that are cut into cake shapes (the most common ones are round and square, but other shapes are also available) in varying heights (again, the most common height that I have seen are 3 inches and 4 inches high).

What is Cake Dummies Used For?

The main intention of cake dummies is to replace real cake. And there are a couple of reasons why anyone would want to use a dummy cake instead of real cakes.

These are the most common reasons why I use cake dummies:

Some customers want big cakes but do not have a big guest list

  • This is often the case for weddings. Some brides want large tiered cakes but do not necessarily have the crowd to feed all the cake. In such cases, using a cake dummy is the best option. The bride gets what she wants and there is no cake wastage.

Cake entries for competitions

  • Cakes for a competition can be elaborate and may require days of decorating work. Having a real cake in this instance will lead to a spoilt cake by the end of the competition.
  • Besides, there is a possibility for wastage when using real cake and the cake might not get eaten by all after the competition. Sometimes, contestants would like to keep their work of art as a collection, and using a dummy instead of real cake makes it a better option.

Cakes decorated for display

  • This is particularly true for bakeries and businesses who want to display cakes in their shops. These cakes are meant to be there for a long time for people to see and admire. So, it goes without saying that having a dummy cake is a better option for these cakes, both in terms of cost and its expiry.

Limited budget

  • Using cake dummies to reduce the overall cost of the cake is another reason why people use dummies instead of real cakes. The cost of the cake can be reduced and replaced with the cost of the dummy (though the decorating charges remain the same since it requires the same amount of frosting and decorating time).
  • This is particularly true for people who want large cakes but not so much cake and have a limited budget.

Where to Buy Cake Dummies?

  • Cake dummies are generally inexpensive. You can purchase them from your local cake decorating supply shops. You can even purchase themonlinehowever, given that these are bulky, you may incur additional shipping charges.

How to Stack Dummies to Create Double Barrel Dummy Cakes?

  • If you are unable to find a single block of styrofoam tall enough on its own to create a double barrel cake, you can use stack 2 blocks of foam in the same size to achieve the height of the cake you want. For example, if you want to make a 6-inch tall cake and do not have a single block that measures 6 inches in height, you would need to stack 2 blocks of 3 inches, high dummies, to get the 6 inches height for your cake.
  • To stick the dummies, I would strongly suggest using hot glue as it works the best in holding the blocks firmly together. I have tried with royal icing, but it not to be as stable as the hot glue.
  • In applying the hot glue, try to apply it consistently all around the top surface of the block. Concentrating only on one side will leave you with an uneven double-barrel block of cake dummy.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (3)

Can You Cover Cake Dummies with Buttercream?

  • Yes, most certainly can.
  • To cover the dummies with buttercream or other frostings of similar consistency (likeroyal icingandganache), the process is pretty straightforward. Just cover it in the exact same way as you would a normal cake. The plus point here is that you need not crumb coat the dummies to lock any cake crumbs or level the sides. You can go ahead and apply the final coat of buttercream directly on it.

Can You Cover Cake Dummies with Fondant?

  • Yes, most certainly can too.
  • As for fondant, depending on the size of the foam blocks you are using, there might a bit of prep work to do before you can cover the dummies. This is because, most of the time, there are tiny holes or lines or dents on the styrofoam which if not smoothened, can show on the fondant once it's covered over the dummies.
  • Also, if you wish to make double barrel (tall dummy cakes) cakes and need to use 2 or more stacked blocks of styrofoam, you will have to prepare the dummies or rather patch up the joints with royal icing before covering it with fondant. Let me show you how I normally prepare my cake dummies before covering them with fondant.

Stacking Cake Dummies

Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (4)

Using a 2 inches and 4 inches high foam blocks to create double-barrel dummy cake

Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (5)

Any slight dents or lines on the foam will be clearly visible if not patched up properly before covering with fondant.

  • Assuming I want to make a double barrel dummy cake, I would need to stack 2 blocks of foam together. I do this with hot glue so that the blocks stay attached firmly. I let the hot glue set before working on the blocks further.

