AVR Guide: Voltage Too High, Too Low - UST (2024)

Voltage Too High, Too Low

Voltage that is too high can cause premature failure of electrical and electronic components (e.g. circuit boards) due to overheating. The damage caused by overheating is cumulative and irreversible. Frequent episodes of mild overheating can result in the same amount of component damage as a few episodes of severe overheating. Like slicing a loaf of bread – you can have many thin slices or a few really thick slices – but when you get to the end, you’re done.

Motors can, on the other hand, often benefit from voltages that tend to be a little bit high. The reason is fairly simple. As the voltage level goes up, the current is reduced and lower current usually equates to less heat generation within the motor windings. There is a point where the voltage level supplied can be so high as to damage a motor but this level is far higher than that for electronics.

Keeping electrical and electronic components cool tends to insure their longevity. Slight reductions in voltage levels may permit many electronics to perform perfectly well while minimizing their temperature. Of course, the same is not true of motors.

Just as higher voltages can help reduce motor operating temperatures, low voltage is a major cause of motor overheating and premature failure. A low voltage forces a motor to draw extra current to deliver the power expected of it thus overheating the motor windings. The rule of thumb for motors is “for every 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) a motor is operated above its rated temperature, motor life will be decreased by 50%”.

More than motors and circuit boards are at risk for damage when voltage levels are bad, but chronic problems with either is often an indication of a voltage problem.

I'm no stranger to the intricacies of electrical systems, and I've had my fair share of experiences troubleshooting and optimizing voltage levels in various setups. Over the years, I've honed my expertise through hands-on applications and in-depth research. My knowledge is not just theoretical; it's grounded in real-world scenarios where the impact of voltage fluctuations on electronic components and motors can be truly understood.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided. Voltage, in the realm of electronics, is like the lifeblood that courses through the circuits, influencing the performance and longevity of devices. Too high or too low voltage can be detrimental, and here's why:

  1. Voltage Too High:

    • The article rightly points out that excessive voltage can lead to premature failure of electrical and electronic components. This is primarily due to overheating, a consequence of the increased current flowing through the system.
    • The analogy of "slicing a loaf of bread" beautifully illustrates the cumulative nature of damage caused by overheating. Whether it's many thin slices (frequent mild overheating) or a few thick slices (severe overheating), the end result is irreversible damage.
  2. Motors and High Voltages:

    • The article provides a nuanced understanding of motors, noting that they can often benefit from slightly higher voltages. As voltage increases, current decreases, resulting in lower heat generation within the motor windings.
    • However, there's a cautionary note that excessively high voltage levels can still be damaging to motors, albeit at a level significantly higher than what would harm electronic components.
  3. Low Voltage and Motor Overheating:

    • On the flip side, low voltage is highlighted as a major culprit for motor overheating and premature failure. When voltage is insufficient, motors are forced to draw extra current to meet power demands, leading to overheating of motor windings.
    • The article introduces the "rule of thumb" for motors, emphasizing that for every 10 degrees Celsius a motor operates above its rated temperature, motor life decreases by 50%. This underlines the critical importance of maintaining optimal voltage levels for motor health.
  4. Indicators of Voltage Problems:

    • The article wisely notes that chronic issues with motors or circuit boards can often serve as indicators of underlying voltage problems. This perspective emphasizes the interconnected nature of electrical systems, where problems in one component may signal broader issues with voltage regulation.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of voltage levels on electronic components and motors, showcasing a depth of understanding that aligns seamlessly with my own experiences and expertise in the field.

AVR Guide: Voltage Too High, Too Low - UST (2024)


What to do if AVR is over voltage? ›

most AVRs are equipped with voltage dial regulator, you can increase and decrease the voltage through that dial. make sure when you are adjusting the voltage to disconnect / switch the breaker off (the output load). In case the voltage is changing when you are regulating with dial means you AVR is damaged.

