11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (2024)

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (1)

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been reading through some truly incredible stories of how individuals, specifically women, have paid off huge amounts of debt. As of today, I have just shy of $21,000 in student loan debt. I graduated with nearly $30,000, so I am making progress (albeit slowly). I’ve been out of college since 2012, and while I like to think I’m well on my way to paying off my remaining debt, I know I’ve got a long way to go.

Nearly every one of the stories I’ve come across has mentioned the intense feeling of empowerment that results from chipping away at debt. In some ways, the act of paying off debt for a long period of time forces one to learn patience, diligence, and commitment. When I feel down about my own situation, I try and think of the silver lining and focus on how it can be a study in character building. Heh. But seriously, it’s not easy to have debt hanging over your head — it can feel suffocating and distracting. I wanted to round up powerful stories of people who took control of their own financial lives, and paid down their consumer or student debt.

Take a look at these inspiring stories below. The examples that these 11 people have shared have provided me with specific examples, ideas, and solutions for paying off my own debt more quickly. I hope they will do the same for you!

1.How I Paid Off $65,000 Ahead Of Schedule

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (2)

How one millennial woman used the Debt-Snowball method to pay down a whopping$65,000 in student loans and car payments. She shares specific measures and strategies that allowed her to accomplish such a feat. Kenia gets real and writes, “One of the hardest things about sticking to my plan was denying myself things I’d like to do. As an engineer, I make a good salary. Many of my peers spend a lot of money, buying homes and funding fancy weekend getaways, but I’ve had to say no to all that.”

2.How Eight Real Women Paid Off Debt

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (3)

These eight women explain how they paid down significant chunks of debt by making real and meaningful changes in their lives (and spending habits).For example, Alice writes, “I paid off $28,000 in student loans and saved $11,000 in only three years. I’m single, so I gave away 75% of my things and moved into a house where I rented a small room. I was able to cut my expenses by $900 a month!”

3.How These Tennessee Teachers Paid Off $92,000 Of Debt In Less Than 3 Years

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (4)

$92,000 seems like an amount of debt that would crush most people, but not this couple. One woman and her husband tackled their debts togetherand paid them off inunder three years. The article talks about a low point in their journey, and the author writes, “She (Emily) found the strict shopping limit one of the hardest parts of the process — that and the disconnect from other people who didn’t understand the urgency of paying this debt. ‘Having to say no to people who didn’t always understand what we were doing was really hard,’ Emily says. ‘Some people didn’t and don’t agree with what we did.’ ” Give the article a read!

4.How One Woman Wiped Out $80,000 in Credit Card Debt

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (5)

It took author JoAnneh Nagler nearly 10 years to pay off her credit card debt, but she shows us how a simple and powerful plan can help eliminate debt quickly. JoAnneh provides us with an example of her thought process, and writes, “I needed to create an easy, simple, five-minute-a-day tool that wouldn’t consume my life or be so arduous that I’d check out after a month. I wanted it to take me five minutes a day and I needed daily tools that would keep me accountable. I wanted to make sure I could pay bills on time, fund daily needs with ease, and plan for things that are meaningful to me. And I wanted to my life to change within 30 days.” Definitely worth a read!

5.How One Woman Paid Off Over $25,000 Of Debt In 18 Months

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (6)

18 months seems like an exceedingly short time to pay off nearly $25,000 worth of debt. This is a fascinating story of how one woman utilized amulti-pronged approach to eliminate debt and tackle it head on. Valerie writes honestly about the shame she felt, and says, “The feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed is something millions of Americans feel every day. When you think about someone having a load of debt, it’s easy to judge and think how financially irresponsible they are. At some point in time, we’ve all been there.”

6.How I Paid Off $22,000 in Student Loans in Only 9 Months

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (7)

Shannon Brown advocates for her method of paying down debt, saying, “If you want to make progress on your debt you may have to find creative ways to increase your income.” She knocked hers out in a mere nine months.Taking little steps are important, and Shannon writes about the value in the approach saying, “I decided to allocate $39 a month to our debt because after doing some calculations online, I realized that even that small amount was going to cut several months off of our debt payment timeline. I set up an automatic banking payment for that amount every month, and that way it’s done for you.”