Covering Holes and Dents

  • After that, I start by piping some royal icing where the lines or dents are.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (6)
  • And then I smooth the icing with my spatula.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (7)
  • The lines and spaces do not quite get covered with the first coat of icing. I let the foams rest for a while after the first coat (about 30 minutes) until the icing sets.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (8)

Applying a second coat of icing

  • For the second coat of icing, I use anicing scraper. I apply more icing to the sections on the Styrofoam that need to be covered. And then smooth the icing with the scraper. With this second coat, the lines are normally no longer visible. This leaves me with a seamless block of Styrofoam ready to be covered in fondant.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (9)

In doing this, if there are rough icing patches on the block that has dried, I smooth them with a spatula dipped in water.

Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (10)


  • You need not cover the entire dummy with royal icing, cover only where there are dents or lines are.
  • I prefer to use royal icing instead of buttercream or ganache as royal icing dries hard and firm. This makes it easier to handle compared to buttercream or ganache that can melt in warmer temperatures.
  • In covering the dummies with fondant, to make sure the fondant sticks to the dummy, I would normally just brush the styrofoam block with water. I do this with a large brush or sometimes hold the block under a running tap to wet it all around and shake off excess water lightly before putting it on a cake board for fondant covering.
  • This, however, can only be used if when there is no patch work on the dummy. Where I have done royal icing patching on the dummies, I use a wide brush to dampen the dummies. After that, I just roll my fondant and cover the dummy as I would a normal cake.

How to Smooth Styrofoam Dummy Edges for a Rounded Finish?

  • Some cake decorators like to smooth the edges of the dummies before covering with fondant. This will give the fake cakes a slightly rounded edge.
  • To smooth the sides, you can use your rolling pin and rub it on the edges to make it rounded. I for one, do not like to smooth the edges of my cake dummies as I prefer my cake to have sharp edges after covering with fondant. But if you do wish to have rounded edges for your dummies, you know you can simply use your rolling pin to smooth them.

How to Stack Dummy Cakes to Make Tiered Cakes?

  • Good news when using dummies for tiered cakes is that dummies do not require doweling/support since they are hard. If you are stacking a dummy on a real cake, the real cake underneath would require doweling/support (you can use wooden dowel rods or bubble tea straws,see my guide to make tiered cakes here). But if you are placing a real cake on a dummy, then doweling/support is not required for the dummy.
Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (11)

How to Store Cake Dummies and Dummy Cakes?

  • Storing cake dummies is easy. You can keep them anywhere so long as it’s clean especially if they are to be used with real cake.
  • Storing decorated dummy cakes, however, can be a little tricky, depending on your environment. I normally have to keep mine covered in large plastic bags (clean garbage bags). Or else I get tiny holes on the fondant on the cakes when I wake up the next morning (eaten by house lizards!).

Can Cake Dummies be Reused?

  • Cake dummies can be reused, meaning you can use them for multiple projects. I have done this for my dummies, especially those that I make for my family since its easier to retrieve the dummies from them. To reuse, simply scrap off all the icing and wash the dummy thoroughly. Dab them and let them dry in the open air until they are completely dry before storing for future reuse. It is much easier to wash the dummies when covered in royal icing or fondant. But buttercream can be a lot harder to wash and clean completely due to the grease.
  • I have also seen people wrapping their blocks with cling wrap before covering with fondant or buttercream. This is so that they can reuse their blocks again. I have personally not tried working with dummies this way, but this is definitely another option.

And that is pretty much all I have to share with you on working with Styrofoam dummies for cake decorating.

Hope this is useful.

Happy Decorating 🙂

More Other Techniques

  • Why is My Cake Wet In the Middle (and How to Avoid It)
  • How to Cut a Pineapple without Waste
  • Cake Boards DIY - How to Make and Cover Cake Boards with Foil
  • Fondant Dusting Bag a.k.a.Dusting Pouch

Reader Interactions


  1. Anna

    What would you use for drips on the sides on a faux cake that you want to keep
    The cake? I’ve tried pAinting them on but they look fake, not real. Thanks for any suggestions.


    • Priya

      Hi Anna,

      You can try using royal icing. You would need to dilute it to the right consistency.


        • Priya

          Hi Jamie,

          I normally use my buttercream icing here but never really kept the buttercream covered dummies for more than a day. So I cannot tell for sure if buttercream would be a good option if it is intended to be kept over time. Fondant is best, but if you do not want to use fondant, royal icing is another option to consider. I normally use royal icing to do piping work on fondant-covered dummies and it works really well if you wish to keep the cake for long. Hope this helps.


