2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (2024)

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Ready to dive into some side hustle statistics?

Side hustles are more popular than ever, and there are two driving factors behind the trend:

  1. Proactive desire and unprecedented ability to make extra money — fueled by technology and social media
  2. Economic necessity

In this post, I’ll dive into the latest side hustle statistics and share insights from the latest Side Hustle Nation member survey.

Table of Contents show

1. How Many People Have a Side Hustle?

39% of working Americans report having a side hustle1. That amounts to as many as 80 million people.

Among millennials, that statistic rises to 50%2.

Overall PopulationBaby BoomersGen XMillennialsGen Z
United States39%24%40%50%46%
United Kingdom19%42%39%

And the trend continues to grow:

  • An additional 35 million (roughly 17% of the working-age population) plan to start to a business14.
  • 70% of Gen Z reported looking for a side hustle10.
  • 64% of Gen Z plans to “monetize a project on social media” in the next year12.
  • 40% started in the last year15.

It’s not just a millennial thing either; 24% of baby boomers (age 59-77) indicated they have a side hustle1.

In the UK, 42% of Gen Z and 39% of millennials report having a side hustle9.

And when the definition of a side hustle is expanded to include answering surveys and selling items on sites like eBay, the numbers are even wilder. With those guidelines, as many as 93% of us have an extra income stream11.

Even celebrities are getting in on the action, recognizing the value in diversifying income streams.

2. Why Are So Many People Side Hustling?

Making extra money is the most commonly-cited goal for starting a side hustle.

According to a 2023 Pinger survey14, 80% of side hustle business owners did it to increase their income. But “increasing income” is just a surface-level goal.

Why people want the extra income is more surprising. The same survey found that 40% wanted to learn a new skill, and 30% wanted to eventually be their own boss.

According to Bankrate, 41% of side hustlers need the extra money to make ends meet. Another 43% plan to use the money primarily for savings or additional disposable income1.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (1)


In 2022, 29% said inflation was a factor in starting their side hustle11.

When I asked Side Hustle Nation what their primary motivation was for starting a side hustle, I found personal freedom at the top of the list:

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (2)

Why side hustle? Here’s what people are hoping to achieve:

  • 31.2% – More personal freedom
  • 28.3% – Extra income to save, spend, or invest
  • 21.6% – Extra money to make ends meet
  • 6.7% – Pay off debt faster
  • 4.6% – A creative outlet
  • 3.8% – “It felt like a calling”

3. Do People Need a Side Hustle to Make Ends Meet?

The most striking shift over the last few years is the spike in the percentage of side hustlers who cited making extra money “to make ends meet” as their primary motivation.

That spiked from 11.8% in 2021 to 21.6% in 2024.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (3)

Still, if we look at the inverse, 78.4% of side hustlers aren’t struggling to make ends meet and are pursuing a side hustle for other reasons. (See above.)

4. What Do Side Hustlers Want?

I polled over 5500 Side Hustle Nation visitors and found that only 20% were looking to build a side hustle to quit their jobs.

The remaining 80% were simply looking to make extra money.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (4)

5. How Much Do People Make From Their Side Hustles?

The average side hustle brings in $1,122 a month, but the median income is much lower — just $200 a month5.

That means that many side hustlers are at the lower end of that earning spectrum, and the data from Side Hustle Nation subscribers seems to support that as well.

In our recent survey, half of all respondents reported making less than $100 per month:

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (5)

Still, you gotta start somewhere!

Once your side hustle or business has a little more traction, the numbers are more encouraging. Of the respondents making over $100 a month:

  • 44% make $101-$500 per month
  • 21% make $501-1000 per month
  • 25% make $1001-5000 per month
  • 5% make $5-10k per month
  • 5% reported earning over $10k a month from their business

If we combine some of these income brackets, you can say that after someone’s side hustle gets over the initial startup phase, 35% of side hustlers earn $1,000 or more per month.

6. How Much Time Do Side Hustles Take?

The average side hustler spends 11-16 hours a week on their business6.

Combined with the average earnings, that works out to an average of $16-23 an hour.

