11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day - The Financial Cookbook, LLC (2024)

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Here are 11 habits of millionaires that make them successful. These are all things you can mimic and start today.

Ever wonder how some people become millionaires while others stay broke?

I've spent a lot of time studying this as I find it truly fascinating. Some people believe most millionaires are born into money or “luck” out. In reality, that's not the case.

A study done by Fidelity Investments showed that 88% of millionaires are actually self-made. This means that 88% of millionaires worked hard to earn the money, started a business, or made good financial decisions.

But how exactly did they do this?

I believe the only thing that separates a poor person from a rich person is a mindset shift.

Today's post will go through the exact habits of self made millionaires that help them be successful each and every day. I personally try to do everything on this list to become the most successful version of myself. By the end of this article, you'll be able to define key habits you can start today to copy what works for the wealthy.

This post is all about the top habits of millionaires that you can mimic to be successful in life.


Top Habits of Millionaires

1. They Are Organized

One of the biggest habits of millionaires is staying organized. Organization is crucial for success. How can you start a multi-million dollar business if your room has dirty clothes all over the floor? (Trust me, I'm right there too sometimes! We're all human!)

In reality though, the way a millionaire gets things done is by being organized. They use calendars and plan out their schedules so they know exactly when to do things to be most efficient. This way, they also don't forget anything.

From a financial perspective, I have a Free Financial Planner you can download with everything you need to organize your finances in a binder. The planner will help you pay off debt, manage your monthly budget, save your emergency fund, and more!

2. They Constantly Learn and Read

I believe part of being successful is constantly learning. Therefore, I challenge myself to read 10 pages of a book a day and I'm so glad I do! I learn so much from reading that stimulates my mind, allows me to challenge myself, and introduces new vocabulary into my life.

In fact, I always call myself a lifelong learner because a person can never be done learning. It's important to learn as much as you can to continue growing as a successful woman.

I've put together lists of some of my favorite books for finances, careers, and personal development that you will absolutely love below!

  • 5 Books Every Woman Should Read to Take Her Career to the Next Level
  • The 5 Best Financial Books that Will Change Your Life
  • Lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad: The Finance Book That Will Make You A Millionaire
  • 6 GIRL BOSS Books That Will Change Your Life

3. They Set Goals

I dare you to ask any self-made millionaire you meet if they set goals for themself early on in life. I guarantee 100% of them will say yes.

Believe it or not, setting goals for yourself and writing them down makes you more likely to accomplish them. A self-made millionaire always sets goals for themselves, whether it be goals in the business world or just personal goals. Goal setting is the key to being successful.

Luckily, you can start today in two different ways!

a.) The 1st thing I want you to do is download my goal tracker for free. This will walk you through how to set your 5, 10, 30-year goals so that we can start manifesting the amazing success you're going to have in life!

b.) The 2nd thing you should challenge yourself to is my 28 Day “New Me” Challenge. Join a community of other women also doing their own 28 Day Challenges. Think of 6 habits you can do each day that will make you a better person, employee, friend, daughter, business owner, or version of yourself in 28 days. I walk you through exactly how to do it. This will help you get on track with some of the things on this list!

4. They Have Multiple Streams of Income

This one should be a given. Typically, a millionaire will always have multiple streams of income. How do they do this?

That's a great question!

I believe EVERYONE should have side hustles, even if your goal isn't to be a millionaire. I have several side hustles (including this website as of now). It's not hard to have a side hustle. In fact, it can often be really fun!

I've met so many wonderful people through this side hustle. You can start your own website with my tutorial here!

If a website isn't your thing, you're in luck. I've spent a TON of time putting together an Ultimate List of 45 Insanely Easy Ways to Make Money. I assure you, you'll be impressed with this list. It has actual genuine good ideas that are creative and unique. In fact, I'm confident that you haven't even ever heard of many of them!

Go check them out to see for yourself and work on another stream of income today!

5. They Watch Their Spending

A self-made millionaire typically isn't the one showing off their money. A non-self-made millionaire may do that, but for the most part, self-made millionaires are pretty frugal.

In fact, every self-made millionaire I know is extremely frugal. So frugal that you'd never know they are millionaires. One of my friends is a multi-millionaire and drives a 15-year-old Ford Fiesta. He owns mansions as his vacation homes, but he dresses in white t-shirts and shorts every single day.

Use my free budget binder to start watching your spending today. It will guide you through setting up a budget and tracking your expenses on a monthly basis.

Here are some related articles you'll like on saving money:

  • Things To Buy at Dollar Tree: Ultimate List of 50+ Items that Will Save You Hundreds
  • 8 Unique Ways to Save Money as a College Student
  • The BEST Unique Tips to Save Money on a Wedding
  • Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money: Ultimate List

6. They Avoid Debt

A millionaire likes to not have any debt, unless it's a mortgage. You won't see them with credit card debt, student loans to pay off, etc.

