15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (2024)

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (1)

The winter is overat last. You can finally get outside, start working in your yard, and begin enjoying your garden again.Your dog is probably just as happy as you are about being outside. But as you retrieveyour gardening tools and supplies, there are suddenly all kinds of hidden dangers in your backyard, waiting to hurt your dog.

Do you know which items in your backyard can be hazardous or even poisonous to your pet? And do you know how to make sure Fido stays safe when he’s spending time outside? Read on to make sure you’re aware of all the things in your backyard that can be problematic for your dog.

1. Your fence

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (2)

Wait a minute. Isn’t your fence supposed to keep your dog safe? It should, but some types of fences can actually be dangerous for dogs. Vetinfo reports that though fences are necessary, so-called “invisible” fences can be painful for your dog. And electricshock fencescan also malfunction, resulting in burns or electrocution. (PETA is against these kinds of fences, too.)

But a more standard kind of fence can also be dangerous for your dog. As Whole Dog Journal notes, some dogs dig under or chew through fences. That can result in injuries for your dog and, obviously, your dog escaping. The solution? Make sure your fence goes at least 6 inches deep. Use mesh to line a fence that your dog wants to chew through. And most importantly, don’t leave your dog unattended in a fenced yard for hours on end.

2. The sun

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (3)

Everybody loves a sunny day, including your dog. But you wouldn’t let your kids play outside in bright sunlight all day with no protection. And you shouldn’t let your dog do so, either. Dogs are susceptible to heat stroke and heat exhaustion. These conditions canhave fatal consequences. So it’s important to provide plenty of shade (and fresh water) when your dog is playing outside. And believe it or not, dogs can get sunburned. Dog Guide notes canines can developskin cancer. Again, make sure your yard has shady areas where your dog can get out of the sun.

3. Your pond or lake

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (4)

Do you live on a lake or have a small pond in your backyard? The views are probably great. But the algae that might live in the lake or pond water can pose serious dangers to your dog. Pet Poison Helpline reports that blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, produce toxins that affect both dogs and humans who swim in or drink from contaminated water. You can find thisalgae in freshwater lakes, streams, and ponds.Blue-green algae grow and form “blooms” that give the water a blue-green appearance (hence, its name). Even small exposures can result in fatal poisoning. If you suspect a body of water might be contaminated, the only safe course of action is to keep your dog away from it.

4. Your pool

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (5)

Your dog isn’t automatically safe if you have a pool, not a pond. PetMD reports the small amount of chlorine in your pool likely won’t poison your dog. (Of course, you should make sure all pool chemicals, including chlorine tablets, are securely stored.) Drinking chlorinated water might cause some irritation. But the consequences typically aren’t severe. Thebiggest health risk associated with pools? Drowning. Not all dogs are good swimmers. You should always supervise your dog. And never assume just because a dog instinctively knows to paddle, that keeps him safe from drowning.

5. Sticks

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (6)

Dog owners might think it’s harmless for their animals to play fetch with sticks. But that assumption couldn’t get further from the truth. The BBC reports that according to veterinarians, playing with sticks can causeall kinds of injuries. Your dog can get a splinter in his tongue. And in the worst-case scenario, a stick could pierce your dog’s tongue, or a piece of the stick could injure a vital organ if he swallows it. A dog can even impale himself on a particularly sharp stick. Sure, dog toys can get expensive. But they’re a much safer alternative to sticks when you want to play with your dog.

6. Your grill or fire pit

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (7)

You wouldn’t fire up the grill or start a bonfire in the backyard if you weren’t confident any small children in the vicinity would stay at a safe distance. So you should also proceed cautiously if you have a dog in your backyard. A grill with burgers or hot dogs on it will probably smell pretty tempting to your dog. So you’ll need to keep a close eye to protect him from getting burned. The same goes for a fire pit. Plus, Scientific American reports the particles in wood smoke can get in your eyes and respiratory system. You know the dangers. But your dog doesn’t. So make sure you look out for his safety the next time you have a fire in the backyard.

7. Fertilizers

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (8)

A good fertilizer helps your lawn and all of the other plants in your backyard grow, but most types of fertilizer pose at least some level of danger to your dog. According to The Nest, most fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in concentrations strong enough that they can cause gastrointestinal irritation in your dog. Nitrogen can even burn the pads of your dog’s paws. Some fertilizer manufacturers offer products that are “safe” for dogs. But even those products can still contain compounds that will hurt your dog. You should keep your dog off treated grass for at least 24 hours — or forego the fertilizer.