In a survey of over 2300 Side Hustle Nation subscribers, here’s how much time they reported spending on their side hustle(s):

  • 53.8% spend less than 5 hours per week
  • 23.8% spend 5 to 10 hours per week
  • 13.3% spend 11 to 20 hours per week
  • 7.2% spend 21 to 40 hours per week
  • 1.9% spend more than 40 hours per week

37.1% of Side Hustle Nation subscribers reported working 5-20 hours a week on their business, which I’d put squarely in the “part-time” category.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (6)

Even if the long-term goal is to build a time-leveraged business, there’s an element of needing to put in the time to make it work.

Important: Of the people who reported earning less than $100 a month from their side hustle, 75% said they spent 0-5 hours a week on it.

Of the people making $500 or more every month, 85% are spending at least 5 hours a week to earn it.

And for established businesses, the effective hourly rates can become quite lucrative.

In the $5000+ income category, 39% of people reported spending 20 hours a week or less. That works out to around $60-500 an hour.

7. What Are the Most Popular Side Hustles?

Based on over 2,300 survey responses from Side Hustle Nation, the most popular side hustles are:

  • Online Business — including blogging, podcasting, online courses, social media, YouTube, newsletters, and affiliate marketing.
  • E-Commerce — including Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and your own online store.
  • Freelancing and Consulting
  • Investing — including real estate, crypto, stocks, buying businesses, and alternatives.
  • *”Quick Cash” Side Hustles — including focus groups, online surveys, credit card rewards, cash back apps, etc.
  • Local Services — including cleaning, knife sharpening, notary services, pet waste removal, and more.
  • Self-Publishing
  • Gig Economy jobs, like driving apps, Instacart or Lyft.
  • Software and Apps

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (7)

8. What Side Hustles are People Most Interested in Starting?

Based on Google search volume estimated by ahrefs, here are the top 25 businesses people are most interested in starting.

#Type of BusinessApproximate Monthly Searches
1how to start an e-commerce business24000
2how to start a dropshipping business20000
3how to start a vending machine business17000
4how to start an affiliate marketing business17000
5how to start an instagram business17000
6how to start a blogging business16000
7how to start an online business16000
8how to start a fashion business15000
9how to start a uhaul business13000
10how to start an amazon business13000
11how to start a clothing business12000
12how to start an airbnb business12000
13how to start a non profit business11000
14how to start a cleaning business10000
15how to start a digital marketing business8400
16how to start a restaurant business8200
17how to start an etsy business6900
18how to start a trucking business6200
19how to start a candle business5500
20how to start a coffee shop business5500
21how to start a pressure washing business5500
22how to start a food truck business5400
23how to start a farm business5300
24how to start a home health business4600
25how to start a freelance writing business4100

9. What Are the Highest Paying Side Hustles?

Which side hustles have the best earning potential?

Among side hustlers earning over $5,000 a month, the top 3 business models are:

  1. Online Business
  2. Freelancing / Consulting
  3. Local Services

Compared to those making less than $5,000 a month, there are some interesting splits in what businesses the highest-earning side hustlers are pursuing:

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (8)

Perhaps not surprisingly, the $5k+ per month earners are less likely to be involved with gig economy apps, quick cash side hustles, and self-publishing.

Instead, their efforts are focused more on scalable models like Online Business and high-priced freelancing, consulting, and local services.

10. Are Side Hustles Just for Low Income Earners?

No, side hustles aren’t just for low income earners. In fact, nearly 40% have household incomes of $100,000 or more.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (9)

11. Who is Side Hustling by Gender and Age?

Both men and women side hustle at similar rates. According to the Side Hustle Nation website analytics, roughly 45% of visitors are female, and 55% are male.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (10)

Side hustlers tend to skew younger as well, with 54% being 18-34 years old.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (11)

To itemize out the age data for side hustlers:

  • 24% are 18-24 years old
  • 30% are 25-34
  • 22% are 35-44
  • 13% are 45-54
  • 7% are 55-64
  • 4% are 65+

One hypothesis is that older workers are more established with their careers and families, and have less time and desire to start a side hustle.

12. When Did Side Hustles Become a Thing?

Dictionary.com says the term was first recorded in the 2000-2005 period, but according to Grammarist, the term side hustle was first used way back in 1950!

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (12)

In previous generations, making money outside of your day job may have been known as “moonlighting” or simply starting a business.

13. Have We Reached “Peak” Side Hustle?

Interest in side hustle-related searches has increased dramatically since late 2015:

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (13)

While the term was certainly in use prior to that, it didn’t become mainstream until then. Per Google Trends, interest in side hustles peaked in July 2022, but we’ll see if the chart continues to climb.

