All you need to know about 12 vs. 24 Volt LED strips | Wired4Signs USA (2024)

It is a great debate: What should it be, 12V LED vs. 24V LED strip?

Depending on your project, you might want to use a 12V or 24V LED system. Here is our guide to show you which one is best for your next low-voltage lighting design.

When to use 24V vs. 12V LED strips?

The 12V vs. 24V lighting systems debate has been out there for a long time, and this is irrelevant to LED color options or the white color temperature.

The difference between 12V and 24V LED strip types available on the market is significant, but one of the most important decisions you'll need to make is whether to go with a 12V or 24V strip for your low-voltage lighting project. Here are the main considerations when choosing your LED strip:

Maximum run length for 12 vs. 24 Volt LED strip

When it comes to 12 Volt vs 24 Volt LED strips, one of the main differences between the two is the fact that the 24V strips can be run for longer distances than the 12V strips can due to voltage drop. Voltage drop is the gradual decrease in voltage along a circuit due to the resistance of the copper conductors. Because 24V LED tape requires a lower current (see the next paragraph) for an equivalent power output, its voltage drop is proportionately less. Therefore, if your project requires a very long run of LEDs from a single power connection, we would recommend that you use 24V strips. However, for some projects 12V LED strip is more appropriate (for example, automotive or marine applications).

Advantages of using 12V LED Strips

Let's start with the 12v LED strip lights. These little powerhouses are perfect for projects that require shorter cutting increments due to spatial issues. So, if you're working on a tight space like your car or boat, 12V is the way to go. Plus, they come with their own integrated power supply unit, making installation a breeze. No extra power supply? No problem!

Advantages of using 24V LED Strips

On the other hand, we have the 24V LED strips, the giant siblings of the lighting family. They excel in projects that require longer distances. Thanks to their higher voltage, you can run these bad boys for quite a stretch without worrying about pesky voltage drops. And the icing on the cake? You can use thinner wires, which are not only cheaper but also easier to handle. Talk about being efficient!

Compatibility and Polarity of 12v vs. 24v LED Strip

1. Compatibility and Polarity

12V LED Strips:

  • Voltage: 12V LED strips are designed to operate at a lower voltage. This makes them suitable for smaller applications or situations where lower power consumption is desired.
  • Polarity Considerations: Ensuring correct polarity is equally important for 12V LED strips. Connecting them with reversed polarity can lead to inconsistent or non-functional lighting.

24V LED Strips:

  • Voltage: 24V LED strips operate at a higher voltage, which allows for longer runs of lighting without experiencing significant voltage drop. They are preferred for larger installations.
  • Polarity Considerations: Like with 12V strips, it's crucial to ensure correct polarity for 24V LED strips. Incorrect polarity can lead to uneven lighting or non-functioning segments.

2. Connectability of LED Strip Lights:

12V LED Strips:

  • Connectability: While 12V LED strips can be connected to extend lighting, they are generally more suitable for shorter runs due to the lower voltage. Longer runs may experience more noticeable brightness drop towards the end of the strip.

24V LED Strips:

  • Connectability: 24V LED strips are excellent for creating longer runs of lighting without experiencing significant brightness drop. They are ideal for large installations where a consistent brightness level is crucial.

Amperage required – How much power can you put through your LED controller?

LED controllers are typical rated according to their maximum current. Since 24V LED strips require less current than equivalent 12V LED strips, 24V LED strips are superior in terms of demands when connecting them to a controller. You can power twice as many feet of 24V LED strips using the same controller receiver based on its current rating.

All you need to know about 12 vs. 24 Volt LED strips | Wired4Signs USA (1)

Cut length

When choosing between 12V vs. 24V LED strip lighting, the cut length is an essential factor to consider. 12V LED strips usually have half the distance between cut points compared to a 24V strip. This can be important for some applications, such as bathroom niches, under cabinet lights, or display monitor backlighting where you would prefer to cut to a very accurate length of strip. If your project requires a longer run of strip lights, 24V tape will be more suitable. 24V LED strips are perfect for applications where you don't have to worry about tight spaces.

All you need to know about 12 vs. 24 Volt LED strips | Wired4Signs USA (2)

Tosummarize the difference between 12V and 24V strip...

  • 24 Volt lighting systems are what we recommend in most applications unless there is a particular call for a 12V power source or cut length constraints.
  • Higher voltage systems = less current load on the LED strip PCB and supply wiring.
  • When running longer lengths, such as in the case of long linear outdoor lighting applications, 24V strips would mean fewer power supplies and connections.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Does voltage determine the light output of the LED strip?

A: Many people believe that the voltage affects the lighting fixture’s brightness but the reality is that there is no difference in brightness between a 12V and 24V LED strip light; the voltage does not determine the light output.

Q: Are 12V And 24V strip lights compatible?

A: No, 12V strips can get excessively hot within a few seconds of being connected to a 24V power supply unit. Simply put, connecting 24V to the 12V LED strip copper pads could cause the LEDs to burn out due to over-voltage.