7.How One Woman Paid Off $23,000 Of Debt In 15 Months

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (8)

Anna describes the daily battle she underwent during her attempt to stop spending, and wrote, “I am a natural spender and constantly have to fight that instinct in myself. I was surprised by how free I felt almost instantly…but what didn’t surprise me was that it was hard to break my habits.” Anna takes a rather extreme method to get herself out of debt, but it worked wonders for her. She provides the specifics of her plan, and how the rest of her life was affected by her extreme “diet.”

8.Paying Off Your Debt: How One Woman Climbed Out Of A $46,000 Hole

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (9)

Afascinating story of how one woman got herself into extreme credit card debtand climbed her way out to start off fresh (and debt free) once and for all. Sandy describes how easily she fell into debt, and writes, “We probably ate out for dinner five times a week,” Reid says. “He was an avid golfer and needed all the newest toys for that. When we got married, we spent two weeks in Jamaica, which cost over $10,000. We felt that we deserved these things and didn’t pay attention to the cost.” As I read the article, I realized that I, too, struggle with feeling like I simply deserve things, and I spend money needlessly.

9.How One Woman Paid Off Serious Credit Card Debt in 18 Months

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (10)

One woman explains exactly how she paid down her debt and describes the intense sense of empowerment that came with taking control of her financial life. She illustrates the way in which she was able to pay off debt, and writes, “Using what’s often called the ‘snowball method,’ she began paying off her debts, from smallest to largest, often paying several times the minimum payment — and continuing to put what she had been putting toward the smaller balances toward the remaining bills.” The Snowball Method is a very effective debt-reduction strategy, and you can read all about it here.

10.How I Did It: I Paid Off $25,000 In Credit Card Debt In 2 Years

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (11)

Dana discovered that she could still live and enjoy life on a tighter budget, and she explains exactly what she cut out to pay off her sizable credit card debt. Dana emphasizes the importance of continuing to treat yourself and says, “If something good happens, like I sell an expensive cake and can pay off an extra $200 on a credit card, I’ll treat myself a little. It’s always small, like ordering lunch for $6 or stopping by the Dairy Queen. Now that I’m not used to splurging all the time, even the littlest splurges seem much more special.” It goes to show you that the process really is all about #balance.

11.How Four Millennial Sisters Joined Forces To Demolish $182K Debt Within Two Years

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (12)

A truly inspiring story of four millennials sisters who banded together to pay off their whopping $182k debt. A must-read article for anyone looking for a little push to tackle their own debt. Honestly, their rules are fascinating. The articledescribes their process and wrote, “The rules were relatively simple: 1) They direct-deposited all their paychecks to joint account, which paid monthly bills, groceries, medical bills and car maintenance; all the leftover income would be thrown to the debt. 2)They planned to tackle the smallest debt first, alaDave Ramsey. That meant credit card debt got paid off first, student loan debt last. 3) They each got $75 in spending money every two weeks. 4) They were religious about recording everything. ‘We took advantage of our sister Ana’s borderline OCD tendencies and she made spreadsheets for everything: debt, income, monthly bills and even groceries.’ Barrientos says.” Read the article in full to find out what happened!

TFD has written (and shared) some fantastic resources/write-ups about paying down debt and strategies for doing it more efficiently. Check them out!

  • The 5 Strategies I Used To Pay Off $20K Of Debt In 2015
  • How I Paid off $11K of Student Debt in 13 Months
  • How I Paid Off $20K Of Student Debt The Week After I Got Married
  • The 2 Most Effective Strategies For Paying Down Your Debt

Photo via Flickr

11 Real-Life Stories Of How Women Paid Off $20K+ Of Debt (2024)


What do you do if you find yourself in $100000 in debt? ›

How to Get Out of Debt
  1. Analyze your situation. ...
  2. Consider bankruptcy. ...
  3. Consider going to a credit counseling service. ...
  4. Prioritize the debt you need to pay. ...
  5. Talk to your credit card issuers. ...
  6. Pay off the debt with the higher interest first. ...
  7. Or – pay off smaller debts first. ...
  8. Transfer your credit card balance.
Mar 13, 2023

Why are women more likely to be in debt? ›

The Gender Pay Gap's Impact on Borrowing and Repayment

After graduation, the gender pay gap limits the economic resources women can dedicate to student debt repayment. Earning 85 cents on a dollar compared to what their male peers earn, female borrowers will have less to put towards student loan payments.

