17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (2024)

Table of Contents
What does it mean by a friendship turning into love? Is it possible for a friendship to turn into love? Can friend-to-lover relationships last? 17 signs that your friendship is blossoming into love 1. The communication frequency suddenly increases 2. You start experiencing jealousy 3. The body language between you two evolves 4. You’re both single 5. You two start flirting with each other 6. Your friend’s behavior turns hot and cold toward you 7. You start having long conversations with each other 8. When something happens, you need them to know first 9. You both try to find ways to be alone with each other 10. The pet names for each other change 11. You tend to mention your friend very frequently 12. You both feel an air of awkwardness and nervousness 13. Your friend is being more vulnerable than usual around you 14. Your common friends know what’s happening 15. They ask you out 16. There’s more physical touch 17. Prolonged eye contact Commonly asked questions What should I do if I think my friendship is turning into love? What are the challenges of friendship turning into love? How can I make friendship turn into love? Can a romantic relationship ruin a friendship? Should I risk my friendship for a chance at love? Combining the best of friendship and relationship Friendship Turning into Love: Unraveling the Complex Journey 17 Signs of Friendship Blossoming into Love Commonly Asked Questions: Navigating the Journey Combining the Best of Friendship and Relationship

17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (1)

In This Article

You’ve probably heard someone say at some point in time that for a relationship to work out in the long run, a good friendship is important. Seeing your partner as your best friend, as your go-to person, is a great foundation for a long-term relationship or marriage.

But are you confused about whether the friendship should happen first or should you be attracted to your prospective beloved, and then a friendship can also develop while being together?

Is there a specific order, or are there signs of friendship turning into love? Is it possible to be a friend before lovers? How does it work?

The truth is, it can happen both ways. You can be attracted to someone from the beginning and want to be in a romantic relationship with them. On the flip side, you can start feeling attracted and experience the signs a friendship is turning into love.

But let’s be real, the latter experience can be quite complex and undeniably confusing. Having your platonic feelings turn into romantic feelings for a close friend can feel very strange.

And then there’s also the part where millions of questions flood your head like “Are we more than friends?”, “Can a friendship turn into a relationship, a successful relationship?” “How is it going to pan out if the romantic relationship doesn’t last?”

What does it mean by a friendship turning into love?

When a friendship turns into love, it’s like a spark ignites within. You start caring more, butterflies flutter in your tummy, and their smile becomes your sunshine. It’s a beautiful journey, from knowing each other to knowing each other’s hearts.

The bond deepens, and you realize they mean the world to you. Love grows, and life feels complete with your best friend by your side.

But turning a friendship into love can indeed be a complex journey. Feelings may arise unexpectedly, and we may fear risking cherished friendships. Doubts and insecurities may cloud our minds making this journey more difficult.

Is it possible for a friendship to turn into love?

Can friends become lovers? This is probably one of the first thoughts that came to your mind. And even if they can, there’s the obvious fear of things turning awkward if your friend does not have the same feelings for you.

But let’s address this pressing question. The truth is that if the person you have strong romantic feelings for is already your friend, it’s a good thing! How and why? It’s because a close friendship lays a solidfoundation for a romantic relationship!

Think about it: you already know them quite well. You know that they have great qualities (which is possibly why you caught feelings, to begin with), and you know and accept the flaws too. Hopefully, your friend also knows and accepts you as a whole.

So, there won’t be this need to be the best versions of yourselves in that initial phase of infatuation and attraction in the relationship!

It’s possible for a friendship before a relationship situation to happen. Falling in love with your best friend can be real.

But the catch is- Does your friend feel this attraction for you? Do they want to be in a romantic relationship with you? Well, there are signs a friendship is turning into love. But before that is covered, take a look at the next section.

17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (2)

Can friend-to-lover relationships last?

Friends to a relationship is a journey of evolving where you learn to find love in your friendship and friendship in love. So, can friendship turn into love successfully?