14. Do People Like Their Side Hustles More Than Their Jobs?

The Hustle found that while only half of respondents “loved” their primary job, 76% loved their side hustle4.

15. What Are the Biggest Challenges Facing Side Hustlers?

I asked Side Hustle Nation subscribers what their biggest struggle was, and grouped the responses into several general categories.

The “Big 3” challenges that came up the most were:

  • Growing their business
  • Dealing with limited time
  • Coming up with the right side hustle idea to move forward with

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (14)

Mindset issues, administrative challenges, and lack of startup funds also made the list.

16. Do Side Hustles Come From Hobbies?

Vistaprint found that 27% of full-time workers have started making money from a hobby. Another 55% said they’d like to turn a hobby into a business6.

17. How Do Side Hustles Impact Full-Time Jobs?

Research from the University of Iowa found that a side hustle can actually boost performance at your full-time job7. (Despite this, some companies still have “no moonlighting” policies.)

18. Where is Side Hustling Most Common?

Inspired by this data on which metro areas have the most side hustlers, I took a look at some of the location data for Side Hustle Nation visitors.

Not surprisingly, at first glance, most visitors tend to come from the most populated areas: New York, LA, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Dallas, etc.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (15)

But when I control for population, the data tells a more interesting story. In some cities, side hustling is 2-5x more common than the national average.

Those metro areas are, in order of popularity:

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Washington, DC
  3. Salt Lake City, UT
  4. Orlando, FL
  5. Miami, FL
  6. Hartford, CT
  7. Myrtle Beach, SC
  8. Boston, MA
  9. Ft. Myers, FL
  10. St. Louis, MO

Detroit, Seattle, and Denver also sought out side hustle information at roughly double the national average.

19. What Areas Side Hustle the Least?

And where are relatively few people interested in side hustles? Per our data, a lower than average number of people visited Side Hustle Nation from:

  1. El Paso, TX
  2. Bakersfield, CA
  3. Tucson, AZ
  4. Colorado Springs, CO
  5. Wichita, KS
  6. Albuquerque, NM
  7. Fresno, CA
  8. San Antonio, TX
  9. Louisville, KY
  10. Jacksonville, FL

20. How Many New Side Hustles Are Started Each Year?

The exact number of new side hustles started each year is hard to pin down, since many begin as un-registered sole proprietorships.

Still, the US Census Bureau does collect data on new business registrations, which allows us to make an estimate8.

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (16)

The gray segment of the chart represents businesses without immediate plans to hire employees. Those are more likely to be side hustles than the “high propensity applications” in orange, which are official incorporations or indicate plans to hire right away.

From this, we can see that in 2023 there are over 400,000 new businesses started every month.Of those, nearly 300,000 are likely to be side hustles.

Annualized, that equates to nearly 3.6 million new side hustles.

Where Do These Side Hustle Statistics Come From?

This data was compiled from the Side Hustle Nation member survey, Side Hustle Nation website analytics, and other online sources.

Among those:

  1. Bankrate
  2. Experian
  3. Zapier
  4. The Hustle
  5. The Motley Fool
  6. Vistaprint
  7. University of Iowa
  8. US Census Bureau
  9. MSN
  10. Microsoft
  11. Insuranks
  12. Instagram
  13. Newswire
  14. Pinger
  15. GoBankingRates

Stock photos by Black Salmon and Syda Productions via Shutterstock

2021 Side Hustle Statistics and Survey Results: Income Levels, the Most Popular Gigs, and Common Struggles (2024)


What are the statistics for side gigs? ›

More than half (54%) of Americans say they've adopted a side hustle to supplement their primary source of income in the last 12 months. Gen Zers are most likely to take on a side gig (71%), but millennials are close behind (68%). Nearly one-third of baby boomers say they've taken on a side hustle.

What is the average income for a side hustle? ›

19.1% of side hustlers report that they make more than $1,000 a month. Most side hustlers spend 5-10 hours per week on their business. An average side hustle brings in $688 a month, but 45.6% of people report that they earn less than $250 a month from their side hustle.