What percentage of your income that you are spending to pay down your debts? ›

Budgeting 101: How to Budget Money. Divide your income among needs, wants, savings and debt repayment, using the 50/30/20 budget.

How to live in debt and be rich? ›

Here are seven of the best:
  1. Debt Consolidation. Servicing multiple debts is costing you way more than you need to pay in interest and fees. ...
  2. Making Your Savings Work Harder. ...
  3. Better Cash-Flow Management. ...
  4. Borrowing To Create Wealth. ...
  5. Using Lump Sums Wisely. ...
  6. Debt Recycling. ...
  7. Invest In A Geared Managed Share Fund.
Jul 24, 2023

How long will it take to pay off $30,000 in debt? ›

It will take 41 months to pay off $30,000 with payments of $1,000 per month, assuming the average credit card APR of around 18%. The time it takes to repay a balance depends on how often you make payments, how big your payments are and what the interest rate charged by the lender is.

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

Government and other relief programs offer grants – money that doesn't have to be paid back – to help with living expenses and more, for those who qualify. While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds.

Who owns more debt, men or women? ›

Women are stereotypically seen as irresponsible spenders, but the data doesn't back this up. According to a 2019 Experian study, men carry more debt than women across nearly all categories, including credit card debt — the study found that men have $125 more in credit card debt than women on average.

Who pays more bills, men or women? ›

Line chart showing that women have persistently been less likely than men to be able to pay all their bills on time and in full, with rates of 79 percent for women and 84 percent for men in 2022.

What race has the most debt in America? ›

Approximately three-quarters of Black- and White-headed families have debt, but the median debt-to-asset ratio is 50% higher among Black than White families (Copeland, 2020), with Black borrowers less likely to fully repay loans (Brevoort et al., 2021).

What is the average American credit card debt? ›

Credit card debt in America by the numbers

That represents a 4.6% increase in a single quarter, with cardholders shouldering thirteen-figure debt at $1.03 trillion for the first time. In short, that amounts to an average balance of $5,733 per cardholder.

How much debt is the average American in? ›

The average debt an American owes is $104,215 across mortgage loans, home equity lines of credit, auto loans, credit card debt, student loan debt, and other debts like personal loans. Data from Experian breaks down the average debt a consumer holds based on type, age, credit score, and state.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Do billionaires live off loans? ›

Wealthy people aren't afraid of borrowing. But they typically don't borrow money to live beyond their means or because they failed to save for emergencies or make a plan to cover expenses. Instead, rich people tend to use debt as a tool to help them build more wealth.

What is a millionaire's best friend? ›

It may sound like an intimidating term, but it really isn't once you know what it means. Here's a little secret: compound interest is a millionaire's best friend. It's really free money.

Can a millionaire be in debt? ›

Poor budget choices and failure to follow basic financial principles can send even the richest people with a high net worth into debt. Millionaires have more money than most of us can imagine.

Is 100k debt a lot? ›

Only a small percentage—about 6% of borrowers—owe $100,000 or more. Nationally, the average student loan balance per borrower is $39,032, so if you have $100,000 in student loan debt, you have about 2.5 times the national average balance. But your loan principal is just one part of the problem.

How to quickly pay off $100,000? ›

Here are 11 strategies from Harzog, Pizel, Nitzsche and other experts on how to attack big debts.
  1. Calculate what you owe. ...
  2. Cut expenses. ...
  3. Make a budget. ...
  4. Earn more money. ...
  5. Quit using credit cards. ...
  6. Transfer balances to get a lower interest rate. ...
  7. Call your credit card company. ...
  8. Get counseling.
Jan 23, 2015

How do I get myself out of extreme debt? ›

How to get out of debt
  1. List out your debt details.
  2. Adjust your budget.
  3. Try the debt snowball or avalanche method.
  4. Submit more than the minimum payment.
  5. Cut down interest by making biweekly payments.
  6. Attempt to negotiate and settle for less than you owe.
  7. Consider consolidating and refinancing your debt.
Mar 18, 2024

Can I get a house with 100k debt? ›

Monthly Housing Expenses

It's important to note that lenders care far more about your debt-to-income ratio than they do your total debt expenses. So, even if you have $100k in student loan debt, if your overall DTI is still within the ideal range, you're in the green.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.