Buying or Selling C Corporation Stock (2024)

Editor: Albert B. Ellentuck, Esq.

Unlike an asset sale, a taxable stock sale does not result in the recognition of taxable income or loss at the corporate level. The differences between the basis and fair market value (FMV) of corporate assets are deferred instead of recognized immediately, as they are in an asset sale. Although the selling shareholders may recognize taxable gain on the sale of their shares, the double-taxation problem is deferred and becomes the responsibility of the buyer (for the corporate portion of the double taxation).

In a taxable stock sale, the corporation’s tax attributes (net operating loss (NOL), capital loss, and tax credit carryovers and certain built-in losses) come under the control of the buyer. However, these tax attributes can be subject to severe restrictions after a corporate ownership change under Secs. 382 and 383. In an asset sale, the selling corporation’s tax attributes remain under the control of the seller, and these attributes can be used to offset income and gains resulting from the asset sale.

Nontax issues may dictate a preference for an asset sale or a stock sale. Purchasers generally try to avoid acquiring stock because the target corporation may have contingent or undisclosed liabilities the purchaser will inherit if stock is acquired. However, if a target has valuable nonassignable assets (such as a license agreement or a favorable lease), acquiring stock may be more appealing to the purchaser.

For a selling shareholder, a taxable stock sale (as opposed to an asset sale by the corporation or a tax-free reorganization) makes sense in the following situations:

  1. Double taxation will erode the proceeds the seller nets from an asset sale by the target followed by a liquidation of the target.
  2. The seller can shelter gains from the stock sale with NOLs or capital loss carryovers.
  3. The seller can recognize a loss (perhaps an ordinary loss under Sec. 1244, as discussed below) on the sale of the target’s stock.
  4. A tax-free reorganization is unattractive because the seller wants cash, or a limited market exists for the stock of the acquiring corporation.

For a buyer, a taxable stock purchase makes sense in the following situations:

  1. The target holds depreciated assets (basis greater than FMV) so the issue of stepping up the basis of the assets is not applicable.
  2. The target’s tax attributes have value even after application of the Secs. 382–383 limitation rules. If the buyer makes a direct asset purchase, the target’s tax attributes do not come under the buyer’s control.
  3. Unwanted assets and/or unknown or contingent liabilities are unimportant to the buyer.
  4. The target has many assets, making the transfer of title to those assets a complex and costly matter, or has favorable contracts or permits that are nonassignable.

Tax Consequences to Seller

If the stock has been held for more than 12 months, its sale usually generates a long-term capital gain or loss for the shareholder. If the stock is sold at a gain, the seller may be able to exclude some of the gain under Sec. 1202. If the stock is sold at a loss, the seller can treat some or all of a loss as ordinary rather than capital under Sec. 1244.

In a stock sale for cash, the seller recognizes gain or loss equal to the difference between the amount realized (the sales proceeds) and the basis in the stock sold (Secs. 1001(a) and (b)). If property is included in the sale price, the amount realized by the seller includes the property’s FMV (Sec. 1001(b)). If stock is sold at a loss, the loss will be disallowed if the related-party rules apply.

Claiming an Ordinary Loss on Sale of Sec. 1244 Stock

Sec. 1244 allows certain shareholders to treat losses from the sale of qualified corporate stock as ordinary rather than capital losses. The maximum deductible ordinary loss is $50,000 per year, or $100,000 if the shareholder files a joint return, further limited to the shareholder’s taxable income before considering the loss. (The $100,000 annual limitation for married taxpayers filing joint returns applies whether one or both spouses sustain a Sec. 1244 loss.) Any loss in excess of the annual limitation is a capital loss.

Example 1: J is a single filer who incurs a $75,000 loss on the sale of Sec. 1244 stock in 2013. She can claim a $50,000 ordinary loss on the sale and a $25,000 capital loss. If she has no capital gains in 2013, her capital loss deduction is limited to $3,000 with the balance available for carryover.

In this example, J’s ordinary loss deduction is allowed in full in 2013 if she has adequate taxable income. If not, the loss creates an NOL. Because any loss treated as ordinary under Sec. 1244 (taking into account the annual dollar limitations) is considered a loss from the taxpayer’s trade or business, a Sec. 1244 loss is allowable in calculating the taxpayer’s NOL deduction under Sec. 172. Any resulting NOL can generally be carried back to the two preceding tax years and then forward to the next 20 years following the loss year. The NOL deduction created by a Sec. 1244 loss is allowed in full in the carryback or carryforward year, without regard to the $50,000 or $100,000 annual loss limitation.

