Boc the Seamster | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)

Boc the Seamster

Boc the Seamster | Elden Ring Wiki (1)
Location Limgrave
Role Garments Adjuster and
Quest NPC
Voiced by Calvin A. Dean

Boc the Seamsteris an NPC in Elden Ring.Bocis a Demi-Human who is capable of advanced communication.Boc is initially met by the player in the form of a small tree.

Once you have completed Boc's questline, he appears at Graces in the Altus Plateau, and allows you to Alter equipment without paying the standard 500 rune fee. Boc does not provide any new or different alterations.

Boc the Seamster, at your service.
Ready to make adjustments to your garments.

Boc the Seamster Location inElden Ring

Boc the Seamster can be found in multiple locations:

  1. Boc the Seamster is first encountered east of the telescope that is south of Agheel Lake North Site of Grace in Limgrave. He is disguised as a small tree and will call out to you upon approaching. [Map Link]
  2. After meeting him the first time, Boc will move to theCoastal Cavein westernLimgrave. You will find him on the ground right next to the Site of Grace. [Map Link]
    • AftergivingBoc the SeamstertheSewing Needleat this second location, he will be able to appear at the following remaining four locations, depending onfurthest Site of Grace that the player has rested at. Resting at any of the Site of Graces listed below, will make him appear there, in ascending order.
      • At all the following locations, he will now offer his service of altering garments.
      • At all the following locations exceptLake-Facing Cliffs, Boc can be given the Gold Sewing Needle, if you're carrying alterable boss armor (e.g. Radahn's Lion Armor).
  3. He can be found kneeling by the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace, north ofStormveil Castlein Liurnia of the Lakes.You have to rest at theLake-Facing CliffsSite of Grace for him to appear. [Map Link]
  4. He can be found kneeling by theEast Raya Lucaria GateSite of Grace (southwest most point of the Bellum Road). You have to rest at theEast Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace for him to appear. Map Link
  5. He can be foundkneeling by the Altus Highway JunctionSite of Grace in Altus Plateau.You have to rest at theAltus Highway Junction Site of Grace for him to appear. [Map Link]
  6. He can be foundkneeling by the East Capital RampartSite of Grace inLeyndell Royal Capital.You have to rest at the East Capital RampartSite of Grace for him to appear. Map Link
  7. The questline now branches in one of three ways. You can either:
  8. After choosing the "You're Beautiful" branch, telling him he's beautiful when he asks and making progress in Leyndell, Boc relocates to the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace.

Boc the SeamsterQuestline: How to complete Boc the Seamster's Quest

First Encounter

Upon first encounter, northwest of the Murkwater Bridge, Boc isdisguised as a tree and calling for help. If you perform an attack on the tree, the spell breaks and Boc returns to its original form. He will then narrate how he was expelled from his cave andhad everything he owned taken, humbly rewarding you with x10 Mushrooms, which is everything he currently has. However, he states that if you wait, he could sneak back into the cave and retrieve some of his belongings, which could make him useful to you.

Boc the Seamster | Elden Ring Wiki (2)

Second Encounter

The second encounter with Boc is at Coastal Cave, within a few steps into the entrance tunnel, right besides the Coastal Cave Site of Grace. [Map Link]He is lying on the floor as he's been beaten up when trying to recover his belongings. In order to help him you mustventureinside the cave. But beware, however, as there are many Demi-Humansahead, and these creatures tend to attack in groups.
At one point inCoastal Cave you'll reach the Demi-Humans' settlement, where you will encounter even more enemies and two Demi-Human Chiefbosses. Upon defeat, these Bosses will drop Boc's belongings:

Go back to Boc The Seamster at Coastal Cave's entrance and deliver the tools to him. He will thank you and after you move, he'll no longer be at that location.

NOTE: It is also fine to defeat the Demi-Human Chiefsfirst and then encounter Boc by the Murkwater Bridge afterwards. Exhaust his dialogue and then return to the cave to give him the sewing materials.

Third Encounter

You can later find Boc The Seamster at the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes. He is glad to see you and offers to make adjustments to your garments.