          • Janny

            U can use spackling mixed with white paint, for cakes that U want to use for longer.

    • Janelle

      Normally when I make a tiered cake I put a final dowel all the way through all tiers to provide stability and sideways support. If the dummy cake is on the bottom, would I place that final dowel through it as well, or just through the top two tiers made of cake? The cake will need to be transported completely assembled so I want to be sure nothing will slide off! Thank you!


      • Priya

        Hi Janelle,

        Putting the dowel all the way through the bottom tier dummy is highly recommended. This will help ensure the top tiers do not slide off the bottom tier.


  2. Deidre

    How long can I keep a fondant decorated dummy intended for decoration?... Does fondant go bad overtime🤷?


    • Priya

      Hi Deidre,

      I don't know exactly how long you can keep fondant-covered dummies, but I have tried keeping them for about a year before. I used store-bought fondant (Satin Ice) and nothing happened to the fondant covering. It looked as good as it was on the day I put it on the cake. I have also seen fondant-covered dummy cakes being put on display in some storefronts for many years with the fondant looking good as ever, so I think I can safely say that you can keep them for quite a long time. Hope this helps.


  3. Mahnoor soofi

    Hey! Can I freeze my dummy cake with Italian meringue frosting on it for a week?


    • Priya Maha

      I have never tried this so I cannot tell for sure.


  4. Victoria

    Thanks so much,this is helpful


  5. Valerie

    Hi Priya!
    I was wanting some advice on using Royal Icing to Pipe Rosettes on a Dummy. It’s my first time decorating a Dummy Cake. Is it just a matter of the Thickness of the Royal Icing to pipe Good Rosettes?

    Appreciate this article & Your Advice!

    - Valerie


    • Priya Maha

      Hi Valerie,
      Yes, the consistency is important. It will not be able to hold shape if it is too soft. You can try piping a few, and if you find them not holding shape as you would like, add a little more icing sugar and beat well.


  6. sarah

    hi! this post was so helpful but i have a question please. can fresh flowers be inserted in buttercream frosted dummy cake? I am trying to save $ by making my own dummy cake and have the florist decorate it per usual but wondering if the buttercream will harden so much that the flowers won't poke thru? or crack the buttercream?


    • Priya Maha

      Hi Sarah,
      I think the problem will be more of inserting the flowers into the dummy than into the buttercream. You should be able to insert the flowers into buttercream without any problem, but you might have problem inserting them into the dummy underneath. Styrofoam dummies are hard to poke with flower stems.


  7. Salmat

    Hi, how can I stick my dummy to my cake board because it keeps moving around when I am decorating with Buttercream


    • Priya Maha

      Hi Salmat,

      You can stick it to the board with some royal icing. You can also use hot glue.


  8. Carole

    I'm decorating a fondant covered dummy tier with a marbled effect using royal icing as I don’t want to use buttercream. As I’ve not worked with royal icing before I am unsure if royal icing will adhere to the fondant in the same way buttercream does or should I revert back to using a buttercream? Hope you can help as I can’t seem to find the answer to this anywhere.

    Carole (from the UK)


    • Priya Maha

      Hi Carole,
      Royal icing will definitely adhere to fondant.


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Cake Dummies a.k.a. Fake Cakes (2024)


Can you put real cake on dummy cake? ›

If the real cake is going on top of the dummy, nothing out of the ordinary needs to happen. However, if you want the dummy on top of the real cake, the real cake will need support, such as a wooden dowel rod.

Can you reuse cake dummies? ›

Cake dummies can be reused, meaning you can use them for multiple projects. I have done this for my dummies, especially those that I make for my family since its easier to retrieve the dummies from them. To reuse, simply scrap off all the icing and wash the dummy thoroughly.

What is the meaning of dummy cake? ›

Dummy cakes are fake cakes, often made of styrofoam, which can be iced and decorated like real cakes. They're sometimes used at weddings to save on money or time — since most couples don't want to spend their wedding cutting dozens of slices for their guests.