Gains and losses on Sec. 1244 stock are not netted before applying the annual dollar limitation, and the annual dollar limitation can apply to the sale of Sec. 1244 stock of the same corporation in different (e.g., succeeding) tax years.

Example 2: K, a single individual, started a new business on Jan. 1, 2008, by contributing $100,000 in exchange for 1,000 shares of common stock qualifying as Sec. 1244 stock. She sold 200 shares of stock on Feb. 1, 2013, for $40,000, resulting in a $20,000 gain. During the second half of 2013, the corporation’s business begins to deteriorate. K sells 600 shares for $10,000 on Nov. 1, 2013, resulting in a loss of $50,000, and the following year she sells her remaining 200 shares of stock for $2,000, resulting in a loss of $18,000.

In 2013, K recognizes a $20,000 long-term capital gain from the Feb. 1, 2013, sale and a $50,000 Sec. 1244 ordinary loss from the Nov. 1, 2013, sale. In 2014, she can claim an additional $18,000 ordinary loss from the sale of her remaining Sec. 1244 stock.

The corporation cannot have capital receipts in excess of $1 million on the day the stock is issued for the stock to be considered Sec. 1244 stock. This test is applied each time new stock is issued. If new shares are issued in exchange for cash or property transferred to the corporation and the $1 million capital receipts limit is not exceeded, the new stock is Sec. 1244 stock.

Excluding Gain From Sale of Qualified Small Business Stock

Sec. 1202 allows taxpayers (other than corporations) to exclude a certain percentage of gain from the sale or exchange of qualified small business stock (QSBS) that has been held for more than five years. QSBS is stock originally issued after Aug. 10, 1993, by a C corporation with aggregate gross assets not exceeding $50 million at any time from Aug. 10, 1993, to immediately after the issuance of the stock (Secs. 1202(c) and (d)). The taxpayer must have acquired the stock at its original issue or in a tax-free transaction. In addition, the corporation must meet an active business requirement whereby 80% or more of its assets are used in one or more businesses other than those specifically excluded. Ineligible businesses include certain personal service activities, banking and other financial services, farming, mineral extraction businesses, hotels, and restaurants (Secs. 1202(c)(2) and (e)).

Sec. 1202(b)(1) limits the amount of gain eligible for exclusion to the greater of (1) 10 times the taxpayer’s aggregate adjusted basis in the stock that is sold, or (2) $10 million reduced by any eligible gain taken into account in prior tax years for dispositions of stock issued by the corporation. Any gain in excess of the limitation amount is taxed under the normal rules for capital gains.

Eligible sellers can exclude 50% if the QSBS was acquired before Feb. 18, 2009, or after Dec. 31, 2013; 75% if the QSBS was acquired after Feb. 17, 2009, and before Sept. 28, 2010; and 100% if the QSBS was acquired after Sept. 27, 2010, and before Jan. 1, 2014. Given the satisfaction of the five-year ownership requirement, QSBS sold during 2013 will be eligible for the 50% gain exclusion. For 2014 sales, stock purchased before Feb. 18, 2009, will qualify for the 50% exclusion, while stock purchased after Feb. 17, 2009, will qualify for the 75% exclusion.

This case study has been adapted from PPC’s Tax Planning Guide—Closely Held Corporations, 26th Edition, by Albert L. Grasso, R. Barry Johnson, Lewis A. Siegel, Richard Burris, Mary C. Danylak, James A. Keller, and Brian Martin, published by Thomson Tax & Accounting, Fort Worth, Texas, 2013 (800-323-8724;


Albert Ellentuck is of counsel with King & Nordlinger LLP in Arlington, Va.

Buying or Selling C Corporation Stock (2024)


Buying or Selling C Corporation Stock? ›

Buying and Selling C Corporation Stock

How is sale of C corp stock taxed? ›

Despite the built-in gains period, there are still benefits to making a last-minute S election that may outweigh the drawbacks. In a C corporation, all shareholders pay the 3.8% net investment income tax on dividends and the gain on sale of stock.

How do I avoid double taxation on sale of C corp? ›

Reimburse shareholder expenses: If a C corp directly reimburses business expenses incurred by shareholders, it can deduct these reimbursem*nts and reduce its total earnings, thereby avoiding double taxation. However, the shareholder cannot then turn around and deduct those same expenses on their individual return.

