Advantages of Private Equity Coinvestments – Institutional | BlackRock (2024)

Data and methodology

Single funds: Net TVPIs of 272 buyout, growth and late stage venture funds; vintage 2007 to 2016

Net TVPI of 5’000 baskets randomly selected out of 4,733 deals within the 272 funds using the following simulation constraints:

  • 45 deals
  • At least 20 different sponsors
  • 4-year investments period
  • 1% management fee and 10% carried interest

Net TVPI of 5,000 baskets randomly selected out of 177 co-investments (2007-2016) deals using the following simulation constraints:

  • 45 deals
  • 4-year investments period
  • 1% management fee and 10% carried interest

All simulations investments are equally weighted

Source: BlackRock as of 30 June 2021.

Capital at risk.All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed.

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Advantages of Private Equity Coinvestments – Institutional | BlackRock (2024)


Advantages of Private Equity Coinvestments – Institutional | BlackRock? ›

What are the benefits of investing in private equity? ›

The underlying reason for private equity investing is to achieve returns on investment that may not be achievable in the public market. Partners at PE firms raise and manage funds to yield favorable returns for shareholders, typically with an investment horizon of four to seven years.

What are the advantages of institutional investments to individual investors? ›

In contrast to individual (retail) investors, institutional investors have greater influence and impact on the market and the companies they invest in. Institutional investors also have the advantage of professional research, traders, and portfolio managers guiding their decisions.

What are the advantages of private equity co investments? ›

Key Takeaways

They offer benefits to the larger funds in the form of increased capital and reduced risk while investors benefit by diversifying their portfolio and establishing relationships with senior private equity professionals.

What is the difference between private equity and institutional investor? ›

Institutional investors are typically the larger investors, such as insurances, pensions, endowments, sovereign wealth funds, multi-family and larger family offices, who not only write larger checks (i.e. make relatively bigger commitments of at least $5 million each) to private equity funds but also have a predefined ...

What are the pros and cons of private equity? ›

Pros and Cons of Alternative Private Equity Investments
  • Profit Potential. Private equity investments have the potential for significant profit. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Resilience. ...
  • Portfolio Diversification. ...
  • Minimal Effort. ...
  • High Risk. ...
  • High Barrier to Entry. ...
  • Loss Potential.
Jun 13, 2023

What is private equity and its advantages and disadvantages? ›

Private equity consists of investors and funds that make investments directly into private companies or that buy out public companies that are then taken private. The goal of private equity is to invest in companies, help them grow, and then sell them at a profit.

Is BlackRock an institutional investor? ›

The institutions we serve at BlackRock – from foundations to large pension funds – collectively serve hundreds of millions of people around the world. We're honored to work alongside them as they contribute to the financial futures of the people who depend on them. Capital at risk.

Why are institutional investors used? ›

The Role of Institutional Investors

An institutional investor buys, sells, and manages stocks, bonds, and other investment securities on behalf of its clients, customers, members, or shareholders.

What are the cons of institutional investors? ›

Disadvantages Of Institutional Investors

Unable to invest in smaller companies: Retail investors generally have more ability to pursue profit opportunities in shares of smaller companies.

What is coinvest in private equity? ›

Co-investments provide Limited Partners (“LPs”), such as pension funds or asset managers, with the opportunity to invest directly into businesses alongside General Partners (“GPs”), like a private equity company.

What is the main disadvantage of private equity investment? ›

Higher risk: Private equity investments often involve significant risks, including the potential loss of your entire investment, which must be part of the individual investors' consideration process.

Why is private equity better than investment banking? ›

However, investment bankers tend to work longer hours, often working late into the night and on weekends. Private equity firms also tend to have a more relaxed work environment and offer more flexible hours. So, if you're looking for a career with less hours commitment, private equity may be the way to go.

What is institutional private equity? ›

A private equity fund is typically open only to accredited investors and qualified clients. Accredited investors and qualified clients include institutional investors, such as insurance companies, university endowments and pension funds, and high income and net worth individuals.

Do institutional investors invest in private companies? ›

A major concern for such investments is the higher agency costs associated with private equity. We show that institutions invest in private firms with governance mechanisms that tend to reduce the expected agency costs and risk of minority expropriation.

What is the difference between private and institutional? ›

Institutional investors manage significantly larger portfolios than private clients. This gives them access to asset classes like private equity and real estate, which can be out of reach for individuals.

Do private equity funds benefit the economy? ›

They not only provide much-needed capital to firms in industries with possible high growth potential but may also offer management expertise. By injecting capital into these businesses, private equity could aid in propelling economic growth during expansion phases.

How do you make money investing in private equity? ›

In a buyout, the private equity firm might identify a company with room for improvement, buy it, make improvements to its operations or management (or help the company grow), then turn around and sell the company for a profit, known as an “exit.” In many ways, it's similar to flipping a house — just replace the house ...

Is private equity good money? ›

In compensation for these terms, investors should expect a high rate of return. However, though some private equity firms have achieved excellent returns for their investors, over the long term the average net return fund investors have made on U.S. buyouts is about the same as the overall return for the stock market.

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