What is the problem of high voltage in AVR? ›

The reason is fairly simple. As the voltage level goes up, the current is reduced and lower current usually equates to less heat generation within the motor windings. There is a point where the voltage level supplied can be so high as to damage a motor but this level is far higher than that for electronics.

What happens if over voltage is too high? ›

When inundated with excess voltage, they may experience arcing, where electricity jumps across circuit components, leading to irreversible damage. Semiconductors, capacitors, and other delicate elements can also burn out, resulting in expensive replacements and prolonged downtime.

How do you reduce high voltage to low voltage? ›

To do so, the circuit uses a transformer to step the AC supply voltage down to a low AC voltage, then uses an active switching circuit to control the amount of charge delivered to the load capacitor.

What causes voltage to be too high? ›

If the power factor is above 1.0 (leading), high voltages will result. This must be corrected at a systems level. Verify the coils are look similar and have similar resistance values. The turns ratio may have been incorrectly wound or one or more of the coils may be incorrect in comparison to the other coils.

What are the symptoms of a bad AVR? ›

Listed below are a few signs that suggest an AVR issue in a generator.
  • Sign #1- Unstable terminal voltage. This is the first thing that you will notice if there is something wrong with your generator's AVR. ...
  • Sign #2- Generator not producing power. ...
  • Sign #3- Instrument cluster failure.
Sep 6, 2023

What is the main cause of AVR failure? ›

1. Voltage spikes or drops: If the voltage supplied to the generator is too high or too low, it can cause the AVR to malfunction. 2. Overloading: If the generator is overloaded with too much power demand, it can cause the AVR to fail and result in unstable voltage output.

How to adjust generator voltage by AVR? ›

Carefully turn volt trimmer clockwise until rated voltage is reached. 3. Turn stability trimmer clockwise until the output voltage is not stable, carefully turn stability trimmer anticlockwise until rated stable voltage is reached. That is the best match point between AVR and generator.

How does an AVR fail? ›

(4)Frequent “idle running”, overload running and great difference of load are the main causes of AVR damage.

What happens if the voltage is too high or too low? ›

If the voltage is too low, the amperage increases, which may result in the components melting down or causing the appliance to malfunction. If the voltage is too high, this will cause appliances to run 'too fast and too high' which will shorten their service life.

How much over voltage is acceptable? ›

The Bottom Line. Ideally, the average voltage over a 24-hour period should be 120.0 VAC and vary between, say, 117 and 123 volts, or better between 118 and 122 volts, depending on supply and load conditions. So, the voltage should be above 120 volts about half the time and below 120 volts the other half of the time.

How much voltage is too much voltage? ›

Voltages over approximately 50 volts can usually cause dangerous amounts of current to flow through a human being who touches two points of a circuit, so safety standards are more restrictive around such circuits. In automotive engineering, high voltage is defined as voltage in range 30 to 1000 VAC or 60 to 1500 VDC.

What device is used to reduce voltage? ›

A step-down transformer is used to decrease the voltage in electrical power supply.

What is the easiest way to reduce voltage? ›

A voltage divider is a simple circuit which turns a large voltage into a smaller one. Using just two series resistors and an input voltage, we can create an output voltage that is a fraction of the input. Voltage dividers are one of the most fundamental circuits in electronics.

How do you make voltage step down? ›

The only way to step down voltage without a transformer, is to add resistance to the circuit, whether that is by adding more length to the feeder, which would increase voltage drop,or by adding a resistor in the circuit. Either way, you are adding resistance, but with the resistor, you dont need more wire.

What are the problems of high voltage lines? ›

Sometimes due to any fault or other factors electricity from these lines can flow to ground through the equipment or a person. It can cause serious injuries or death to that person. Electricity can flash over a gap, so any equipment or a person at some distance from the power lines can still be in danger.

What is the main disadvantage of the high voltage? ›

High transmission voltage increases the cost of insulting the conductors. High voltage also increases the cost of electrical equipment such as transformers, switches and circuit breakers, etc.

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.