Why do people use cake dummies? ›

Cake dummies can be an inexpensive way of providing a cake shaped base or tiered cake. Use a cake dummy to practice icing and decorating a real cake. Cake dummies can be used as displays in shop fronts to show their cake decorating skills. Make a fake wedding cake from cake dummies for wedding fairs and displays.

Are dummy cakes cheaper? ›

Dummy tiers don't actually save you money

The cake still have to be decorated, which equals time, which equals money. Lastly, you will still have to get cake to serve your guests, which costs money, and in the end you will end up spending more money than with a real cake.

What does dummies mean in slang? ›

slang a stupid person; fool. derogatory, slang a person without the power of speech; mute. informal a person who says or does nothing. a person who appears to act for himself while acting on behalf of another.

Is dummy a rude word? ›

In the 21st century, it has become common practice to use “dummy” with insulting intentions.

What does dummy mean in a relationship? ›

dated, offensive : a person who is incapable of speaking. : a person who is habitually silent. : a stupid person. He's no dummy. She loves you, you dummy.

What is an imposter cake? ›

The cake targets online gamers throughout the country and is ideal for birthday parties or just enjoying with fellow fans of the sensational game. The cake is inspired by the Red Impostor from the game and features a chocolate cake layered with ganache-infused whipped cream and choco crunch balls.

How do you attach a real cake to a dummy cake? ›

How do you stack a dummy cake on a real cake? You need to put dowels in the real cake to hold up the dummy cake. It is better to put the real cake on the top and use the dummy cakes for the base.

Can Dummies be washed in dishwasher? ›

The dummies should not be cleaned in the dishwasher as this may damage the material. Also, most dishwashers do not reach temperatures high enough to sufficiently sterilise the dummies.

How do you make a dummy look real? ›

Get a large, square pillow and stuff it into the waist of the dummy. If you don't have a square pillow, you can stuff the torso of the body with newspaper or plastic bags. The more filled out your dummy is, the more realistic it will look.

How to make a fake frosting? ›

  1. Mix together equal parts plaster of Paris and water. The amount of plaster of Paris and water that you need will depend on the amount of frosting that you want to make. ...
  2. Add more plaster of Paris, in small amounts, until you reach the desired consistency of frosting. ...
  3. Frost an artificial cake with the fake frosting.

What cakes do the Kardashians get? ›

As the Kardashian-Jenner's go-to bakery, Hansen's Cakes has made many of the family's birthday cakes over the years. In fact, Kylie had a Hansen's cake featuring the same delicious roses four birthdays in a row.

How much should a 1/2 sheet cake cost? ›

1/4 Sheet-1 Layer12-15 Med. or 24 Small Servings$27.99
1/4 Sheet-2 Layer25-30 Med. or 48 Small Servings$45.99
1/2 Sheet-1 Layer25-30 Med. or 48 Small Servings$43.99
1/2 Sheet-2 Layer40-50 Med. or 96 Small Servings$81.99
13 more rows

What are cake dummies made of? ›

A cake dummy is usually made of hard foam, although other materials such as cardboard or plastic may be used. Just like a real cake, it can be round, square, rectangular, or just about any shape the baker wants. The more strange the shape of the cake, the easier it is to use a dummy.

Why is it called for dummies? ›

The big box stores also spoke to the market in a different way. “The Barnes & Nobles were aimed at the general market, and so were For Dummies. They were for people who didn't want to faff around reading a book, they wanted to get on with it, and For Dummies let them do that.”

What can I say instead of dummy? ›

synonyms for dummy
  • idiot.
  • blockhead.
  • dimwit.
  • dolt.
  • dullard.
  • dunce.
  • fool.
  • ignoramus.

Why are dummies called dummies? ›

The exact origin of the name “pacifier” is unclear, but it may have come from the first baby comforters, which were sold in the U.S. as “pacifiers.” In Canada and Britain, pacifiers are also commonly called “dummies.” This may have originated from an article published in 1915 in The British Journal of Nursing ...

What is the American word for dummy? ›

dummy ​Definitions and Synonyms

The American word is pacifier.

Why shouldnt you use a dummy? ›

Dummy use increases a child's risk of middle ear infections, tummy infections, chest infections and thrush in the mouth. giving it up. “Cot Death”) suggest that dummy use is protective when used consistently for each sleep (day and night).