This is possibly the second most pressing question going on in your head and probably, even your friend’s mind. Even if you both have those feelings, do you want to take this big leap and have a relationship?

What if the relationship doesn’t work out? Will it end the beautiful bond of friendship between you and your close friend? Some bonds of friendship are worth turning into something a lot more intimate.

But to decide how you’d like to act, it’s best to assess the situation clearly, how you feel, and how your friend feels. All these things count.

If you’ve been very close friends with this person for years, you two may have a lot of deep history and common interests. So, take it slow.

17 signs that your friendship is blossoming into love

Are the feelings mutual? Friends become lovers, or at least, they can. There are signs a friendship is turning into love.

There could be a lot of these doubts in your head. Here, we delineate the 17 surefire signs a friendship is turning into love, whether it’s mutual and so on. Just read on.

1. The communication frequency suddenly increases

Your journey from friendship to love will surely see a lot more conversation than before.

Try to think back to the time when things were still completely platonic between you and your friend. How often would you two text or call, or video call each other?

Now compare this with the current frequency of communicating with each other. Has it suddenly increased? If friends turn into lovers, this can occur.


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2. You start experiencing jealousy

Talking about ex-partners or current partners with friends is a common thing. You and your friend might’ve done that in the past. But do you experience this surge of jealousy when they speak about their exes?

It’s another sign because you don’t want to visualize them with other people.

3. The body language between you two evolves

How friendship turns into love has a lot to do with your body language when the other person is around.

This is probably one of the very subtle signs a friendship is turning into love. Body language is a subtle thing to notice because it’s completely non-verbal. But does that previously platonic arm around your shoulder feel different?

Do you find yourself leaning on his shoulder and feeling different? Do you tend to sit or stand closer to each other than you used to? Watch out for these subtle cues.

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4. You’re both single

Maybe throughout the trajectory of your friendship, at any point in time, either you were with someone or your friend was. But now, finally, you’re both available.

This may have allowed both of you to take that time to explore the romantic dynamic of your bond.

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5. You two start flirting with each other

Flirting is another subtle sign.

You have to understand whether it’s just you two being friendly with each other or is it flirting. With time, if your friend feels the same way, you’ll notice them paying you bunches of compliments, touching you often, making subtle eye contact, and so on.

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6. Your friend’s behavior turns hot and cold toward you

This is probably going to be one of the most confusing signs a friendship is turning into love. It’s tough to identify jealousy because it’s a feeling. But it’s simpler to notice the behavior or action which is a consequence of jealousy.

You may see them getting extremely upset or irritated if you speak about a crush or an ex. And then, if the topic of conversation changes, they are fine again. Notice if this hot and cold behavior happens.

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17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (3)

7. You start having long conversations with each other

This depends on the type of friendship you both have shared. If you’ve always been the type of friend that has long conversations, this sign won’t help.

But you’ve been the type of friend who chats frequently, but the conversations haven’t been that long or intense, but now you notice that it suddenly is, then it might be a sign.

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8. When something happens, you need them to know first

Do you both have this sudden urge to tell each other anything small or big that happens in your day? And you both feel like the other person has to be the first one to know about it? If so, it’s one of the friends-to-lovers signs.

9. You both try to find ways to be alone with each other

Another one of the key friendship-to-relationshipstages is when you and/or your friend actively try to figure out ways in which you can be alone with each other.

Say you’re out with your big friends group. But then suddenly, you see your friend trying to seek you out alone. It’s a sign.

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10. The pet names for each other change

Maybe there’s been a change in the kind of pet names you use to address each other. It may have progressed from the completely goofy ones to one’s like “babe,” “sweetie,” and so on. It’s quite a direct way to express affection for each other.

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11. You tend to mention your friend very frequently

You know it’s turning into a romantic friendship when you keep talking about them.

Bringing up incidents related to your friends is quite common. But when you’re actively finding ways to talk about this special friend of yours to others, it may be a progression from friendship to relationship.