  • From now on, he will be able to alter the garments of the player.
  • Some armor pieces can be changed to an alternative design. This service is free of charge. This will lower the stats of the affected armor piece, but for the most part is cosmetic as the stat drop is generally very minor. (This function basically removes the cape from armor pieces.)

His quest can be continued if these three conditions are met:

  1. Retrieve theGold Sewing Needlefrom theChurch of Vowson the east side ofLiurnia of the Lakes.
  2. Buy at least one piece of legendary boss armor that can be altered fromFinger Reader Eniaat theRoundtable Hold. Note that only demigod armor counts as "legendary", so armor such as Briar Armorwon't work despite being alterable and sold by Enia.
  3. You have spoken to Melina about Boc at the East Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace.

This enables the option to give him the Gold Sewing Needle, which makes it possible to alter legendary armor as well. If you do not have the option to give him the gold sewing needle then, either:

  1. You do not have the Gold Sewing Needle in your inventory
  2. You do not have legendary armor that can be altered in your inventory. Remember, like all the other (non-boss) armor found in the game, not all of it can be altered. Same rule applies to Boc and the gold needle. In addition, only armor worn by demigods is considered legendary.

NOTE:You can skip seeing him here and still find him at later at different locations, depending on progress.

Fourth Encounter

Boc will leave the Lake-Facing Site of Grace after Accessing Raya Lucaria Academy and move to the East Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace. After speaking with him here and resting at the Site of Grace, you will then have the option to speak with Melina, who will remark on Boc.

NOTE:You can skip seeing him here and still find him at later at different locations, depending on progress.

Fifth Encounter

He can be found atAltus Plateauat theAltus Highway Junction Site of Grace.

NOTE:You can skip seeing him here and still find him at later at different locations, depending on progress.

Sixth Encounter

He can be found atAltus Plateaunext to theEast Capital Ramparts Site of Grace.

If not done at this point, this is the last locationBoc the Seamsterwill appear and stay at, until giving him theGold Sewing Needle.

If he now (or at any other possible location before) received the Gold Sewing Needle, his quest will continue and he will remark about his ugly appeareance and asks your opinion on it. He will imply his desire to be rebirthed byRennala.

You have different choices how to proceed:

  • You can give him aLarval Tear, and upon resting, he will move next toRennala. He will be reborn into a human form, and he will not respond when talked to. If you rest again, he will die.
  • Alternatively, you can perform the"You're Beautiful" Prattling Patein front of him (found inHermit VillageatMt.Gelmir), then discuss it.
  • Using the Prattling Pate in front of him removes the option to give him a Larval Tear. Choose either to give him a Larval Tear OR use the Prattling Pate.

Dialogue inElden Ring:Boc The Seamster


  • "Oi! You there! Could you help us out, cully?
    You, yeah, you there! Stop pretending you can't see me".
  • "Why won't anyone look me in the eye?
    I'm not that ugly".

If attacking the tree in which Boc was turned into

  • "Ow! What'd you go and do that for!
    Hm? Oh, yes, I remember. Some clod turned me into a tree.
    You were just breaking the spell, weren't you.
    Thank you. The name's Boc.
    I was pushed out of the cave. Told not to come back, not ever.
    Then I ended up as a tree.
    Lucky you came along, really.
    Boc the seamster, at your service, Master".
  • "Oh, what a shame.
    When they threw me out of the cave, they took everything I owned, and so this is all I have to express my thanks.
    I hope you can forgive me".
    [Hands over x10 Mushroom]
  • "Or, if you can afford to wait for a while, I could sneak back into the cave, and bring back something of actual value.
    Then I'd be of some real use to you, I reckon".
  • "Right, but I'll need a moment.
    I-I'm frightened of them... So I have to gather myself.
    My knees start knockin'...just thinking bout that god-awful cave on the shore".

At Coastal Cave

  • "Oh... It...hurts..."
  • "Oh, what are you doing here?
    You must leave this place at once. They'll rush in and beat you to a pulp.
    You'll end up just like me".


  • "Boc the Seamster, at your service.
    Ready to make adjustments to your garments".

Givingthe Sewing Needle

  • "Wait, is that what I think it is? You got it back for me? My sewing needle!
    What made you go and do a thing like that....
    My mum was a seamstress...and that sewing kit was all I had to remember her by.
    I always wanted to be just like sweet old Mum. Then, I suppose I-I can't just curl up and die, can I?"

