ATFS Project is the First Decentralized AgriTech & Food Science project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts. (2024)


ATFS Project is the world’s first decentralized AgriTech & Food Science crowdfunding project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts. The ATFS aims to enhance people’s quality of life all around the world by revolutionizing the current food system.

According to the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in 2050 the total population is expected to grow by 34% to about 9.7 billion, and the elderly population aged 60 or older by 56% to about 200 million. It is a reality that there lacks sufficient supply of food to feed the rapidly expanding population, especially in terms of animal protein supply. In view of this, ATFS has established a plan for Smart Farm 2.0, an advanced intelligent farm to ensure breakthrough productivity, and research & development of Plant-Based Meat as an alternative to animal meat.

In addition, the current agricultural distribution system is a collection of high-cost and inefficiencies caused by too many middlemen so that the actual producers and consumers are not seeing any benefits at all. In an Interview withDavid (DJ) KIM, the CEO and Founder of ATFS, he explains how the ATFS Project has designed a Disruptive Decentralized Platform based on the blockchain technology to tackle this issue.

1) Talking about blockchain technology: What does it mean for ATFS Project.

David : The ATFS Project aims to create a new type of food blockchain. We need the blockchain technology to ensure and incentivize transparency between consumers and producers.

Currently, the consumers trade with confidence in the product’s origin down to the seed source from its label. However, they are not knowledgeable to other processes in production–like what herbicide or fertilizer was used–and this influences its food safety. In the traditional food supply chain approach where price is the differentiating factor, we cannot fix this problem.

With blockchains, we are able to store the product’s place of origin, producer, region and transactional movements. This way, we have information that guarantees food product safety & quality while getting regional data on supply and demand. It is our Disruptive Decentralized Platform with smart contract & blockchain technology that incentivizes and rewards producers with higher transparency and opens up consumers to traceable and verified information.

In reality, this verification is going to be difficult, and that’s why we will first start this new system with our limited products listed on DDP. We will hold strict guidelines for all products based on the US’s NOP and EU’s Euro-Leaf standards on organic farming. This holds true for our own crops and plant-based meat menu as well. Our long-term goal is to have the food blockchains be widely used for secure verification for the benefit of transparency between agricultural producers and consumers worldwide.

2) Your team proposes an integrated approach with 3 organically linked missions as a solution: Smart Farm 2.0, Disruptive Decentralized Platform, and Plant-Based Meat. Briefly elaborate these missions.

David :Check out ATFS’s Business Model Architecture below to see how the three missions work with each other in the ATFS ecosystem.

ATFS Project is the First Decentralized AgriTech & Food Science project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts. (1)

The first step is to build Smart Farm 2.0, a term we coined. Our new and unique version of a smart farm incorporates big data, deep learning and AI-based decision making on top of IoT technology. This greenhouse would be able to maximize productivity by automatically adjusting to optimal conditions.

Second mission is the specialized R&D center for Plant-Based Meat. We will develop substitute meat products in Asian cuisine that is as close to real meat in texture, taste, aroma and looks. At the end of the day, we aim to mass produce this variety of products tailored to consumers’ preferences in East Asia and then to the world.

The third mission is launching Disruptive Decentralized Platform, a unique marketplace for crops from our Smart Farm 2.0 and our plant-based meat menu as well as other qualified products from verified sources. It runs on blockchains and smart contracts, and takes cryptocurrencies as payments.

The completion of all three missions is bound to make impact on the agricultural and food industries, shaping a new form of ecosystem that links the crypto world with tangible elements in our everyday lives.

3) Why are you having an ICO?

David :The business model pursued by ATFS combines existing industry with ICT and blockchain technology, and is a part of Industry 4.0. Therefore, we thought crowdfunding in the crypto world is a natural fit.

An important feature of an ICO that prompted us is how we would be assessed personally by individuals all around the world unlike venture funds or IPO’s that are funded only by large institutional investors. This aspect is quite inspiring as this is aligned with our vision of contributing to a better world together. All investors of ATFS ICO are essentially a group of pioneers revolutionizing agriculture and promoting the value of individual contribution.

We are proud to share such an opportunity with the crypto world.

4) What is the cap for your ICO and how did you come to choose that number?

David :ATFS ICO has a Soft Cap of 12,500 ETH and a Hard Cap of 50,000 ETH, based on our conservative and optimistic financial statement estimates.