What is the 5 year rule for C corporations? ›

4. Conversions have a five-year recognition period. If a business owner converts from a C corp to an S corp and the company waits five years to sell appreciated assets, BIG tax can be avoided. Instead, gains passed through to shareholders are taxed at the individual shareholder level.

What is the capital gains rate for C corporations? ›

However, a C corporation is subject to the same U.S. federal corporate tax rate on capital gain and ordinary income, currently 21%. The selling C corporation generally will liquidate after the asset sale, distributing the sale proceeds to its shareholders, which results in a second level of tax to such shareholders.

Does C corp stock get a step up in basis at death? ›

Finally, assets held within a C corporation do not receive a step-up in basis upon the death of a shareholder. However, while the assets within an S or C corporation do not receive a step-up in basis, the stock does receive a step-up.

Can I sell shares in my C corp? ›

Buying and Selling C Corporation Stock

The stock purchase is the transfer of the ownership interest of the legal entity from one owner(s) to another. The seller of C-Corporation stock, will pay a capital gains rate on the sale of their stock which will generally qualify for the long-term rate of 20%.

Why are C Corps taxed twice? ›

This means a C corporation pays corporate income tax on its income, after offsetting income with losses, deductions, and credits. A corporation pays its shareholders dividends from its after-tax income. The shareholders then pay personal income taxes on the dividends. This is the often-mentioned “double taxation”.

Can C corp owners take distributions? ›

C corporations may distribute money or property to shareholders. The method used to make a corporate distribution will determine the tax consequences of the withdrawal.

What is the stock basis in a C corporation? ›

Basically, an initial basis in the stock of a C Corporation is either the cost of the stock purchased or, for qualifying Section 351 transactions, the adjusted basis of the assets transferred plus the gain recognized, and minus boot received and liabilities transferred.

What is the 60 40 rule for C corporation salary? ›

The IRS has said that if a C corporation is distributing profits to its owners and has not hired any other employees, it should follow the 60/40 rule. This rule states that 60 percent of the distribution should be treated as salary—and thus subject to payroll taxes—and the remaining 40 percent as dividends.

How much money can you leave in C corp? ›

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows C corporations to retain up to $250,000 in profits each year without incurring any taxes on those profits.

What is the final tax return for a C corporation? ›

A C corporation must file Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return. They report capital gains and losses on Schedule D (Form 1120). An S corporation must file Form 1120-S, U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation. They report capital gains and losses on Schedule D (Form 1120-S).

What is the difference between asset sale and stock sale in C corp? ›

Asset Sales: C Corporations

While stock sales occur between the shareholder (the business owner) and the buyer, asset sales occur between the company itself and the buyer. C corporations are not pass-through entities, meaning that the company pays taxes on its income.

What is the tax burden for C corporations? ›

As mentioned above, C Corporations pay tax at the entity level. This entity level tax is different than the tax other businesses pay because it is a flat 21% tax. Other entity types, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships, will pay tax based on the owners' individual income tax rate.

How long can a corporation carry forward a capital loss? ›

Net Capital Loss Carryover

While IRC § 1211 limits deductions for capital losses (see Explanation: §1211, Limitation on Capital Losses), IRC § 1212 allows unused capital losses to be carried over as follows: A corporation may carry most unused capital losses back for three years, and forward for five years.

How is company stock taxed when sold? ›

If you sell stocks for a profit, your earnings are known as capital gains and are subject to capital gains tax. Generally, any profit you make on the sale of an asset is taxable at either 0%, 15% or 20% if you held the shares for more than a year, or at your ordinary tax rate if you held the shares for a year or less.

What is the difference between asset sale and stock sale C corp? ›

Asset Sales: C Corporations

While stock sales occur between the shareholder (the business owner) and the buyer, asset sales occur between the company itself and the buyer. C corporations are not pass-through entities, meaning that the company pays taxes on its income.

How to record sale of C corp? ›

The buyer and seller must complete a form 8594 for the sale of the "assets". This form must be attached to the C corporation tax return. The IRS will also compare this to the buyer's return so you need to make sure this form is completed together and both parties are reporting the same amounts in each asset class.

Are C Corps double taxed? ›

C corporations, the most prevalent of corporations, are also subject to corporate income taxation. The taxing of profits from the business is at both corporate and personal levels, creating a double taxation situation.

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