After receiving the Sewing Needle

  • "Thank you. You're very kind".

At Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace

  • "Good to see you! Master. Do you remember me? Boc, the demi-human. You helped me before, and retrieved my sewing needle.
    Please, master. Allow me to serve you, as your seamster. I can't make nothing from scratch, but...
    I'm happy to make adjustments to your garments".
    • [Don't tell me...]
      • "Master, I was wondering... Do you ever...make adjustments to your garb yourself? I would, well, rather you let me do the job when possible, please. I don't ask anything in return, you know, and, well... I am your personal seamster, after all!".

Did you see it? At East Capital Rampart

  • "Master, did you see it? Th-the Erdtree? I, oh, I don't really have the words for this...But I was so dazzled, I felt something stir, in my breast. The Erdtree is waiting for you, Master. I know it, I do. I feel it in my bones".


  • "Oh, going so soon? Please, do be safe on your journey".

I'm sorry...

  • "Your wardrobe includes the garb of old demigods, and I'm afraid I can't make adjustments to them.
    My mum told me once. That a royal seamster would do them up in a jiffy.
    Just wait, master. Before long, I'll be that good, too!"

After receiving the Gold Sewing Needle

  • "Thank you kindly. But what on earth could it... Oh!
    Amazing! I've never seen a golden needle, not in all my life! With a spectacular royal crest, to boot...

    Are you certain that this is for me? Oh, I can hardly believe it.
    Have faith in me, Master! I'll polish my craft enough that I deserve this golden gift!
    I'll be the golden seamster, Boc! Now I'll be able to sew anything, even the threads of the demigods!"

I have a favor to ask

  • "Would you mind if I called you lord? I heard that you and the other Tarnished seek the throne of the Elden Lord.
    Well, I know that you will be the one, and you'd make just the manner of kind hearted lord that I'd wish for.
    So, please, if you would. Allow me to call you lord."
  • (If you say yes): "M'lord, m'lord, m'lord! Please become Elden Lord.
    And please, let I, Boc the seamster, remain at your side."
    [You receive the "My Lord" Gesture]

Surely she'd be happy for you?

  • "That I'm as good as any royal seamster, now. Oh, it's still not enough.
    I need to learn how to sew from scratch, like her."

Have you ever thought so?

  • "Well, they say that Rennala of Raya Lucaria has the power to help people be reborn.
    Oh? Me? Reborn? Oh, look at me. When you're this ugly... well being reborn? It would hardly make a difference, I'm afraid."

What do you really think?

  • "In all honesty, what do you think of me? Am I fit to serve a lord such as you, in all my ugliness?
    Must I be reborn, no matter what ill fate awaits me?
    Oh, I'm such a fool. I don't even have answers to the simplest of questions"

After receiving a Larval Tear

  • "Oh! Oh! It can't be... For my rebirth? But these are precious, are you certain that it's for me?
    Oh... M'lord how did you know? It was my only wish, that I might honour you with a decent appearance."

Please wait

  • "I'm off to see Rennala of Raya Lucaria. I'll be reborn, fresh and new."

After hearing the Prattling Pate "You're Beautiful"

  • "Thank you very much. Mum was always the only one who said I was beautiful.
    And now, my dear lord let me hear her voice. Please, if I may dream, just once...
    Do you feel the same way my mum did m'lord? Do you think I'm beautiful, despite these looks?"
  • (If you say yes): "M'lord, my dear lord...
    I, Boc the seamster, am forever in your service. May the throne of Elden Lord be yours."
  • (If you say no): "No, why on earth would you? It was silly of me to ask. Please, forget that I did. But I beg, don't renounce me for my appearance. One day, I'll look every bit the servant."
    • [The voice was mine.]
      • "Master... kind Master... I, Boc the Seamster, am forever in your service."

When attacked

  • (Before starting his quest) "Mum... I've... I've let you down"
  • (Warning) "Ow! M-m'lord? Is something wrong? It's me! Boc, the seamster!"
  • (Combat) "Oh, my... M'lord, is that the truth, your heart of hearts? My, oh my... Ah... aaah!"
  • (On player kill) "M'lord... What have I done?"

