The next tax shelter for wealthy Americans: C-corporations | Brookings (2024)


Adam Looney

Adam Looney Nonresident Senior Fellow - Economic Studies

November 30, 2017

The next tax shelter for wealthy Americans: C-corporations | Brookings (2)
  • 9 min read

For years, the intricacies of the tax code have encouraged businesses to shun the traditional corporate form of business—the C-corporation—and instead to organize as what are known as “pass-throughs,” taxed not at the corporate rate but at the individual income tax rate. The incentive to structure a business as a pass-through is so strong that in 2014, 95 percent of America’s 26 million businesses were organized that way.

The pending reduction in the corporate tax rate from a maximum of 35 percent to 20 percent will flip the equation for many taxpayers, giving business owners and some wage earners a way to shelter their income and avoid paying taxes at the higher individual tax rates of up to 42.3 percent by becoming C-corporations. Because the Senate tax bill includes no rules to limit the ability of professionals—like managers, lawyers, or doctors—to incorporate and have their labor income treated as corporate profits, a non-corporate business may elect to be taxed at the corporate rate. And that election will be simple, requiring checking a box on a form, no lawyers required, no elaborate paperwork needed. This tax sheltering will not only cost the Treasury a substantial amount of money, it will benefit the highest-income and most financially sophisticated Americans in ways that do nothing to help the overall economy or create jobs.

While certain elements of the GOP’s proposals represent an improvement to our current system of corporate taxation, this opportunity for sheltering will reduce revenue, benefit only high-income taxpayers, and introduce new inefficiency costs to the domestic tax system. The only way to end such opportunities for tax arbitrage once and for all—and to keep wealthier Americans from gaming the tax system to their advantage—is to tax all income, business and individual, at the same effective rates. But absent such an approach, lawmakers should at the very least address the loopholes that will exacerbate this new form of tax sheltering.

Under the Senate bill, more high-income tax payers will turn to C-corporations as tax shelters

Under the Senate bill, the top rate on wage earners will be 42.3 percent (including income and payroll taxes). The top rate on the income of pass-through business owners, when taking into account the benefit of the new deduction for pass-through business owners, will be 29.6 percent. (For more on the differences between C-corporations and pass-through businesses, read this primer.)

C-corporation shareholders would pay the 20percent corporate tax, but also pay dividend or capital gains taxes on their individual tax returns at rates up to 23.8 percent. In practice, however, the effective rate on capital gains tends to be much lower than the statutory rate because shareholders can defer selling shares and because several provisions eliminate the tax entirely. In addition to the lower rate, C corporate form would allow many taxpayers the ability to deduct fringe benefits many pass-through business owners are currently unable to deduct, like health insurance premiums and fringe benefits, and to use itemized deductions, like state and local taxes paid, which would no longer be deductible for individuals. This favorable tax treatment will give some highly-paid wage earners or pass-through business owners strong incentives to turn their wages and pass-through income into corporate profits.

Moreover, the ability of high-income taxpayers to shift the form of their income from higher-tax wages to corporate profits is largely unfettered. While the Senate bill includes provisions intended to limit the ability of service businesses—like those working in fields like health, law, engineering, or architecture—to take advantage of new deductions available for pass-through businesses, no such prohibitions apply for C-corporate businesses. In the 1970s, when the top individual income tax rates were significantly higher than the corporate income tax rate, many high-income individuals incorporated as C-corporations to shelter income from the high individual tax rates (Feldstein and Slemrod 1980). (One example: it will be tax efficient to own interest-bearing bonds within a corporation rather than in an individual account.) And switching from pass-through form to C-corporation form will be simple. Today’s pass-through business owners would essentially just check a box on a tax form (Form 8832), making an election to be a C-corporation. (For this reason, it’s hard to argue that the bill favors C-corporations over pass-through businesses, as some Senators have suggested. Today’s owners can always choose to file using the method that lowers their taxes the most.)

This tax sheltering will not only cost the Treasury a substantial amount of money, it will benefit the highest-income and most financially sophisticated Americans in ways that do nothing to help the overall economy or create jobs.

The magnitude of the tax break is likely to be large. In 2014, about 75 percent of pass-through income totaling $674 billion accrued to taxpayers facing bracket rates above 25 percent. Meanwhile, 50 percent of pass-through income totaling $464 billion accrued to owners in the top two tax brackets (Knittel et al, 2016). A large share of those businesses could benefit by becoming C-corporations to pay a much lower tax rate.

Another beneficiary: Wage-earning corporate managers

It’s likely a large share of wages paid to corporate managers will also switch form. Consider, as one example, individuals that own and manage closely held C-corporations or S-corporations. (Closely held corporations are corporations with a small number of shareholders, whose stock is generally not publicly traded, and where the owners and managers are often the same individuals). S-corporations file a corporate tax return and are generally subject to the same legal protections as C-corporations, but their income is passed-through pro-rata to its shareholders.