Millionaires watch money very closely and know that 18% interest on a credit card adds up VERY quickly. They prioritize their debt to pay it off as quickly as possible so they can remain debt-free.

The only exception to this rule is a mortgage. I personally believe mortgage debt is okay, as long as you have a firm financial strategy.

This article will teach you how to pay off debt, the best strategies to do so, and allow you to download my free debt payoff tracker printables.

7. They Invest

I would be very surprised if you found a millionaire that didn't invest in the stock market. Even the top habits of billionaires including investing. The beauty of investing is that history has shown the stock market typically earns returns on average.

By researching the habits of billionaire investors, I've been able to see very healthy returns from stock investing.

However, I know there is a HUGE barrier to entry as it can be very intimidating. Therefore, I've put together a beginner's stock investing guide to help you start learning how the stock market works. After you get your feet wet, this breakdown on dividend stocks will help you dive in even further!

Still intimidated? Start with your 401k, if your employer offers it. You'll learn more about your 401k and what it means to your future.

I also highly recommend you check out The 5 Best Financial Books that Will Change Your Life. Many of those books are about investing and will significantly help you on your journey!

Warren Buffett refers to compound interest as the 8th Wonder of the World.

8. They Wake Up Early (and Make Their Bed)

Okay, okay, I'm guilty of not making my bed, but I'm working on it! For me, it's the pillows! Ever seen Along Came Polly? That's me calculating how many years I spend taking pillows on and off the bed…and yet I can't part with the pillows.

Anyway, I digress.

One of the biggest habits of millionaires is that they ALWAYS wake up early. This is something I do every morning! In fact, I always work out in the morning before work.

Waking up early allows you to plan your day accordingly, get your mind focused, and get things done before you even start work. It makes you feel accomplished and sets your day off on the right foot.

In addition, making your bed will make you much more likely to have a productive day. There have been many studies done on the effectiveness of making your bed.

Don't believe me? Read this book on making your bed for inspiration! It's actually one of the most popular business books and a book I give my teammates at Christmas because it's motivating and inspiring.

9. They Prioritize Their Health

Most self-made millionaires have a lot of energy and are in great shape. Did you think that was a coincidence?

Definitely not.

Millionaires have a strong work ethic so they typically prioritize their health as well. This means they go to the gym, watch what they eat, and drink plenty of water.

I encourage you to prioritize your health starting today. If you need assistance, use my 28-day tracker to get you off on the right foot!

If you can't make it to the gym, go for a walk for an hour! I typically like to walk an hour in the morning on a fasted stomach and then work out at the gym for an hour after that. I also make sure I drink 128 ounces of water a day and follow a nutrition plan to make sure I get all my nutrients (I eat paleo)!

10. They Have Mentors and Ask for Help

A self-made millionaire is never afraid to ask for help. They typically have at least one mentor, if not two. They will learn from that mentor, bounce ideas off them, and seek guidance.

Every millionaire I know looks up to someone and aims to mimic their success by doing the same things they do. Why rewrite the book if other people have had success?

One of the biggest mistakes I see people do is not ask other people for help. Most successful people had help along the way, whether it be guidance, suggestions, or even a job offer. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Improve your confidence, if need be, to have those conversations.

Use your resources and your contacts to learn from them and put yourself out there so that opportunities can come to you!

11. They Value Time

I often like to ask people what wealth means to them. In fact, let me ask you, “What does wealth mean to you?”

Think about it for a minute.

Have an answer?

The majority of the time, people say “money.”

However, wealth to a millionaire means time. A millionaire sees their time as money. They see their time as extremely valuable. Ever heard someone say “time is money?” I guarantee that line was coming from someone successful.

Hardworking people always value their time and seek time to find true wealth.

For me, wealth means having time to spend with family and friends while enjoying the world and having fun.

The moral of the story is to value your time. Make the most of every day. I guarantee you'll start to see changes in your life immediately.

11 Most Common Habits of Millionaires

These are the most common habits of self-made millionaires that help them be successful each and every day. Find a few that you can mimic to take on your journey.

The key to success is a mindset change.

I believe we all have it in us. It's up to you to harness your true potential and power to be the best you can be.

Related Posts about Making Money

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Resources for Investing

11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day - The Financial Cookbook, LLC (2)

M1 Finance

M1 Finance is a brokerage account that serves as a Robo Advisor. Instead of paying a financial advisor, you will tell them your retirement goals and they will automate your investments based on your goals. (FREE)

11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day - The Financial Cookbook, LLC (3)


Acorns is an app that automates investing for you by allowing you to invest your spare change by simply “rounding up” your purchases. My readers will receive $10 for signing up with my link.