Upon defeat

  • "M'lord... I've failed you... please, forgive me."

Elden Ring Notes & Trivia for Boc

  • Voiced by Actor Calvin A. Dean
  • Boc was featured in the Elden Ring Network Test at the same location.
  • Boc wears the Aristocrat Hat and uses the Great Knifeduring combat.
  • Boc can be killed with one hit. Oncekilled, Boc will not respawn, even after using Celestial Dew.
  • Despite Boc's questline involving you turning over the Sewing Needle and Tailoring Tools, you are still able to perform alterations at any Site of Grace,as the Tailoring Toolswill stay in your inventory. Boc will offer the same services, simply as an alternative.
    • The advantage ofalterations done byBoc over a Site of Grace is that Boc will not charge you for altering clothing. Using the Tailoring Tools at a site of grace will cost Runes each time an alteration is made.
  • Once you obtaina demi-god armor set,you can ask Bocwhy he does not offer altering demi-god'sgarments with the "I'm sorry..." option. He will then provide input as to why he doesn't alter those garmentsdue to what his mother used to tell him, and that maybe he may become good enough to do so someday.
  • Thanks to the latest Patch, he is easier to find in Limgrave, now that his voice triggers from a farther distance from before. An Arteria Leafwas also placed near him to lure players to hear him.

What Garments can you Alter in Elden Ring?

Specific Helmets and Body Armor pieces in Elden Ring can be alteredwhenhave the required Items for altering. You will need aSewing NeedleandTailoring Toolsto be able to perform alterations to your basic garments. The Gold Sewing Needleis required in order to be able to alter demigod armor pieces.

BothSewing NeedleandTailoring Toolsitems can be obtained from theDemi-Human Chief, located inCoastal Cave, westernLimgrave.Map Link. This is a boss encounter. Defeat theDemi-Human Chiefand it will drop these items. With these tools you can now rest at any Site of Graceto access your options and you should have the option to Alter Garments. This should display your Armor pieces before and after Alterations. Select which garment to alter.Altering will also cost runes, so make sure you are happy with the alterations before confirming. Altering your garments with Boc, however, will be free, but you will need to progress through his questline before this action is available.

To gain access to Boc's altering services,go through his questline until he moves to the Lake Facing Cliffs Site of Grace. You will first need to locate himnorthwest of the Murkwater Bridge, Boc isdisguised as a tree and calling for help. If you perform an attack on the tree, the spell breaks andBocreturns to its original form. You will then need to give him theSewing NeedleandTailoring Tools. He will be at theCoastal Cave.After giving him his supplies he will then move to Liurnia of the Lakes where the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace is. He will now offer his seamster services to you for free.

Elden Ring NPCs

Abandoned Merchant Siofra RiverAeonian SpiritAeonian Swamp SpiritAlbinauric Village SpiritAlbusAshen SpiritBlackguard Big BoggartBlaiddBloody Finger Hunter YuraBrother CorhynCarian Manor SpiritD's Twin BrotherD, Hunter of the DeadDeathtouched SpiritDiallosDung EaterEclipse SpiritEdgarEniaEnshaErdtree Sanctuary SpiritFiaFinger Maiden TherolinaFrenzied SpiritFrustrated SpiritGate Town Bridge SpiritGatekeeper GostocGideon OfnirGodwyn the GoldenGoldmaskGowryGrape SpiritGurranq Beast ClergymanHermit MerchantHyettaImprisoned MerchantIrinaIron Fist AlexanderIsolated Merchant Raya LucariaIsolated MerchantsJar BairnKenneth HaightKingsrealm SpiritKnight BernahlLaiedd SpiritLatennaLionel the LionheartedLiurnian Highway SpiritLiurnian Lake SpiritLost Snow SpiritMaster LusatMelinaMerchant KaleMillicentMillicent's SistersMiquellaMiriel Pastor of VowsMorne SpiritNepheli LouxNomadic Merchant Mohgwyn PalaceNomadic Merchant West Altus PlateauNomadic MerchantsPatchesPidia, Carian ServantPreceptor SeluvisPrimeval Sorcerer AzurQueen MarikaRanni the WitchRennaRennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)RoderikaRyaRykardSanguine Noble (NPC)ShabririShaded Castle SpiritSiofra River SpiritSmithing Master HewgSorcerer RogierSorceress SellenStranded Graveyard SpiritStudy Hall SpiritTanithThe Great-JarThopsThree FingersTower of Return SpiritTwin Maiden HusksTwo FingersVolcano Manor SpiritWandering Artist SpiritWar Counselor IjiWhite Mask VarreWindmill SpiritWitch-Hunter Jerren