What is the most common side hustle? ›

Most profitable side hustles:
  • DoorDash: $5,021 average monthly pay, according to Indeed.
  • Uber: $2,350 average monthly pay, according to ZipRecruiter.
  • Babysitter: $3,494 average monthly pay, according to Indeed.
  • Virtual Assistant: $5,285 average monthly pay, according to Indeed.
Apr 15, 2024

What percentage of Gen Z have a side hustle? ›

Side hustles are common among young Americans. In fact, 55% of Gen Zers ages 18 to 26 and millennials ages 27 to 42 have a side hustle.

What percentage of people are working in gigs? ›

Economic impact

The total number of freelance and gig workers is on the rise. According to Upwork's Freelance Forward report, in 2022, 39% of the American workforce did some sort of freelance work—up three percentage points from 2021.

Why are side hustles becoming more popular? ›

Some young workers are undertaking digital side hustles while working full time and going to school. The side gigs help with the increasing cost of living and building skills and résumés to get the jobs that they want.

What side business makes the most money? ›

What are the highest-paying side hustles?
  • Real estate is the most common and most lucrative side hustle. (The Hustle) With workers averaging just 6 hours per week, those dabbling in real estate on the side made an average of $29,012 per year. ...
  • 34% of leisure and hospitality workers have a side gig. (CareerBuilder)
Apr 16, 2024

Is starting a side hustle really worth it? ›

Supplementing your income with an extra gig can provide the financial security you need to make sure those unexpected expenses won't leave you in the red. With careful planning and some foresight – think of it as investing in yourself - that side hustle could prove invaluable when times get tough.

Which skill is best for side hustle? ›

3 High-Income Skills You Can Turn Into A Side Hustle In 2024
  1. Project Management. The demand for project managers is set to significantly increase over the next few years, as a predicted 25 million will be needed to fill the gap across various industries globally. ...
  2. Software Development. ...
  3. Digital Marketing.
Jan 21, 2024

How popular are side hustles? ›

Recent Data Study Reveals Most Popular Side Hustle in Every U.S. State. 39% of Americans are currently working a side hustle in addition to their full-time job to pay their bills. Younger generations are even more likely to have one – 53% of Gen Z and 50% of millennials have a side hustle.

What side hustles pay weekly? ›

Overview: Side hustles that pay weekly
Side HustleEarning PotentialDifficulty
Babysitting or House Sitting$350-$500Low
Freelance Writing and Content Creation$250-$1000High
Dog Walking or Pet Sitting$250-$350Low
Online Surveys$100-$200Low
3 more rows
Mar 22, 2024

What does Gen Z like to spend money on? ›

What do Gen Z spend money on?
Type of spendingPercentage
Household bills and expenses52.34%
Clothes and accessories44.07%
Going out/entertainment37.49%
Food delivery/eating out36.99%
10 more rows

Which generation makes the most money? ›

Baby boomers have the highest household net worth of any US generation. Defined by the Federal Reserve as being born between 1946 and 1964 (currently in the ages between 59 and 77), baby boomers are in often in the sunset of their career or early into retirement.

Why does Gen Z have side hustles? ›

“Gen Z and millennials … don't see job security in the way former generations did,” Silvija Martincevic, CEO of Deputy, told Fast Company. “They don't see employer loyalty in the same way,” she continued. “So they prioritize financial security over tying themselves up to one employer.”

How effective are side hustles? ›

Enhancing your income

Supplementing your income with an extra gig can provide the financial security you need to make sure those unexpected expenses won't leave you in the red. With careful planning and some foresight – think of it as investing in yourself - that side hustle could prove invaluable when times get tough.

How many people are looking for side hustles? ›

Whether they are seeking extra cash out of necessity or hoping to save a little extra each year, 61.6M Americans plan to find a second source of income soon.

How to make $500 a week on the side? ›

Make $500 Fast with a Side Hustle
  1. Become a Personal Grocery Shopper. If you're 18+ and want to make an extra $500 fast, then consider joining Instacart. ...
  2. Walk Dogs or Pet Sit. ...
  3. Make Money Through Social Media. ...
  4. Rent Out Your Space. ...
  5. Deliver Food. ...
  6. Start a Ridesharing Gig. ...
  7. Rent Out Your RV. ...
  8. Rent Out Your Car.

Do side hustles really work? ›

Side hustles are a great way to boost your income, plus they let you explore potential business ideas with little upfront costs or major time commitments. There are a variety of successful side hustle opportunities, whether in-person or online, so chances are there is a side hustle that could work for you.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.