11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day - The Financial Cookbook, LLC (4)

The Motley Fool

This is the tool I've used for YEARS to gain investing knowledge that beats the market averages. The Motley Fool saves me loads of time and money by doing stock research for their subscribers and advising what stocks they recommend investing in. The beginning stock investor will greatly appreciate their stock advice! (Subscription)

11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day

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11 Habits of Millionaires that Make Them Successful Every Day - The Financial Cookbook, LLC (2024)


Is millionaire success Habits a good book? ›

FANTASTIC book! A MUST READ for anyone interested in unleashing their full potential! This is a SUPERB text from one of America's leading voices on success and marketing.

What are the 10 things millionaires don't do? ›

The 10 things that millionaires typically avoid spending their money on include credit card debt, lottery tickets, expensive cars, impulse purchases, late fees, designer clothes, groceries and household items, luxury housing, entertainment and leisure, and low-interest savings accounts.

Where do rich people keep their money? ›

How the Ultra-Wealthy Invest
RankAssetAverage Proportion of Total Wealth
1Primary and Secondary Homes32%
3Commercial Property14%
7 more rows
Oct 30, 2023

What does a millionaire do every day? ›

They take care of their health

One thing most millionaires do is take great care of their health, especially when it comes to finding time to exercise. According to the "Rich Habits" study by Tom Corley, author of "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life", 76% of the wealthy exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

What book should I read to be rich? ›

Think and Grow Rich

A winning formula for money-making success- Napoleon Hill's classic thirteen-step path to riches. Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way.

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Here are a few habits self-made millionaires tend to uphold.
  • They don't upsize their lifestyles when their income increases. ...
  • They're mindful of their spending. ...
  • They focus on long-term investments. ...
  • They believe in hard work.
Jan 28, 2024

What creates 90% of millionaires? ›

Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.

What is 90% of all millionaires? ›

Real estate investment has long been a cornerstone of financial success, with approximately 90% of millionaires attributing their wealth in part to real estate holdings.

How do the rich go broke? ›

Poor Financial Planning

Rich people who don't create a financial plan often set themselves up for failure. They not only fail to properly track and manage their income and expenses — they also fail to prepare for unexpected events that can drain their money in a hurry.

Do millionaires use credit cards? ›

If you use a credit card, you're more like millionaires than you may think. Although most adults have credit cards, millionaires are even more likely to use them. According to the Federal Reserve, almost all adults with incomes over $100,000 have a credit card in their name.

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JP Morgan Private Bank

“J.P. Morgan Private Bank is the more elite program serving ultra-high-net-worth individuals,” Naghibi said. “It offers comprehensive services in savings, checking and retirement account management. But, more than anything, it gives clients access to their bank and team with a concierge feel.”

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Where to put money during a recession. Putting money in savings accounts, money market accounts, and CDs keeps your money safe in an FDIC-insured bank account (or NCUA-insured credit union account). Alternatively, invest in the stock market with a broker.

What is a silent millionaire? ›

The people who have all the money often go by unnoticed, dressing well, but without flash, driving used cars and living in the first house they bought in a modest neighbourhood. The authors called them the quiet millionaires. They often work in, or own, unglamourous businesses that spin off steady streams of cash.

What is the 5 1 listening rule? ›

One strategy that came up many times during my interviews was the “5:1 listening rule.” In group settings, for every minute they spoke, the millionaires listened for five minutes. This helped them to strengthen their work relationships and get a number of different perspectives on a given issue.

How do you spot a millionaire? ›

Here are eight subtle ways you can tell that someone is a millionaire.
  1. They Value Their Time. ...
  2. They Don't Talk About Money. ...
  3. Their Things Are Customized. ...
  4. They Own Multiple Properties. ...
  5. They Have an Expensive Hobby. ...
  6. They Are Well-Traveled. ...
  7. They Can Speak Multiple Languages. ...
  8. The Keep a Close Circle.
Aug 11, 2023

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Brief summary

'Millionaire Success Habits' by Dean Graziosi is a guide to developing habits that will lead to financial success. It offers actionable advice for cultivating a success mindset, building a profitable business, and achieving financial freedom.

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This classic is well worth reading for its perspective and practical advice. Correct Principles: Covey frequently references his Christianity. He says the Habits are based on "Correct Principles" (aka Natural Law) found in Judeo-Christian Scriptures and common to major religions.

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Millionaire books can provide expert financial advice on how to become wealthier. Some of the highest-rated millionaire books include "The Simple Path to Wealth" by J.L. Collins, "The Millionaire Fastlane" by M.J. DeMarco and "The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing" by Taylor Larimore, Michael LeBoeuf and Mel Lindauer.

What is the quote from Millionaire Success Habits? ›

Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway to Wealth &... It doesn't matter how fast you can go, it doesn't matter how much passion you have, and it doesn't matter how much energy you put into something. If you don't have a vision and clarity on the destination you want to reach, you'll simply never get there.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.