Today, those individuals generally elect to receive all their corporation’s income in the form of wages because the top tax rate on wages is well below the combined rate on corporate profits. In 2013, total wages paid to C-corporation officers was $225 billion, and a majority of that compensation was paid to the owner-managers of small, closely held C-corporations (Nelson 2016). Similarly, essentially all of the wages paid as S-corporation officer compensation were payments to individuals who were both owners and employees. All together, these S-corporation wages equaled about 57 percent of aggregate S-corporation net business income. About 70 percent of that officer compensation for S-corporations accrued to individuals in the top 1 percent of the income distribution, who would have greatest incentive to shift the form of their income if corporate (or pass-through) business rates declined substantially relative to the rate on labor income. In these cases, where the owner is the manager the decision to switch from receiving income as wages to profits will be straight forward. But higher-income workers would get in on the deal too. Just tell your boss: You’re no longer an employee. You’re a one-person business selling your services.

Without specific rules to limit the ability for workers or managers to shift their income into C-corporation form, we’re likely to see a large increase in the share of wealthy individuals that choose to do so. One of the only remaining reasons individuals may choose not to is that dividends and capital gains will remain taxed at the individual level. However, several provisions eliminate that second level of tax, reducing the rate to zero. These provisions would become much more costly or prone to abuse absent legislative changes.

The only way to truly eliminate tax arbitrage is to tax all forms of income at the same rate. That approach, however, is clearly out of favor. In its absence, we should focus on closing the loopholes that will allow many of the wealthiest Americans to avoid the higher tax rates lawmakers intended for them to pay.

Fixing the loopholes: Four ways to inhibit C-corporation tax sheltering:

So what are these loopholes in the Senate bill, and how can we close them? Reducing or eliminating benefits of several provisions or introducing anti-abuse rules would reduce opportunities for tax avoidance. Policymakers should:

  1. Require taxpayers in all brackets to pay at least some taxes on capital gains and dividends. Under the Senate bill, the tax rate on capital gains and dividends would remain at zero for taxpayers in the lowest two tax brackets, which apply to married couples with incomes up to $101,400. This would allow, for instance, a higher-income taxpayer to accrue profits while working within a corporation, paying only 20percent tax, and then withdraw the income after retirement tax free.
  2. Strengthen anti-abuse rules for closely held stock in Roth IRAs. The capital gains and dividend rate is also zero for stock held in Roth IRAs. Current rules allow individuals to own closely held, non-publicly traded stock in their Roths, making such IRAs a vehicle for sheltering labor income. (This is not true of Traditional IRAs because ordinary tax rates apply when the income is disbursed.) Strengthening anti-abuse rules regarding closely held or non-public shares would reduce tax avoidance.
  3. Eliminate the exclusion of capital gains on qualified Small Business Stock. Investments in qualified small business stock are excluded from capital gains tax entirely up to a limit of $10 million. While certain service businesses would not qualify, many businesses currently structured as pass-throughs would. Re-incorporating in C-corporation form would allow them to benefit from this generous break. This tax expenditure has little justification on economic grounds, accrues almost entirely to the highest-income taxpayers, and will prove costly with a 20 percent corporate rate; it should be repealed.
  4. Re-impose the carry-over basis of assets transferred at death: The largest loophole for owners of closely held stock is the exclusion from capital gains tax of assets held until death. Currently, assets passed along to heirs have their bases “stepped up” to the market price at the date of death. In effect, this means that neither the decedent nor the inheritor is liable to pay any tax on the appreciated value of those assets (the capital gain). In concert with the higher estate tax thresholds, a strategy of holding appreciated stock until death and borrowing against any appreciation would be a lucrative way to avoid capital gains tax while still having access to the income. When the estate tax was temporarily repealed in 2010, the “step up in basis” was also repealed and “carry over basis” was introduced. Under “carry over” treatment, any capital gain would ultimately come due when the inheritor sold the asset—thus providing the same treatment that applies more generally when stocks and other assets are sold. Re-imposing carryover basis or, better, requiring realizations on death or gift for all assets or specifically for corporate shares, would be practical and appropriate.


Feldstein, Martin S. and Joel Slemrod (1980). “Personal Taxation, Portfolio Choice, and the Effect of the Corporation Income Tax.” Journal of Political Economy. 88:5, 854-866.

Knittel,Matthew; Nelson, Susan; DeBacker, Jason; Kitchen, John; Pearce, James and Richard Prisinzano. (2016 Update). “Methodology to Identify Small Businesses andTheir Owners,” Office of Tax Analysis Technical Paper (4), U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Nelson, Susan C. (2016). “Paying Themselves: S Corporation Owners and Trends in S Corporation Income, 1980-2013.” Office of Tax Analysis Working Paper (107), U.S. Department of the Treasury.

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The next tax shelter for wealthy Americans: C-corporations | Brookings? ›

The pending reduction in the corporate tax rate from a maximum of 35 percent to 20 percent will flip the equation for many taxpayers, giving business owners and some wage earners a way to shelter their income and avoid paying taxes at the higher individual tax rates of up to 42.3 percent by becoming C-corporations.