Soft cap is a conservative fund which takes care of land purchase for Smart Farm 2.0 and various advanced facilities & equipment for the greenhouse. The hard cap is the funding needed to further establish R&D Center for Plant-Based Meat and to secure plants for mass production of the substitute meat menu.

We recently lowered the Hard Cap from 99,000 to just under 50,000 due to the rising ETH value; we want to match our current hard cap to the equivalent USD value to what we had forecasted in our optimistic financial estimation. ATFS wants to provide a fairer and rational investment environment.

5) Why do people need your tokens? Will investors be able to profit from them? And Where do you see the value of ATFS Tokens in the medium to long term and the ultimate benefit for token holders?

David :ATFS stands for AgriTech & Food Sciences and we are the world’s first token in such specializations. ATFS Token is based on a business model which makes it more of a real asset-backed token.

Just take account the smart farm agricultural market. It looms at USD 11 billion and the plant-based meat market (substitute meat market) is about USD 6 billion. In the case of the agricultural distribution, the wholesale market in Korea alone is about USD 30 billion, USD 80 billion in Japan and USD 150 billion in China. In fact, each business model of ATFS will naturally produce and sell within these potential markets, grow their business through drastic innovation, and ultimately bring great profits to ATFS and our investors.

When ATFS Token gets listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, the token value is expected to naturally grow with the business value of ATFS. This will also provide opportunities for capital gains.

6) What do you expect from the future of food tech industry and what role will ATFS Project play in it?

David :ATFS Project intends to introduce Industry 4.0 to the agricultural and food industries. Aging population, shortage of animal proteins and urbanization phenomena are inevitable all around the world. Let’s overcome such adversities together!

ATFS plays the first-mover leading role, holistically advancing the industry with innovations to create new production and distribution systems, new substitute meat products, and new methods of financial payments.

This is huge.

We are here, passionate about connecting the real and crypto worlds. We look forward to collaborating with many food and biotech companies in the near future.

7) Can you tell us a bit about your team? Why should someone believe in it?

David :The ATFS team is comprised of members from large financial institutions and venture capital funds like KB, Benex, IBM, EY, and KPMG as well as blockchain developers, global strategy consultants, and bio-related experts.

In addition, we have technical experts for smart farms, investment banking executives, ICO-related lawyer, accounting specialists, North American plant protein producer, and a global ICO advisor serving on the advisory board.

Our executives have been on the Korea Stock Exchange and its listed companies, therefore you can trust us in investor relations. ATFS execs vow to be heavily involved and be in efficient and effective communications with our investors.

8) There could be potential investors out there who might not know how to participate in the ATFS Token Sale. Kindly give us a step-by-step guide on how to participate in the crowdsale?

David :Be careful of scammers! ATFS Token purchasing & distribution is only available on our official website dashboard: Anything else if FAKE.

For step-by-step guides to all parts of our ICO, please check out the following links:

Please make sure that you also read ourTerms & Conditionsand make sound judgment before participating.

Our token sale is on from 10 JAN 2018 to 9 FEB 2018. We have an EARLY BIRD Bonus Rate of 40% in the first three days.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out on our open chatrooms:

– Telegram:

– KakaoTalk:

9) Anything else you’d like to add/we should have asked?

David :For more information, please checkout our OFFICIAL LINKS:

– Website:

– Bitcointalk Forum:

– Telegram:

– FB:

– TW:

– KakaoTalk:

– Blog:

– FAQ:

ATFS Project is the First Decentralized AgriTech & Food Science project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts. (2)

Related Items:AgriTech, Alternative Cryptocurrencies, ATFS Project, bitcoin alternatives, Blockchain, blockchain news, Blockchain Technology, built, china, cryptocurrency, Decentralized, Ethereum, Ethereum Blockchain, Food Science, Interviews, Japan, Korea, News, project, Smart Contracts


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ATFS Project is the First Decentralized AgriTech & Food Science project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts. (2024)


In which year did the concept of Ethereum and smart contracts get introduced to the public? ›

Although the July 2015 birth of the Ethereum blockchain brought the project to life, its development would be a lengthy process spanning years. Called Frontier, the first iteration of the Ethereum blockchain simply got the chain off the ground and running, hosting smart contracts and proof-of-work (PoW) mining.