8. Organic fertilizers

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (9)

It’s not just the standard commercial fertilizers that can harm your dog. Organic alternatives can be toxic to Fido, too. The Pet Poison Helpline explains bone meal and blood meal, both organic compounds that gardeners use to naturally increase the nitrogen content of their soil, “can be just as poisonous” as commercial alternatives. Your dog might like the taste of these fertilizers, but they can do some serious damage. Blood meal can causevomiting, diarrhea, and severe pancreatitis. And bone meal ingested in large amounts “forms a large cement-like bowling ball foreign body in the stomach — which can cause an obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract — resulting in possible surgery to remove it.”

9. Your compost pile

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (10)

Composting offers an attractive alternative to buying commercial or organic fertilizers. But as Pet Poison Hotline reports, your compost bin or pile can be toxic to your dog. The reason why? “These piles of decomposing and decaying organic matter and molding food products have the potential to contain tremorgenic mycotoxins, which are toxic to both pets and wildlife.” Make sure your compost bin is secure or your compost pile is appropriately fenced off. And be sure you don’t compost any dairy or meat products.

10. Herbicides

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (11)

Herbicides, or the chemicals you use to kill weeds and control unwanted plants in your yard, can be extremely dangerous to your dog. In fact, a study in the 1990s linked herbicides to lymphatic cancer in dogs. And Mother Nature Network reports the chemicals also increase your dog’s risk of developing bladder cancer. Your dog can be exposed to these chemicals even if you don’t use them, but your neighbor does. Plus, your dog can track the chemicals into your house, where you and your children can come into contact with them.

11. Insecticides and pesticides

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (12)

Products that help control insect populations and other pests are also pretty unsafe for your dog. PetMD reports exposure to insecticides, even those that control fleas and ticks, can be toxic to dogs. Poisoning can cause symptoms, ranging from fever and diarrhea to seizures and respiratory failure. The Pet Poison Helpline notes most pesticides and insecticides function asbasic irritants to dogs. Most don’t pose a huge poisoning concern unless your dog directly ingests the product. However, some kinds of pesticides can react with other chemicals and are life-threatening for your dog to consume.

12. Flowers and ornamental plants

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (13)

Every gardener who’s also a dog lover knows some plants are dangerous to dogs. But you probably didn’t know exactly how many popular plants are toxicto your canine. You can check out the ASPCA’s extensive list for all the details (and how to puppy-proof your garden). Some common plants to watch out for? American holly, azaleas, begonias, boxwood, buttercups, chrysanthemums, daffodils, dahlias, daisies, elephant ears, and English ivy all make the list. And we aren’t even halfway through the alphabet.

13. Your vegetable or fruit garden

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (14)

Even if you’ve checked that all of your ornamental plants are safe for your dog to be around, you might not be off the hook yet. Many of the plants in your vegetable garden can also hurt your dog. The AKC notes the green parts of a tomato plant are poisonous to dogs. And according to the AKC’s list of toxic plants, apple trees, cherry trees, chives, fig trees, garlic, grapefruit trees, leeks, lemon trees, mint, onions, orange trees, peach trees, rhubarb, sweet peas, and tarragon can also poison your dog. Make sure when you plant fruits and veggies for human consumption, you confirm they won’t hurt your dog.

14. Mulch

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (15)

Many gardeners use mulch to keep weeds under control. But you might want to think twice about your annual mulch delivery if you’ve added a furry friend to your family. Gardening Know How explains many dogs like to chew on and even eat mulch. But that can be pretty dangerous.Cocoa mulch, specifically, contains an ingredient called theobromine. The compoundsmells great to your dog but is toxic to him. Other types of mulch, such as those made from pine, cedar, and hemlock, are less toxic to dogs. But they still pose a choking hazard. Dogs can also have an allergic reaction to mulch. So you should always supervise your dog carefully.

15. Mushrooms

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (16)

You probably don’t go out of your way to cultivate fungi in your backyard. But you might not do anything about them when you see mushrooms popping up, either. You’ll definitely need to be vigilant if mushrooms tend to grow in the parts of your yard that your dog can access. PetMD reports mushrooms are a common hazard for dogs. Of course, there are many different kinds of mushrooms. Some contain more toxins, or more dangerous toxins, than others. Your dog’s symptoms will depend on the kind of mushrooms he eats and how much he eats. But when you spot mushrooms in the yard, you should remove them.

15 of the Most Dangerous Things for Your Dog in Your Own Backyard (2024)


What is the most harmful thing for dogs? ›

Toxic food for dogs
  1. Onions, garlic and chives. The onion family, whether dry, raw or cooked, is particularly toxic to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage. ...
  2. Chocolate. ...
  3. Macadamia nuts. ...
  4. Corn on the cob. ...
  5. Avocado. ...
  6. Artificial sweetener (Xylitol) ...
  7. Alcohol. ...
  8. Cooked bones.