12. You both feel an air of awkwardness and nervousness

An air of awkwardness or nervousness is not common among friends. It’s common for people you feel a romantic attraction to.

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13. Your friend is being more vulnerable than usual around you

The closeness that you two have has become deeper. If you both share deep secrets or things you’re scared or hesitant to verbalize to others, the line between friendship and love is getting blurry.

14. Your common friends know what’s happening

Another surefire sign: your common friends are teasing both of you (directly or in the absence of your friend) about behaving like a couple! It shows that things are not as indirect or unclear anymore. So, think about it.

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15. They ask you out

Although this may seem like one of the direct signs a friendship is turning into love, it may still be confusing. Maybe it’s not a date. So, you can definitely ask your friend whether this plan is a date or not.

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17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (4)

16. There’s more physical touch

As your friendship evolves into something more, physical touch takes on a new meaning. A simple hug now becomes a comforting embrace that lingers just a bit longer. Innocent touches like holding hands or playful nudges become avenues to express affection.

These gestures convey a deeper connection and create an intimate bond between you.

17. Prolonged eye contact

When your eyes meet, it’s like an unspoken language that only the two of you understand. Eye contact becomes more intense and prolonged, reflecting the emotions you feel but might hesitate to express in words. Through this unspoken connection, you share unfiltered emotions and communicate on a profound, soulful level.

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Commonly asked questions

Discovering that your friendship might be blossoming into love can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s a delicate phase where emotions are evolving, and decisions can have lasting impacts. Let’s address some common questions and concerns you may have during this heartfelt journey.

  • What should I do if I think my friendship is turning into love?

If you sense your friendship is becoming something more, take a deep breath and reflect on your feelings. Give yourself time to understand these emotions. Consider talking openly with your friend, as honesty is vital. Take small steps, and remember that there’s no rush—allow your heart to guide you.

  • What are the challenges of friendship turning into love?

Transitioning from friends to lovers and having your friendship turned into love can be challenging.

Fear of losing the friendship, uncertainty about their feelings, and doubts may arise. It’s essential to communicate openly, be patient, and acknowledge that the journey might have ups and downs. Embrace the challenges, knowing that they can lead to a deeper connection.

  • How can I make friendship turn into love?

Develop a deeper emotional connection by sharing your thoughts and feelings with your friend. Spend quality time together, engage in meaningful conversations, and be supportive of each other’s dreams and aspirations. Allow your bond to grow naturally and authentically.

  • Can a romantic relationship ruin a friendship?

While there’s a risk, a well-nurtured friendship can serve as a solid foundation for a romantic relationship. Open communication and understanding each other’s boundaries are crucial. Remember that even if things don’t work out romantically, the friendship can still be preserved if both parties handle the situation with care.

  • Should I risk my friendship for a chance at love?

Deciding to pursue love with a friend is a deeply personal choice. Weigh the feelings in your heart, consider the strength of your friendship, and assess the potential for a loving relationship. While risks exist, love can bring immense joy and fulfillment. Trust yourself, and follow your heart’s intuition.

Combining the best of friendship and relationship

A friend before lovers situation does seem and feel complicated. But it’s also exciting. However, keep the aforementioned signs in mind and weigh out the cons and pros of the situation. Although, sometimes, it’s worth not overthinking things. Ultimately, true friendships can work through anything.

As someone deeply immersed in the dynamics of relationships and the intricacies of love, it's evident that the transition from friendship to love is a multifaceted journey. My expertise stems from a comprehensive understanding of human emotions, relationship dynamics, and the nuances involved in navigating the intricate path from friendship to a romantic connection.

Let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the provided article:

Friendship Turning into Love: Unraveling the Complex Journey

What does it mean by a friendship turning into love? When a friendship evolves into love, it signifies a profound shift in emotions. It involves heightened care, fluttering butterflies, and a deepening bond where two individuals become intimately acquainted with each other's hearts.