What is the history of Ethereum blockchain? ›

Ethereum was conceived in 2013 by programmer Vitalik Buterin. Additional founders of Ethereum included Gavin Wood, Charles Hoskinson, Anthony Di Iorio, and Joseph Lubin. In 2014, development work began and was crowdfunded, and the network went live on 30 July 2015.

What is Ethereum smart contract? ›

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority.

How did Ethereum get so big? ›

The main reason why Ethereum got so big so far is thanks to the EVM compatibility. EVM compatibility allows developers to build Dapps that work on multiple blockchains. This makes it easier to create interoperable Dapps that can access and interact with data and assets on different blockchains.

Which was the first Decentralised cryptocurrency to be created? ›

In 2009, Bitcoin (BTC) was created, becoming the first truly decentralized cryptocurrency. In 2013, Forbes named Bitcoin the year's best investment. In 2014, Bloomberg countered with its proclamation of Bitcoin being the year's worst investment.

What is the first smart contract blockchain? ›

Ethereum was the first smart contract blockchain. That means it's a programmable blockchain that can process complex transactions (e.g. ICOs, NFT minting, DeFi transactions). Right now, miners secure the Ethereum network by solving complex cryptographic puzzles.

Is Ethereum better than Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin remains the most highly valued cryptocurrency. Bitcoin has seen greater acceptance by traditional finance, evidenced by the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in 2024. Ethereum can support smart contracts, software programs that execute automatically when certain conditions are met.

Why is Ethereum blockchain so popular? ›

Ethereum Benefits

It has a large and committed global community and the largest ecosystem in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Wide range of functions. Besides being used as a digital currency, Ethereum can also process other financial transactions, execute smart contracts and store data for third-party applications.

What is the purpose of the Ethereum blockchain? ›

Ethereum proposed to use blockchain technology not only for maintaining a decentralized payment network but also to power tamper-proof decentralized financial contracts and applications.

Who controls Ethereum? ›

The Ethereum platform was developed by a community of users and developers. These people collectively drive the development of the platform. Ethereum is not controlled by any one person, entity, or group. Ethereum exists solely through the work and effort of its community, who collectively operate the Ethereum network.

How do you make money with smart contracts? ›

The smart contract developer has two main on-chain methods for monetizing their work:
  1. launch a token that is required to use the protocol, have a sale, hold back a significant proportion, and then make profits by selling more as the token price rises.
  2. charge a commission for using the smart contract.
Oct 31, 2023

How much does it cost to run a smart contract on Ethereum? ›

Smart contract creation cost can be anywhere from $10 to $2,000 assuming Ether costs between $1,500 to $2,000. The biggest factors are 1) Ethereum price, 2) the size of the compiled contract (in bytes), 3) the current gas price on the Ethereum network.

Who holds the most Ethereum in the world? ›

The ETH2 Beacon Deposit Contract currently holds the most ETH of any wallet address, with over 38M ETH (>$100B) in deposits at the time of writing. This represents the total amount of ETH that has been deposited to be staked to help secure the network.

Who funds Ethereum? ›

Adjacent Venture Capital, Artichoke Capital, Blockchain Assets, CRVN Capital, and Cyber. Fund are 5 of 88 investors who have invested in Ethereum.

Could Ethereum reach $100,000? ›

While Ethereum can hit $100,000 after 2030, it is not realistic to expect ETH to reach 100k before 2030. It's nearly impossible. There is no path for Ethereum to hit 100k before 2030, it's impossible. ETH can realistically hit $10,000 in the coming years, either in 2025 or in 2026.

When did Ethereum go public? ›

In 2014, Buterin and the other co-founders of Ethereum launched a crowdsourcing campaign where they sold participants Ether (Ethereum tokens) to get their vision off the ground and raised more than $18 million. The first live release of Ethereum known as Frontier was launched in 2015.

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Sergey and

This record of the domain provided by DomainTools states that the domain was registered on the 25th October 2008, with the Bitcoin white paper being released on the 31st October 2008.

Was Ethereum the first cryptocurrency and was created in 2009? ›

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, created by an anonymous computer programmer or group of programmers known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

When did ether start trading? ›

In 2014, he and a team of developers raised about $18 million to establish the nonprofit Ethereum Foundation and fund its development. The Ethereum platform launched in 2015. From the beginning, the vision for Ethereum was distinct from Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency at the time.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.