What is poisonous for dogs in the backyard? ›

Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off in a way that prevents your furry friend from getting into them. The same goes for some plants like ivy.

What is toxic to dogs in the home? ›

These range from avocados, grapes, onions, chocolate, alcohol and yeast dough. We will also address dog poisoning symptoms from foods like macadamia nuts and sugar-free products, such as chewing gum or peanut butter, and the effects of bones, sweetcorn and high-fat foods on your dog's digestive system.

What will make a dog sick? ›

Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. It can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Eventually, your dog may have seizures.

What fruit is poisonous to dogs? ›

Steer clear of: Cherries are toxic to cats and dogs, and grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage. Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruit as well as persimmons can cause an upset stomach.

What is the number one killer of dogs? ›

Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs, and unfortunately, the symptoms are frequently not recognized until it is too late.

What grass is poisonous to dogs? ›

The foxtail plant is a grass-like weed. It is mostly found in the Western half of the U.S. The danger of foxtails goes beyond simple irritation. Because these tough seeds don't break down inside the body, an embedded foxtail can lead to serious infection for your dog.

Is Lavender poisonous to dogs? ›

Lavender contains linalool, a compound toxic to pets, including dogs. However, while linalool is toxic to dogs in large amounts, toxicity in dogs is rarer than it is in cats. That being said, dogs can become poisoned by eating a large amount of lavender from the plant or essential oils.

Can dogs eat potatoes? ›

White potatoes belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which includes tomatoes; like tomatoes, raw potatoes contain solanine, a compound that is toxic to some dogs. However, cooking a potato reduces the levels of solanine. If you do feed your dog a potato, it should be baked or boiled, with nothing added to it.

Can dogs eat popcorn? ›

Plain, air-popped popcorn is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. Buttered popcorn or popcorn with other toppings is not safe for your dog on a regular basis, although eating a few dropped pieces here and there probably won't hurt them.

Can dogs eat ice cream? ›

Dogs Don't Digest Milk Well

Ice cream can cause your dog gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or vomiting. Remember, your dog can't voice their concerns to you, so while they might look OK on the outside, they could be experiencing some major digestive issues on the inside.

What are the top 10 toxic foods for dogs? ›

Top 10 Toxic Foods For Dogs
  • Milk & Other Dairy Products.
  • Human Vitamins Containing Iron:
  • Large Quantities Of Liver:
  • Mushrooms:
  • Macadamia Nuts:
  • Grapes and Raisins:
  • Onions & Garlic:
  • Chocolate & Anything With Caffeine.

Do dogs get Covid? ›

The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from people to animals during close contact. Pets worldwide, including cats and dogs, have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, mostly after close contact with people with COVID-19. The risk of pets spreading COVID-19 to people is low.

Can dogs eat spaghetti? ›

Can dogs eat spaghetti? The good news is that dogs can have spaghetti too, but only the plain kind. Although the sauces we use are the best part about this dish, the ingredients in them can bring about a world of problems for your dog. It's not just because of ingredients such as garlic which is toxic for them.

Can dogs eat cheese? ›

Yes, dogs can eat cheese. In fact, cheese is often a great training tool, especially for puppies. But should dogs eat cheese? While some dogs can eat cheese, and most dogs love it, many dogs can be intolerant of cheese.

Can dogs eat cucumber? ›

Cucumbers are perfectly safe for dogs to eat, and offer a low-calorie, crunchy snack that many dogs love. Cucumbers only contain about 8 calories per one-half cup of slices, compared to the 40 calories in a single medium biscuit, and are very low in sodium and fat.

Can dogs eat banana? ›

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

What can cause a dogs death? ›

The top five causes of sudden unexpected death among 151 dogs were, in order, heart disease, toxicosis, gastrointestinal disease, trauma, and hemorrhage not associated with trauma.

Do dogs know when they are dying? ›

Some dogs will know their time is approaching and will look to their people for comfort. Saying goodbye to your dog with love and grace means staying with your dog during these final hours, and reassuring them with gentle stroking and a soft voice.

What are the signs of a dog dying? ›

How Do I Know When My Dog is Dying?
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • No longer drinking water.
  • Lack of desire to move or a lack of enjoyment in things they once enjoyed.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Vomiting or incontinence.
  • Muscle twitching.
  • Confusion.
21 Jun 2016

Are any trees toxic to dogs? ›

Horse Chestnut (Buckeye): This tree contains saponin, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, dilated pupils, affects the central nervous system, and can also lead to convulsions and coma. Japanese Yew: All varieties, from the dwarf to the giant trees, contain dangerous toxins that can be fatal to dogs.