How do rich people avoid capital gains tax? ›

Billionaires (usually) don't sell valuable stock. So how do they afford the daily expenses of life, whether it's a new pleasure boat or a social media company? They borrow against their stock. This revolving door of credit allows them to buy what they want without incurring a capital gains tax.

Do C corps avoid double taxation? ›

C-Corporations are Subject to Double Taxation.

What is the tax burden for C corporations? ›

As mentioned above, C Corporations pay tax at the entity level. This entity level tax is different than the tax other businesses pay because it is a flat 21% tax. Other entity types, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships, will pay tax based on the owners' individual income tax rate.

What is the top tax rate for C Corp? ›

Taxes to pay on C corp capital gains

While capital gains for individuals are taxed at a lower rate, net profits and capital gains at the corporate level are taxed at the same corporate rate: 21%.

What tax loopholes do rich people use? ›

12 Tax Breaks That Allow The Rich To Avoid Paying Taxes
  • Claim Depreciation. Depreciation is one way the wealthy save on taxes. ...
  • Deduct Business Expenses. ...
  • Hire Your Kids. ...
  • Roll Forward Business Losses. ...
  • Earn Income From Investments, Not Your Job. ...
  • Sell Real Estate You Inherit. ...
  • Buy Whole Life Insurance. ...
  • Buy a Yacht or Second Home.
Jan 24, 2024

Where do wealthy take their money to avoid taxes? ›

Outside of work, they have more investments that might generate interest, dividends, capital gains or, if they own real estate, rent. Real estate investments, as seen above under property, offer another benefit because they can be depreciated and deducted from federal income tax – another tactic used by wealthy people.

How do I avoid taxes with C corp? ›

Collect Generous Company-Paid Salary and Perks

Two more ways to avoid double taxation are with: Salary and bonus paid to you as a shareholder-employee of your family C corporation. Company-paid fringe benefits provided to you as a shareholder-employee.

What are the disadvantages of the C corp? ›

The main disadvantage of the C corporation is that it pays tax on its earnings and the shareholders pay tax on dividends, meaning the corporation's earnings are taxed twice.

What are the tax benefits of a C corporation? ›

Lower audit risk — Generally, C corporations are audited less frequently than sole proprietorships. Tax deductible expenses — Business expenses may be tax-deductible. Self-employment tax savings — A C corporation can offer self-employment tax savings since owners who work for the business are classified as employees.

What is one way to prevent double taxation at C corporations? ›

Split income.

Income splitting is a strategy in which a business owner withdraws from the corporate profit what they need to support their lifestyle but leaves the rest of the profits in the corporation. Because progressive tax brackets affect C corps and individuals, income splitting can minimize double taxation.

Can C corp owners take distributions? ›

C corporations may distribute money or property to shareholders. The method used to make a corporate distribution will determine the tax consequences of the withdrawal.

How do C corp owners get paid? ›

There is generally one way to pay yourself from your C corp: as an employee. More specifically, if you're involved in the day-to-day operations of running your C corp, then you're considered a W-2 employee. Therefore, you will receive compensation via a W-2 that will also be subject to payroll taxes.

Does C corp pay double taxes? ›

This means a C corporation pays corporate income tax on its income, after offsetting income with losses, deductions, and credits. A corporation pays its shareholders dividends from its after-tax income. The shareholders then pay personal income taxes on the dividends. This is the often-mentioned “double taxation”.

Does C corp pay more taxes than S corp? ›

One main difference is that C-corp owners pay a corporate tax to the federal, and sometimes state, governments, while S-corps don't. S-corps owners are limited to 100 shareholders and must file a special form with the IRS to elect S-corp status.

How do corporations avoid taxes? ›

How do profitable corporations get away with paying no U.S. income tax? Their most lucrative (and perfectly legal) tax avoidance strategies include accelerated depreciation, the offshoring of profits, generous deductions for appreciated employee stock options, and tax credits.

How can I legally avoid capital gains tax? ›

Here are four of the key strategies.
  1. Hold onto taxable assets for the long term. ...
  2. Make investments within tax-deferred retirement plans. ...
  3. Utilize tax-loss harvesting. ...
  4. Donate appreciated investments to charity.

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Make Charitable Donations

There are two types of charitable trusts: charitable lead trusts (CLTs) and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs). If you have a CLT, some of the assets in your trust will go to a tax-exempt charity. By donating to charity, you'll lower the value of your estate and end up with an extra tax break.

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But what really turns real estate into a potentially tax-free income producing asset is something called depreciation – an annual income tax deduction that allows you to recover the cost (or other basis) of a certain property over the time you use the property.

What income level avoids capital gains tax? ›

For the 2024 tax year, individual filers won't pay any capital gains tax if their total taxable income is $47,025 or less. The rate jumps to 15 percent on capital gains, if their income is $47,026 to $518,900. Above that income level the rate climbs to 20 percent.

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