Are dummies okay? ›

Dummy use is linked to slightly higher rates of middle ear infections. Dummy use, especially beyond about 4-5 years of age, increases the chance of dental problems later in childhood – for example, the problem of a child's teeth growing out of line.

What does it mean when a girl calls you dummy? ›

If you call a person a dummy, you mean that they are stupid or foolish. [US, informal, disapproval]

Why is a dummy comforting? ›

Babies like sucking on pacifiers because it reminds them of being in the womb. In fact, sucking is one of 5 womb sensations (known as the 5 S's) capable of triggering a baby's innate calming reflex.

How can I be a good girlfriend for dummies? ›

To be a good girlfriend, you have to be open and honest with your partner, supportive of their wants and needs, and willing to demonstrate your love and affection for them. Keep in mind that you should also strive to maintain your own independence to enjoy a healthy relationship.

How do you keep cakes air tight? ›

To keep cakes fresh, it's best to store them in airtight containers in a cool, dry place. If you don't have an airtight container or cake tin, use can also use an overturned bowl (although it won't keep the cake as fresh). To keep cakes fresh for more than 1 week, try freezing them.

What can I use to cover the sides of a cake? ›

For best results, we suggest using fresh fondant to cover your cake. Old fondant can dry out and crack, especially along the edges of your cake. If this does happen, you can rub a little vegetable shortening along the dry area until the crack disappears.

Can you use Modelling paste to cover a cake? ›

It is a great product if you're looking to make cake toppers you want to firm up. It takes longer to firm up and dry out than gumpaste which gives you longer to work. Personally I love modelling paste for larger cake toppers like characters or animals.

Is the cake a lie portal? ›

The cake is spoken of frequently throughout Portal. It is often mentioned through dialogue as well as Rattmann's wall art in his dens. Although the dens frequently claim that the cake is in fact a lie, the ending of Portal shows the actual cake.

Why is it called Sock It To Me cake? ›

The phrase is in the outro of Aretha Franklin's 1967 hit, “Respect.” It means something like “lay it on me.” It's like when a baker asked someone if they wanted a piece of this buttery cake, the answer was “sock it to me!”—which is how this cake got its name.

Can I cover a cake in Modelling paste? ›

Modelling paste sits between fondant and gumpaste. It is a great product if you're looking to make cake toppers you want to firm up. It takes longer to firm up and dry out than gumpaste which gives you longer to work. Personally I love modelling paste for larger cake toppers like characters or animals.

Can you put a copyrighted image on a cake? ›

Under the current copyright law in the United States you must obtain permission from the copyright owner if you want to use their design on any item, including cakes, in which an exchange of money takes place to receive.

Do you put dummy cake on top or bottom? ›

Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

Paul puts the dummy on top of the real cake in which case you would dowel the cake of the bottom and middle tiers before placing the cake card and dummy on top.

How do you stop air pockets in a cake? ›

  1. Sift. Make sure you sift all of your dry ingredients as this makes sure that everything is evenly distributed whilst incorporating air in to the mixture.
  2. Correct Temperatures. ...
  3. Mix, Mix, Mix. ...
  4. Force it Out. ...
  5. Bake Immediately.

What is the best modeling paste for cakes? ›

My favourites are the sugarflair pastes and the Rainbow dust pro gel. Liquid colours affect the consistency of the icing, making it too sticky. Dust colours are hard to blend into the icing and often dry it out. Add colour carefully, a little at a time using a co*cktail stick.

What icing is best to cover a cake? ›

Royal icing is one of the best icings for decorating cakes. Mixing together powdered sugar, egg whites, and meringue powder or liquid provides a consistency relative to pancake batter. This makes it easy to pour into pastry bags to fulfill your decorating dreams.

What icing is best for cake models? ›

Modelling paste is an icing that has been strengthened and dries harder than sugarpaste. It is more elastic and as the name suggests, is perfect for modelling with.

Can I sell a Disney cake? ›

The short answer to this question is NO. To sell a cake made using a copyrighted character pan would infringe on the cake pan copyright owners rights.

What images can I use without permission? ›

Common contexts for fair use laid out in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act are “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research.”

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.