Are any flowers toxic to dogs? ›

Azalea, Buttercups, Chrysanthemums, Gardenias, Gladiolas, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Hydrangeas, Mums, Primroses, Rhododendrons, and Sweet Peas are popular garden items that are poisonous. That's just another good reason to keep your dogs away from your neighbor's award-winning flower bushes.

What herb is toxic to dogs? ›

Herbs, Vegetables, and other Edible Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs
  • Chamomile. Scientific name: Anthemis nobilis. ...
  • Chives. Scientific name: Allium schoenoprasum. ...
  • Garlic. Scientific name: Allium sativum. ...
  • Hops. Scientific name: Humulus Lupulus. ...
  • Leeks. Scientific name: Allium ampeloprasum. ...
  • Marijuana. ...
  • Onions and Shallots. ...
  • Rhubarb.
9 Apr 2021

Can grass be poisonous to dogs? ›

While the grass itself may not be harmful, the herbicides and pesticides sprayed on it can be toxic for your dog. Also, when plucking the grass from the ground, your dog may ingest intestinal parasites such as hookworms or roundworms that contaminate the grass in fecal residue from other dogs.

Is it OK to let my dog eat grass? ›

Is it safe for my dog to eat grass? For dogs that are otherwise healthy and on regular parasite prevention medication, eating grass is considered to be safe. To keep your grass grazing dog healthy, make sure that there are no herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers on the grass your dog nibbles.

Is bamboo poisonous to dogs? ›

For true Bambusoideae species of bamboo, it is non toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Fun fact: Foliage of bamboo can contain up to 22% protein, so it's even good for them!

Is Lemon safe for dogs? ›

Dogs can eat the flesh of lemons, but their system cannot tolerate large quantities. The fruit can cause digestive problems. Also, there aren't any good reasons that dogs should eat lemons.

Is peppermint toxic to dogs? ›

Peppermint oil is toxic to dogs and can cause mild to severe symptoms, including diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and even lethargy. Peppermint oil poisoning can be fatal, especially if it's not treated as soon as possible. If you believe your dog has consumed peppermint oil, take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Is Sage toxic to dogs? ›

Unlike some herbs which can cause digestive upset in large doses, sage is recognized by the ASPCA as being non-toxic for dogs. You should still limit your dog's intake to a few leaves a day, but there's no danger of poisoning. Do you have any helpful tips for growing sage?

Can dogs eat french fries? ›

Are French Fries Safe for Dogs? French fries—even saltless—simply aren't the best canine snack for a few reasons, says Thashia Reddy, DVM, a consulting veterinarian with Petcube Online Vet, a telehealth veterinary service. "They're typically high in fat and salt, which isn't good for dogs.

Is bread bad for dogs? ›

The short answer to the question “can dogs eat bread?” is yes. Dogs can safely eat bread in much the same way as humans—in moderation. Plain white and wheat bread are generally safe for dogs to eat, provided they don't have any allergies, and it usually does not cause any stomach upset.

Can dogs eat tomato? ›

Dogs can eat tomatoes but only in small amounts. Ripe tomatoes are considered nontoxic to dogs and can be fed in moderation as an occasional snack.

Can dogs eat pizza? ›

The bottom line is that you should never give pizza to your dog, whether as a meal or a treat. They might experience a slight stomach upset if they're sensitive to dairy, due to the excess fat, but overall in many cases dogs are fine.

Can dogs eat grapes? ›

Do not share any food that may contain grapes or raisins with your dog, and especially do not use grapes as treats for your dog. While one grape may not cause a problem for most dogs, it is a good idea to avoid this habit and risk a potential poisoning.

Can dogs eat honey? ›

Honey is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. It contains natural sugars and small amounts of vitamins and minerals. It is also used as a sweetener in many foods and beverages.

Is yogurt good for dogs? ›

Can most dogs eat yogurt? Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they should. While yogurt is not toxic to dogs, many canines might have trouble digesting it because it contains lactose. And plenty of pups have trouble with foods that contain lactose, such as milk.

Is watermelon good for dogs? ›

The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions. First, seeds could cause an intestinal blockage, so make sure you remove them. It's also a good idea to remove the rind because it can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Are Cheetos toxic to dogs? ›

However, not all human foods are OK for dogs to eat. Chocolate is a prime example of this, but there are other unsafe foods as well. Luckily, Cheetos are not one of these foods. They are essentially safe for dogs, unlike chocolate, xylitol, macadamia nuts, and other “dangerous” foods.