Is it possible for a friendship to turn into love? Absolutely. A strong foundation of friendship can serve as an excellent basis for a romantic relationship. Knowing each other's qualities and flaws fosters a sense of acceptance crucial for the success of a romantic connection.

Can friend-to-lover relationships last? The durability of friend-to-lover relationships relies on a careful assessment of feelings, effective communication, and a shared willingness to take the relationship to a more intimate level. Deep history and common interests, built through years of friendship, can contribute to the longevity of such relationships.

17 Signs of Friendship Blossoming into Love

  1. Increased Communication Frequency: A noticeable uptick in conversations indicates a shift from platonic to more intimate connections.
  2. Jealousy Emerges: Feeling jealousy when your friend talks about their romantic relationships may indicate deeper emotional involvement.
  3. Evolution of Body Language: Subtle changes in body language, like increased physical proximity, can signify a transition from friendship to love.
  4. Both Single: Simultaneously being single allows the opportunity to explore the romantic potential of the friendship.
  5. Flirting Begins: Playful flirting, compliments, and increased physical contact may signal mutual romantic interest.
  6. Hot and Cold Behavior: Inconsistent behavior, especially in response to discussions about crushes or exes, can indicate hidden feelings.
  7. Extended Conversations: A shift from shorter, casual conversations to longer, more intense ones can be a sign of growing emotional intimacy.
  8. Need for Immediate Sharing: Feeling the urge to share every detail with your friend first indicates a deepening emotional connection.
  9. Seeking Alone Time: Actively finding ways to be alone with each other suggests a desire for more intimate connections.
  10. Change in Pet Names: A shift from casual nicknames to more affectionate terms reflects a growing romantic connection.
  11. Frequent Mentioning: Actively bringing up your friend in conversations with others may indicate a shift from friendship to a romantic interest.
  12. Awkwardness and Nervousness: Uncommon feelings of awkwardness and nervousness, usually associated with romantic attraction, may surface.
  13. Increased Vulnerability: Sharing deeper, more personal aspects indicates a progression from friendship to a more profound emotional connection.
  14. Awareness Among Common Friends: Teasing from common friends about behaving like a couple signifies that the transition is becoming more apparent.
  15. Initiating Dates: Directly asking the other person out is a clear indication of a potential shift toward a romantic relationship.
  16. More Physical Touch: Innocent touches take on a new meaning, conveying affection and a deeper connection.
  17. Prolonged Eye Contact: Intense and prolonged eye contact becomes a form of unspoken communication reflecting unfiltered emotions.

Commonly Asked Questions: Navigating the Journey

What should I do if I think my friendship is turning into love? Reflect on your feelings, talk openly with your friend, and take small, measured steps. Allow your emotions to unfold organically and communicate honestly.

What are the challenges of friendship turning into love? Challenges may include fear of losing the friendship, uncertainty about mutual feelings, and doubts. Open communication, patience, and acknowledging the potential ups and downs are crucial.

How can I make friendship turn into love? Develop a deeper emotional connection through meaningful conversations, spend quality time together, and support each other's aspirations. Allow the bond to grow authentically.

Can a romantic relationship ruin a friendship? While there's a risk, open communication and understanding boundaries can mitigate potential damage. Even if the romantic aspect doesn't work out, preserving the friendship is possible.

Should I risk my friendship for a chance at love? It's a personal decision. Weigh the strength of your feelings, the robustness of your friendship, and assess the potential for a loving relationship. Trust your intuition and consider the potential joy and fulfillment love can bring.

Combining the Best of Friendship and Relationship

Navigating the transition from friendship to love may seem complex, but true friendships can withstand the challenges. By recognizing the signs and embracing the natural progression, individuals can experience the excitement of combining the best aspects of friendship and romance. Sometimes, it's worth trusting the journey without overthinking, as genuine friendships have the resilience to evolve into profound, lasting connections.

17 Subtle Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love (2024)
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