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Boc the Seamster | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)


Should you let boc call you lord? ›

He'll ask you if it's okay to call you “My Lord” and if you say yes, he'll give you the My Lord gesture, which is one of the best in the game. You can also give him the Gold Sewing Needle here, though you'll need to have a piece of alterable boss clothing such as Radahn's Lion Armour.

What happens if I give boc a Larval Tear? ›

If you instead choose the option to give Boc a Larval Tear, he will express his thanks, that he may now be reborn through Rennala.

Who turned boc into a bush? ›

The clod responsible for the spell put on Boc first appears to be one of the demi-humans who kicked him out of his dwelling in Coastal Cave.

Where does boc go after you free him? ›

After choosing the "You're Beautiful" branch, telling him he's beautiful when he asks and making progress in Leyndell, Boc relocates to the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace.

Should I give Sewing Needle to boc? ›

Within the cave, the Tarnished can retrieve his sewing needle. Give it to Boc, and he will service himself to be the seamster for the Tarnished. Then Boc can be found at these four Sites of Grace after they are rested at: The Lake-Facing Cliffs.

Where does boc go after you give him the Sewing Needle? ›

He'll ask you to travel to the Coastal Cave to get his Sewing Needle back from Demi-Human Chieftans. Once you do this and give him the needle (he'll appear beaten up at the entrance to the cave), he'll appear later at the Cliff-Facing Site of Grace in Liurnia and offer his skills to alter your garments for free.

What happens if you don't give BOC the Larval Tear? ›

Do Nothing. As mentioned in the previous option, if you do not give Boc a Larval Tear and do not use the Prattling Pate on him, he will move just outside Raya Lucaria Grand Library.

How rare are Larval Tears? ›

Larval Tears are exceedingly rare and can either be bought from very hidden merchants, found on bodies in secret locations, or from defeating certain types of Mimics.

Why did boc died? ›

Should the Tarnished champion aid Boc in fulfilling his wish to be reborn, Boc will travel to the Academy of Raya Lucaria and will be reborn a human through her powers. However, like many of those reborn by Rennala, the process goes awry, and Boc dies shortly thereafter.

What tree is boc? ›

The Anglo-Saxon word “boc” leads us both to the beech tree and to the word which later became “book” thus connecting, albeit tenuously and probably only as far as northern European languages go, trees with wisdom. In German certainly the word Buche and Buch could not demonstrate this link more closely.

What cave is boc talking about? ›

After locating the "talking tree" and striking it once, Boc will appear and reward Tarnished ten Mushrooms for saving him. He also mentions that he can make something for the player if he manages to retrieve his stolen belongings from a cave, referring to the Coastal Cave located on Limgrave's western shoreline.

What happens if you don't give boc the Larval Tear? ›

Without a Larval Tear, he's unable to be reborn, which leaves him forever pining for what he can't have.

What is the reward of Boc the Seamster? ›

After you free Boc, he will reward the Tarnished with 10 Mushrooms and tell you about how he came to be a bush. If you speak to Boc again, he will offer to go back to the cave from where he was banished and return with something that holds more value to the Tarnished.

What happens to Boc after rebirth? ›

Should the Tarnished champion aid Boc in fulfilling his wish to be reborn, Boc will travel to the Academy of Raya Lucaria and will be reborn a human through her powers. However, like many of those reborn by Rennala, the process goes awry, and Boc dies shortly thereafter.

What does altering garments do? ›

Alterations are less extensive changes to the garment that also change the way the garment fits, and are usually focused on one particular fit area. It could be as simple as taking in the waist on a pair of pants or shortening a sleeve.

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