What meat can dogs not eat? ›

Common meats to avoid are any processed meats like sausage, bologna, hot dogs etc. Also avoid giving your dog any rib bones as they are extremely brittle and can damage your dog's stomach and throat.

What dogs Cannot eat? ›

10 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat
  • Chocolate. Chocolate contains a very toxic substance called methylxanthines, which are stimulants that can stop a dog's metabolic process. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Onions and Garlic. ...
  • Grapes and Raisins. ...
  • Milk and other Dairy Products. ...
  • Macadamia Nuts. ...
  • Sugary foods and drinks. ...
  • Caffeine.

Can dogs eat rice? ›

The answer is yes. Rice is an ingredient sometimes found in commercial dog foods. Many pet owners feed white rice to their sick dog. One of the reasons white rice is the chosen grain for a dog with an upset stomach is that it's easy to digest, quick to prepare, and low in fiber.

Can dogs eat strawberries? ›

Strawberries are a healthy, low-calorie, sweet treat for your dog, full of antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C. Here's a bonus. By giving your dog strawberries, you are also helping him stay healthy in more ways than one.

What can dogs eat that humans eat? ›

What human foods can dogs eat for a healthy diet?
  • Chicken.
  • Turkey.
  • Pork.
  • Lean beef.
  • Fish—salmon and sardines are especially good for dogs.
  • Eggs—as long as they are cooked.
  • Cheeses—cottage cheese and hard cheeses in moderation are safe.
  • Yogurt—an acceptable snack in moderation.
22 Sept 2020

Do dogs get colds? ›

Colds don't just make people miserable. Dogs can also experience sneezing, coughing, congestion, and other common cold symptoms. What Are the Symptoms of Colds in Dogs? You're probably already familiar with the symptoms of colds in dogs, as they're pretty much identical to the ones you experience.

Is hotdog good for dogs? ›

Because they contain so many added ingredients that are not healthy for dogs, hotdogs are not a good choice for your pooch. If you want to give your dog a treat at the barbecue, it's best to give him some plain beef, pork, or chicken that has no salt or other seasoning on it.

What happens if a dog eats a slice of pizza? ›

If your dog eats cooked pizza, it could cause vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. If a lot of pizza has been consumed, it's sensible to call your veterinarian. Your pup might need treatment to induce vomiting so they don't suffer any more ill effects or to help control symptoms such as stomach pain or diarrhea.

Can dogs eat tuna? ›

Many dog foods contain fish because it is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. But can dogs eat tuna? The answer is no. You shouldn't feed your canine companion the saltwater fish because it could lead to a number of different health problems.

Can dogs get poisoned by grass? ›

In addition, grass is a popular breeding ground for intestinal parasites that can endanger your dog's health. Parasites such as hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and giardia are commonly found in the grass and ultimately cause the type of digestive distress that drives many dogs to eat grass in the first place.

How do I know if my neighbor poisoned my dog? ›

Signs & Symptoms of Poisoning in Dogs
  1. Agitation.
  2. Tremors.
  3. Convulsions.
  4. Nausea and/or vomiting.
  5. Seizures.
  6. Heart problems.
  7. Diarrhoea.
  8. Kidney failure.
11 Nov 2019

What weeds are poisonous to dogs? ›

Some poisonous weeds include Datura stramonium, also known as Jimsonweed, Devil's Trompet, Thorn Apple, Indian Apple, Black Datura, Tolguacha, and Jamestown Weed. A more commonly known weed is milkweed, which is found in North America.

Is Rose food poisonous to dogs? ›

Rose fertilizer can contain disulfoton which can be fatal to canines. Blood meal can have toxic levels of iron.

What do poisoned dogs look like? ›

Clinical signs of poisoning in a dog may include: Gastrointestinal signs: vomiting, diarrhea, extreme salivation, loss of appetite, and nausea or dry heaving. Internal bleeding: indicated by pale gums, a racing heart, coughing up or vomiting blood, weakness or lethargy, or a dog's falling over or collapsing.

Does milk help dogs with poisoning? ›

No. Milk is unlikely to be helpful in the vast majority of poisoning situations and can sometimes make things worse. Most pets are lactose intolerant and giving milk can cause or worsen stomach upset symptoms. I should always induce vomiting.

What does chocolate do to dogs? ›

Clinical signs depend on the amount and type of chocolate ingested. For many dogs, the most common clinical signs are vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, panting or restlessness, excessive urination, and racing heart rate. In severe cases, symptoms can include muscle tremors, seizures, and heart failure.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.