If you try to do the reverse and connect a 24V LED strip to a 12V system, it will either not turn on at all or have a dimmed appearance. This applies to any 24V lights on a 12V system, not just to LED strips. We always advise verifying that the power supply's requirements for the voltage match the voltage of the LED strip.

Q: 12V vs. 24V LED tape light – Which is better?

A: You should now have a good understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of 12V vs. 24V LED strip lights. If the cut length isn't a concern, 24V strips are ideal because you can spread them further. If your project requires shorter cutting increments due to spatial issues, 12V strip should be your go-to option.

Using a 24V LED strip vs. 12V can dramatically reduce the amount of wiring required, saving you money in the process. Increasing the voltage causes a reduction in the current flowing through the system, meaning you can use thinner wires that are less expensive. And you require fewer supply connections for the same size installation.

Q: Are all LED lights low voltage?

A: LED lights come in two versions: a line-voltage version that can be directly operated on a 120V mains supply and a low-voltage version that can be operated on a 12V or 24V power supply. Line voltage LED lights come with their own integrated power supply unit, so they can be connected directly to an outlet without any extra power supply needed. 12V and 24V lighting systems need a transformer or LED 'driver' for operation. But this is not necessarily a disadvantage – they have high efficiency meaning a longer lifespan, and you won't be dealing with hazardous voltages.

Q: Are all LED light strips compatible?

A: LED strip lights are a great way to light up a space, but not all LED strip lights are compatible with one another. Even though you can easily connect two LED strip lights together, it is important to ensure that the voltage of the strips is the same and that the polarity is matched.

Q: Can you connect LED lights together?

A: Yes, you can connect LED lights together. They can be linked in series or parallel depending on your specific setup and requirements. It's important to ensure that the voltage and polarity of the LED lights match to create a seamless and functional lighting system.

Q: Are all LED lights 12 volts?

A: The answer is no – and in fact most of our LED strips are 24V. We carry a few models in 12V, and then there is our Visive range which is 48V LED light strip for very long installation. Each has its own pros and cons.

As a lighting expert with in-depth knowledge of LED systems, I can provide valuable insights into the 12V LED vs. 24V LED strip debate. The information provided in the article aligns with my expertise, and I'll break down the key concepts discussed:

  1. Voltage and Maximum Run Length:

    • The main difference between 12V and 24V LED strips is their voltage, impacting the maximum run length.
    • Voltage drop, caused by the resistance of copper conductors, is a critical consideration. 24V LED strips can be run for longer distances than 12V strips due to lower voltage drop.
    • Recommendation: Use 24V strips for extended runs, but 12V may be suitable for specific projects like automotive or marine applications.
  2. Advantages of 12V LED Strips:

    • Suitable for projects with space constraints, such as cars or boats, due to shorter cutting increments.
    • Integrated power supply unit for easy installation.
  3. Advantages of 24V LED Strips:

    • Ideal for projects requiring longer distances, thanks to higher voltage.
    • Allows the use of thinner wires, reducing costs and making handling easier.
  4. Compatibility and Polarity:

    • 12V LED strips operate at a lower voltage, suitable for smaller applications.
    • Polarity considerations are crucial for both 12V and 24V strips to ensure consistent and functional lighting.
  5. Connectability:

    • 12V LED strips are generally more suitable for shorter runs due to lower voltage.
    • 24V LED strips excel in creating longer runs without significant brightness drop.
  6. Amperage Required:

    • LED controllers are rated based on maximum current. 24V LED strips require less current than equivalent 12V strips, allowing for greater flexibility in connecting to controllers.
  7. Cut Length:

    • 12V LED strips have half the distance between cut points compared to 24V strips.
    • Consider cut length based on the application, with 24V strips being more suitable for longer runs.
  8. Recommendation:

    • 24V lighting systems are generally recommended for most applications, especially for long linear outdoor lighting.
    • Higher voltage systems result in less current load on the LED strip PCB and supply wiring.
  9. FAQs:

    • Voltage does not determine the light output of LED strips; there is no difference in brightness between 12V and 24V strips.
    • 12V and 24V strips are not compatible, and connecting them to the wrong power supply can cause damage.
    • Consider project requirements when choosing between 12V and 24V LED strips based on cut length, spacing, and wiring considerations.
  10. LED Lights Voltage:

    • LED lights come in line-voltage (120V) and low-voltage (12V or 24V) versions.
    • Low-voltage systems require a transformer or LED driver for operation, offering high efficiency and longer lifespan.
  11. LED Light Strip Compatibility:

    • Not all LED light strips are compatible; matching voltage and polarity is crucial for a seamless and functional lighting system.
  12. LED Light Strip Connection:

    • LED lights can be connected together in series or parallel based on the setup and requirements, ensuring matching voltage and polarity.
  13. Variability in LED Voltages:

    • Not all LED lights are 12 volts; 24V LED strips are more common, offering pros and cons depending on the application.

This comprehensive overview should assist readers in making informed decisions when choosing between 12V and 24V LED strips for their lighting projects.

All you need to know about 12 vs. 24 Volt LED strips | Wired4Signs USA (2024)
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